齋木 喜美子
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.24, pp.1-8, 1999

This study is described on children's cultural activities in Yaeyama in the recent times, mainly on the practice of Takuji Iwasaki. In 1897 Takuji Iwasaki was assigned to Ishigakijima as the head of the local meteorological observatory from the Central Meteorological Observatory. Since then, for 40 years, he made efforts to preserve the local nature and folklore, and develop the local education, in addition to the weather observation and he left great achievements. Especially, he was quick to find children's talents. He made efforts to make opportunities to report children's cultures and made efforts to bring up talented persons of the next generation. In this study I mention an aspect of a history of local educational practice in Japan in the recent times by making his practice and their significance clear.
鈴木 悠太
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.39, pp.71-82, 2014

本研究はマクロフリンの研究の系譜における教師の「専門家共同体」の形成と展開を明らかにすることを課題とした。その成果は以下の3つの契機に即し総括される。<br> 第一に,スタンフォードCRC は教職の「文脈」を中心概念とする学校改革研究のナショナル・センターとして出発した。マクロフリンは「現に存在する制約の中で」専門性開発を「実現可能にする」ことを目指し,教職の「文脈」に照準を合わせた。<br> 第二に,教師の「専門家共同体」の概念は教職の「文脈」の鍵概念として形成された。「専門家共同体」は,様々な重荷を抱える「今日の生徒」に対峙する高校教師の授業実践が多様な展開を示していることを踏まえ,最も革新的な授業実践を追求する教職の「文脈」としてマクロフリンらが同定した概念であった。<br> 第三に,マクロフリンらの研究の成果は,授業の3類型を中心とし,教師共同体の3類型,教職キャリアの3類型の連関において定式化され,「専門家共同体」は教職の多層的な「文脈」の中に位置づけられるに至った。<br> これらを踏まえ,マクロフリンの研究の系譜における教師の「専門家共同体」は,教職の「文脈」の概念によって射程に収める,教師を中核とする多様な改革の担い手による学校改革の追求という構図の中にあり,あくまでも現存する制約の中で学校改革の実現可能性を追求するマクロフリンらの愚直な姿勢が鮮明となった。その中核に教師の「専門家共同体」の形成と展開があった。
戸田 善治
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.18, pp.101-109, 1993-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

In this article, the research material is the Historical Education textbooks "Today through Yesterday". These textbooks were written by C. F. Strong in 1936 in Britain. The purpose of these textbooks is to bring up the citizen through historical education. I tried to make clear the principle of the historical content construction. The result of the analysis is as follow. 1) The purpose of citizenship education in Britain was to bring up the citizen who understand the democracy and make effort to defend it aganst the dictatorship. 2) Strong made clear the principle that bring up the citizen through historical content construction. 3) Strong concluded that the material of the historical education is the historical things. And, he concluded that the material of the citizenship education is the current things. So, he deviced the principle of the historical content construction for citizenship education. And, he put the principle into effect. This was the historical education textbooks "Today through Yesterday ". 4) "Today through Yesterday" was made up four books. The date of each books treted was as follow. book 1 earlist times to 1603 book 2 1603-1837 book 3 1837-present book 4 present 5) The principle of the historical content construction for book 1 to book 2 is the chronological approach. The principles for book 3 is the topic approach. The principles for books 4 is the concentric approach. 6) The special feature of the principle of "The through Yesterday" is the gradual change chronological approach to concentric approach.
山住 勝広
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.20, pp.61-69, 1995-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

In this paper the fundamental issue of the relation between child development and education is discussed, especially the internalization model of social influences. In general terms, internalization refers to the process by which external action and material are transmitted to internal plane. The views of internalization model usually presuppose an external-internal dualism, and are tied to an assumption that mental processes exist within the isolated individual. In a variety of theories using the notion of internalization child development through teaching-learning is viewed as wholly internal possession of external pieces of knowledge and skill, that is, internalization of ready-made standards of behaviour and cognition. To overcome the theory of teaching-learnig and development based on the views of internalization views, we need to shift to the expanded model of human mental development. This model is created in the idea of mediated action that serves as the starting category of analysis, and accounts the very specific and important role of mediating artifacts in the process of human activity. According to this idea, we can view human mental development as active and creative transformation of individual(s) operating with mediating artifacts in sociocultural activity. In connection with the idea of mediation, the semiotic version of activity theory rethinking L. S. Vygotsky's idea gives special attention to the way in which mental development emerges from the activity of a subject mediated by inter-subjective relations. This perspective provides an important correction to an assumption that the individual is a passive recipient of external social or cultural influences. Humans can change and transform their own subjective worlds through using and creating mediating artifacts of activity. An explicit analysis of the role of mediation makes it possible to conceptualize the creative character of teaching-learnig and development. From the new perspective, the telos of teaching-learnig activity can be appreciated as forming societally important new intellectual tools and patterns of collaboration rather than the acquisition of pieces of knowledge and skill. Child development through teaching-learning is creative transformation within culturally organized social (inter-subjective) environment. In this paper this conceptualizaion is proposed through an analysis of a classroom interaction in social studies.
熊井 将太
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.34, pp.73-84, 2009

