川野 武彦
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.5, no.4, pp.154-155, 1958 (Released:2010-03-12)

Changes of temperature in blood collected with ACD-solution (Formula B) in 250cc bottles were observed by a thermo-couple potentiometer1) in collection bottles were cooled in an ice-box of 4-6°C prior to the bleeding and in those not previously cooled, and2) in the collection bottles were immediately immersed in an ice-water pan prior to ice-box storage and in those without such preliminary cooling.In addition the author also investigated the time during which blood was kept at the temperature above 10°C, and concluded that the cooling effect of immersing the blood bottle in ice-water was striking for rapid cooling while the cooling of the blood bottle prior to the blood collection had little and rather negligible effect.
増田 和茂
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.26, no.4, pp.219-229, 1980 (Released:2010-03-12)

A screening test method for human blood-clotting Factor XIII was devised in which agglutination of Factor XIII-coated latex particles by its specific antibody is specifically inhibited by the Factor XIII contained in the test material. The antigenicity is absent in human serum, but is well retained in its activation process.Decrease in Factor XIII antigenic level was observed in liver diseases, cancer and post-operative cases. The results in latex agglutination inhibition test were generally in agreement with the Factor XIII activity in MDC incorporation or fibrin clot lysis tests as well as with the results of rocket immunoelectrophoresis. An attempt was made to devise latex agglutination test by coating latex particles with IgG fraction isolated from specific anti-subunit A serum.
松本 美富士 由良 二郎
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.37, no.6, pp.782-786, 1991-12-25 (Released:2010-03-12)

Sera from patients with collagen diseases followed at Nagoya City University Hospital were investigated for the detection of antibody (C100-3) to hepatitis C virus (HCV), and HCV-RNA using the method of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The overall prevalance of HCV antibody positivity was 4.8% (12/252) in the patients, and significantly higher than that (1.1-1.2%) of Japanese populations of blood donors. Relative high prevalence (6.5%) was observed in patients with Sjogren's syndrome (SjS). Seven of 12 patients with anti-HCV antibodies were detected HCV-RNA in their sera. All of these patients, except one case, had chances of the infection for HCV. 5 patients, whose sera was negative result of HCV-RNA, had no history of HCV infection. Therefore, the presence of false-positive tests for anti-HCV antibodies was 2.0% (5/245) in patients with collagen diseases. Sera from patients with SjS showed the higher false-positive tests. The false-positive tests for antibodies to HCV did not correlate with the presence of antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor, and hypergamma-globulinemia.
本庶 佑
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.45, no.4, pp.476-478, 1999-08-01
中野 節子 今井 美智子 小金丸 智子 原 邦子 上田 信子 堤 康英 大山 正則 入田 美子 清川 博之 前田 義章
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.41, no.6, pp.612-616, 1995 (Released:2010-03-12)

Three apheresis systems (COBE Sprectra, Fenwal CS-3000 plus and Haemonetics MCS) were compared with regard to white cell (WBC) content (n=9 each) in the apheresis chamber on plateletpheresis of 10 units (range, 2-3×1011). Average WBC content in the residual blood in Sprectra, CS-3000 plus and MCS was 6.65×108 (70% of lymphocytes), 3.98×108 (77% of lymphocytes) and 2.21×108 (41% of lymphocytes) WBCs, respectively.Apheresis donors experiencing 12 plateletpheresis procedures per year, the maximum allowed, will sustain a 56.4×108 lymphocyte loss when Spectra, designoed to collect WBC-poor platelet concentrates, is used.The annual loss of lymphocytes in males and females would be 2.5 and 3.7 times, that by whole blood donation. Recently developed respectively, cell separators have been improved to decrease WBC contamination. However, close attention should be paid to WBC content in residual blood in the apheresis chamber.
井上 千加子 神谷 忠 小澤 和郎
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.47, no.1, pp.22-28, 2001-02-01 (Released:2010-03-12)

In 1999, the number of donors with HIV antibodies was 63, giving a prevalence of 1.026per 100, 000 donations collected by the Japanese Red Cross Society Blood Centers. The current frequency is higher than would be expected from the prevalence rate of HIV in Japan. We conducted a questionnaire to determine blood donor understanding of HIV. The survey looked at responses anonymously from 676 apheresis donors who donated at 8 collection offices in Aichi Prefecture in mid-January, 2000. It indicated that almost all of them were really comprehensive and 27% of respondents supported the present policy of not letting donors know the results of their HIV tests. But a tiny fraction of repeated donors did not understand why they should not donate blood as a means of checking on HIV.To reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted infection, nucleic acid amplification test screening for HIV, HBV and HCV was introduced for all donated blood in October 1999. However, based on the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases and drug abuse especially among younger people, it is essential for ensuring blood safety that adequate donor education be conducted along with various approaches to reduce blood-borne infection including HIV.
牧田 光雄 関根 活郎 山田 雅人
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.5, no.4, pp.145-146, 1958 (Released:2010-03-12)

