宇津 徳治
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.54, no.2, pp.253-308, 1979-12-25

Only one catalog has been available for moderate to large earthquakes occurring in the region of Japan in the years 1885 to 1925. However, this catalog, published by the Central Meteorological Observatory in 1952, has often been criticized as misleading, because no con- sideration is given to the depth of focus and magnitude values are unreasonably large for many earthquakes. A new catalog of earthquakes of M≧6 is prepared in this study to meet the demand in earthquake prediction and earthquake risk studies in Japan. Both instrumental and macroseismic data are used in the determination of focal parameters. Most of the data are taken from either published reports of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee, or written station reports collected and stored by the Japan Meteorological Agency and the University of Tokyo. The hypocenter location is mainly based on the S-P time intervals and the magnitude determination is mostly due to the maximum amplitude recorded by old-fashioned seismographs. For older events, the determination is more dependent on the seismic intensity distributions. The catalog (Table 7) lists 555 earthquakes of M≧5.9 and 53 destructive earthquakes of M ≧5.8. The procedure for the focal parameter determination is explained in detail using six sample earthquakes. Referring to the epicenter maps constructed from this catalog, characteristics of the seismicity of Japan in the period 1885-1925 are described. More detailed studies using this catalog will be given elsewhere. A special description of 79 selected earthquakes of particular interests is given in the last half of the paper.
秋 教昇 都司 嘉宣 朴 昌業 姜 泰燮
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.1-2, pp.11-27, 2011

Recently, it was reported that Mt. Beakdu experienced at least four or five large volcanic eruptions in geological and historical times, and that the lake Cheonji had been formed by the collapse of a part of the mountain's summit (Wei et al., 1998). The last of four eruptions occurred in historical times. Geologists attempted to estimate the period of the eruptions using radio carbon isotope dating, but the results showed a variety of periods ranging from approximately AD 8th to 14th centuries, which are the dates of the Balae and Goryo dynasties. Unfortunately, there are no distinct records of eruptions during this period. In the present study, we suggest that the last great volcanic eruption occurred in winter when there was a strong northwestern seasonal wind, based on the distribution of pumice on satellite images and the thickness of pumice layers measured at sites in relationship to the climatic environment. On the other hand, some researchers interpreted that five events described in the Joseon Dynasty relate to volcanic eruptions of Mt. Baekdu. Those events occurred in 1413, 1593, 1668, 1702, and 1903. Their interpretations are widely cited in journals and books; however, based on critical reviews of historical literature including Joseon-wangjo-sillog ("Chronology of the Joseon Dynasty"), we found that three of the events were not related to volcanic eruptions of Mt. Beakdu. Events in 1413 and 1668 were Asian yellow sand storm. The event in 1903 recorded in Chinese literature (Liu, 1909) was found to be a shower of rain and hail accompanied by thunder and lightning. Only the two events in 1597 and 1702 were confirmed to be related to volcanic activities of Mt. Beakdu. According to Joseon-wangjo-sillog, a large earthquake with the maximum intensity of 9.0 on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale (MMI) and its aftershocks occurred at the boulder region of Samsu county, Hamgyeongdo Province, in 1597. The document reveals that they were detected in Hamgyeondo (MMI6) and in Chungcheong-do (MMI5) over three days. The mainshock was accompanied by a volcanic explosion at Wangtian, which is located 35km southwest from Mt. Baekdu. The site is one of the three eruption centers of the Mt.Beakdu volcanic body. A document from China reveals that a large earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.0 and aftershocks occurred in the Gulf of Bohai on the same day as the Samsu earthquakes in Hamgyeongdo province. The shakes and disturbances observed eight times in Hamgyeong-do province might not be directly related to the large earthquake in the Gulf of Bohai. However, two series of earthquakes reported at two locations on the same day imply that there may be close relationships between the genesis of the two events. Based on phenomena observed recently, such as increased frequency of earthquakes, upheaval of ground level, releases of volcanic gases, and increased temperature of hot springs near the summit of Mt. Beakdu, the possibility of eruptions or explosions at the mountain in the near future has been suggested. Recently, scientists from the United States of America, Japan, Canada, and Germany were invited to investigate activity of the mountain. They agreed that the mountain is a dormant volcano and presents a temporal hazard.
秋 教昇 都司 嘉宣 朴 昌業 姜 泰燮
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.1, pp.11-27, 2012-03-26

