江口 豊
vol.27, pp.111-128, 2018-09-30

Gutenberg's invention of printing produced not only printed books, but also other forms of print, such as the street literature. Particularly broadsheets, printed mainly in several free cities of Nurnberg, Augsburg, Strasbourg, Frankfurt and so on, reported various political, economic and social events. These sorts of print are named “Neue Zeitungen” (news reports/news). Some researchers consider them as one origin of the newspaper. Certainly the “Neue Zeitungen” possessed features such as actuality and continuity, but not periodicity. The 16th and the 17th Century witnessed the flowering of illustrated broadsheets in the Holy Roman Empire, later to be exported to England and France. Broadsheets acquired a wide range of social groups as their audience because of their low price, the engraving technology, and the phenomenon of traveling dealers. Anonymous production and sales networks permitted occasionally prohibited subject matter and made the broadsheets attractive as a print medium. This arrangement is reminiscent of that of the yellow journalism in contrast to so-called quality papers. Concision of text in the broadsheets and their quick production could also be compared to “twitter” in the internet era.
江口 豊
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.57, pp.55-74, 2009-11-09

Wissenschaftliche Beurteilungen des um vier Jahre jüngeren Bruders von Max Weber sind sehr unterschiedlich. Besonders scharf kritisieren die heutigen Soziologen seine kultursoziologischen Werke des „praktizierenden“ Sozialwissenschaftlers und haben dessen akademische Spuren nach seinem Tod fast in die Vergessenheit geraten lassen. Trotzdem genießt Alfred Weber seit den 80er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts eine gewisse Renaissance. Als Früchte der akademischen Bemühungen von damals wurden schließlich sogar seine Gesamtwerke herausgegeben. In Japan haben einige Philosophen und Soziologen vor und nach dem letzten Weltkrieg Alfred Weber als den Wegbereiter der Kultursoziologie noch zu seinen Lebzeiten entdeckt und dementsprechend als einen wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungsgegenstand behandelt. In der Folgezeit fand man leider daran kaum einen wissenschaftlichen Anschlußmehr, wie es in Europa ebenso im allgemeinen der Fall war. Zum einen, um Alfred Weber noch einmal im Zusammenhang mit der Wissenssoziologie zu lokalisieren, werden hier als Ausgangspunkt erneut seine Biographie und eine seiner frühesten kultursoziologischen Überlegungen vorgestellt. Zum anderen sollte dies als ein Anfangsversuch dienen, den vielfältig aktiven Soziologen, der immerhin jahrzehntelang die geisteswissenschaftliche Welt in Deutschland ohne Zweifel mitprägte, erst richtig in Japan vorzustellen.
クリース ヨハネス・フォン 山田 吉二郎 江口 豊
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.59, pp.137-189, 2010-11-15

In 1888 Johannes von Kries (1853-1928), a physiologist and neo-Kantian logician, published the well-known treatise "Über den Begriff der objektiven Möglichkeit und einige Anwendungen desselben" ("On the Concept of Objective Possibility and Some of its Applications"), which caused intense discussions of methodology among young social scientists: M. Weber (1964-1920), an Ukrainian jurist B. Kistiakovsky (1868-1920), a Russian statistician A. Chuprov (1874-1926), a Polish statistician L. Bortkiewicz (1868-1931) and a German jurist G. Radbruch (1878-1949). As M. Weber wrote in his work "Kritische Studien auf dem Gebiet der kulturwissenschaftlichen Logik" ("Critical Studies in the Field of Logics of Cultural Sciences"), specially in its footnotes, he had carefully read the papers of the above-mentioned scholars on von Kries. It seems that Weber, as well as his younger friends, was expecting that von Kries's original concepts ('objective possibility,' 'nomological knowledge,' 'adequate causation,' etc.) could be firm bases they were eagerly searching for new social or cultural sciences. J. von Kries's important and difficult work will provide knowledge of the indispensable context in which M. Weber and his contemporaries had made up their own methodologies.
江口 豊
vol.17, pp.3-12, 2013-10-25

