中村 博一
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.24, pp.285-303, 2011

Nollywood is one of the key issues in the contemporary African media worlds. Since 2001 I have conducted my research on video culture in Sokoto, Northern Nigeria. In this article I trace some developmental processes of popular market literature and video-movie among the Hausa-speaking people, and try to analyze kungfu video-movies produced in Sokoto, as resulting from watching Hong Kong movies for several decades.
明 恵英
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.23, pp.189-208, 2011-03-01

Judging from contents taken from among the above-mentioned two people, Tyesungu was the love of modern times and the suitable partner who could practice "the love of the body and soul" for wise Nahyaesoku. Tyesungu initiated Nahyaesoku into the new knowledge that he cultivated through Japan and they repeated arguments.However, the two people seem to have agreed "to create Korean things from the knowledge that they got through Japan", but they were divided in their opinion about "realization of the self of the woman" and "the self of the community". Nahyaesoku rook in his opinion enough and wrote "an ideal woman" and advocated women's rights theory, but as Tyesungu attached greater importance to race sovereignty recovery, he gave her advice calmly that, though he could understand her idea, he could not agree with it because women's rights theory was too early.It must have been hard for Nahyaesoku not to get support of dearest Tyesungu. It is supposed that she had a blank of a further 2 years and six months for that reason. And it was 1917, 1 year and six month passed after Tyesungu died, at last she was awakened to "the self of the race" and wrote an article that reflected on herself at that time.
明 恵英
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.24, pp.180-197, 2012-03-01

In the early days of 1910, 'Sirakaba', the group of liteerature was interested in Japanese literary trends because the Sirakaba grew out of naturalism and stood for humanitarianism and idealism. Their theory was spread by 'Shirakaba' the journal of literature in Japan. After that, the sutudents from Korea studying abroad in Japan Published the Korean journal 'Hakjigwang' inspired by Sirakaba, because they had huge agreement with the movement of Shirakaba where they spoke about the bad colonial situation of Korea. In shis group, Seung gu Choi, who was the lover of Hyesuk Na and a poet of Korea, was in charge as chairman of editing and printing. After that, he publised an essay 'revolutionize yourself' inspired by the theories of 'individuality', 'the self' and so on from Musanokoji Saneatz. On the other hand, Hyesuk Na who joined the group of students studying abroad with Kyungsuk Na, her older brother, fell spiritual love with Seunggu Choi. In 1914, Hyesuk Na was fixing her aim in life as the first and best feminist of Korea by publishing 'the ideal lady' in th Korean journal Hakjigwang inspired by 'Cheongtop' the best journal for the Japanese female. However, Seunggu Choi asked Hyesuk Na to join in the regeneration of colonized Korea by publisshing an essay 'the requirement of sentimental life'. In 1917, after Seunggu Choi died of phthisis, Hyesuk Na suggested to turn him into a nationalist by publishing an essay 'miscellaneous impressions' which was composed in two parts. After that, she determined the resuscitation of Korea by publishing a brief tale 'to granddaughter who comes to life again' and she participated in the campaign for the independence of Korea.
八代 隆政
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.13, pp.104-140, 2001-03-01

In the discussion of Pashto, two major dialectal groupings are considered – "Soft Pashto" or southwestern dialects spoken around Kandahar, Afghanistan; and "Hard Pashto" or northeastern dialects spoken in the Peshawar area, Pakistan. The latter has been most directly in contact with western Indian languages, e.g. Urdu and Punjabi.This report presents the results of my linguistic survey in Peshawar, including new data of Yusufzai dialects based on my field work. Then similarities and differences between Urdu and Pashto will be identified. It is intended as a beginning rather than an end-point.
小林 勝法
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.32, pp.93-111, 2020-03-16

