稲川 郁子
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.51, pp.2027-2034, 2022

This study examined the background of roller coaster accidents at amusement parks and the related safety measures based on a study of the “Do Dodonpa” accidents, a coaster-type attraction owned by Fujikyu Highland. Since 2019, multiple accidents involving fractures and other injuries to passengers’ spines have been attributed to “Do Dodonpa”, which has become a serious hazard. From several news articles, I could know that the most important measure by which passengers could avoid accidents was to hold the back of their heads against the head restraint during in starting, since “Do Dodonpa” is characterized by rapid acceleration at the time. Furthermore, although roller coasters are installed and operated in accordance with strict safety standards, both owners and passengers need to be fully aware of the dangers inherent in them. Therefore, I consider it important for owners to thoroughly implement safety measures including not only the maintenance and management of equipment but also the issue of in-depth warnings; passengers must also take the owners’ warnings seriously while enjoying the attractions.
服部 辰広 松田 康宏 伊藤 譲 久保山 和彦
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.51, pp.1001-1009, 2022

The purpose of this study is to clarify the learning effects of online classes. Online classes started in 2020 are not well prepared by teachers, and there is not enough analysis about the learning effects of the online courses. This study classified the type of lessons into four categories: lectures (re-al-time); lectures (on-demand); practical training (real-time) and practical training (on-demand). Then, the author conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the learning effects for the students from the Judo-therapist course. In addition, students’ attitude during the exam and the motivation for the second semester were examined as well. The results of the survey suggested that the on-demand lectures were useful and effective as in-person lectures. However, online practical trainings showed a limitation of learning environments, thus virtual reality lessons or hybrid lessons were necessary. In terms of the students’ attitude for the study, a lot of cheating has been reported in the regular tests, thus new measures to control injustice acts are required. Approximately 66% of the students showed a decreased motivation for classes in the second semester, and establishing more supports for students seemed to be important.
上妻 歩夢 齋藤 未花 本間 洋樹 水野 増彦 横山 順一 小林 史明 畑山 茂雄 菊池 直樹
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
no.50, pp.3015-3020, 2021

自転車競技,アメリカンフットボールなどの競技を対象に見た目の魅力と競技パフォーマンスとの関連性が報告されている。本研究では,大学陸上競技選手を対象に,見た目の魅力及びfacial width-to-height ratio(FWHR)と競技成績との関連性について検討した。本研究の対象者は,93名の大学陸上競技選手(男性42名,女性51名,年齢19.8±1.2歳)であった。競技成績から全国入賞以上を上位群,全国出場以下を下位群に分類した。魅力度は,対象者のことを知らない241名(男性124名,女性117名,年齢20.81±1.5歳)の評価者によって評価された。評価方法は,10 cmの直線を用いたVAS法で異性の評価を行った。対象者1人あたりの評価者の人数は32–37名であった。本研究の対象者の内,86名(男性40名,女性46名,年齢19.74±1.2歳)を対象にFWHRの計測を行った。FWHRは,横幅は左右の頬骨の位置,高さは上唇の上部から眉毛の下部の位置を,ImageJを用いて測定し,横幅と高さの比を求めた。短距離選手において,上位群が下位群に比べて魅力度が高い傾向にあった(p=0.053)。一方,長距離選手においては,下位群に比べて上位群で魅力度,FWHRともに有意に低かった(p=0.039, 0.047)。本研究の結果,短距離選手では競技成績が高い群で,見た目の魅力が高く,長距離選手では競技成績が低い群で,見た目の魅力とFWHRが高かった。
宮原 柔太郎
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.50, pp.4021-4032, 2021

【目的】日本体育大学紀要に掲載された論文をもとに,過去50年間の歩みを振り返るとともに,掲載論文の動向を明らかにすることである。【方法】1巻1号(1971年4月)から49巻(2020年8月)までに「総説」「原著論文」「研究資料」「短報」「特別寄稿」として掲載された835編を調査対象とした。日本体育大学学術機関リポジトリからダウンロードした書誌情報を用いて,①論文数,②本文の言語,③単著論文と共著論文の割合,一論文当たりの平均著者数,④論文タイトル,⑤日本語キーワード,⑥主題を調査した。論文タイトル及び日本語キーワードは,KH Coder 3を用いて,計量テキスト分析を行った。【結果】①1971年から2000年まで掲載論文数は増加傾向にあったが,学内で刊行される紀要・学術誌の増加に伴い,2001年以降は論文数が減少している。②共著論文が主流になっており,平均著者数は創刊時の1.66人から3.68人に増加している。③外国語による報告は外国語研究室,自然科学研究室を中心に行われている。④掲載される論文の主題は体育・スポーツ分野が中心になっているが,近年では学部の改組・開設に伴い,その他の分野の掲載も増えつつある。
南部 さおり
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.48, no.2, pp.113-121, 2019-03-30

