総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.29, pp.195-209, 2012-03-30

The Heian Period witnessed the development of various techniques for adding decoration to costumes, applying decorations directly to the fabric, in order to give the costumes new qualities. This paper uses archival material from the period to analyze examples of costume-decoration techniques, illustrating their types and uses and considering their purposes and effects. The techniques studied include uchi, kaineri, euzu, uchiyauzu, hari, hihegi, and kobari, all of which provided luster, shine, and fi rmness to the costumes. Most decorated costumes were worn as an inner, rather than an outer layer; thus, the effects were only partly visible, although the overall appearance of the costume was enhanced through the effect of layering. It seems, indeed, that these techniques were more than designs intended simply to add patterns and color to costumes, but were in fact luxuries created for the pursuit of decorative beauty.
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.32, pp.13-17, 2015-07-16

百人一首かるたの並べ方を書いた新出資料として、『貝合對末之口傳』を紹介する。これは江戸時代に書写された口伝であるが、そこに百人一首かるたの並べ方と貝覆 (貝合) の並べ方が図入りで解説されている。この通りに並べて遊ばれていたかどうかはわからないものの、かるた遊びに関する資料は少ないので、貴重な資料と思われる。そこで翻刻を紹介する次第である。研究ノート
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.31, pp.33-57, 2014-07-14

The main purpose of this paper is to find a clue to create the inclusive history of pragmatism by examining Misak's new study on this subject. The trait of Misak's version of the intellectual history of pragmatism consists in legitimating Peirce's pragmatism while as degrading James' pragmatism. And also she grasps pragmatism as a part of modern analytic philosophy, not as a development of German idealism. Four subjects are set up in order to achieve the purpose of this paper. First we survey the main types of the interpretation of the intellectual history of pragmatism, and position Misak's new research in them. Next, we adjudicate whether Peirce's pragmatism can be justified as representative of pragmatism in general in comparison with James' pragmatism. Third, we critically consider Misak's interpretation of the intellectual history of pragmatism. Finally, we specify the configuration of the interpretations of the intellectual history of pragmatism by analyzing pragmatist's conception of truth. Our analysis of these four areas leads to the conclusion that Misak's interpretation can not be justified. We would like to construct the history of pragmatism as efforts to integrate naturalism and historicism.
吉野 政治 YOSHINO Masaharu
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.28, pp.152(1)-138(15), 2011-03-31

Every culture systematizes natural phenomena in its own way. Consider the number of colors of rainbow. Before the early Edo period, Japanese belived the rainbow had either 3 or 5 colors, depending on wether the Chinese theory of "Inyo-Gogyo-Setsu" or the old European astronony was applted. Following Newton's theory on the 7 color rays of sun, though, the Japanese bigan to see 7 color bands in the rainbow.
清水 久美子
総合文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:09100105)
vol.21, pp.107-128, 2004

The Bunraku puppet show is one of the traditional public entertainments of Japan and we are proud of its 400years history. It was specified as a World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2003. In this paper the characteristics and the charm of Bunraku costumes are observed by characteristics clarifying the historical development of costumes and the differences in present costumes seen in the realistic dramas and the historical ones, based on the research carried out since 1984 in the actual conditions of the culture and documentary records of performances at the National Bunraku Theater of Japan. Gorgeousness of costumes was forbidden from about the Kan-ei age on, and costumes were taken from the costumes of court nobles, military families and Noh costumes of prior ages, and the general fashions were taken from about the Genroku age. The epoch-making conversion of the costumes were tried and the foundation of today was formed from Enkyo age to Horeki age. There are some fundamental principles in the sewing and the dressing of the present costumes. The costumes for realistic drama seem to be somewhat stereotyped and realistic. The transformation, the specialization and the exaggeration of general fasions in historical drama are remarkable. Moreover, the high aesthetic sense and artistic effects can be seen in the design. Within the restrictions and limitations to manipulate a puppet, the Bunraku costumes make use of the character of the dolls and it shows its function to construct and to realize an original characteristic world of art as an existence which exceeded the human. There are characteristics, and an appeal of the costumes of Bunraku not seen in the costumes of Kabuki and Noh where human beings perform.
朱 捷 ZHU jie
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.29, pp.93-108, 2012-03-30

Nothing expresses the essence and thinking of classical Chinese culture and literature better than the palindrome, although palindromes themselves are not highly ranked. Exhibiting the tendency of classical Chinese literature to present everything in dyads, and to highly value the never-ending cycle between two poles, palindromes are also recognized in the iconography of the Book of Changes (I Ching, 易経), in which the symbols of the 64 hexagrams are arranged as iconographic palindromes. It might be said that these 64 hexagrams represent the "Mandala" of Chinese cosmology. This paper examines and discusses the hypothesis that if it is true that a palindrome is hidden in this Mandala, then not only Chinese cosmology, but Chinese literature in its entirety as a cultural concept is characterized by the phenomenon of the palindrome.
鈴木 健司 SUZUKI Kenji
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.38, pp.142-157, 2021-07-29