I examined 116 school songs of private universities which I found through their websites or by contacting them, in order to analyze their characteristics. Of them, 110 universities (94%) had established school songs. I obtained and investigated the lyrics of 109 of those by classifying them into the following time periods according to the year they were established:Old system period (1920-1947) : The period of the old school system Expansion period (1948-1988) : The period after World War II, when many universities were establishedHeisei period (1989-2014):The period when the 18-year-old population began to decline, women's colleges became coeducational, and junior colleges became universitiesUpon text mining the lyrics, I found the following characteristics:・In the lyrics, 75 of the university songs included the name of the university (69%), 36 mentioned the founding spirit (33%), and 73 had details including the name and features of the landscape where the university was located(67%).・The words that appeared most often in the lyrics were "my", "our" (246 times)," Oh!" (84 times)," world" (75 times), and "alma mater" (61 times).・Many of the frequently appearing words were common to both the old system and expansion periods which extolled the spirit of young people studying to seek their ideals, bring honor to their alma mater, and make history.・Inspiration, and support for life and school life appeared to be characteristic of university songs in the expansion and Heisei periods with words like “dreams", "friends", and "flowers" appearing often. The trend grew even stronger in the latter period where I observed words like "tomorrow", "future", and "youth". The increasing in the ratio of university admission has changed the university culture and student temperament, and this is reflected in the characteristics of the school songs.
浜垣 誠司 柴山 雅俊 石原 次郎 鈴木 健司 大島 丈志
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.34, pp.126-89, 2022-03-16

This report is a record of a symposium aimed at analyzing the imagination of Kenji Miyazawa’s work from a psychiatric perspective. Some of Miyazawa’s works are highly recordable and are interpreted as reflecting his realistic situation. This report takes the poem “Shukan”, and analyzes it from the perspective of “dissociation”, showing that it can be interpreted as “imaginary companion”.

1 0 0 0 OA 中国人の姓名

李 永寧
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.10, pp.125-137, 1998-02-01

Like Japanese,Chinese present their names surname first. In china married woman retaining their maiden name is a common practice, but in Japan the situation is a bit different. Japanese know less about Chinese naming practice than one might expext.
稲垣 泰一
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.26, pp.236-213, 2014-03-01

This paper explores the Saigoku Junrei Daiengi. A simple description of background is accompanied by explanation of the detailes of reprint and revision. Main points are addressed first with an outline of bibliographical data and content. The discussion then probes the historical origins of the pilgrimage to Saigoku's Thirty-three Sacred Kannons and the various aspects of its narrative. Finally, the special chalacteristics of this narrative's transmission are discussed with a view to its status, establishment and background.
稲垣 泰一
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.27, pp.210-189, 2015-03-01

This paper explores the origins of the manuscript entitled Saigoku Sanjusansho Yurai (33 temples featuring a statue of Avalokitesvara in western Japan) dating from the year 1864, the first year of the era of Genji in the final years of the Edo period. Along with a simple interpretation of the meaning of this volume, an introduction to the facsimile edition is added. Saigoku Sanjusansho detailes in one volume the how and why of the pilgrimage to the Thirty-three Holy Places of Kannon (the Goddess of Mercy) in western Japan. A synopsis thereof is provided in 20 pages where the special features of this work are considered. This was written and read by a religious association and is thought to have been referred to those who carried it with them during pilgrimages.
任 利
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.27, pp.135-153, 2015-03-01

The purpose of this study is to reveal the existence of sexism hidden in the illustrative sentences in a modern Chinese dictionary. By analyzing the usage of male and female third personal pronouns appearing in the illustrative sentences, we found that a man and a woman tended to be depicted differently in stereotypical ways. Male third personal pronouns were used more frequently than female ones in the dictionary. Women were described negatively in the example sentences more often than men. In some examples, women were evaluated positively but only in a narrow range of criteria, such as in physical apprearance or personality.
中村 修也
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.27, pp.188-174, 2015-03-01

Tokijiku-no-Kakunokonomi is defined as immortal fruits, which were brought from the land of the dead by Tajimamori. So it was Tachibana fruit in the Heian period. But they are only legend because Tokijiku-no-Kakunokonomi were trees around the emperor’s tomb. They symbolized eternal life because they are evergreen trees. Tajimamori is one of the clans that take care of the emperor’s tomb. This legend teaches us that evergreen trees were planted around the Japanese ancient tomb.
加藤 一郎
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.1, pp.41-63, 1988-04-01