The year 1609 marks the emergence of the newspaper in Europe with the publication of Relation in Strasbourg and Aviso in Wolfenbüttel. The expansion of the periodical information paper brought enormous ideological change to the European society in the age of the Enlightenment, laying the foundation for the social and political upheavals of the modern era. In Switzerland with Zurich as its cultural centre, newspapers began to be published 1621 at first on a weekly basis, and then became daily publications. This dramatically affected the flow of information within society, and made ideas and facts more permanent and easily accessible in the public domain in Switzerland. In Zurich, one of the representative newspapers was the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, which was founded in 1780 and continues to be in circulation until this day. This newspaper is one of only about 40 papers in the world today to still be in circulation after a tradition of more than 200 years of publication and is counted as a quality paper for intellectuals in spite of its small circulation numbers. In this paper, focus will be placed on discussing the history of Swiss and German newspapers as, to date, little research has been conducted on the historical development of these newspapers, especially in comparison to their English counterparts. Such a discussion is vital to better understand the impact of such media on society in Europe and could lead to the possibility of future comparative research on the influence of different information flows in media history in European countries.
クリース ヨハネス・フォン 山田 吉二郎 江口 豊
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.64, pp.39-65, 2013-03-27

The Japanese translation of von Kries' treatise "On the Concept of Objective Possibility and Some of its Applications" (1888) has been completed with this third part,and we are very glad that Japanese scholarly republic can now read this important treatise on their own language. It is almost obvious that von Kries wrote this treatise to commit himself to the famous controversy between the "old" and "new" schools of German jurists in the second half of XIX century, and therefore the field he tried to apply this concept to was the criminal law. Acquiring von Kries' methodology, Max Weber inquires into the possibility to appropriate it to quite another field --- history. Von Kries, characteristic concepts ("Objective possibility," "empirical rules," "adequate causaton," "generalization through abstraction," "quantitative gradation of real phenomena" etc.) were newly adapted and adopted by Weber eagerly and carefully. But it would be too hasty to say that Weber's methodology of "Ideal types" was constructed with these concepts because among Kries' concepts there is not the faintest nuance of "ideal" --- much more still remains to be done before we can shed light on Weber's methodology thoroughly.
クリース ヨハネス・フォン 山田 吉二郎 江口 豊
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.60, pp.95-126, 2011-08-11

In the part published here of his treatise "On the Concept of Objective Possibility and Some of its Applications" (1888), von Kries discusses the "Concept of Danger (Gefahr)," which was one of the most essential issues of the controversy between the "old" and "new" schools of German legal philosophers in the second half of the 19th century. They argued whether pre-criminal "social dangerousness" is enough to be regarded as the committed crime or not. Von Kries defines "danger" as "objective possibility of a certain harmful result." According to him, judgments of "objective possibility" presuppose "nomological" knowledge, that is, "certain empirical rules widely known to many people" (M. Weber). It is on the basis of them that we can generalize various concrete experiences which must be distinguished from each other. As for "danger," e.g., we can classify them into two groups at first: the "absolutely" dangerous ones and the dangerous ones "in the wider senses." Then we must try to devide the latter cases into "grades," although we can't attain to numerical exactness. Von Kries calls this a "principle of generalization" (Prinzip der Generalisierung) which has methodologically great importance to Weber.
江口 豊明 長谷川 幸雄
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.59, no.8, pp.530-536, 2004-08-05 (Released:2008-04-14)

江口 豊
vol.29, pp.103-120, 2019-10-24

The pamphlet is one type of printed material other than books, as well as a printed act of persuasion. Newspapers remained till the 1680s as an information tool, i.e. they informed society about different events in the world but did not comment on them. But a society basically needs opportunities or channels to express its own judgments and assessments, especially of important objects. Further, we usually try to share these through personal and/or public communication. In this way, the pamphlet developed in the German society of the 16th century as a printed medium of persuasion. The distinguishable functions of newspapers and pamphlets four centuries ago resembles the distribution of various types of speech acts categorized by linguistic pragmatics. We always do various communicative acts with a text.
大槻 秀樹 五月女 隆男 松村 一弘 藤野 和典 古川 智之 江口 豊 山田 尚登
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.20, no.9, pp.763-771, 2009-09-15

