鳥居 修晃 望月 登志子
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.39, no.1, pp.60-72, 2020-09-30 (Released:2020-11-18)

We examined the process of learning to see 2-dimensional forms, 3-dimensional solids and short distance in eight congenitally or early blind patients who acquired varying degree of sight after surgery. When we first asked them to recognize geometric solids such as cube, cylinder, cone and tetrahedron by using vison, it was found that this task was too difficult for them, even though they had the visual ability to identify 2-dimensional forms. The learning processes involved in attaining successful discrimination and identification are described here. The front distance of them became estimated mostly by the size of object at last. This study reveals the difficulty in transitioning from 2-dimensional discrimination to a 3-dismensional knowledge base.

3 0 0 0 視覚の世界

鳥居 修晃 望月 登志子
The Japanese Psychological Association
Japanese Psychological Research (ISSN:00215368)
vol.37, no.3, pp.146-157, 1995-10-25 (Released:2009-02-24)

The present experiment was planned to examine whether or not the congenitally blind after surgery were capable of seeing the subjective contour, when Kanizsa's original and a modified version of it were presented for the first time. Three subjects (M. O., To. M. and K. T.) who have continued a series of experiments for visual learning with us participated in the experimental runs. All subjects have already attained the ability to identify the 2D shape and solids. Initially it was expected that the subject's response could be classified as indicating that the subjective contours were seen or that they were not. However, it was found that (1) at least another two classes of responses should be added, and (2) that the commonly reported phenomenon of subjective contours in the normally sighted was rare in the congenitally blind subjects after surgery. A theoretical implication of the results is briefly discussed.
鳥居 修晃 望月 登志子
no.16, pp.21-24, 2002-01
佐々木 正晴 鳥居 修晃 望月 登志子
vol.12, no.2, pp.85-97, 1994

The characteristics of the visual and tactual activities were investigated in a congenitally blind person before and soon after an operation performed for regaining his sight. The subject was born blind due to congenital cataracts, and underwent aspiration of both cataractous lenses at the age of 9. Before the operation, his ERG was normal. After the operation he wore +12D lenses. The results obtained were as follows: (1) Before the operation, he could identify colors. To some extent, he could also count objects, discriminate the size of 2 two-dimensional rectangles or two circles. On the other hand, he could not identify two-dimensional figures. (2) During the 15 days after the second eye operation, his percentage of correct responses increased in all tasks, except for discrimination of the size of 2 two-dimensional circles. (3) Postoperatively, the patient no loger attempted to touch objects after counting them and discriminating the size of 2 two-dimensional rectangles, but with either size discrimination of the circular shapes or identification of shapes, he touched them after looking at them, just as before the operation.
鳥居 修晃
日本色彩学会誌 (ISSN:03899357)
vol.2, no.2, pp.33-37, 1976-03-31
鳥居 修晃
vol.24, no.1, pp.25-38, 2005

The present lecture article aims to clarify both historically and theoretically important significance of Kuroda's pioneering work. In 1930, he published an article concerning the post-operative vision in a case of the congenitally blind. The case of YT was a lady who had been blind due to congenital cataract of both eyes and received the operation (extraction of cataract) at the age of 42. According to her own verbal reports and the ophthalmic surgeon's reports, YT seemed to have an ability to see brightness and colors prior to the operation. Kuroda had an opportunity to see her three times (1st: 40 days; 2nd 45 days; and 3rd: almost three and a half months after the operation, respectively). Among others the following results obtained through some experiments as to YT's post-operative ability to perceive visual stimuli of various kinds are entered into details: (a) the extent of Muller-Lyer's illusion as measured for her was similar to that of the normally sighted children (aged 7-12 years); (b) to see in depth the perspective geometrical figures such as the Necker cube was extremely difficult; and (c) when presented with stimuli such as pictures of familiar movie actresses of those days, it was mostly difficult for her to interpret each facial expression. These results are discussed here by comparison with those of the previous as well as more recent studies. Furthermore, Kuroda published two books full of suggestions in 1933 and 1938, respectively. In the latter he expressed a new and original idea concerning the even now unresolved issue of visual identification of objects. Its applicability to give an explanation for some findings on the post-operative progress in identifying objects (cf. Torii & Mochizuki, 2000) is briefly discussed.
大山 正 鳥居 修晃 浜本 夏美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.28, no.4, pp.210-222, 1957 (Released:2010-07-16)