The classification of the mouse blood types was described and the following results were obtained.1. Applying human anti-A and anti-B sera as agglutinins, the blood cells of the mouse were divided into four groups:a) agglutinated by human anti-A sera (17.4per cent)b) agglutinated by human anti-B sera (13.9per cent)c) agglutinated by human anti-A and anti-B sera (48.2per cent)d) neither agglutinated by human anti-A nor anti-B sera (20.5per cent)2. The blood cells of some mice were agglutinated by human AB blood type sera (69.6per cent). This result indicated that human AB blood type sera included certain agglutinins against mouse blood cells.3. Based on the antigenic analysis of blood types of the mouse by means of anti M I and M II sera of immunized rabbits, the blood cells of mouse were divided into four groups:a) M I type (13.3per cent)b) M II type (40.9per cent)c) M I, M II type (43.8per cent)d) X (non-agglutinated) type (2.0per cent)
稲葉 頌一 大戸 斉 柴田 洋一 坂本 久浩 高橋 孝喜 十字 猛夫 前田 義章
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-13, 1994-01-25 (Released:2010-03-12)

Sixty-six patients who succeeded in storing a sufficient volume of autologous blood (mean±SD; 1097±452ml) using KL-3R3 solution contained in blood bags before elective surgery were included in this study, a five week phase 3 clinical trial of the whole blood preservative solution KL-3R3, commonly known as CPDA-1 (citrate phosphate dextrose adenine) solution. The mean time required for sufficient storage of autologous blood was 23.4±6.9 days, with 40 of the 66 (60.6%) requiring more than 21 days, a period of time that would have resulted in time expiration had we used the citrate-phosphate-dextrose (CPD) or acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) solution bags which are presently commercially available. Sixty of the 66 patients (90.9%) completed their operations using only autologous blood units. After eliminating three patients who were administered recombinant erythropoietin, the efficacy of KL-3R3 was evaluated as effective in 61 (96.8%) of the 63 patients evaluated (markedly effective 57 (86.4%) and effective 4 (6.1%). Furthermore, in 48 of 56 patients (85.7%), in whom we were able to measure the autologous blood recovery rate after 24 hours of transfusion were estimated effective (markedly effective 29 (51.8%) and effective 19 (33.9%)). In sixty-three patients who had hematological and biochemical laboratory data, vital signs, and urinary data recorded both before and after receiving autologous blood units. RBC counts and hemoglobin levels and platelets counts decreased, and WBC counts increased after returning autologous blood at operation, changes observed commonly under surgical stress. Hemolysis markers such as GPT, indirect bilirubin, and LDH were slightly increased the day after operation, but returned to normal the second day after operation. Other data moved within normal limits expect urine occult blood. Hematuria was observed immediately after transfusion of autologous blood units, but this finding was observed transiently (the first day after transfusion 45.7% and the second day 13.3%). The safety was evaluated in sixty-five patients' blood bags by sight observations and bacterial culture tests, and no abnormal findings or bacterial propagation were detected. One patient was excluded from the safety evaluation because he was operated on within a week of initial predeposition. Two-hundred-thirty-eight KL-3R3 preserved blood bags were transfused in the 66 patients, in one (1/238, 0.4%) which had be discarded because of a large clot formation. In sixty-one patients, both the efficacy and the safety tests of KL-3R3 were rated for usefulness, with all 61 confirmed useful. The laboratory data of the 26 patients whose autologous blood were used within 21 days and the 40 patients whose autologous blood contained at least one unit that exceeded 21 days preservation was compared, with no significant differences observed.Our results confirmed that, in clinical trial of KL-3R3 preserved autologous blood units, all the criteria of effectiveness, safety and usefulness were satisfied.
小暮 正久
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.19, no.4-6, pp.161-166, 1973 (Released:2010-03-12)
1 1