精神疾患のいくつかは,季節性に寛解・増悪することが指摘されており,とくに気分障害における季節性がよく知られている。自殺企図患者や入院患者における季節性の変動を示すデータは散見されるものの,一般救急外来を受診する患者に関するデータは少ない。我々は平成17年 9 月から 1 年間,滋賀医科大学附属病院救急・集中治療部を受診した3,877例(救急車により搬送された患者2,066例を含む)を調査した。精神科疾患は299例(7.7%)であり,その中でF4(神経症性障害,ストレス関連障害および身体表現性障害)が158例と最多であった。精神科疾患で受診する患者数は, 6 ~ 7 月と 9 ~10月にピークがあり, 1 月に最も減少していた。精神科疾患で受診する患者数は,日照時間や降水量との間に関連性は認められなかったが,気温が上昇すると精神科疾患により来院する患者数が増加することが示された。これらの結果は,救急外来を受診する精神科疾患の特徴を示すと共に,今後,救急外来において精神科疾患を早期に発見する手助けの一つとなりうると思われる。
江口 豊
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.68, pp.57-77, 2015-03-20

Though Gutenberg had invented printing already in the middle of the 15th century,we had to wait another 150 years, until the first newspaper was published in Strasbourg. The reason for this delay is discussed and clarified by Behringer (2003). He argues, that the official post system of the Holy Roman Empire,which started in 1490 but really stabilized and expanded after the 1590s, made a vital impact on the realization of newspapers. The simple reason, that a newspaper needs information for articles, at first weekly then later daily, seems to be plausible. According to some sources such as Dallmeyer (1977), Münzberg (1994)and other scholars it could be posited,that whole information systems at that time began to cooperate and offered an indispensable condition for the founding of the epoch-making news media. In this way the second newspaper the“Aviso”in Wolfenbüttel in North Germany was made possible because of cooperation of the Reichspost and the Nürnberger city courier-system. Behringer (2003)points out another important fact, namely some similarities between the “Meßrelation”of Michael von Aitzing and the first weekly newspaper “Relation”of Johann Carolus in Strasbourg: the titles and the styles. But also Behringer assumes a mutual ideological background of both authors,a supposition which requires further subtle consideration. While this article discusses promoting factors for the emergence of newspapers, it is still indispensable to consider hindering factors such as censorship, because we must be able to explain why England or France with their functioning post systems could publish a newspaper only later than the German speaking areas.
柴田 純祐 川口 晃 江口 豊

近年、癌の浸潤、移転に関する因子として、各種接着因子やプロテアーゼが注目されている。urokinase-type plasminogen activator(u-PA)はセリンプロテアーゼの一種で、plasminを介してpro-collagenaseを活性化し、細胞間基質を溶解することで癌の浸潤、転移に関与しているものと考えられている。本研究は、消化器癌手術切除標本を用いて、免疫組織化学染色法及びin situ hybridization法により、u-PAを中心とする線溶因子の発見と局在及びその臨床的意義について検討した。その結果、ヒト消化器癌において、u-PAは癌細胞自身が産生しており、その発現率は、食道癌で15例中1例(6.7%)と低く、胃癌では111例中44例(39.6%)、大腸癌で145例中48例(33/1%)であった。さらに、大腸癌u-PA陽性症例では有意にリンパ節転移率が高く、また、胃癌及び大腸癌のu-PA陽性症例で、5年生存率は各々有意にu-PA陰性症例と比し低かった(51.0% VS 77.5%:胃癌、60.2% VS 80.9%:大腸癌)。一方、u-PAの抑制因子である plasminogen activator inhibitor(PAI)の免疫組織化学的検討では、大腸癌において癌細胞周囲近傍の線維芽細胞に、PAI-2は胃癌、大腸癌において癌細胞自身に局在していた。さらに、PAI-1は大腸癌のリンパ節転移を抑制する傾向が、PAI-2に関しては、胃癌、大腸癌の5年生存率において、u-PA陽性PAI-2陰性例が最も予後が悪く、u-PA陰性PAI-2陽性例が最も良かったことより、PAI-1、PAI-2は、癌の浸潤、転移機構を抑制する可能性が示唆された。現在、消化器癌手術は、根治性とquaality of life (QOL)の立場より、拡大あるいは縮小手術の方向にあり、その指標として、真の悪性度、つまり生物学的悪性度が求められている。そこで、術前の組織生検、あるいは手術切除標本におけるu-PA、さらにPAI-1、PAI-2の発現を組み合わせて生物学的悪性度の一指標とし、術式、あるいは術後の化学療法を含めた集学的治療を行う臨床応用が期待される。