Obonai (this journal, 1949, 19, 177-183) reported that the rate of figure-ground reversal decreased as the size of stimulus pattern increased and that the rate increased as the brightness gradient between figure-sectors and their surroundings, the illuminance of stimulus field and the number of sectors increased. We re-examined these relationships.The stimulus pattern used in this study was a circle devided into six sectors. Three alternate sectors were white or light gray, and the other sectors were black or dark gray. The surrounding field was middle gray or white. (See Fig. 1 of the text).Regular figure-ground reversal cycles were frequently interrupted by what we call the undefined phase in which neither of the two areas appeared as figure. This fact made it difficult to determine unequivocally the number of reversal or the time of reversal. So we adopted, as a measure of the rate of reversal, the average number of appearances of two areas per minute i. e. N = (nw + nb) / 2.We analyzed the influence of the size of stimulus pattern through fifteen series of experiments which varied in stimulus pattern, illumination, set, subjects and experimental design. In only two of the series, we obtained statistically significant results. We concluded that Obonai's result was a special case with some particular types of subjects under some particular stimulus conditions.We did not find the influence of brightness gradient upon the rate of reversal when the brightnesses of the two areas were varied symmetrically. But we found that, when the brightness of one area was kept constant, the rate of reversal increased as the brightness gradient between the other area and the surroundings became more similarto that of the former.We found also that the rate increased as the illuminance of stimulus field increased. On the other hand, the influence of the number of sectors was not clear in our experiment.Above mentioned changes in the rate of reversal were partly due to the changes in the time of undefined phase. The level of the rate of reversal varied considerably from subject to subject and individual levels were relatively constant through many experiments.The influence of those stimulus factors upon the rate of reversal was rather slight and not general, contrary to Obonai's results. It was suggested that the rate of figureground reversal was determined by the conditions of the organism rather than by stimulus set-up.
大山 正 鳥居 修晃
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.26, no.3, pp.178-188, 1955

The effects of area, voluntary control and prolonged observation on the figureground reversal were analysed by the continuous presentation method.<BR>The stimulus used was a circle divided into six sectors (Fig. 1). The following measures were adopted for the record and analysis of reversal process : total time of appearances for two shapes (<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>), total undefined time (<I>T</I><SUB>ε</SUB>=<I>T</I>-(<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB>+<I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>)), the number of appearance (<I>n</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>n</I><SUB>β</SUB>), relative dominancy (<I>R</I>=<I>100T</I><SUB>α</SUB> / (<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB>+<I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>)), average duration (<I>t</I><SUB>α</SUB>=<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB> / <I>n</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>t</I><SUB>β</SUB>=<I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB> / <I>n</I><SUB>β</SUB>) and the frequency of first appearance (<I>f</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>f</I><SUB>β</SUB>).<BR>By varying the sector angles of two shapes, we obtained quantitative relationships between the sector angle and each measure (Table 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Fig. 2, 3). Smaller shape appeared as "figure" more frequently at first view, persisted longer in reversal and was more dominant in the total time of appearance. The larger the areal difference of the two shapes was the stronger were these tendencies, and the slower was the reversal.<BR>By voluntary control, the relative dominancy (<I>R</I>) could be changed to some extent (Table 5). The amounts of shifts of <I>R</I> were almost equal in the three stimuli with various sector angles, but were different in two directions (increasing and decreasing). These shifts of <I>R</I> were based upon the changes in both <I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB> and <I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>, which, in turn, were depended mostly on the changes in <I>t</I><SUB>α</SUB> and <I>t</I><SUB>β</SUB>.<BR>The prolonged observation (12min.) did not cause the acceleration of the rate of reversal which had been expected by Köhler (11). On the other hand, the prolonged observation resulted in the increase of the undefined time and the decrease of the favourable shape, and the slight shift of <I>R</I> to the neutral point (50).
大山 正 鳥居 修晃 浜本 夏美
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.28, no.4, pp.210-222, 1957

Obonai (this journal, 1949, 19, 177-183) reported that the rate of figure-ground reversal decreased as the size of stimulus pattern increased and that the rate increased as the brightness gradient between figure-sectors and their surroundings, the illuminance of stimulus field and the number of sectors increased. We re-examined these relationships.<BR>The stimulus pattern used in this study was a circle devided into six sectors. Three alternate sectors were white or light gray, and the other sectors were black or dark gray. The surrounding field was middle gray or white. (See Fig. 1 of the text).<BR>Regular figure-ground reversal cycles were frequently interrupted by what we call the undefined phase in which neither of the two areas appeared as figure. This fact made it difficult to determine unequivocally the number of reversal or the time of reversal. So we adopted, as a measure of the rate of reversal, the average number of appearances of two areas per minute i. e. N = (nw + nb) / 2.<BR>We analyzed the influence of the size of stimulus pattern through fifteen series of experiments which varied in stimulus pattern, illumination, set, subjects and experimental design. In only two of the series, we obtained statistically significant results. We concluded that Obonai's result was a special case with some particular types of subjects under some particular stimulus conditions.<BR>We did not find the influence of brightness gradient upon the rate of reversal when the brightnesses of the two areas were varied symmetrically. But we found that, when the brightness of one area was kept constant, the rate of reversal increased as the brightness gradient between the other area and the surroundings became more similarto that of the former.<BR>We found also that the rate increased as the illuminance of stimulus field increased. On the other hand, the influence of the number of sectors was not clear in our experiment.<BR>Above mentioned changes in the rate of reversal were partly due to the changes in the time of undefined phase. The level of the rate of reversal varied considerably from subject to subject and individual levels were relatively constant through many experiments.<BR>The influence of those stimulus factors upon the rate of reversal was rather slight and not general, contrary to Obonai's results. It was suggested that the rate of figureground reversal was determined by the conditions of the organism rather than by stimulus set-up.