Recently, it was reported that Mt. Beakdu experienced at least four or five large volcanic eruptions in geological and historical times, and that the lake Cheonji had been formed by the collapse of a part of the mountain's summit (Wei et al., 1998). The last of four eruptions occurred in historical times. Geologists attempted to estimate the period of the eruptions using radio carbon isotope dating, but the results showed a variety of periods ranging from approximately AD 8th to 14th centuries, which are the dates of the Balae and Goryo dynasties. Unfortunately, there are no distinct records of eruptions during this period. In the present study, we suggest that the last great volcanic eruption occurred in winter when there was a strong northwestern seasonal wind, based on the distribution of pumice on satellite images and the thickness of pumice layers measured at sites in relationship to the climatic environment. On the other hand, some researchers interpreted that five events described in the Joseon Dynasty relate to volcanic eruptions of Mt. Baekdu. Those events occurred in 1413, 1593, 1668, 1702, and 1903. Their interpretations are widely cited in journals and books; however, based on critical reviews of historical literature including Joseon-wangjo-sillog ("Chronology of the Joseon Dynasty"), we found that three of the events were not related to volcanic eruptions of Mt. Beakdu. Events in 1413 and 1668 were Asian yellow sand storm. The event in 1903 recorded in Chinese literature (Liu, 1909) was found to be a shower of rain and hail accompanied by thunder and lightning. Only the two events in 1597 and 1702 were confirmed to be related to volcanic activities of Mt. Beakdu. According to Joseon-wangjo-sillog, a large earthquake with the maximum intensity of 9.0 on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale (MMI) and its aftershocks occurred at the boulder region of Samsu county, Hamgyeongdo Province, in 1597. The document reveals that they were detected in Hamgyeondo (MMI6) and in Chungcheong-do (MMI5) over three days. The mainshock was accompanied by a volcanic explosion at Wangtian, which is located 35km southwest from Mt. Baekdu. The site is one of the three eruption centers of the Mt.Beakdu volcanic body. A document from China reveals that a large earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.0 and aftershocks occurred in the Gulf of Bohai on the same day as the Samsu earthquakes in Hamgyeongdo province. The shakes and disturbances observed eight times in Hamgyeong-do province might not be directly related to the large earthquake in the Gulf of Bohai. However, two series of earthquakes reported at two locations on the same day imply that there may be close relationships between the genesis of the two events. Based on phenomena observed recently, such as increased frequency of earthquakes, upheaval of ground level, releases of volcanic gases, and increased temperature of hot springs near the summit of Mt. Beakdu, the possibility of eruptions or explosions at the mountain in the near future has been suggested. Recently, scientists from the United States of America, Japan, Canada, and Germany were invited to investigate activity of the mountain. They agreed that the mountain is a dormant volcano and presents a temporal hazard.
Kanamori Hiroo Miyamura Setumi
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.2, pp.115-125, 1970-06-10

Old seismological data were used to re-evaluate the Great Kanto Earthquake of September 1, 1923. On the basis of reported P times at about one hundred stations the hypocenter parameters were determined as: origin time, 2h58m32s; latitude 35.4°N; longitude, 139.2°E; depth, 0 to 10km. The above epicenter may be uncertain by ±15 km. The surface-wave magnitude was re-evaluated using seismograms from 17 stations. The average value of 8.16 was obtained.|1923年9月1日の関東大地震の震源とマグニチュードを再決定した.震源決定に用いた資料はInternational Seismological Summaryや日本の文献に発表されているP波の発震時で約100の観測点の値を用いた.再決定された震源要素は次の通りである.震源時:02時58分32秒,震央緯度:35.4°N,震央経度:139.2°E,深さ:O~10km.この震央の誤差は±15km位である.マグニチュードの決定は,17ケ所の観測所で記録された周期20秒程度の表面波の振幅を用いて行なつた.平均値として8.16が得られた.
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.83, no.1, pp.103-130, 2008

The Hinagu fault system, Kyushu, Japan, is located in the westernmost part of the Beppu-Shimabara graben. This fault system is characterized by a quite high seismic activity and estimated to have a higher seismic risk among active faults in Kyushu Island. In 2003, we conducted an extensive seismic expedition in and around the Hinagu fault area. This expedition involves seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection experiment using dynamite shots and seismic array observation both for the active and passive seismic sources. For the refraction/wide-angle reflection study, two profile lines of 56.4 and 32.1km lengths were set in EW and NNE-SSW directions, respectively, on which 7 dynamite shots of 100-200kg charge and 359 recorders were deployed. The array observations, which were designed for high-resolution imaging of crustal scatterors and reflectors, were undertaken at 5 sites in the fault region. This paper presents the outline of this seismic expedition and fundamental data obtained.
Kanamori Hiroo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.49, no.1/3, pp.13-18, 1971-09-30

