藤田 智博 太郎丸 博
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.23, pp.1-17, 2015-12-25

This study investigates public opinion in Japan regarding space development. Manned space development (MSD) is costly and dangerous, so some feel that the Japanese government should allocate larger budgets for unmanned space development (USD), on the basis that USD has potential for more scientific results at lower cost. However, previous studies lack an empirical assessment of public opinion on which type of space development the public would prefer. We collected data through an Internet survey conducted in 2014. We randomly sampled 700 respondents from survey monitors with ratios approximating the Japanese population stratified by sex, age, and education. Questionnaire items were related to respondents' perception of space development, opinions on the continuation of MSD after fatal accidents, and opinions on which type of space development are preferable. Our results indicate a general image of MSD as being risky, unprofitable, and not promising, while UMD is viewed as being safer. Most respondents felt that the Japanese government should continue MSD even after a fatal accident once the cause of the accident has been investigated. More respondents preferred MSD over USD, but generally approved of higher government budgets for USD. These results suggest a general preference for MSD in spite of its risks and low productivity, and a preference for larger budgets being allocated to USD because of its productivity.
岡崎 宏樹
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.6, pp.1-21, 1998-12-25

Confronted with so shocking a event which gives too extraordinarily intense impression, one will lose self-control. Such experience, sometimes so delightful, sometimes so sorrowful, can change one's personalty fundamentally. What does the shock bring about? How does the experience of the shock have its overwhelming influence on a person? Where is the person whom the shock left its mark on destined to go? In order to throw light on these questions, I would like to examine the phenomenon called psychological trauma. It is not the aim of this paper to define the trauma or to examine many psychotherapies which are designed to remend it, but to examine how traumatic events occur just to get some clues to an understanding of extraordinarily intense experiences, where one may find some suggestive conclusion for sociological studies. For this purpose Sigmund Freud's Project For a Scientific Psychology is, which tries to explain all the psychological phenomena with its original neuron theory, is examined. It seems to give us no less remarkable theory to understand psychological trauma than his later writings. In fact Project itself does not refer to the trauma. Nevertheless the concept of Pain in Project seems to be full of suggestions if we regard it as one that means the traumatic event. For instance it shows that the peak of Pain namely the moment when such events are the most intense cannot be memorized in normal way. It implies the impossibility of the complete recovery which psychotherapy that attaches great importance to remembrance of traumatic experience supposes to attain. Project model can explain the reason. It also shows that the anxiety which derived from experience of Pain can establish the system of ego. In the second part of this article, what the phenomenon called recovery from trauma means will be considered, by examining, from the standpoint of the neuron theory of Project, the play of a child who experienced traumatic situation. In the study of the trauma we find many sorts of repetition. The dreams of those suffering traumatic neurosis repeat the same scene of traumatic situations. Those patients sometimes repeat the same traumatic situation as they had experienced before in the actual stuation: it is called acting-out. While, the child repeats the play which seems to express the traumatic situation. I will examine the different levels of these repetitions and show the significance of creative repetition of the play of the child, which seems to imply the possibility of impossibile recovery.
田野 大輔
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.5, pp.123-150, 1997-12-25

