北村 倫夫 石田 宰 渡辺 謙仁 李 在栄
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.15, pp.99-118, 2012-09-20

This study was aimed at proposing a strategy for promoting Science and Technology Tourism (STT) in Hokkaido, and was based on the case study for about thirty examples in Japan and foreign countries. By definition, STT is "the tourism aiming at learning about science and technology by seeing, hearing and experiencing." Although STT has been recognized as an important domain of tourism in foreign countries, it has not been right in Japan. However, as people's concern about science and technology is increasing in recent years, STT is playing a more important role in Japan and also in Hokkaido. The conditions for a success of STT in Hokkaido are having fundamentally three functions which consist of an exhibition function, a knowledge exchange function, and a participating experience function. Moreover, realization of the "economies of scale in tourism," effective use of unique natural resources, use of advanced science institutions, organizing of science tours, training of science communicators, cooperation with school education, etc. are also desirable conditions to make STT successful.
伊藤 直哉
vol.15, pp.23-56, 2012-09-20

Studies of risk perception in this paper help the judgments people make when they are asked to operate communications of PR and advertisement after the Japanese disaster. This paper also provides a basis for understanding and anticipating public responses to disaster, and improving the risk communication, how people think about and respond to risk. This work tries to describe and investigate media access, media evaluation and trust, structure of impression and risk perception by general consumers in three countries Korea, Taiwan and China after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 11 March 2001. The risk structures of this paper suggest why Korean reception was negative and Taiwanese positive. This structure shows Chinese reception was a fusion of these two countries as well.
蘇 文
vol.18, pp.157-176, 2014-03-18

A major challenge in many word-of-mouth marketing campaigns is the cost-effective identification of opinion leaders. Although, opinion leaders exert influence on the other consumers, they also get influenced by other consumers. From this point, we attempt to explain their mutual influence from a social network perspective. In this paper, opinion leaders were elicited from social media of china by measuring their six structural indexes of social network analysis. 703 effective samples were collected to verify the hypotheses. The findings show that: (a) About 15% of the members are opinion leaders. They are holding almost all the communication channels, which more than the channels that other members hold. (b) Opinion leader plays an important role as connecting different relation groups which have not mutual relations (c) Opinion leader is actively accessing original information, they disseminate the information in the preceding period of information dissemination process.
白崎 弘泰
vol.33, pp.3-22, 2021-10-29

The number of technical intern trainees in Japan has been increasing even during the coronavirus crisis. Currently, the number of technical trainees from Vietnam has overtaken the number of trainees from China, and people from other countries in Southeast Asia also started to come to Japan as trainees. Through a questionnaire survey, the basic attributes, occupation in home country, purpose of visiting Japan and living conditions in Japan were determined for technical trainees. This paper will clarify how Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) functions as a system, including its evaluation by the technical trainees. Using the evaluation of the system by the technical trainees as the basis, this paper will claim that although the TITP dissociates from the principles of technical interns, it does, however function as a system that supplies a labor force in Japan.
趙 瀚雲
vol.27, pp.71-85, 2018-09-30

As an important part in Benedict Anderson’s theory of nation formation, Modernity and Fatality are comprised in Imagined Communities (1983). The dual interactions between Modernity and Fatality, which lurks behind his theory, is indispensable to the understanding of his theory of nation formation. However, few investigations on the effect of interactions has been done in the previous works. The specific contents of Modernity and Fatality were firstly introduced in this paper. On this basis, the dual interactions between them is emphatically analyzed, including the circumstances and the incurred results. The purpose of this paper, is to obtain the precise understanding and application of the theory, by analyzing the interactions between Modernity and Fatality.
芳賀 恵 玄 武岩
vol.26, pp.3-19, 2018-03-20

This article examines the narrow path to de-nationalisation in South Korean films dealing with the Japanese colonial period since the 2000s that we call ‘colonial pieces’. Based on Ryu Seung-wan’s “Battleship Island” (Gunhamdo, 2017) situated during Korean mobilization under colonial rule, we argue that it is possible to clarify the style and strategy of visual representation used to replace the dichotomy of victimizers (Japan) and victims (Korea) in recent ‘colonial piece’ films. By focusing on the representation and its stylistic aspects of “Battleship Island” in relation to the empire of Japan through the periodical transition of political, social and cultural meaning, this article explores the way in which these films act on the process of reproducing colonial memories in Korean society and the historical issue between Japan and Korea, as a postcolonial problem of cultural and social politics.
王 梓安
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
no.22, pp.75-93, 2016

