大山 正
Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.21, no.2, pp.57-64, 1985-04-15 (Released:2010-03-11)
14 8
大山 正
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会雑誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.52, no.1, pp.20-29, 1968-01-25 (Released:2011-07-19)
大山 正
社団法人 可視化情報学会
可視化情報学会誌 (ISSN:09164731)
vol.17, no.64, pp.2-6_2, 1997-01-05 (Released:2009-07-31)
田中 吉史 山住 賢司 大山 正 市原 茂
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.11, no.1-2, pp.24-29, 2007-04-15 (Released:2012-12-28)

A test pattern consisting of 1 to 15 dots was presented for 50 ms on a computer screen. Each of fifteen college students was asked to report orally the number of dots displayed as quickly as possible. In the experimental condition, the subject was presented short sentences successively via headset during the dot-counting task. Half of the experimental subjects judged the gender of the voice reading each sentence, and the other half judged truth of the sentence. In the control condition, the subject conducted only the dot-counting task. The results showed that the span of attention (the upper limit for 50% correct numerosity judgment) was not influenced by the concurrent task, but the reaction time to dot-counting under the concurrent task was longer than that under the control condition.
大山 正 瀧本 誓 岩澤 秀紀
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.20, no.2, pp.55-64, 1993-09-30 (Released:2011-01-25)
3 5

Semantic Differential technique was applied to synesthetic tendencies or common affective effects between various stimulus categories of different sensory modalities; classical music, sounds, colours, forms, symbolic words, and movies. Factor analyses indicated three stable factors; evaluation, activity, and lightness(negative potency)across these six different stimulus categories. Classification of patterns of factor scores of 58 stimuli in different categories and cluster analysis based on these factor scores had been shown useful to classify these stimuli into affective groups independently of stimulus categories. Key words: Synesthesia, Semantic Differential, Affective meaning
大山 正
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会雑誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.46, no.9, pp.452-458, 1962-09-25 (Released:2011-07-19)
大山 正 渡辺 はま
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.62, no.2, pp.179-196, 2019 (Released:2020-12-20)

Notices for opportune retrieval, internal representations of plans during retention, and the personal factors influencing the execution of planned actions are discussed in this study. Plans must be composed so that they can be implemented at appropriate times and situations in individuals’ daily lives while considering perceptual factors that are important for accomplishing them. For the remembering processes, we discussed spontaneous remembering, which is unique for prospective memory. Topics for the execution of planned actions, which have been discussed in relation to intention, were reconsidered as memory for future plans. For the retention processes, we discussed the activation of intention (i.e., prospective memory). Furthermore, we reviewed this process from the perspective of planning. Finally, we discussed personal traits for the execution of plans because implementation depends on personal traits such as thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Understanding the mechanism of the daily execution of planned actions by focusing on notices, internal representations, and personal factors may mitigate the chances of forgetting and/or the failure of plans, and facilitate the development of useful strategies, based on emotional situations. It can promote an active daily life driven by self-efficacy.
大山 正 田中 靖政 芳賀 純
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.34, no.3, pp.109-121, 1963
12 16

This study is an attempt to investigate the affective meaning of 16 colors and 14 symbolic words as judged by Japanese and American subjects and to seek synesthetic correspondence between the colors and the words. Four groups of subjects (Japanese male college students, Japanese female college students, American female highschool students and American famale college students) rated the colors, and two groups of subjects (Japanese and American female college students) judged the words on a 35scale semantic differential. Color cards and semantic scales used, and two of the four color-groups of subjects were the same a those of the factor-analytical study previously reported (<i>Jap. psychol, Res., </i> 1962, 4, 78-91).<br>First, in connection with colors, a good agreement was found among the four subject groups in their judgment of meaning of each color represented by mean scale scores (See Fig. 1-4 in the text). Secondly, it was noted that scales correlating highly with the Munsell Hue were mainly Activity scales (e.g. <i>hot-cold, near-far, womanly-manly, unstable-stable, dangerous-safe, excitablequiet</i>). Scales correlating highly with Value were in the main Potency cales(e.g. <i>heavy-light, deep-shallow, full-empty, hard-soft, tense-relaxed, strong-weak, dry-wet.</i>) Evaluative scales (e.g. <i>beautiful-ugly, good-bad, clear-muddy, fresh-stale, healthy-unhealthy, new-old</i>) appeared to have no such particular correlation with any of the Munsell dimensions. However, colors ranging from Yellow to Blue generally tend to be rated as positive on Evaluative scales(i.e., toward <i>good</i>), whereas colors approaching to and departing from the Purple-Red region tend to be rated negatively (i.e., toward <i>bad</i>). Black and Gray were judged as <i>bad</i> whereas White was rated as <i>good</i>.<br>In connection with the 14 symbolic words, it was discovered first that the factor structures of both Japanese and American <i>Word</i>-spaces were reasonably similar to each other but quite different from the factor structure of the <i>Color</i>-spaces. In the former, the Evaluative factor was most salient while in the latter the Activity was most salient, although three factors-Evaluation, Potency and Activity-were as a group most dominant in each of four concept-culture group. Secondly, on the basis of 15 descriptive scales, 5 for each factor, it was discovered that symbolic words display similar affective meaning to certain colors (Table 2). For example, ANGER and JEALOUSY were found to be closely associated with Red, while SIN and FEAR were related to Black and Purple. ETERNITY, VIRGINITY, and QUIETNESS, on the other hand, were associated with Blue or White, while HAPPINESS, HOME and LOVE with Green. Thirdly, the whole scale profile of each word was correlated with that of each color. Basically similar associative relations were obtained between words and colors, as discovered above.<br>The results obtained in this part of study were in general agreement with results obtained by Obonai and Matsuoka (<i>J. gen. Psychol</i>., 1956, 55, 229-239) who used direct word-color associations to assess the synesthetic relations. Differences between their study and ours were submitted to test in the last part of the present study by asking a new group of subjects to choose a color associate from 16 color-stimuli for each of the concept words, where the colors and words used were the same as in earlier parts of this study. The obtained data confirmed the Obonai-Matsuoka study. In general, it was concluded that the semantic differential provides a useful method for assessing the association between different classes of concepts.
中野 節子 今井 美智子 小金丸 智子 原 邦子 上田 信子 堤 康英 大山 正則 入田 美子 清川 博之 前田 義章
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.41, no.6, pp.612-616, 1995 (Released:2010-03-12)

