平 侑子 張 慶在
vol.18, pp.49-68, 2014-03-18

The aim of this paper is to clarify mechanisms of TV programs’ “Cross-border” by classifying patterns of “modification”. Recently, Japanese Comics, games and TV dramas are crossing the border to different countries. When programs are cross-border, various factors are modified because of political, religion and cultural reasons. To understand such changes would be meaningful not only to understand exchanging TV programs but also to understand mechanisms of cross-border culture. This paper focuses on adoption process of Japanese TV series of “Super-sentai series” in Korea. First, significances and limitations of concept around cross-border of TV programs were reviewed. Then, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Super-sentai series to extract significant elements of it. And then, this paper summarizes brief history of adopting “Super-sentai series” in Korea. Finally, the paper clarifies mechanisms of “cross-border” by various model of adoption including “Power ranger Captain Force show”
村部 貴浩
vol.29, pp.21-36, 2019-10-24

Fukuda Tsueari has been perceived to be one of the leading post-war conservative thinkers in Japan. However, he also placed more emphasis on the importance of an individual in nation and society in contrast to other conservative thinkers in the country. In this article, I focus on some aspects of his emphasis on the importance of an individual, which has not been yet explored in previous research. I mainly discuss Fukuda’s critical paper on Shimizu Ikutaro, “Critique of a modern Japanese intellectual, Shimizu Ikutaro”, who published a paper “The choice of nucleus, Japan be a nation”, in 1980, which indicates his turn to a rightest nationalism from liberalism in his political thoughts. This article examines Fukuda’s perception of individualism which is revealed in his critical work on Shimizu.
平 侑子 張 慶在
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
no.18, pp.49-68, 2014

The aim of this paper is to clarify mechanisms of TV programs' "Cross-border" by classifying patterns of "modification". Recently, Japanese Comics, games and TV dramas are crossing the border to different countries. When programs are cross-border, various factors are modified because of political, religion and cultural reasons. To understand such changes would be meaningful not only to understand exchanging TV programs but also to understand mechanisms of cross-border culture. This paper focuses on adoption process of Japanese TV series of "Super-sentai series" in Korea. First, significances and limitations of concept around cross-border of TV programs were reviewed. Then, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Super-sentai series to extract significant elements of it. And then, this paper summarizes brief history of adopting "Super-sentai series" in Korea. Finally, the paper clarifies mechanisms of "cross-border" by various model of adoption including "Power ranger Captain Force show"
敷田 麻実
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.9, pp.79-100, 2009-09-01

Community development, one of critical elements of the sustainable community management, has been increasing its importance in local communities in Japan in recent years. A gradual shift toward decentralization, since in 2003, has been forcing communities to adopt more self-sustaining development policies. At the same time, along with the enactment of the NPO Act in 1998, a variety of actors, including those outside from the communities, have entered grass-rooted activities in local communities. Such an increased involvement of outsiders in the community development process means that they also play an ever-more significant role in the empowerment of the local community. Although most articles discuss the controversial points of outsiders, there have been only a few studies evaluating the positive perspectives. This paper examines the role of outsiders in the community development process by discussing the relations between the working process and outsiders. The result of this study implies that more openly the community is managed, more significantly outsiders can contribute to the community development.
土田 映子
vol.17, pp.13-25, 2013-10-25

This paper examines how the ideology of technological utopianism was represented in Chicago's Century of Progress Exposition (1933-34), and how much and in what ways the city's immigrant groups that took part in the fair were involved in the fair's predominant ideology that celebrated technological progress. At the fair, the diverse national groups competed against each other in the displays of their contributions to America and their achievements in technology. While Western nations generally had something to boast about their technological achievements, non- Western nations mostly lacked them, and instead resorted to the displays of traditional culture and exoticism. For visitors to the fair, this dichotomy may have offered a world view that divided nations into those that were deemed capable of using the power of technology in order to work toward a perfect society, and those left out from that process.
徐 善水
vol.25, pp.39-56, 2017-10-25

Currently, numerous studies on Japanese prewar media events were merely focused on the perspectives of cultural and media management, rather than its propaganda function. However, propaganda function of Japanese prewar media events is not hard to be observed on the Japanese prewar event phenomena, for instance, the New Eight Views of Japan selection event held in 1927 (Showa 2 year) is a typically representative case. Combined with its historical background, based on the analysis on reports of media events from its host organizations (newspaper offices) at that time, in this paper, the propaganda function of media events during the Japanese prewar period has been confirmed and the study viewpoint in the relationship between media events and political propaganda has been extended to the Japanese prewar period.
斉藤 巧弥
no.29, pp.37-53, 2019-10-24