China has made a series of cultural policies after 2000 as a result of the ever-increasing popularity of overseas cartoons in order to boost domestic cultural industrialization development. Therefore, revitalizing domestic cartoon industry has become national culture strategy. The dissertation, through real cases, analyses the decisionmaking process of The Central Committee of the Communist Party, State Council and the Ministry of Culture. It is found out that the cartoon policies are subject to the Chinese politicalauthority mechanism and they are closely related to each other. The dissertation points out that the Chinese authority mechanism not only stabilizes the release of cartoon policy but also limits it.
長島 美織
vol.19, pp.31-43, 2014-09-26

This essay examines what kinds of insights about risk we can gain from the Bioshere2 experiment, in which eight people lived on a man-made earth for two years. Taking Bioshere2 as an integrated risk assessment, we carefully follow, reconstruct and situate various outcomes, and mental changes people went through, in this twoyear period of research and real life experience ‘under glass’. Using Beck’s consideration of risk society, we distinguish four insights the biospherians acquired, and suggest that these insights should be reflected in risk management for our real earth, Bioshere1.
木下 裕子
vol.28, pp.37-52, 2019-05-08

In the Taisho era (early 20th Century), the “Ohisama” magazine was published by Shinzo Fukuhara, the second president of Shiseido (cosmetics company), during the “golden period” of publishing magazines for children when many magazines for children were started, including “Akaitori (Red Birds)”, which is known by its high artistic quality. In this paper, we closely investigated the history and contents of the “Ohisama” publication, and analyzed the activities of Fukuhara in the founding period of Shiseido from various perspectives, by examining the originality of the magazine as a medium for children and mothers. The findings of this study suggest that Fukuhara had the belief that disseminating richly varied high culture and lifestyles through this magazine for children would, long range, establish the corporate image of Shiseido to children and mothers.
雷 紫雯
vol.18, pp.137-155, 2014-03-18

This study investigates on China’s national public relations strategy under the globalization by analyzing the national media. In recent years, in order to improve the global public opinion environment, and to improve its national public relations capabilities that match its economic power status, China has actively strengthened its national public relations strategies, including making the national “media go out”, and building world-class media. By researching on the localization of Chinese national public relations magazines, overseas expansion of CCTV and international news reporting by Xinhua News Agency, this study pointed out that China’s national public relations’ practices have a couple of problems. The Chinese government controls the information that China’s oversea media provides, which restricts their independent activities.
長島 美織
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.9, pp.45-60, 2009-09-01

The central topic of this paper concerns the possibility of a different kind of scientific knowledge which, on the basis of Mannheim's certain vocabulary, is termed in this paper as "voluntaristic science". I have specifically demonstrated that voluntaristic science is an approach which is applied in the areas where knowledge and real action cannot be separated. Mannheim described this domain as, "the areas where there is a room for activity which is beyond the scope of rational behavior". When we focus on changing and differing perspectives on knowledge in these areas, three elements, social group, situation, and action, are extracted as crucial factors from Mannheim's analysis. Although voluntaristic science is conceptually opposed to intellectualistic science -- an approach which is mainly employed in natural sciences to capture quantitative and formal aspects of phenomenon, I have argued that both kinds of knowledge should be employed complementarily to give a better understanding and firmer grounds for those who make political or humanistic "decisions" in the world without a unique worldview.
山田 吉二郎
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
no.7, pp.69-97, 2008

This paper aims at discussing Max Weber's methodology, specifically based on his essay "Objectivity in Social Science and Social policy". It is well known that Max Weber made continuous efforts to construct modern social science; his Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre are full of highly suggestive ideas and concepts for students who are interested in methodology generally. If media studies is also expected to be one of genuine social and cultural sciences, every piece of Weber's thought will be important. Every social reality is unique, concrete and infinitely rich; we cannot grasp it without constructing "ideal type" which is not real image of reality, but its edited one. It will be shown that Weber's "ideal type" is composed of three ingredients, that is, economy, value and history.
Dicko Seydou
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.23, pp.21-34, 2016-09-30

