増村 千佐子 今井 貴夫 真貝 佳代子 滝本 泰光 奥村 朋子 太田 有美 森鼻 哲生 佐藤 崇 岡崎 鈴代 鎌倉 武史 猪原 秀典
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.76, no.2, pp.72-78, 2017-04-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

The differential diagnosis for positional dizziness/vertigo, such as vertigo upon waking up or standing up, includes benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), orthostatic hypotension (OH), autonomic dysfunction, and so on. A correct and efficient diagnosis of this condition is important. The purposes of this study were to clarify in which cases is a Schellong test the optimal means of diagnosing OH among patients with positional vertigo and to obtain specific answers to our original questionnaire on dizziness/vertigo among OH patients. All the patients who visited our office complaining of dizziness/vertigo between 2012 and 2015 were asked to perform the Schellong test and to complete our questionnaire. We used a conventional BPPV diagnostic maneuver to diagnosis BPPV. The results were analyzed statistically. A total of 309 cases returned analyzable questionnaire results. Overall, 38 cases were finally diagnosed as having certain BPPV based on the observation of positional nystagmus; 104 cases tested positive using the Schellong test. None of the items in the questionnaire were correlated with either a positive or negative Schellong test result. When 13 Schellong test-positive cases were excluded from the certain BPPV group, three answers to the questions in the questionnaire differed significantly between the certain BPPV group and the Schellong test-positive group. These answers were as follows: a waking up/lying down movement or rolling over in a supine position triggers vertigo, and a specific head position exacerbates vertigo. In conclusion, when a patient complains of vertigo upon waking up or standing up, the following two specific questions should be asked: “Is your vertigo triggered by waking up/lying down or by rolling over in a supine position?” and “Does a specific head position exacerbate your vertigo?” If a patient answers ‘yes’ to either of these questions and positional nystagmus is not observed, a Schellong test should be performed to diagnose OH.
宇野 敦彦 堀井 新 今井 貴夫 大崎 康宏 鎌倉 武史 北原 糺 滝本 泰光 太田 有美 森鼻 哲生 西池 季隆 猪原 秀典
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.116, no.8, pp.960-968, 2013-08-20 (Released:2013-10-09)
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内リンパ水腫の診断にMRIによる画像診断が導入されてきた. 当施設での内耳造影MRIによる内リンパ水腫検出について, 造影剤投与法による違い, また従来からの水腫推定検査である蝸電図, グリセロールテストとの比較を行った.めまい発作の頻度が高い, 一側性メニエール病あるいは遅発性内リンパ水腫例に対し, 造影剤を鼓室内投与 (17例) あるいは経静脈的に投与 (10例) し, 3テスラMRIによる2D-FLAIR像を得た. 内耳の外リンパ液は高信号に描出され, 内リンパ腔は低信号域となる. 蝸牛管に相当する部分に明らかな低信号領域を認めた場合を蝸牛水腫と判断し, 前庭の写るスライスの過半数で大部分に低信号領域がみられた場合を前庭水腫とした. 鼓室内投与法では88% (15/17例) に, 静注法では90% (9/10例) に内リンパ水腫を検出した. 静注法の対側耳では20% (2/10例) に水腫を検出した. 蝸電図やグリセロールテストは, 難聴が進行している例では評価が困難で, それぞれ陽性例は患側耳で15例と6例のみにとどまった. ただ蝸電図は波形の分析が可能であれば陽性率は高く, 患側耳の88% (15/17耳) に相当した. MRIと蝸電図の両者の結果が得られた例では, 静注法で得られた対側耳の結果も含めて78% (21/27耳) が一致した. 定性的な水腫の有無について, 鼓室内投与法と静注法による検出率は同等であった. 内耳造影MRIは内リンパ水腫診断において従来の検査以上に有効と考えられる
古川 雅史 梶川 泰 松代 直樹 北村 貴裕 大畠 和也 北原 糺 鎌倉 武史
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.105, no.10, pp.913-918, 2012 (Released:2012-10-01)

We studied 804 patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) regarding the correlation between the duration from the onset to the start of treatment and hearing outcome. An analysis of the 804 yielded the following results: 1) The overall cure rate was 30.0%. 2) The cure rate was better in patients with a shorter duration (within about 10 days) between the onset and the start of treatment. 3) In patients with mild hearing loss (Grade 1, 2), the cure rate was better in patients with a shorter duration. 4) In patients with severe hearing loss (Grade 3, 4), the cure rate of over 8-10 days was clearly worse, and it is very important to start treatment within 8-10 days.