This incident is the case that a male junior high school student was choked (a judo technique called “shime-waza”) and lost consciousness (a state called “ochi”) by a coach in a private judo school. But then he was inflicted corporal punishment using the technique by the coach on the grounds that he was supposed to have broken the rule that chokehold against under age was prohibited in the school. He lost unconscious twice by the chokeholds. He and his parents took the coach to the Fukuoka District Court and claimed for damage by the illegal act. The Court judged that the way of instruction using chokehold was inappropriate and declared the act of the defendant illegal. And the Fukuoka High Court supported this judgment. After that, All-Japan Judo Federation notified officially that choking was regarded as an act of violence. It is now essential for all judo concerned to understand the risk of losing consciousness by chokehold.
若尾 良徳
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.47, no.1, pp.35-44, 2017-09-30

This study investigated age norm about romantic love behaviors, which is the awareness of timing of the first experience of romantic love behaviors. The age norm was divided into lower limit and upper limit: the lower limit means the acceptable age to initiate romantic love behaviors, and the upper limit means up to what age person is expected to experience romantic love behaviors. 349 university students replied to the questionnaire about approval and recognition of age norm, and the expected age. In result, many of them did not approve the age norm, but they recognized the existence of age norm about romantic love behaviors. The order of expected age was similar to that of “developmental stages in romantic love” (Matsui, 1990, 2000). In lower limit of age norm, there are more male than female who approved the lower limit of age norm, while in the upper limit, it was a reverse result. I discussed the influences of age norm toward the people who have no experiences of romantic love behaviors.
日比野 幹生
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.46, no.2, pp.173-183, 2017-03-31

The 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Japan. Japan has been required by the Inter-national Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency to build an anti-doping intelligence gathering and investigation system for the Games. However, Japan does not yet have such a system. This study made an in-ternational comparison of Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany regarding the process of building the anti-doping system in each country, domestic laws and regulations and policies related to anti-doping, and methods of intelligence gathering and doping investigation, in order for Japan to build an optimal system for intelligence gathering and doping investigation. It is clear from the study that Japan expects an outstanding sys-tem for intelligence gathering and doping investigation. Furthermore, the study suggests that neutrality of Japan Sport Council, collaboration of between the Japan Sport Council and Japan Anti-Doping Agency, comprehen-sive legislative support for anti-doping system, and doping investigation and the introduction of criminal pen-alties for doping will be issues for the future. I believe that these efforts will contribute to the success of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games and the promotion of anti-doping in Japan.
伊藤 譲 櫻井 唯太 若松 純哉 服部 辰広 平沼 憲治
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.49, pp.2001-2013, 2020

The purpose of this study was to describe the role of judo-therapist’s office, named Sport Cure Center (SCC), based on the medical records. In general, many judo-therapist’s office visitors are elderly. Most of the SCC patients are athletes of the Nippon Sports Science University. There have been few reports on sports in-juries based on the medical records of judo-therapist’s office. Therefore, we analyzed the medical records of SCC and examined the role of SCC. In 2.5-years of study period, we identified 4,903 injuries in approximately 44,000 athletes. Bruise and muscle sprains were the most common type of injuries (42.8%), and lower extremity was the most frequent site of injury (55.9%). Most of the patients of SCC belonged to the track, soccer, and rugby clubs that are active on the same campus as SCC. The type and site of sports injuries were characterized by the type of sports. Our study on sports injuries can help coaches and trainers take appropriate strategies for the prevention of injuries. These results suggest that the role of SCC is not limited to providing first aid and rehabilitation to the injured university athletes; SCC has the provision to provide information on injury prevention according to the sports categories.
相川 聖 高井 秀明 大久保 瞳 山崎 博和
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.49, pp.3041-3048, 2020

Self-regulation of learning theory is a theory related to high-quality practice for athletes. Self-regulation of learning theory is a process in which the forethought phase, the performance phase, and the self-reflection phase circulate (Zimmerman, 2014). In addition, since athletes with a high level of performance accomplish self-regulation (eg Anshel & Poter, 1996; Toering et al., 2009; Ikudome et al., 2016), self-regulation of learning is considered to contribute to the improvement of athlete performance and the quality of practice. The purpose of this study was to conduct a psychological seminar to promote self-regulation of learning for university student athletes. The subjects were 14 members belonging to the University A trampoline club. In this study, we conducted five psychological seminars based on the self-regulation of learning theory, and asked for answers to the self-regulation of learning in sports scale before and after intervention. As a result, “evaluation and reflection” improved before and after the intervention. In addition, we examined the contents entered by the subjects at each seminar, and obtained suggestions for future support. The support provided in this study increased the opportunities to reflect on the practice, indicating that the athlete was able to learn to reflect and evaluate they practice appropriately. Even in the case of seminar-type support, it is consider that support can be provided according to the athlete by grasping the individual characteristics of the athlete and the progress of the work.
浦 佑大 高井 秀明 平山 浩輔 髙橋 流星
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.49, pp.3013-3020, 2020

Among the goal setting techniques in mental training, the mandala chart is often used as a tool to “visualize” the elements necessary to achieve the goal. However, there are not many studies on the analysis method and utilization method of mandala chart. The purpose of this study was to examine the analysis method and utilization method of the mandala chart. The subjects were female softball players at University A (N=47) and one coach belonging to that team. We conducted quantitative text analysis using KH Coder on the responses obtained from the players and managers. As a result, we were able to confirm the points that the current team places importance to achieve the goal. In addition, it was possible to confirm the degree of sharing of thinking between players and players and between players and coaches.