Three apheresis systems (COBE Sprectra, Fenwal CS-3000 plus and Haemonetics MCS) were compared with regard to white cell (WBC) content (n=9 each) in the apheresis chamber on plateletpheresis of 10 units (range, 2-3×1011). Average WBC content in the residual blood in Sprectra, CS-3000 plus and MCS was 6.65×108 (70% of lymphocytes), 3.98×108 (77% of lymphocytes) and 2.21×108 (41% of lymphocytes) WBCs, respectively.Apheresis donors experiencing 12 plateletpheresis procedures per year, the maximum allowed, will sustain a 56.4×108 lymphocyte loss when Spectra, designoed to collect WBC-poor platelet concentrates, is used.The annual loss of lymphocytes in males and females would be 2.5 and 3.7 times, that by whole blood donation. Recently developed respectively, cell separators have been improved to decrease WBC contamination. However, close attention should be paid to WBC content in residual blood in the apheresis chamber.
大山 正
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.20, no.2, pp.147-157, 2002-03-31 (Released:2016-11-18)

First, eight quantitative experiments conducted by the present author and his collaborators on Gestalt factors are reviewed. These are concerned with perceptual grouping in simultaneous, successive and moving patterns, as well as perceptual transparency, pattern masking, apparent motion, and span of attention (Figures 1〜9). For example, factor of proximity is compared with factor of similarities in color, lightness, size and form, varying separation between stimulus objects in bi-stable situations (Figures1 and 6) The matched separations are used as the measures of similarities and compared between different stimulus dimensions. Factors of common fate and symmetry are also examined, using moving dots (Figure5). Secondly, the functions and functioning levels of these Gestalt factors and the law of minimal changes are discussed in relation to perceptual information-processing.
大山 正 中原 淳一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.31, no.1, pp.35-48, 1960 (Released:2010-07-16)
15 19

If a cross figure consists of upper and lower black arms, right and left white arms, and a central gray square, we do not perceive the mosaic sum of these five parts. We see, instead, a black vertical bar and a white horizontal bar. In the central part of this figure, we can see simultaneously two colors, white and black, one behind the other. One of these two colors appears transparent and the other appears to be seen through the former (See Fig. 1A). The following investigation is concerned with this apparent transparency.Method: Experimental procedures were nearly the same with those of our previous studies on figure-ground reversal (This journal, 1955, 26, 178-188). Observers were instructed to fixate their eyes upon the center of the figure 60 to 120 seconds, and push the first one of the three electric buttons when the black bar appeared in front of the white bar, push the second button when the white bar appeared nearer, and push the third button during ambiguous appearances. As the measure of relative dominancy of black and white, the formula, Rb=100Tb/(Tb+Tw), was adopted, in which Tb indicates the total pushing time of the first button, and Tw, that of the second.Results: 1) In general, the white bar has a stronger tendency to appear in front of the black bar when the central square is light gray, and the black bar is dominant when the central square is dark gray. It was discovered that the relative dominancy was approximately proportional to the difference between the square root of reflectance of the central part and that of the arms (Table 1, Fig. 2, 3, 4).2) The lightness of the surrounding field has little effect on the relative dominancy of two bars (Table 2).3) When the arms are of two of the four chromatic colors, red, yellow, green and blue, instead of white and black, and the central part is the mixture of these two colors produced by the rotating disk, yellow is the most dominant color, red is the second, green the third and blue the last. However, red may be more dominant than yellow if the above mentioned effect of lightness is eliminated (Table 3).4) When the vertical arms are red, the horizontal arms are green, and the central square is the mixture of red and green in various ratios, the relative dominancy is represented in a S-shaped curve as a function of the mixture ratio, i.e., the angle ratio in color disk (Table 4, Fig. 5, 6).5) The effect of area of the arms is equivocal. There are large individual differences, and the difference of instructions easily affects the results (Fig. 8, 9, 10, Table 5). The similar results were obtained in the stimulus figures of another type (Fig. 1B, 11).