In diesem Aufsatz geht es um die kulturelle Reichweite der Motorisierung im Dritten Reich. Den kulturpolitischen Grundzug des Nationalsozialismus hat J. Herf als 》Reaktionare Modernitat《 charakterisiert, d.h. als Mischung von reaktionarer Politik und technischer Modernitat. Aber dieser Begriff ist irrefuhrend, weil sich die Haltung der Nationalsozialisten zur Modernitat nicht einfach als 》reaktionar《 definieren lasst. Eher sollte man den an sich ambivalenten Charakter der Moderne, der von D. Peukert als 》Janusgesicht des Modernisierungsprozesses《 gekennzeichnet worden ist, zur Diskussion stellen, um das Wesen des Nationalsozialismus zu erklaren. Darilber hinaus soll hier klargemacht werden, dass sich Hitlers Diktatur auf diese ambivalente Modernitat stutzte, die das deutsche Volk bis zum Zusammenbruch des Dritten Reiches faszinierte und nicht zuletzt im Autobahnbau und im Volkswagenprojekt ihren Niederschlag fand. Hitler trat mit dem Ziel an, eine motorisierte Volksgemeinschaft zu schaffen. Er gelobte, auch dem deutschen Arbeiter zu einem Wagen, dem Symbol der Modernitat, zu verhelfen und damit die spannungsgeladene Distanz zwischen den Schichten auszugleichen. Das war eine lockende Verheissung der NS-Zukunft. Der 》Fuhrer《 betrachtete das Automobil und andere Technologien als Mittel der Herrschaft, als 》elan vital《 des neuen faschistischen Menschen. Das Autobewusstsein des Dritten Reiches ist daher wohl als 》stahlerne Romantik《 zu kennzeichnen, wie Goebbels es nannte. Hier lasst sich die Ambivalenz der nationalsozialistischen Modernitat ganz klar erkennen, d.h. die Synthese von technologischem Fortschritt und diktatorischem Herrschaftsanspruch. Die Reichsautobahnen, 》die Strassen des Fuhrers《, sollten nicht nur 》Pyramiden des Reiches《 sein, sondern auch Symbol der Einheit der Nation, der raumliche Ausdruck der Gleichschaltung. Hier spiegelte sich die ganz moderne Vision einer integrierten Gesellschaft, der die Nationalsozialisten nur ihren eigenen Ausdruck gaben. Daruber hinaus sollten die Autobahnen nach Auffassung von F. Todt 》Kunstwerk《 sein, das den Versuch darstellte, Technik und Kultur zu versohnen und die NS-Ideologie in Stahl, Stein und Beton zu materialisieren. Wahrend aber die NS-Kunst grundsatzlich technologiefrei war, mit Ausnahme der Autobahnen, sah Hitler den Volkswagen eher im Kontext des Massenkonsums. Der Volkswagen sollte ein solides Gebrauchsgut sein und daher in seinem Design Einfachheit, Bescheidenheit, Zuverlassigkeit und Sparsamkeit darstellen. Bei seiner Stromlinienform, die die Geschwindigkeit formal zum Ausdruck brachte, ging es darum, den technologischen Fortschritt und die Modernitat des Regimes zu symbolisieren. Im Gegensatz zur Kunst, wo mit der Ausrottung der 》entarteten《 Kunst Modernitat nicht mehr thematisiert wurde, trat in der Autowerbung jedoch der moderne Massenkonsum als Hauptthema auf, in dem sich die Sehnsucht des Volkes nach einem bewegteren, individuelleren Leben widerspiegelte. Der Nationalsozialismus verstarkte also die Tendenzen zur Massenkonsumgesellschaft, denn die atomisierte Masse kam ihm hochst gelegen. Zusammenfassend lasst sich sagen, dass der Wille zur Motorisierung im Dritten Reich wohl als das 》Janusgesicht《 der Modernitat zu charakterisieren ist. Problematisch ist nur die Bewertung dieser Ambivalenz. Dieser ambivalence Charakter eignet sich nicht als Erklarungsmodell fur Verschleierungspraktiken oder Lugenhaftigkeit des Nationalsozialismus. Im Gegenteil zielten die Nationalsozialisten selbst auf einen Fortschritt in Harmonie und Ordnung, die Versohnung von Moderne und Kultur. Unverkennbar ist allerdings, dass diese Vision an sich im hochsten Grade modern ist. Man kann sogar die archaischen Elemente der NS-Kultur als Ausdruck der Modernisierungstriebkraft interpretieren, weil es ein ganz moderner Verhaltenskodex ist, zur ideologischen Legitimierung alte Symbole zu benutzen. Letztlich handelt es sich um die Durchmischung von progressiven und regressiven Tendenzen als typischen Phanomenen der Modernisierung.
竹内 里欧
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.17, pp.29-42, 2009-12-25

In this paper I intend to reconsider the boom of bushido (spirit of warrior) in modern Japanese society by analyzing the short story "Hankechi" written by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) in 1916. In modern Japan, the bushido boom began around the end of the nineteenth century. Since the Sino-Japanese War (1894-5) bushido became popular in Japanese discourse. Of course bushi (warrior) as a social class had been abolished before this era. However, it was this boom that made the moral of bushi popular to people from all walks of life. The symbolic work of this boom was Bushido: The Soul of Japan written by Nitobe Inazo (1862-1933) in 1899. It was first published in the United States in 1899, and translated into Japanese in 1908. Nitobe was a famous thinker and educator who had a strong influence on the bushido boom. He had an ambition to be "a bridge between the East and the West". In his book, Nitobe tried to explain bushido as a spirit of Japanese society. He emphasized that bushido was a civilized and refined moral which could be equal to Western ethics. In order to reconsider the bushido boom, I would like to take up one story "Hankechi (Handkerchief)" written by Akutagawa. In the story Akutagawa caricatured Nitobe's ideas of bushido cynically. Even though it is only a short story, it succeeds in grasping the essence of the problem in civilization process of Japan, which was reflected well in the bushido boom. Therefore, it seems reasonable to examine this story as a clue to understand the aporia of the modernization and civilization process of Japan. Especially, I will focus on the "uneasiness" that came over the main character in the last scene of this story. I shall explain why he felt "uneasy" and how that kind of feeling was connected to the identities of intellectuals in modern Japanese society. For this purpose, I would like to use Louis Althusser's theory. Especially I pay attention to his theory about subjectivization. I shall discuss the difficulties embedded in the process in which modern Japanese intellectuals became subjects as represented by Nitobe Inazo's case.
松浦 雄介
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.12, pp.73-90, 2004-12-25