The fault parameters of the Great Kanto earthquake of September 1, 1923, are determined on the basis of the first-motion data, aftershock area, and the amplitude of surface waves at teleseismic stations. It is found that the faulting of this earthquake is a reverse right-lateral fault on a plane which dips 34° towards N20°E. The auxiliary plane has a dip of 80° towards S55°E. This means that the foot-wall side moves approximately north-west with respect to the hanging wall side. The strike of the fault plane is almost parallel to that of the Sagami trough, and the slip direction is more or less perpendicular to the trend of the Japan trench. This earthquake is therefore considered to represent a slippage between two crustal blocks bounded by the Sagami trough. A seismic moment of 7.6×1027 dyne-cm is obtained. If the fault dimension is taken to be 130×70 km2, the average slip on the fault plane and the stress drop are estimated to be 2.1m and 18 bars respectively. This slip is about 1/3 of that estimated from geodetic data. This discrepancy may indicate an existence of a pre-seismic deformation which did not contribute to the seismic wave radiation, but the evidence from other observations is not very firm.|関東地震の断層パラメターをP波の初動分布と長周期表面波の振幅からきめた.その結果,この地震はN20°Eの方向に34°傾いた面上での右ずれ・逆断層であらわされることがわかつた.断層面の大きさを130×70km2とすると,断層面上でのすべりは約2m, stress dropは18バールである.断層上でのすべりのむきが相模troughの走向に平行で,日本海溝に垂直であり,また震源が浅く(地殻内)かつ日本海溝から遠くはなれていることを考ると,関東地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用の直接の結果とは考えにくい.むしろ,この地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用によつて2次的に起つた,相模troughを境とする二つの地塊のずれによるものであると解釈できる.地殻変動の大きさから推定されているすべりの大きさは7mであるが,これは表面波の振幅から推定された値2mよりはるかに大きい.この違いは種々の誤差を考慮にいれてもなお有意義と思われる.このくいちがいは,全体の地殻変動量のうち2分以内の時定数をもつもののみが地震波の発生に関与したと考えれば説明できる.
寺田 寅彦
東京帝国大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.13, no.4, pp.801-805, 1935-12-20

Two cases of minor eruption of Mt. Asama are described. . A sample of ash collected on the occasion of the eruption on Aug. 4, 1935, consists of compact nuclei of rock fragment, a few tenth of mm in diameter, which is covered with a spongy mantle of aggregated fine ash particles. Possible causes of the origin of such a structure are suggested. As for the eruption of Aug. 17, 1935, an abnormal distribution of the intensity of audible sound within a narrow range of 10 km from the crater is described.
金森 博雄
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.49, no.1, pp.13-18, 1971-09

The fault parameters of the Great Kanto earthquake of September 1, 1923, are determined on the basis of the first-motion data, aftershock area, and the amplitude of surface waves at teleseismic stations. It is found that the faulting of this earthquake is a reverse right-lateral fault on a plane which dips 34° towards N20°E. The auxiliary plane has a dip of 80° towards S55°E. This means that the foot-wall side moves approximately north-west with respect to the hanging wall side. The strike of the fault plane is almost parallel to that of the Sagami trough, and the slip direction is more or less perpendicular to the trend of the Japan trench. This earthquake is therefore considered to represent a slippage between two crustal blocks bounded by the Sagami trough. A seismic moment of 7.6×1027 dyne-cm is obtained. If the fault dimension is taken to be 130×70 km2, the average slip on the fault plane and the stress drop are estimated to be 2.1m and 18 bars respectively. This slip is about 1/3 of that estimated from geodetic data. This discrepancy may indicate an existence of a pre-seismic deformation which did not contribute to the seismic wave radiation, but the evidence from other observations is not very firm.|関東地震の断層パラメターをP波の初動分布と長周期表面波の振幅からきめた.その結果,この地震はN20°Eの方向に34°傾いた面上での右ずれ・逆断層であらわされることがわかつた.断層面の大きさを130×70km2とすると,断層面上でのすべりは約2m, stress dropは18バールである.断層上でのすべりのむきが相模troughの走向に平行で,日本海溝に垂直であり,また震源が浅く(地殻内)かつ日本海溝から遠くはなれていることを考ると,関東地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用の直接の結果とは考えにくい.むしろ,この地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用によつて2次的に起つた,相模troughを境とする二つの地塊のずれによるものであると解釈できる.地殻変動の大きさから推定されているすべりの大きさは7mであるが,これは表面波の振幅から推定された値2mよりはるかに大きい.この違いは種々の誤差を考慮にいれてもなお有意義と思われる.このくいちがいは,全体の地殻変動量のうち2分以内の時定数をもつもののみが地震波の発生に関与したと考えれば説明できる.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.62, no.2, pp.133-147, 1987-10-23

羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.55, no.2, pp.505-535, 1980-11-15

There are many old monuments of the Nankaido tsunamis of Hoei (Oct. 28, 1707) and the 2nd Ansei (Dec. 24, 1854) along the Osaka and Wakayama coasts, Western Japan. Most of these monuments were built just after the earthquakes to pray for the repose of the tsunami victims or to sound a warning to inhabitants. In this paper, the tsunami monuments are illustrated. Based on descriptions on the monuments, adding new data collected from the present field investigation, inundation heights of the 1707 Hoei and 1854 Ansei tsunamis along the Wakayama coast are surveyed by hand-level. Behaviors (inundation height and area) of the two historical tsunamis are compared with those of the 1946 Nankaido tsunami (Dec. 21, 1946). Inundation heights of the 1854 Ansei tsunami along the Wakayama coast, the west side of the Kii Peninsula, are 4.8 meters on the average and are 1.2 times as large as those of the 1946 Nankaido tsunami. The estimated heights of the 1707 Hoei tsunami are 5 meters with the localized run-up maximum of 6 to 7 meters. Along the Wakayama coast, the patterns of height distribution of the two historical tsunamis are similar to that of the 1946 Nankaido tsunami. However, the inundation heights of the 1707 Hoei and 1854 Ansei tsunamis along the coast in Osaka Bay are three times as large as those of the 1946 tsunami. Osaka suffered severe damage and many persons were drowned by the two tsunamis of 1707 and 1854. Estimated heights were about 3 meters. It suggests that the wave periods of the two historical tsunamis were longer than those of the 1946 tsunami. Although the source dimensions of the two historical tsunamis are similar to the 1946 tsunami (The source areas of three tsunamis extend 250 km along the Nankai trough), the rise times of crustal deformation for the two historical earthquakes differ significantly from the 1946 earthquake.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.1, pp.143-157, 1986-08-04

葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.527-557, 1983-10-22

島 悦三 柴野 睦郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.34, no.1, pp.113-129, 1956-06-25

People in the Futatsui area in Akita Prefecture experienced a severe earthquake at 1h 45 m 33s (G. M. T.) on Oct. 19th, 1955 for the first time in local history. Fortunately to say, the earthquake was only semi-destructive in its intensity, the stricken area being confined to the Futatsui town and the Hibiki village which suffered no less of life and only 4 casualties. Owing perhaps to the structural quality of the houses in the district, only 3 wooden houses were half destroyed. But curiously, the "dozo's" or warehouses sustained severer damage, 310 of them being reported as half-destroyed, while one was totally destroyed.
Ando Masataka
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.49, no.1-3, pp.19-32, 1971-09-30

The writer determined fault parameters of the great Kanto earthquake of 1923 on the basis of the geodetic data by triangulation and levelling. Thus he attempted to establish a dislocation model which reasonably explains all the available data on the surface displacements associated with this earthquake. Basically the fault line is assumed to extend from the Kozu area southeastward with its strike N45°W, parallel to the trend of the Sagami trough. The shape of the fault plane is assumed to be a rectangular plane. The fault models which was finally accepted is as follows. total length: 130km, width: 65km, dip. 45° and a fault displacement : 6 m (right lateral strike slip) and 3 m (reverse dip slip). Generally speaking, this earthquake seems to indicate a differential movements of the two crustal plates bounded by the Sagami trough. The fault's dimension, geometry and direction of the slip are all in good harmony with the seismological evidence on wave radiation.|1923年の関東大地震の震源パラノーターを地殻変動を使つて推定した.
Matuzawa Takeo
東京帝國大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University (ISSN:00408972)
vol.5, pp.1-28, 1928-08-24

(1) Etigo no Zisin (1927 nen 10 gt 27 nt) wo Tokyo de kwansokusita Kekkwa ni yoruto Singen-Ivyori ni taisite Syokibido no Keizoku-Zikan ga itumo yori medatte sukunakatta.