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of love stories in gay manga and to discuss the identity of gay men in today' s Japan. Since gay manga are created by and for gay men, they can be regarded as representing and constructing a gay identity which reflects their authors' and consumers' real desires and concerns. Focusing on love stories, which have long been the main theme of gay manga, the analysis shows that stories before the 1990s and after the 2000s differ in the contents and causes of gay men' s suffering, their depiction of the heteronormative society, and the types of communities they are located in. Recent works do not deal with heteronormative society and instead reveal gay men' s ambivalent feeling with belonging to and keeping distance from the gay community.
白崎 弘泰
vol.31, pp.39-59, 2020-12-17

The number of foreign workers in japan is increasing. Among all, there is such a remarkable increase in technical intern that the Japanese economic activity could not be sustained as what it is today without them. Now smartphone is an essential tools for their life in Japan, not only to communicate, but also togather, exchange, and spread information in a daily life. Nevertheless, now there is a problem where their employers prohibit them from owning or using their smartphone. This paper reveals details about the ownership and usage of smartphone of technical intern, and we claims that smartphone works to relieve their anxiety , and accuse fraud of the owners.
鍋島 孝子
vol.6, pp.23-41, 2008-03-21

This article is aimed at theorizing about “African civil society”. This is a wider concept than European one leaded by “rational” citizen who understands capitalism and Nation-State. African traditional society was rural and cultural. But it historically changed and was divided into social classes, elite-mass and sub-nationalistic or ethnic groups. Though the civil society has a relationship with Nation-State, African one has little connection with it. Since 2001, global civil movements WSF (World Social Forum) are remarkably against Neo-liberalism and for democracy and peace. Can African civil society participate in these global movements? Can it resolve African problems, civil wars, poverties, refugees, diseases, environment disruptions, etc., through the civil networks? These are difficult questions because of distance between fluid or divided societies and Nation-State in Africa. This distance, which occurred during the modernization, prevents Africa from going over the marginalization caused by globalization.
王 梓安
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.22, pp.75-93, 2016-03-25

China has made a series of cultural policies after 2000 as a result of the ever-increasing popularity of overseas cartoons in order to boost domestic cultural industrialization development. Therefore, revitalizing domestic cartoon industry has become national culture strategy. The dissertation, through real cases, analyses the decisionmaking process of The Central Committee of the Communist Party, State Council and the Ministry of Culture. It is found out that the cartoon policies are subject to the Chinese political authority mechanism and they are closely related to each other. The dissertation points out that the Chinese authority mechanism not only stabilizes the release of cartoon policy but also limits it.
Thomson Robert Ito Naoya
vol.14, pp.3-22, 2012-03-15

Previous studies have shown clear cultural differences in how Japanese and American social network site (SNS) users interract with differing SNS platforms (see Barker and Ota, 2011; Fogg and Iizawa, 2008; Takahashi, 2010). In this study of 131 Japanese SNS users who use both Facebook and Mixi, self-disclosure, numbers of contacts, in-group numbers, and levels of perceived commitment on Mixi and Facebook were measured. The study found that such users showed a lower level of self-disclosure, connected with fewer people and had fewer categories of contacts, and felt a higher degree of commitment on Mixi than on Facebook. It is suggested that these differences stem from differing responses to percieved relational mobility on each platform; Mixi being a socioecological environment which reflects low-relationally mobile Japanese society, and Facebook being a socioecological environment which reflects high relationally mobile North American social environments. (141/150)
江口 豊
vol.17, pp.3-12, 2013-10-25

The year 1609 marks the emergence of the newspaper in Europe with the publication of Relation in Strasbourg and Aviso in Wolfenbüttel. The expansion of the periodical information paper brought enormous ideological change to the European society in the age of the Enlightenment, laying the foundation for the social and political upheavals of the modern era. In Switzerland with Zurich as its cultural centre, newspapers began to be published 1621 at first on a weekly basis, and then became daily publications. This dramatically affected the flow of information within society, and made ideas and facts more permanent and easily accessible in the public domain in Switzerland. In Zurich, one of the representative newspapers was the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, which was founded in 1780 and continues to be in circulation until this day. This newspaper is one of only about 40 papers in the world today to still be in circulation after a tradition of more than 200 years of publication and is counted as a quality paper for intellectuals in spite of its small circulation numbers. In this paper, focus will be placed on discussing the history of Swiss and German newspapers as, to date, little research has been conducted on the historical development of these newspapers, especially in comparison to their English counterparts. Such a discussion is vital to better understand the impact of such media on society in Europe and could lead to the possibility of future comparative research on the influence of different information flows in media history in European countries.
趙 瀚雲
vol.29, pp.73-87, 2019-10-24