In this paper I investigate the mode of memory and style of life in early works of Furui Yoshikichi, a contemporary Japanese novelist. Contemporary society could be characterized by its indeterminacy. This indeterminacy appears on the level of everyday life in various ways. Memory is a point of view suitable for observing the indeterminacy of society. As H. Bergson once said, memory enables free action and creates the rhythm of life. But it is common that one's memory is interrupted and fragmented in modern society, which is driven by endless changes. Interruption and fragmentation of memory is a symptom of indeterminacy of a society. We can understand the latter by analyzing the former. The purpose of this paper is to consider the characteristics of indeterminacy in contemporary society through observing how their memories are interrupted and fragmented. This is the reason for why I focus on the mode of memory in Furui's novels. In Furui's works, relationships between contradictory values-such as life
岡崎 宏樹
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.6, pp.1-21, 1998-12-25

Confronted with so shocking a event which gives too extraordinarily intense impression, one will lose self-control. Such experience, sometimes so delightful, sometimes so sorrowful, can change one's personalty fundamentally. What does the shock bring about? How does the experience of the shock have its overwhelming influence on a person? Where is the person whom the shock left its mark on destined to go? In order to throw light on these questions, I would like to examine the phenomenon called psychological trauma. It is not the aim of this paper to define the trauma or to examine many psychotherapies which are designed to remend it, but to examine how traumatic events occur just to get some clues to an understanding of extraordinarily intense experiences, where one may find some suggestive conclusion for sociological studies. For this purpose Sigmund Freud's Project For a Scientific Psychology is, which tries to explain all the psychological phenomena with its original neuron theory, is examined. It seems to give us no less remarkable theory to understand psychological trauma than his later writings. In fact Project itself does not refer to the trauma. Nevertheless the concept of Pain in Project seems to be full of suggestions if we regard it as one that means the traumatic event. For instance it shows that the peak of Pain namely the moment when such events are the most intense cannot be memorized in normal way. It implies the impossibility of the complete recovery which psychotherapy that attaches great importance to remembrance of traumatic experience supposes to attain. Project model can explain the reason. It also shows that the anxiety which derived from experience of Pain can establish the system of ego. In the second part of this article, what the phenomenon called recovery from trauma means will be considered, by examining, from the standpoint of the neuron theory of Project, the play of a child who experienced traumatic situation. In the study of the trauma we find many sorts of repetition. The dreams of those suffering traumatic neurosis repeat the same scene of traumatic situations. Those patients sometimes repeat the same traumatic situation as they had experienced before in the actual stuation: it is called acting-out. While, the child repeats the play which seems to express the traumatic situation. I will examine the different levels of these repetitions and show the significance of creative repetition of the play of the child, which seems to imply the possibility of impossibile recovery.
田多井 俊喜
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.26, pp.51-61, 2018-12-25

This article examines the limitation of Queer Theory, which is used in discussing transgender persons. Queer Theory has excellent methodology derived from the work of leading schlar M. Foucault. Foucault calls this methodology "genealogy". Queer Theory is derived from this genealogy. Genealogy explains the origins of subjectivity or identity. Specifically, the discourse creates the subject and subjectivity is generated in the process of building the subject. Applying this model to transgender identity, medical discourse was the creative force for such identity. But, there is a problem with this model. It ignores the transgender "body": that is, the biological body. This biological body has physiological phenomena. Transgender persons experience the physiological phenomena as everyday difficulties. These factors arise out of the genealogy. If they are ignored, Queer Theory makes it difficult to analyze transgender people's everyday difficulties.
田野 大輔
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.7, pp.63-80, 1999-12-25