После смерти хана Тохты (1313 г.) царевич Узбек, который поддерживался городской аристократией, исповедующей мусульманство, захватил власть. Золотая орда при хане Узбеке (1313—1342 гг.) испытала самое блестящее время её истории. Золотая орда восстановила традиционную русскую политику, ослабленную во времена двоевластия орды (столкновения между Тохтой и Ногаем). Хан Узбек поддерживал Московское княжество, чтобы ослабить Тверское княжество, являющееся одним из сильных княжеств на северо-восточной Руси. Тогда на северо-западе Литовское великое княжество превращалось в могущественное государство и стало угрожать монголам распадем своего господства над Русью. Чтобы препятствовать расширению Литвы, монголы решили воспитать Московское княжество. В результате этого изменения русской политики монголов, Иван Данилович Калита, получивщий титул великого князя Владимирского в 1331 г., поскольку верно выполнял приказание монголов, постольку разрещался укрепить своё княжество. После смерти хана Узбека (1342 г.) его второй сын Джанибек из трёх сыновей сел на отцовский престол. Но времена хана Джанибека (1342—1357 гг.) явлись периодом постепенного упадка могущества Золотой орды. Она прекратилась быть гегемоном Восточной Европы и стала одной из держав Восточной Европы.
加藤 一郎
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.2, pp.49-69, 1989-06-01

Великая смута наступила с момента убийства хана Бердибека(1359). За 20лет сменилось более 25 ханов в Золотой орде. В годы этой смуты центральная власть Сарая не могла управлять всей территориям Золотой орды и превращалась в местную власть. Местные влиятельные эмили, которые давно устремились стать независимым, установили самостоятельные княжествы. Пространство на запад от Нижней Волги вошло в сферу влияния Мамая, одного из влиятельнейших эмилов. В результате этого разделения Золотой орды, северо-восточная Русь оказалась от Сарая оторванной. Мамай взялся восстановление зависимости северо-восточной Руси от монголов, почти прекратившейся в годы безвластия в Золотой орде. Он придержался той же политики на Руси, что и его предшественники, и препятствовал усилению одного из княжеств северо-восточной Руси. В первой половине 60 годов XIV века Мамай поддерживал Москвского князя Дмитрия Ивановича против Суздальского князя Дмитрия Константиновича, полутившего ханский ярлык Владимирского великого князя от Сарая. Но когда Московкому князю удалось распространить свое влияние и власть на другие княжества северо-восточной Руси, Мамай решился нанести ему сильный военный удар. Итак 8 сентября 1380 года произошло сражение на Куликовом поле между войсками Мамая и Руси. Советские историки считают, что Куликовская победа русских над монголами - величайшая освободительная битва в истории русского народа (Б. Рыбаков). Но по моему они слишком преувеличивают значение этой победы, так как хану Тохтамышу удалось восстановить господство над Русью сразу после Куликовской битвы.
加藤 一郎
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
no.1, pp.41-63, 1988-04-01

После смерти хана Тохты (1313 г.) царевич Узбек, который поддерживался городской аристократией, исповедующей мусульманство, захватил власть. Золотая орда при хане Узбеке (1313—1342 гг.) испытала самое блестящее время её истории. Золотая орда восстановила традиционную русскую политику, ослабленную во времена двоевластия орды (столкновения между Тохтой и Ногаем). Хан Узбек поддерживал Московское княжество, чтобы ослабить Тверское княжество, являющееся одним из сильных княжеств на северо-восточной Руси. Тогда на северо-западе Литовское великое княжество превращалось в могущественное государство и стало угрожать монголам распадем своего господства над Русью. Чтобы препятствовать расширению Литвы, монголы решили воспитать Московское княжество. В результате этого изменения русской политики монголов, Иван Данилович Калита, получивщий титул великого князя Владимирского в 1331 г., поскольку верно выполнял приказание монголов, постольку разрещался укрепить своё княжество. После смерти хана Узбека (1342 г.) его второй сын Джанибек из трёх сыновей сел на отцовский престол. Но времена хана Джанибека (1342—1357 гг.) явлись периодом постепенного упадка могущества Золотой орды. Она прекратилась быть гегемоном Восточной Европы и стала одной из держав Восточной Европы.
加藤 一郎
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
no.2, pp.49-69, 1989-06-01