This paper aims to elucidate the interaction between technology and the body in McLuhan's media theory through Anderson's nationalism theory. Anderson hinted at the idea of the transformation of nationalism, but he did not complete the task of elucidating the mechanism of how nationalism changes one reason behind this is that it only addresses the background of the modern era. On the other hand, McLuhan's concept of technology has the potential to go beyond the limit of this era as a diachronic concept. Therefore, elucidating the parallel relationship between the technology-body interaction under the media theory and the modernity-fatality interaction under the theory of nationalism allows us to open up the new possibility for discussing nationalism theory from the perspective of media theory.
芳賀 恵 玄 武岩
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.26, pp.3-19, 2018-03-20

This article examines the narrow path to de-nationalisation in South Korean films dealing with the Japanese colonial period since the 2000s that we call 'colonial pieces'. Based on Ryu Seung-wan's "Battleship Island" (Gunhamdo, 2017) situated during Korean mobilization under colonial rule, we argue that it is possible to clarify the style and strategy of visual representation used to replace the dichotomy of victimizers (Japan) and victims (Korea) in recent 'colonial piece' films. By focusing on the representation and its stylistic aspects of "Battleship Island" in relation to the empire of Japan through the periodical transition of political, social and cultural meaning, this article explores the way in which these films act on the process of reproducing colonial memories in Korean society and the historical issue between Japan and Korea, as a postcolonial problem of cultural and social politics.
斉藤 巧弥
vol.29, pp.37-53, 2019-10-24

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of love stories in gay manga and to discuss the identity of gay men in today' s Japan. Since gay manga are created by and for gay men, they can be regarded as representing and constructing a gay identity which reflects their authors' and consumers' real desires and concerns. Focusing on love stories, which have long been the main theme of gay manga, the analysis shows that stories before the 1990s and after the 2000s differ in the contents and causes of gay men' s suffering, their depiction of the heteronormative society, and the types of communities they are located in. Recent works do not deal with heteronormative society and instead reveal gay men' s ambivalent feeling with belonging to and keeping distance from the gay community.
田中 勲
vol.32, pp.23-42, 2021-04-22

This paper analyzes the state of deliberative situation in Japan around hate speech using deliberative system theory in order to understand the degree of deliberative democracy permeating Japan. It explores how people's discourses resulted in the hate speech law (2016). To do so, it first categorizes the components of the deliberation system such as the media(ex. blogs and newspapers), civil activities(ex. counter demonstrations against hate speech demonstrations), politicians in response to public opinion, and parliamentary movements. By analyzing the relationship between these components and evaluating the deliberation system, this paper points out that deliberation may have been established in Japan in the course leading up to the passage of the hate speech law.
敷田 麻実
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
no.9, pp.79-100, 2009

Community development, one of critical elements of the sustainable community management, has been increasing its importance in local communities in Japan in recent years. A gradual shift toward decentralization, since in 2003, has been forcing communities to adopt more self-sustaining development policies. At the same time, along with the enactment of the NPO Act in 1998, a variety of actors, including those outside from the communities, have entered grass-rooted activities in local communities. Such an increased involvement of outsiders in the community development process means that they also play an ever-more significant role in the empowerment of the local community. Although most articles discuss the controversial points of outsiders, there have been only a few studies evaluating the positive perspectives. This paper examines the role of outsiders in the community development process by discussing the relations between the working process and outsiders. The result of this study implies that more openly the community is managed, more significantly outsiders can contribute to the community development.
平井 健文
vol.26, pp.21-38, 2018-03-20

With the increasing social attention toward conserving industrial heritage in Japan, actors and social contexts of the conservation has been diversified for the last decade. This study clarifies the practices of cultural heritage “amateurs” as recent conservation actors based on the data derived from fieldwork conducted by the author in Hyogo Prefecture. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows: The “amateurs” identify themselves repeatedly through comparisons with existing actors such as professionals. They emphasize on-site performance and experience when diffusing the value of the heritage site to local residents. This is because showing directly their or visitors’ performance to the residents are considered to be the most effective way to change the residents’ understanding of the heritage site. The practices of the “amateurs” can be regarded as the process of conserving cultural heritage that is based on constant contact with local actors.
邱 慧鳴
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.16, pp.47-64, 2013-03-20

Chuan Yue Xiao Shuo appeared in Chinesewebsite in the late of 1990's as a popular fun fiction on the internet, which described how modern women go back to the ancient times and search for their truelove. When Chuan Yue Xiao Shuo began to attract a wider readership, it also attracted the attention of literary critics. But it turned out that it is difficult to define even the concept of Chuan Yue Xiao Shuo. By focusing on the function and the structure of Chuan Yue Xiao Shuo, we may make clear the nature of Chuan Yue Xiao Shuo as narrative today.