赤松 明彦
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.3, pp.1115-1121, 2017

青野 道彦
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.63, no.3, pp.1250-1255, 2015

岩松 浅夫
Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.54, no.2, pp.1036-1028,1342, 2006-03-20 (Released:2010-07-01)

In 1982 the late Prof. Brough published a very interesting article concerning a Gandharan inscription. According to him, the inscription contains two words “amridaha” and “oloispare,” which he took to express the well-known names of the Mahayana Buddha Amitabha and Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Exactly twenty years later, Profs. Salomon and Schopen published under their joint authorship another article dealing with the inscription. In it they rejected Brough's interpretation. Their argument is persuasive; thus it seems that in general their conclusions are admissible, except for one point of interpreting the ‘difficult,’ according to their wording, word “oloispare.” Regarding this word, they proposed a different interpretation from that of Brough, taking it as indicating a toponym of an ‘unknown’ place. But it is problematic (at least to the present author). The present author wants to give the word another interpretation than the above-mentioned two, taking it to denote an ‘epithet’ of the Central Buddha of the Triad. His overall conclusion to the inscription is that it does refer, though not directly, to Amida-buddha―according to his opinion, neither Amitabha nor Amitayus but Amrda (<Am-drta)―himself.
稲見 正浩
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.1, pp.387-380, 2016-12-20 (Released:2017-10-17)

According to Dharmakīrti, the particular (svalakṣaṇa) should be regarded as a real object of the valid means of cognition (pramāṇa) because it is the only thing that can cause an actual effect. Dharmakīrti claims that although inference (anumāna), which grasps svalakṣaṇa in another form, is erroneous, it can be considered valid for the reason that a cognizer, moving to something on the basis of inference, can obtain the effect that he expects. Inference as well as perception (pratyakṣa) is admitted as pramāṇa becasue it is non-deceptive (avisaṃvādin). Dharmakīrti illustrates his point by the jewel example: even if a cognizer mistakes the light from a jewel for an actual jewel, he can finally obtain a real jewel. What does this jewel example mean? Is the cognition of a jewel valid? If so, should it be regarded as a form of perception or of inference?Indian commentators present differing interpretations of this example. From the context, Śākyabuddhi understands that the cognition of a jewel with regard to its light is a form of inference, i.e., inferring a cause from the observed effect. Śākyabuddhi thinks the cognition is erroneous, but valid. However, Dharmottara is severely critical of Śākyabuddhi’s view, and regards this as invalid cognition. Dharmottara suggests that even if the cognizer can finally obtain a real jewel in a room, it differs from the jewel that he falsely cognized as being at the keyhole of the door. Dharmottara does not acknowledge this cognition as inference. After Dharmottara, Prajñākaragupta insists that the cognition of a jewel should be regarded as perception. According to Prajñākaragupta, not only inference but also perceptions such as visual sensation must be erroneous, because neither can ever grasp their real objects that will be obtained in the future. In the conventional world, they are deemed valid simply because they are considered to be non-deceptive. Prajñākaragupta interprets that Dharmakīrti illustrates such conventional validity of pramāṇas by using the jewel example. Prajñākaragupta does not reject Śākyabuddhi’s view, but criticizes that of Dharmottara.
鈴木 隆泰
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.3, pp.1147-1155, 2017