When group O red cells were incubated with UDP-Galactose and serum from group B or AB subjects, they became strongly agglutinable by human anti-B serum. Agglutination titers of these converted red cells against human anti-B serum (1:512) were 1:128.Group O red cells incubated with UDP-Galactose and serum from group Bm or A1Bm subjects were converted to B active cells. Agglutination titers of these converted red cells against human anti-B serum (1:512) were 1:8 or 1:16.Comparison of the agglutination titers of the converted cells against human anti-B serum shows that the activity of serum α-galactosyltransferase from group Bm subjects is approximately one-eighth or one-sixteenth of that from group B subjects.When group O red cells were incubated with UDP-Galactose and serum from group Cis AB subjects, they could not be agglutinated by human anti-B serum. The activity of serum α-galactosyltransferase from group Cis AB subjects could not be demonstrable by agglutination test. This is considered to be associated with the regularly present cold anti-B agglutinins in the sera of group Cis AB subjects.
北濱 睦夫 山口 英夫 硲 文雄 大久保 康人
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.13, no.3, pp.81-91, 1966 (Released:2010-03-12)

A 38-year-old healthy Japanese woman Mrs. N. has as much B and H substances in her saliva as have normal B individuals, but the B antigen in her red cells is very weak and H is undetectable.Her serum contains weak anti-H. It was considered that Mrs. N. 's blood might be called Bh at the phenotypical level; the suffix “h” is intended to indicate a phenotype lacking the H substance.
三谷 孝子 橋本 浩司 千葉 眞彰 池淵 研二 関口 定美
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.42, no.6, pp.294-298, 1996-12-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
2 2

Bacterial contamination was observed in a platelet concentrate obtained by apheresis using COBE SPECTRA and stored for 45 hours with agitation at 20 to 24°C. The platelet product was contaminated with 107 CFU/ml of Bacillus cereus. The contamination was likely attributable to bacteria on the skin at the phlebotomy site, because 1) apheresis was performed in a closed system and 2) Bacillus cereus are known to exist ubiquitously including the skin surface, and to be resistant to the chlorohexidine-ethanol that is routinely used for disinfection of phlebotomy site in our blood center. In a spike experiment with apheresis platelets, the growth of Bacillus cereus was vey rapid, with a doubling time of 6 hours to reach 107 CFU/ml in 2 days.Leukocyte depletion resulted in reduced phagocytic activity and allowed rapid growth of the contaminating bacteria in platelet products. There findings enpharize the importance of preventing as far as possible. In addition, platelet recipients, largely comprising leukemia patients, are vulnerable to infection.
森 和久
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.8, no.3-4, pp.310-326, 1962 (Released:2010-03-12)

This experiment was attempted to bring to light the production mechanism of auto-antibody, homologous and heterologous antibodies to red cells, as well as the destruction mechanism in vivo of red cells caused by the presence of these antibodies.Rabbits were used for the experiment.Consideration was advanced principally concerning the determination of the activity value of Cr51 labelled on red cells, availing of the specific and convenient nature of isotope Cr51 and red cells in the ability of association and dissociation with each other, and at the same time a serological experiment on the serum was jointly performed for the consideration.The survival time in vivo of the same typed as well as different typed red cells was measured after the rabbit's blood was typed with antisera, with the result that the loss curve of both the same type and the different type cells practically coincided with that of the auto-cells.The repeated infusion of enzyme (trypsin) treated auto-cells into normal and splenectomized rabbits reveals an increased rapidity in the loss of the trypsin treated auto-cells with added frequency of the repetition. On further examining the serum of this particular rabbit, the presence of an antibody to auto-cells was proved.The experiment made on a splenectomized rabbit by infusion homologous red cells of the same as well as different types, heterologous cells and trypsin treated auto-cells, made it clear that there was no significant difference in the loss curve of homologous cells, but that the losing speed of heterologous cells from the blood flow was extra rapid during the first 30 minutes of its infusion, and also that thereafter the loss curve was obtained almost in parallel with that of a normal rabbit.With regard to trypsin treated cells it was confirmed that its repeated infusion caused reduction of the loss curve and production of an auto-antibody, regardless of the presence or non-presence of spleen.The distribution of the infused normal auto-cells, trypsin treated auto-cells and heterologous cells was examined in heart blood, liver, spleen and kidney to find that the distribution of heterologous cells in the sysem was considerably different from that of homologous cells.Of the blood cells denatured by trypsin treatment, the homologous cells and the heterologous cells differ remarkably in the way they are destroyed and disposed, but the homologous cells which have been subjected to a powerful irreversible change are disposed in the liver in compensation of the spleen, same as heterolgoous cells.