鈴木 純一
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
no.20, pp.3-15, 2015

The purpose of this paper is to consider the relation between public sphere and social functional systems in modern society from a viewpoint of Luhmann's social theory. In the 1960s Habermas thought that a public sphere is the place where citizens argue freely and public opinion is formed. But since the place of social determination is specialized, the function of a political public sphere is reduced in modern society. Moreover, the ideal combination of a political public sphere and a rational public sphere also becomes less realistic. It has been diversified and decentralized. Considering such a situation, it is more conformable to think that a public sphere is the environment of social functional systems.
伊藤 悠温
vol.18, pp.239-249, 2014-03-18

Heiwa memorial park built in 1950’s is located in the east area of Nagoya city. This park was established by the reconstruction city plan after WWII. At that time, cemeteries in the central part of the city was relocated to the park. The reconstruction plan by Nagoya was mainly aimed to economic development, but it was impeded by the existence of the cemeteries in the city. And that time, similar plans were progressing in other cities. This paper is written to outline the background of the reconstruction city plan, and especially the cemetery relocation plan. There is an indication that the cemetery relocation in Nagoya was the largest scale as compared to other cities.
筑和 正格
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.7, pp.23-44, 2008-11-28

The purpose of this paper is to examine the basic concepts of "International Regional Culture Studies", structure them and consider adequate methods of new "Community Development", which contribute to the promotion of tourism at the same time. It is indispensable first to construct conceptual systems in order to understand what "culture" is because it is "an historically transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbols" (Geertz) and therefore can hardly be recognized by external observations alone. The "culture" of a human group reflects the value of its members. Furthermore, we can formulate that the term "international" means the relationship between or among larger regions and can be characterized by the interrelationship of regional cultures and therefore of different values. The construction of "conceptual systems" is also required as part of activity of new "Community Development" because it means a sustainable revitalization based on the internalized common values of participants, and these values arise from self-recognition based on the conceptualization of their own culture. The further task of new "Community Development" is to somehow transform the concepts of their own "culture" into a tangible reality.
北村 倫夫 石田 宰 渡辺 謙仁
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
no.15, pp.99-118, 2012

This study was aimed at proposing a strategy for promoting Science and Technology Tourism (STT) in Hokkaido, and was based on the case study for about thirty examples in Japan and foreign countries. By definition, STT is "the tourism aiming at learning about science and technology by seeing, hearing and experiencing." Although STT has been recognized as an important domain of tourism in foreign countries, it has not been right in Japan. However, as people's concern about science and technology is increasing in recent years, STT is playing a more important role in Japan and also in Hokkaido. The conditions for a success of STT in Hokkaido are having fundamentally three functions which consist of an exhibition function, a knowledge exchange function, and a participating experience function. Moreover, realization of the "economies of scale in tourism," effective use of unique natural resources, use of advanced science institutions, organizing of science tours, training of science communicators, cooperation with school education, etc. are also desirable conditions to make STT successful.
木下 裕子
vol.35, pp.3-20, 2022-11-17

After the Soviet—Japanese Basic Convention was signed in January 1925, various cultural exchanges were conducted during imbalanced relations by All-Unions Society for Cultural Relations with foreign countries (VOKS — “Vsesoiuznoe Obshchestvo Kul'turnoi Sviazi”), an entity created by the government of the Soviet Union, and private organizations of Japan. “Exhibition of Japanese children's books” was held in Moscow in October 1928.This study aims to elucidate how the exhibition of Japanese children's books was realized by collecting as many records as possible, reconstructing the whole picture of the exhibition of Japanese children's books, and examining the background of the exhibition, the contents of the exhibits, and the networks of the people involved. Finally, we discuss the background where the exhibition of Japanese children's books took place and the significance of the exhibition.
富田 俊明
vol.28, pp.53-70, 2019-05-08

This paper examines the notion of transformation, frequently used in educational discourse, and searches for a framework for understanding the exceptional artworks of students under my guidance. The contributions of Satoji Yano, a pedagogical anthropologist, are among the few works that have examined the extraordinary aspects of transformation in educational contexts. Yano's article on Developmental Education and Generative Education (Yano, 2000) merits careful reading as it highlights the boundary of existing educational and learning theories that limit our understanding of transformation due to their narrow focus on Ego's mastery and control over self and world. Yano's paradigm draws upon Bataille's anthropology, which serves here to clarify the notion of transformation on a human historical scale. In this paper, the precise point of extraordinary transformation remains unstudied, but is suggested to resides in an extended understanding of the self that includes the holy, parlous and phyletic layers of our mind.