<p>『法華経』の「常不軽菩薩品」に登場する常不軽という名の出家菩薩は,増上慢の四衆にひたすら成仏の授記をし続け,そのことで彼らから誹謗,迫害を受けた.増上慢の四衆は常不軽を誹謗・迫害した罪で死後無間地獄に堕ちたが,自ら罪を畢え已わった後に常不軽と再会し,彼から『法華経』を教示され(=成仏の授記を受け),無上菩提へ向かう者となったとされる.ところが羅什訳の『妙法華』のみ,死時に臨んで常不軽が「其の罪,畢え已わって」(其罪畢已)としている.しかし,なぜ彼に罪があるのか,あるとすれば何の罪なのかが解明されないまま,今日に至っていた.</p><p>従来看過されていた事実として,Suzuki Takayasuは「常不軽菩薩品」に二種類の誹謗者が表されていることを明らかにした.二種類とは "『法華経』に出会う前の,『法華経』という仏語なしに無効な授記をしていた常不軽"(常不軽 ①)を誹謗した者たち(誹謗者 ①)と,"『法華経』に出会った後の,『法華経』という仏語をもって有効な授記をしていた常不軽"(常不軽 ②)を誹謗した者たち(誹謗者 ②)であり,後者の誹謗者 ② のみが,『法華経』説示者を誹謗した罪で堕地獄する.ところが『妙法華』のみ,常不軽 ② が『法華経』を説示していたという記述を欠いており,常不軽 ①と常不軽 ② との差違が判別しがたくなっている.</p><p>『法華経』の主張(『法華経』抜きに如来滅後に一切皆成の授記はできない.だからこそ,如来滅後にはこの『法華経』を説いて如来の名代として授記をせよ.如来のハタラキを肩代わりせよ)から判断して,常不軽 ① と常不軽 ② の差違は『法華経』にとって本質的であり,原典レベルで「其罪畢已」に相当する記述があったとは考えられない.羅什の参照した「亀茲(クチャ)の文」が特殊であったため,常不軽 ① と常不軽 ② との差違が判別しがたく,誹謗者 ① と誹謗者 ② を分ける必要が,漢訳段階で生じたものと考えるのが妥当である.しかし,そのために「其罪畢已」という文章を編み出したのは,羅什が『妙法華』訳出以前に『金剛般若経』を知っていたためと考えられる.</p><p>この「其罪畢已」という一節が,日本の日蓮に絶大な影響を与えた.日蓮宗の開祖である日蓮は,以前に念仏者・真言者であったため,「其罪畢已」の「罪」を過去の謗法罪と理解した上で,自らを常不軽と重ね合わせ,〈法華経の行者〉としての自覚を確立し,深めていった.</p><p>もし『妙法華』に「其罪畢已」の一節がなかったとしたら,日蓮は〈法華経の行者〉としての自覚を確立できず,その結果,『法華経』に向き合う姿勢を変えた可能性が高い.あるいは『法華経』信仰を捨てていた可能性まで考えられる.『開目抄』に見られる,「なぜ自分には諸天善神の加護がないのか」「自分は〈法華経の行者〉ではないのか」の解答の源は,「其罪畢已」以外には見出せないからである.</p><p>もし『妙法華』に「其罪畢已」の一節がなかったとしたら,中世以降今日に至る日本仏教は,現在とは大きく違った姿をしていたであろう.まさに,「大乗経典が外的世界を創出」(下田正弘)した好例である.『妙法華』に存するたった一個のフレーズ「其罪畢已」が,今日の日本の宗教界のみならず,社会の一側面を創出したのである.</p>
鈴木 雄太
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.66, no.1, pp.84-87, 2017-12-20 (Released:2019-01-11)

“The First Inspiration to Set One’s Mind on Seeking Enlightenment” (Shohosshinjibenjōshōkaku) is a key term from the “Kegon Sūtra” concerning the theory of attaining Buddhahood in the Kegon sect. “Shohosshinjibenjōshōkaku” has been the subject of a variety of debates since ancient times.In this paper, I discuss the Kegon interpretations of Shingon priest-scholars (such as Raiyu, Gōhō, Shōken, and Shōdō), who were active during the Middle Ages, from the perspective of “Shohosshinjibenjōshōkaku.” As a result, I am able to clarify differences between the interpretations of Shingi Shingon scholar-priests and those of Kogi Shingon scholar-priests.Furthermore, the method by which each school understands the “ideal world” provides a background for the differences between the two interpretations.
吉水 清孝
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.55, no.2, pp.820-814,1265, 2007

On the fourth section of the <i>Mimamsasutra</i> 3.4, Kumarila gives an extensive commentary whereby he criticizes the view that a finite verb denotes an agent. The original theme of this section, however, is to determine whether the Vedic injunction &ldquo;One should not tell an untruth&rdquo; (<i>nanrtam vadet</i>) embedded in the chapter of the new and full moon sacrifices prescribes a mode of performing a sacrifice or enjoins one to follow one's duty as a human being. The present paper elucidates how the linguistic discussion started by Sabara and developed by Kumarila with regard to a finite verb is related to the original theme of this section. Sabara and Kumarila have recourse to a grammatical maxim &ldquo;A base (<i>prakrti</i>) and a suffix (<i>pratyaya</i>) express the meaning of the suffix together.&rdquo; Pata&ntilde;jali quotes this maxim once with a modification of its meaning, and Paniniyas do not recognize the general validity of this maxim by confining its application to the rules of suffixes. Following <i>Astadhyayi</i> 3.4.69 and this maxim, however, the opponent of Kumarila asserts that the personal ending of &ldquo;<i>vadet</i>&rdquo; indicates an agent as the main element of the meaning of this verb. Kumarila, in retort, emphasizes that the agent of a Vedic sacrifice is an agent of the thinking prior to an action (<i>buddhipurvakarin</i>), who thinks what kind of result is expected to follow the action (<i>phalasankalpana</i>). If, by its personal suffix, the verb &ldquo;<i>vadet</i>&rdquo; denotes an agent to which the act of telling becomes subsidiary, one is inclined to keep away from telling an untruth in order to purify oneself and take the injunction out of context (<i>prakarana</i>) because one does not expect the injunction to have any indirect efficacy that may result from the contribution to the sacrifice. As a result of this self-centered interpretation, however, most injunctions would be prevented from their integration into the text. If, on the other hand, one convincingly refutes the theory that a finite verb denotes an agent, it becomes possible for the verb with a personal ending to denote <i>bhavana</i>, the general form of intentional actions, which requires the purpose (<i>sadhya</i>) and the requisites (<i>itikartavyata</i>) of the action. Both requirements are fulfilled by relevant injunctions within the context of the Veda. By criticizing the opponent's view, Kumarila intends to integrate Vedic injunctions in order to construct a unitary system of the sacrifice.