椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.114, pp.57-68, 2013-04-30

In this paper, we focus on social isolation among elderly people to better understand the reality of their lives, andanalyze the relationship between the factors behind changes in the family structures of the elderly and their social isolation,and changes in modern communities. We also investigate new forms of communication aimed at improving thequality of life in a longevity society. Methodologically, we propose and examine a basic means to enhance local communitynetworks, based on a scale-free network as a foundation for local community formation. From these considerations,we propose a new networking game for constructing the free-scale network in our daily life. The main idea ofthis paper is based on the alternate reality game that is a type of play experience to cross and virtual reality as part ofthe game captures the everyday world.
清水 雄太 高信 英明 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文 稲田 喜信
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.118, pp.9-14, 2015-04-30

In the insect and the fish that forms groups in the natural world and lives, intelligence as the individual is comparativelylow in intelligence as living things. However, such they can act in order by making the crowd cooperate by a simplerule and with order as a whole. This is called", Swarm Intelligence". In the present study, two or more robots with only a comparatively simple function are developed, and it aims atthe achievement of the crowd action. The robot was developed that sets freely direction of travel and obstacle detection area by using function of omnidirectionalmovement for traveling section and that mounts up to 8 supersonic sensors.
板橋 拓未 高信 英明 山尾 考弘 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.106, pp.25-29, 2009-04-30

Recent years, movement of robots are required to suit various fields and environments. Therefore, this research focused on flexible movement of the tongue. The purpose of this research is to develop tongue type multi-DOF flexible Robot. A tongue has three functions: mastication, articulation and swallowing. In particular, this research has focused on the swallowing. In this paper, we consider the proposal of a basic model, and swallowing operation, before manufacturing tongue type multi-DOF Robot. Next, basic model was made by using DADS (Dynamic Analysis and Design System), and we verified the validity of the mechanism of basic model from the swallowing operation.
馬場 岳斉 工藤 幸寛 高橋 泰樹
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.120, pp.49-52, 2016-04-30

Photolithography is used in various fields such as printed circuit board fabrication and semiconductor processes,and it is often adopted in science education classes. For student to make printed circuit boards which have varyingdesigns, in a classroom, efficient exposure time is required; however, this is difficult to achieve because of cost andtime limitations. In this research, we have developed mask-less exposure equipment for high quality printed boards at low costwith a short exposure time by using a commercially available DLP projector. Furthermore, this process is alsoapplicable regarding micro-patterns.
後藤 真一 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.110, pp.97-103, 2011-04-30

This paper investigated the peculiarity of a sentimental phenomenon called attachment to personal belongings. The aim is to examine the correlation between people and the belongings composing their living environment, in order to reveal what is important and meaningful for both their liver and their living environments. The Study looks at the relationship between experiences with belongings particularly close to the owner and feelings of attachment for them. A survey of experiences and sentiments about belongings with attachment was executed and factor analysis was used to bring out the components of attachment. The results verified the following: 1) in each group of samples with a similar tendency of factor scores, the experiences with belongings have something in common. 2) From the tendency of factor scores, there is a difference in attachment between things of the same kind. 3) The owners recognize the empirical products of relation to belongings. These results show the formation of an attachment is connected with various experiences with the belongings.
チョウ エイ 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.109, pp.135-138, 2010-10-30

Now game industry is a great market of the world economy. High technologies are applied to create games. The purpose of the paper is to use the technology "Emotion Motivated Artificial Intelligence" to create Non Player Character with human-like emotion to improve the games. In order to prove that, 2 types of NPC, one with EMAI and the other without, were created and tested. The results of the recent test were analyzed by Cross Tabulation and chi-square test. It showed that, the NPC that used EMAI shows more emotion than the one without.
小林 大祥 小林 光男 後藤 芳樹
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.121, pp.1-7, 2016-10-30

In this paper, tension tests are performed with the dragline silk produced by Nephila Clavata. Tension testingmachine is developed and manufactured for micro-sized materials. The dragline silk is the difficult material toconduct the tension test because the dragline of spider is the fine and ductile line and also the test load is small.From the results of tests, following conclusions are obtained. 1) The continuous stress-strain behavior of spider silkis obtained in 1.0μm/sec constant test speed, and the failure stress of dragline is about 2000MPa. 2) The diameter ofdragline is found to vary among each thread, thus it is necessary to measure the diameter of all specimens. 3) It isunderstood that the failure stress is mostly constant because the failure force of dragline and the cross-sectional areaare proportional to the weight of the spider.
伯耆田 悟 高信 英明 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文 稲田 喜信
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.119, pp.19-24, 2015-10-30

Even if the ability of one individual is low such as an insect, a fish and a bird, they are often able totake orderly action by swarming. This is called swarm intelligence. The purposes of this research arerealization of which is based on group of nature with enhancing of crowd action to three dimensions byusing flying robots, and analyze it. The habit that a fish forms a group and lives by becoming a groupwas inquired using the airship robot. Extension into the three dimensions of group action was realized bymaking group action of fish into a norm of the airship
目黒 有志 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.109, pp.123-128, 2010-10-30

It is pointed out that manga drawn by the new cartoonists are hard to read. The paper analyzed the relationship between legibility and the elements of the MANGAs and clarified structures of a legible MANGA. MANGAs were analyzed by the Rough Set to retrieve the structure of legible MANGAs. As results, features such as "a few scenes", "a amounts of the characters", and "a few dialogs" were derived as elements for a legible MANGA. In a conclusion, it turned out legible when the MANGAs elements were few.
森近 佑次 中村 納
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.101, pp.185-188, 2006-10-30

