中川 武正 吉野谷 定美 高橋 孝喜 宮本 昭正 西村 浩 早川 哲夫 信太 隆夫
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.36, no.4, pp.184-189, 1987-04-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

卵が原因食物と推定された成人気管支喘息症例において経口摂取誘発試験を実施した結果, 5例中3例が喘鳴を呈して誘発陽性と判断された.誘発試験前後での血清中ovalbumin特異的IgGサブクラス抗体およびC1q結合性免疫複合体の変動をあわせて検索したが, 5例中1例において卵摂取15分後に血中IgG 1抗体の低下, 免疫複合体の増加を認めた.本例では摂取8時間後に1秒量の低下をともなう喘息症状を認めており, あたかもIII型アレルギー反応が症状発現に関与している印象をうけた.なお, 卵アレルギーにおけるIgG 4抗体の役割に関してもあわせて言及した.
高橋 孝喜 桑田 昇治 徳永 勝士

稲葉 頌一 大戸 斉 柴田 洋一 坂本 久浩 高橋 孝喜 十字 猛夫 前田 義章
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-13, 1994-01-25 (Released:2010-03-12)

Sixty-six patients who succeeded in storing a sufficient volume of autologous blood (mean±SD; 1097±452ml) using KL-3R3 solution contained in blood bags before elective surgery were included in this study, a five week phase 3 clinical trial of the whole blood preservative solution KL-3R3, commonly known as CPDA-1 (citrate phosphate dextrose adenine) solution. The mean time required for sufficient storage of autologous blood was 23.4±6.9 days, with 40 of the 66 (60.6%) requiring more than 21 days, a period of time that would have resulted in time expiration had we used the citrate-phosphate-dextrose (CPD) or acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) solution bags which are presently commercially available. Sixty of the 66 patients (90.9%) completed their operations using only autologous blood units. After eliminating three patients who were administered recombinant erythropoietin, the efficacy of KL-3R3 was evaluated as effective in 61 (96.8%) of the 63 patients evaluated (markedly effective 57 (86.4%) and effective 4 (6.1%). Furthermore, in 48 of 56 patients (85.7%), in whom we were able to measure the autologous blood recovery rate after 24 hours of transfusion were estimated effective (markedly effective 29 (51.8%) and effective 19 (33.9%)). In sixty-three patients who had hematological and biochemical laboratory data, vital signs, and urinary data recorded both before and after receiving autologous blood units. RBC counts and hemoglobin levels and platelets counts decreased, and WBC counts increased after returning autologous blood at operation, changes observed commonly under surgical stress. Hemolysis markers such as GPT, indirect bilirubin, and LDH were slightly increased the day after operation, but returned to normal the second day after operation. Other data moved within normal limits expect urine occult blood. Hematuria was observed immediately after transfusion of autologous blood units, but this finding was observed transiently (the first day after transfusion 45.7% and the second day 13.3%). The safety was evaluated in sixty-five patients' blood bags by sight observations and bacterial culture tests, and no abnormal findings or bacterial propagation were detected. One patient was excluded from the safety evaluation because he was operated on within a week of initial predeposition. Two-hundred-thirty-eight KL-3R3 preserved blood bags were transfused in the 66 patients, in one (1/238, 0.4%) which had be discarded because of a large clot formation. In sixty-one patients, both the efficacy and the safety tests of KL-3R3 were rated for usefulness, with all 61 confirmed useful. The laboratory data of the 26 patients whose autologous blood were used within 21 days and the 40 patients whose autologous blood contained at least one unit that exceeded 21 days preservation was compared, with no significant differences observed.Our results confirmed that, in clinical trial of KL-3R3 preserved autologous blood units, all the criteria of effectiveness, safety and usefulness were satisfied.
藤井 康彦 松崎 道男 宮田 茂樹 東谷 孝徳 稲葉 頌一 浅井 隆善 星 順隆 稲田 英一 河原 和夫 高松 純樹 高橋 孝喜 佐川 公矯
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 (ISSN:18813011)
vol.53, no.3, pp.374-382, 2007-06-20 (Released:2008-10-31)
1 3

輸血過誤によるABO型不適合輸血は, 最も重要な輸血副作用である. 輸血学会は, 300床以下の施設を含む1,355病院を対象とし, 匿名で, 調査を行った. 全血, 赤血球製剤, 凍結血漿, 血小板製剤を対象とし, 2000年1月から2004年12月の5年間に, 発生したABO型不適合輸血の解析を行った. 1,355病院中829病院 (61.2%) から回答があり, ABO型不適合輸血60件が報告された. 原因となった製剤は, 赤血球製剤 (Major Mismatch 22件, Minor Mismatch 9件), 凍結血漿19件, 血小板製剤8件, 不明2件であった. 原因別では, 輸血実施時の患者・製剤の照合間違いが27件 (45%), 血液型検体採血間違いが2件 (3%), 主治医の輸血依頼伝票の記入間違いが8件 (13%), 医師による輸血検査の間違いが10件 (17%), 検査技師による輸血業務の間違いが10件 (17%), その他3件 (5%) が報告された. 赤血球製剤 (Major Mismatch) の不適合輸血により8例の死亡例の報告があった. 4例では死亡の原因は原疾患による可能性があるとのコメントがあった. 依然として「輸血実施時の患者・製剤の照合間違い」がABO型不適合輸血の最大の原因であった.