In diesem Aufsatz geht es um den Gesamtzusammenhang der nationalsozialistischen Medienrealitat, die von Widerspruchen und Konflikten gekennzeichnet wurde. Zuerst werden einzelne Medienbereiche (Presse, Rundfunk, Film und Kunst) untersucht, und dadurch wird festgestellt, dass die Hauptkontrahenten der kulturpolitischen Machtkampfe vor allem Goebbels und Rosenberg waren. Der Propagandaminister, ein Virtuose im Umgang mit den modernen Massenmedien, war der pragmatischen Meinung, dass Unterhaltung staatspolitisch wichtig sei, denn ohne Optimismus sei kein Krieg zu gewinnen, wahrend der Chefideologe ein sturer Dogmatiker war, der sich immer an einer volkischen Weltanschauung orientierte. Dieser Konflikt zwischen pragmatischer Moderne und volkischer Antimoderne spitzte sich zu, nicht zuletzt auf einem kulturpolitischen Feld, das mit der NS-Gemeinschaft "Kraft durch Freude" innerhalb der von Ley beherrschten Deutschen Arbeitsfront entstand. Durch eine kurze Untersuchung ihrer Tatigkeiten wird gezeigt, dass diese Mammutorganisation versuchte, Moderne und Antimoderne zu versohnen und eine politische Asthetik herzustellen. Diese Asthetik wurde zu einem klassischen Schonheitsideal uberhoht, wie es in den monumentalen Bauten Speers oder in den Olympischen Spielen 1936 dargestellt wurde. Nach der Auffassung Hitlers sollte es sogar um einen von Klassizitat gepragten neuen Menschentyp gehen. Somit lasst sich schliessen, dass die politische Asthetik, die als moderner Klassizismus zu charakterisieren ist, eine integrierende Rolle innerhalb der widerspruchlichen Kulturpolitik im Dritten Reich spielte.
高木 学
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.7, pp.121-140, 1999-12-25

This population movement, caused by modernization and urbanization, has consistently flowed from rural areas to cities. Consequently, rural agricultural communities have declined and lost their vitality. Although nationwide development and activation plans for underpopulated areas have been drawn up in order to ease this problem, the exodus from rural areas has not been stemmed. Since the 1980s, however, the population has flowed in the opposite direction. This movement from cities into underpopulated rural areas, the so-called 'I-turn', is significant in that it appears to be a rejection of modernity and urbanization. However it has been thought that this movement from cities into underpopulated rural areas caused mainly by problems of cities, and the subjective influence of underpopulated rural areas has been not made of as yet. In this article, I focus upon this subjective influence, and analyze their living conditions and their intentions. In conclusion, I demonstrate that the movement into underpopulated areas has two main features: 1) the phenomenon of urban population movement into underpopulated rural areas has the side as a survival strategy of rural areas, and showed two inconsistent workings of rural people that is toward exclusion and toward assimilation, 2) there are a negotiated transaction Between local inhabitants and settlers, that is called mutual compensation of the contrariness. I consider that rural areas are now real living spaces for the settlers rather than idealized locations for leisure consumption.
右田 裕規
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.9, pp.93-114, 2001-12-25

The fact that the pictures of the Imperial family of Japan were called "goshin-ei", and were treated as the icons of the religious observance at schools in modern Japan was pointed out by a lot of preceding studies on the "goshin-ei". According to these precedent studies, on festival days of the Imperial family, school students at the prewar days were made to worship pictures of the Imperial family that Japanese government sent to many schools, and through these religious observances at schools, the government succeeded in cultivating the respects for the Imperial family in Japanese people. By the way, many pictures and portraits of the Imperial family of Japan were sold by private merchants, and were printed in newspapers and magazines frequently at prewar days. But preceding studies on the "goshin-ei" treated the pictures of the Imperial family that the government sent to schools exclusively, and didn't refer to the pictures and portraits of the Imperial family sold or distributed by private merchants and the mass media. The purposes of this paper are to elucidate the activities of the Japanese government, the mass media and people around gravures of the Imperial family of Japan in newspapers and magazines at prewar times, and to make clear the mentalities to the Imperial family that these gravures cultivated in Japanese people.
高 誠晩
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.17, pp.87-111, 2009-12-25