This essay provides an overview of Canadian nation-building, deals with the British and Canadian regulations on nationality and citizenship, and examines how they affected each other. The process of Canada’s independence is sometimes referred to as “evolution,” in contrast to the American “Revolution.” Starting from British colonies, Canada achieved independence in stages, gradually separating from Britain: promotion to a Dominion, autonomous diplomacy, the British Commonwealth of Nations, and the patriation of the constitutional law from London. The same applies to Canadian nationality and citizenship. The origin of the concepts lies in the status of the British subject, inherited by the common law. Then, critical points came with the following regulations: (1) the British Naturalization Act of 1870, which finished up the traditional nationality system, defining the British subject based on the common law, (2) a series of Canadian laws from the 1910s to the 1920s on immigration, naturalization, and nationality, referring to Canadian citizenship and nationality for the first time, with the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914, which provided the common code over the status of the British subject, (3) the Canadian Citizenship Act 1946, which radically changed the relations between the concepts of British subject and Canadian citizenship, followed by the British Nationality Act 1948, which introduced a new classification of the British subject.
諸井 克英 MOROI Katsuhide
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of The Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.23, pp.71-80, 2006-03-31

The present study examined (a) the factor structure of the attractiveness of the father and (b) the relationship between the attractiveness of the father and relationship experiences with the father in female adolescents. The Attractiveness of Father Scale (Onodera, 1984) and the Relationship Experiences with Father Scale (Onodera, 1984; 1993) were administered to female adolescents (N=231). The latter scale measured the father-daughter contacts in both the past time (the junior high school age) and the present time. The factor analysis (principal factor method with promax rotations) of the Attractiveness of Father Scale yielded three factors, labeled as follows; humanistic attractiveness, attractiveness as a male, affiliation between father and mother. The analyses of the Relationship Experiences with Father Scale were executed. The relationship experiences with the father were composed of emotional bond and control in either the past time or the present time. To examine the relationships pattern among father-attractiveness factors and relationship experiences factors, structural equation model analyses (Amos5.0) were executed. A good solution was found. Father's emotional bond strongly influenced the humanistic attractiveness of father. Interestingly, either emotional bond or control in the past time was significantly related to father-attractiveness. The father existence problem proposed by Mitscherlich (1963) and Freud's trauma viewpoint (1917) were also discussed.
生井 知子
総合文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:09100105)
vol.22, pp.125-144, 2005-03-31

研究プロジェクト・論文 (Final research project reports)
猿田 佳那子
総合文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:09100105)
vol.26, pp.76-88, 2009-03-31

本報は、2002 年から現在までに筆者がおこなってきた事例研究のうち、入学式、卒業式、結婚式など「ハレ」の場にふさわしい服装を求めた被服構成をとりあげるものである。各事例について、障がいの概要を述べ、衣生活上の困難を整理し、実際に行った被服構成を述べ、当事者や家族などから得た情報をもとに車椅子使用者の社会活動を支援するための被服構成の特質を考察した。その結果、被服構成に必要な技術は、いわゆる健常者の衣服をとりあつかう場合と変わらないが、不都合な点や要望を聞き取り、それを被服構成に反映するにはいくつかの特異性が認められる。そこで、被服構成技術と衣生活環境の側面から留意点をまとめた。上半身着については座面以下の処理方法とアームホール寸法の拡大が重要であること、女性の下半身着については巻きスカート形式の特長が明らかになった。女性の「ハレ」着の定番である和装は、関節可動域が小さくなった人にも無理なく着用できる要素を持っている。本報にかかわる調査をとおして、衣服の持つ社会的な機能を実感し、「ハレ」の場にふさわしい服装の用意があるということが、各個人の尊厳にかかわることを再認識した。
藤原 孝章 FUJIWARA Takaaki
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of The Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.23, pp.81-96, 2006-03-31

The contents of this research consist of two parts: identifying the significance of current issues studies through the analysis of 'Social Studies in Japan in the early years after the Second World War.' and N.I.E; Newspapers in Education; and clarifying the strategy of developing learning units in social studies in order to improve the lesson plans for current issues studies. Current issues are 'the controversial issues in our society and the world'. Therefore the aims of learning current issues are to make students become involved in their society and to have them examine consider the values of a democratic society by themselves. Also I present the principles of a learning methodology for social studies related to a democratic society, and then, I apply them to the analysis of learning units for current issues in recent years, and propose an improved design for them.
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.33, pp.1-15, 2016-07-15

In August 1925, Yokomitsu Riichi (1898-1947), who had been hailed as the leader of the Neo-Sensualist movement, published the short story 'Machi no Soko', in the magazine 'Bungei Jidai'. This work appeared at a time when, as the critic Hirano Ken has pointed out, the Japanese world of letters was dominated by the sanpa teiritsu, i.e., the three-cornered contest between the already established realistic literature, the proletarian literature, and the new novel of the 20th century. This paper aims to show that 'Machi no Soko' has features that challenge both realistic and proletarian literature, while bringing to the fore its modernist characteristics.論文