布川 和彦
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.19, pp.37-46, 1994-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

Van Hiele theory, especially its levels of thinking, is widely accepted by mathematics education communities in many countries, and is used as a framework for the research on geometry learning and teaching. The meanings of his theory, however, is not fully clear, and it sometimes causes controversy. The purpose of this paper is making clear the meanings of the van Hiele's levels of thinking and the five stages for facilitating transitions to higher levels, which are the central ideas of his theory. In order to do this, we first consider the relation between van Hiele theory and the theory about informal knowledge. From this consideration, we find the followings; (i) Recognition of figures at the first level can be taken as informal and situated knowledge about those figures; (ii) Transitions from the first level to the third level can be seen as the transition from informal knowledge to formal knowledge. Based on these results, next we analyze the relation between van Hiele theory and Vygotskian theory. Then we find the followings; (i) Recogniton of figure at the second level corresponds to the pseudconcept or potential concept; (ii) Transitions among the levels cerrespond to the development of scientific concepts based on everyday concepts; (iii) The span between the first level and the third can be considered to generate the zone of proximal development concerning the geometrical knowledge. Consequently, we obtain the following characterization of van Hiele theory; This theory deals with teaching geometry using the zone of proximal development so that children have the access to geometical knowledge and can use it with conscious awareness and volition. This result suggests the new research problems relating to van Hiele thery.
岩花 春美
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.36, pp.109-119, 2011-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

田代 高章
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.20, pp.53-60, 1995-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

This article describes the educational action as the Symbolic Interaction. Current studies of the educational action emphasize the spatial relations between teacher and students. But in the educatinal action, we must grasp it in temporality. In this respect, Symbolic interactionism gives us fruitful suggestions. Symbolic Interactionism which derives from the thought of G. H. Mead was accepted by German pedagogy in 1970s'. This theory rests on three premises: that human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings the things have for them, that the meaning of such things derive from the social interaction one has with one's fellows, that these meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretative process. This theory deals with not only human interpersonal communication but also intrapersonal communication. Furthermore, it deals with intersubjectivity and temporality. H. Joas says Mead's philosophy of time is certainly the least intelligible and least well elucidated part of his work. The key concept of Joas's study is practical intersubjectivity and the relation between intersubjectivity and temporality. Especially in educational action as Symbolic Interaction, we must pay attention to temporality of educational action. I will discuss the practical intersubjectivity, which bases on cooperative action in the classroom, and the relation between cooperative action and temporality.
小林 将太
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.35, pp.93-103, 2010-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

田中 喜美
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.18, pp.111-119, 1993

The Course of Study for Lower Secondoy School revised in 1989, introduced the new area, 'Basic Information Technology' into Industrial Arts and Homemaking. Two kinds of the official approval textbooks for this subject were published in 1992. Both of them emphasized on teaching how to use the personal computer with some popular aplication softwares, as well as the rudiment of computer programing in the BASIC language. But these subject matters should be reexamined, because they are not seemed to have enough worth teaching as universal industrial arts education. We think that the computer education in the 'Basic Information Technology' area should be organized forming a link in the chain of the industrial arts education so that its main aim is to help. students explore the world of the flexible automation technology, and comprehend that manufacturing efficiency can be improved by integrating machines and equipments under computer control into a system. Students reexperience activities of designing, objectfying, and try and testing the programs for program control, as a result, they should be able to explain why computers can make automations be flexible. The course of study and teaching materials for, the 'Basic Information Technology' which we developed, can attain these aims and objectives of the computer education in Industrial Arts.
中田 基昭
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.21, pp.1-9, 1996-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

At the beginning this treatise presents three ways of comprehending human being, founding on Buber's insights. The first is observation in which one fixes the behavior of the observed in one's mind and writes up as many traits as possible. The second is looking on, in which one tries to see the object freely and awaits what will be presented to him without any expectation. The third is "becoming aware" ("Innewerden") in which a voiceless word is talked to me and "I accept that." These differences in comprehending human being take more concrete shape in Kimura's phenomenological psychopathology and Binswanger's. According to Kimura, an essence of schizophrenia cannot be elucidated by the determinate predicate that discovers and describes the attributes of the objects, but by the modifying predicate that can be judged by a subjective impression or "emotional diagnosis"("Gefuhlsdiagnose"). In case of studying classroom teaching, its elucidation also needs to depend upon not only the description which is based on observing the experience of teachers and children, but also needs to depend upon becoming aware (Innewerden) and the modifying predicate. This elucidation is realized through my own experience and Takeda's documents of classes. Consequently it is made clear, that the mutual awareness among children plays an important role in classroom teaching.
笹本 正樹
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:02889854)
vol.14, pp.1-16, 2001

イサムノグチは、日本人を父にもち、アメリカ人を母にもって、誕生した。しかし、私生児として育ったために、八十四歳の死まで多難な人生をすごした。さらに、彼の芸術作品は東洋と西洋を融合したものとして ...