The April 3rd Massacre of civilian people which constitutes the background of the present study took place in the Jeju Island, South Korea, between 1947 and 1953. As Jeju civilians started an armed uprising against the establishment of the two Koreas, the South Korean government dispatched a suppressing force to the Jeju Island, and in the process of subduing the uprising, about thirty thousand civilians were killed. For the following fifty years, the Jeju April 3rd Massacre was treated as a 'social taboo' in Korean society. However, at the end of the 1990s, when South Korea changed to a democratic system, the public became more and more open to talk about the April 3rd Massacre. In the year 2000, after the acceptance of the Jeju April 3rd Special Act in the National Assembly, the government initiated activities to promote a 'social agreement' concerning the past. With these historical facts in the background, I focus on how the government attempted to promote the necessary social agreement. Although there were definitely positive aspects in this attempt, I point out several problems in this process. The first problem pertains to the fact that the 'politics of agreement' is being operated by the government. Firstly, I analyze the 'social agreement' process involving both the work of the Committee itself and the social reaction to it in terms of deciding who can be regarded as a victim of the April 3rd Massacre. Secondly, I focus on the 'negotiation' between the government as an actor who once did harm, and the victim as a subject who suffered. 'The criteria used to identify 'victims' in these "negotiations" have in fact led to a distinction between recognized and unrecognized victims (a sort of screening of victims), selecting those who are eligible to the national memorial project, and among these, also 'specifying things to be investigated' concerning historical facts. The second problem refers to the fact that the (civilian) victims have actually been split by the government into so-called 'accepted' and 'denied' victims. This causes disharmony among people, and some of them returned to silence.
大山 小夜
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.5, pp.195-214, 1997-12-25

This article deals with one of the major social problems in Japan which sociologists have both individually and systematically paid little attention to: the increase of multiple-debtors, those who borrow money from various kinds of lenders. This article aims to provide a broader contextual picture behind this social problem, from which further empirical investigation can be carried out. I have collected and analyzed the available statistical data from three main sources: creditors, borrowers, and court records. In my conclusion, I suggest that we specify the conditions and processes of the problematic situation. Firstly, I examine the development of the consumer credit market, based on the data from the annual report "Consumer Credit Statistics of Japan", edited by the Japan Consumer Credit Industry Association. Consumer credit institutions have succeeded in granting large sums of credit, particularly since the oil crisis of the mid-1970's, focusing on high-interest consumer finance. As a result, outstanding credit has grown into a large burden of debt on consumers. Secondly, I make a chronological and cross-sectional analysis of borrowers by using the Annual Report on National Accounts and the Annual Report on the Family Income and Expenditure Survey, both published by the Japanese Government. The use of credit has spread rapidly throughout national households, in contrast to the decrease in disposable income and savings. A large propotion of many peoples' income is now used to pay off debt, such as housing loans, loan repayment installments, revolving and lump sum credit, consumer finance and so on. Thirdly, I clarify the recent growth of consumer bankruptcy, referring to the public records from the Annual Report of Judicial Statistics, issued by the Japanese Supreme Court. Using this data, this article shows various trends over the course of the last five decades. It demonstrates for the initial period that the total number of bankruptcy petitions did not pass ten thousand before the early 1980's. By contrast, although a slight decrease can be observed in the data for the mid and late 1980's, the data for the 1990's portrays a steady rise, peaking with the figure for 1996, when more than fifty thousand petitions were filed. Finally, after contextualizing the increase of these multiple-debtors into the three trends as stated above on a macro-quantitative level, I conclude that the research in this area needs to move away from the simple explanation of this social problem in terms of individual skills as regards money management, and move onto the specification of the conditions and processes under which people get into trouble with debt, as well as how the system of credit has developed during the postwar period.
大山 小夜
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.6, pp.113-137, 1998-12-25

This article is an ethnographic study of the process and structure of the activity of a self-help society. This society is organized by lawyers, judicial scriveners, consumer consultants, and consumers who find it difficult to meet their debts with their income. It was established in 1997 with the aim of helping such debtors clear their debt, in doing so, recovering self-confidence, and restoring the quality of their lives. I discuss the meaning of such self-help activity for debtors, as I specify the historical, interactional and structural features of the society. The first section contextualizes the group concerned within a broader social context, examining how the social movement for debtors has developed in Japan since 1977. The second section describes the interactional processes between people at the "regular meeting". The meeting, which is held from 1 pm to 5 pm twice a month, is composed of four parts: presenting oneself, a lecture, an individual consultation, and the exchange of results and impressions. This section profiles the debtors who come to the society for help, and gives a description of their legal status. The third section analyzes how the people commit themselves to the society, as a social world, from three angles: financial, human, and the practical business information. The financial report informs us that this society is jointly funded by membership fees and contributions collected from experts. Two existing networks of judicial scriveners and consumer consultants form the manpower foundation of the society. All the members work out various strategies to mobilize newcomers. A 'new staff chart' shows the distribution of work, which gives each member a role in the society. Inside and outside the group, experts exchange their knowledge and skills to clear the consumers' debts. They make further requests to the authorities to control creditors in order to allow the smooth settlement of debt. The final section summarizes the characteristics of their activity, and implies that debtors can get the opportunity to reconstruct their everyday reality and to change their lives through participation in the self-help society.