This paper presents an automatic gender discrimination system, which can be applied to the marketing research. In general, the difference of appearance between man and woman can be used to distinct their sex. Before investigating the difference of the appearance, the persons's area must be isolated from the background. A fast extraction algorithm of the person's area is described in this paper.
宮島 絵里 山口 実靖
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.116, pp.63-69, 2014-04-30

In virtualized environment, several virtual machines run on a physical machine. In this case, a HDD header executeslong distance seeks among huge virtual machine image files. Consequently, I /O performance is tremendously decreasedby these long distance seeks. In this paper, we propose a method for increasing I /O performance by placinghotspot blocks. We implemented the proposed method by modifying Linux filesystem and evaluated its performance.Our evaluation has demonstrated that the proposed method has been successful in improving I /O performance in virtualizedenvironment.
高信 英明 野谷 耕太 青山 四朗 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.99, pp.23-30, 2005-10-30

This paper is describes the araher surface robod balld on the msverest of water striders. Since few researches. Therefore we analyzed the movement of water striders living on the water surface, and then made a robot that can move on had not been deve abon water shiders peovement, the movement of their legs when they did turns, we found out they, hadi two different wotions : the uce of both legs and the use of oneleg, In addifvor, the diffecer depends on a turning wyle obcerving. Based on the analysis, we made a robot of water strider where actuators was light and simple. We also made the actuators using electromagnet. The robot demonotrated that moving iadependently. it coald obu tuse different tarns with both leas moving respeativelyt and that the robot could tloat on water in surface tension.
栗原 良太 中村 納
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.113, pp.97-104, 2012-10-30

In this paper a highly accurate extraction algorithm of moving individuals existing in the complicated backgroundsand lighting conditions is presented. In the previous method, a moving individuals appearing in the complicated background could not be distinguished.The moving objects such as cars, trees, animals must be discriminated from moving individuals in the outdoor environment.In this paper, a new method for isolating individuals area is presented. By restricting individuals area using a ellipsewith variable parameters, the individuals area is effectively isolated and detected.
椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.112, pp.53-62, 2012-04-30

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relation between interactivity and the degree of KAWAII for characters.It is also our problems that whence comes th`e KAWAII, fun' o`r amiability' of `a character'? It is shown that we proposethe visual communication model from the Shannon and Weaver process model of communication, and the interactionexists between the character and the audience. The element that can decide the interactive degree of the charactershows the relation to the story that the character has. Interest appears as a result of interactivity of characters. It isalso shown that KAWAII proposes to appear as a function of interactivity.
小阪 裕司 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.109, pp.167-174, 2010-10

This paper discusses causalities between kansei information and consumer buying behavior and actions a firm can take knowing that kansei information influences such behavior. We regard information transmitted through point-of-purchase advertisements (POP ADS) at retail stores as one of the factors that incentivize customers to make purchases. Our focus is on kansei information, which is the result of cerebral processing of information obtained through the five senses, leading to a positive affect. Since 2000, we have conducted research into the effects of kansei information on consumer buying behavior in various industries in Japan. Based on observations of such effects as well as firms' marketing and sales activities, we have modeled the process in which purchases are generated by the presentation of kansei information. And we have explored a way to build a systems dynamics model centering on the effects of kansei information. In this paper, focusing on "Kansei information" sent by POP ADS, at first, we explain our model named "Kansei information-Buying behavior model". And we explain causal relationships using a systems thinking approach, and construct causal loop diagrams. Making comparisons with the model and the causal loops, we also examine an experiment from an actual retail store which takes advantage of kansei information in an attempt to increase customer buying motivation.
高信 英明 明賀 秀行 吉澤 宏和 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.101, pp.17-23, 2006-10-30

The purpose of this research is production of the jump robot based on the standard of an internal structure of the cricket. The insect doesn't control the landing for the jump. The cricket doesn't have the error margin of the numerical value of the distance that jumps most in orthopteras. And, it can do a steady jump. Because the body axis is the horizontal along ground. It is thought that it is possible to jump because it stabilizes even if the mechanism of the jump robot keeps easy, and is not controlled by doing the design based on the standard of the cricket. The robot adjusts "Ratio of legs" and "Position of center of gravity" to the same value as an actual cricket. The mechanism of the jump was designed by the same standard as an internal structure of the cricket. SMA that was able to expand and contract by like to the muscle also of the actuator was used. It succeeded in producing the robot, and making it jump. The data of the jump of the result of the jump experiment of the robot and the actual cricket that was measured and obtained was compared. And, the result of doing the jump that looked like the cricket was obtained.
安斎 雄亮 荒井 純一
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.110, pp.13-19, 2011-04-30

A wind power generation has an inherent problem with fluctuation of generation power depending on wind velocity change. This power fluctuation is relating to lesser power quality, then generation power leveling is required. A battery energy storage system is one of countermeasure for suppressing power fluctuation. The battery energy storage system consists of battery, inverter, and control circuit. The better ratio of capacity of the battery energy storage system to the wind power generation, and better control are not shown until now. This paper proposes a better control method of the battery energy storage system for generation power leveling. Simulation studies are carried out and effectiveness of the proposed control is reported.
池端 孝次 荒井 純一
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.108, pp.51-56, 2010-04-30

The microgrid composed of new power generations has been studied recently. The microgrid without utility power system will be examined in the future. We assume the isolated microgrid consists of a synchronous generator and an inverter power source. In this paper the stable operation of the microgrid without utility power system is studied in viewpoint of how larger capacity of the inverter power source compared to the capacity of the synchronous generator can be connected. Moreover, effects on stable operation by different inverter controls are discussed. Result of simulation shows that the capacity of the inverter less than or equal to five times of the generator gives stable operation. And the simulation result shows the application of the voltage control to the inverter will contribute stable operation of the power system.