Великая смута наступила с момента убийства хана Бердибека(1359). За 20лет сменилось более 25 ханов в Золотой орде. В годы этой смуты центральная власть Сарая не могла управлять всей территориям Золотой орды и превращалась в местную власть. Местные влиятельные эмили, которые давно устремились стать независимым, установили самостоятельные княжествы. Пространство на запад от Нижней Волги вошло в сферу влияния Мамая, одного из влиятельнейших эмилов. В результате этого разделения Золотой орды, северо-восточная Русь оказалась от Сарая оторванной. Мамай взялся восстановление зависимости северо-восточной Руси от монголов, почти прекратившейся в годы безвластия в Золотой орде. Он придержался той же политики на Руси, что и его предшественники, и препятствовал усилению одного из княжеств северо-восточной Руси. В первой половине 60 годов XIV века Мамай поддерживал Москвского князя Дмитрия Ивановича против Суздальского князя Дмитрия Константиновича, полутившего ханский ярлык Владимирского великого князя от Сарая. Но когда Московкому князю удалось распространить свое влияние и власть на другие княжества северо-восточной Руси, Мамай решился нанести ему сильный военный удар. Итак 8 сентября 1380 года произошло сражение на Куликовом поле между войсками Мамая и Руси. Советские историки считают, что Куликовская победа русских над монголами - величайшая освободительная битва в истории русского народа (Б. Рыбаков). Но по моему они слишком преувеличивают значение этой победы, так как хану Тохтамышу удалось восстановить господство над Русью сразу после Куликовской битвы.
小林 明子 福田 倫子
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.33, pp.23-44, 2021-03-16

In this study, international students planned and implemented events to conduct project-based learning for children in the community. Semi-structured interviews were conducted before, during, and after 15 classes. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that students' motivation changed as the lessons progressed. We further found that the characteristics of project-based learning (e.g., self-determination regarding the content of activities and activities outside the university) and the nature of the group (e.g., cooperative relationships with other learners and disagreements) influence fluctuation in motivation. The study examined methods for improving lessons from the perspective of motivation.
近藤 研至
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.31, pp.31-52, 2019

This paper discusses expression usage of the Japanese adjective predicate sentence. The expression usage has prototype and i -dropped type, such as atsui! , atsu! "hot!". Two types have five common properties. It is to have having recognition contents, thing recognizing at a place of the utterance, not arriving at the judgment, not trying transmission, and various feelings. The prototype is a basic form of the expression usage, but the i-dropped type is a model of the states of the recognition. Therefore i-dropped types have increased recently. In addition, i-dropped type can express various feelings. Two types may be emphasized at a place of the utterance. A used method is to insert an assimilated sound in a word and make vowel sound of the end of a word a long sound then, such as aʔtsui! aʔtsu! , atsuRi! atsuR! , aʔtsuRi!.aʔtsuR! .
岡野 雅雄 浅川 雅美
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
no.15, pp.1-18, 2003-03-01

Through the semiotic analysis of Japanese award-winning commercials for beer and whiskey, we learn that: CMs for beer have a common theme of obtaining a "pleasant sensation" after suffering troubles in humorous and realistic setups. In the case of whiskey CMs, the "European" connotation is more important. And the brand image is distinguished clearly by realistic/non-realistic modality features. The characters of commercial films are in agreement with the target segmentation of the product. The middle-aged male plays the leading role in both genres of CM.