石川 廣三 橋本 佳大
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.72, no.611, pp.13-20, 2007

Although the behavior of rain drops near the surface of a building in driving rain are quite complicated according to the sizes of the drops and the air flow pattern around the building, a general relationship exists between average impinging angle of raindrops against the wall surface and the wind velocity that accompanies the rain. It can be of great value in estimating wetting characteristics of those walls, if we can express the relation in a simple equation. Shapes and sizes of stained areas that are left just below projections over a wall offer valuable information for the maximum impinging angle of raindrops against the wall. From the analysis of wind speed records during the rains which could have caused the stain patterns, certain range of constant C_<im> for the impinging angle-wind velocity equation was obtained.
デ グズマン フィリップ 緑川 光正 麻里 哲広 石山 祐二
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.71, no.607, pp.73-80, 2006

In current seismic design practice, the design yield strength of a structure is typically obtained through the use of strength reduction factor that reduces elastic strength demand to design levels. The strength reduction factor due to the inelastic behavior of structure is usually formulated in terms of target maximum ductility. This conventional approach fails to consider cumulative damage that occurs under cyclic loading. In this study, damage-based strength reduction factor was evaluated from the strength demands computed considering cumulative damage and different site conditions. The results indicate that the spectral shape of damage-based strength reduction factor has similarity with the conventional ductility-based reduction factor. An equivalent limit ductility ratio as a certain percentage of the monotonic ductility capacity may therefore also be used. This reduction depends on the monotonic ductility capacity and while it is not significantly affected by the natural period of the structure, it should be carefully evaluated in the case of soft soil site and where the natural period of the structure is close to the predominant period of ground motion. Simple expressions for estimating the damage-based strength reduction factor are also proposed.
堤 拓哉 高橋 章弘 千葉 隆弘 苫米地 司
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.72, no.613, pp.29-34, 2007
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Snowdrift formation on and around buildings can be serious problems in snowy cold region. The planning of buildings in such areas should consider the position of snowdrifts. A wind tunnel experiment using model snow is a useful tool for estimating snow accumulation on building. However, the law of similarity for this experiment has not been revealed. In this study, the authors have been investigated the effects of turbulence intensity on snowdrift. We carried out wind tunnel experiments using model snow particle under the different turbulence intensity of air flows. Snowdrifts on the leeward of the snow fence were compared under the several conditions.
安部 武雄 古村 福次郎 戸祭 邦之 黒羽 健嗣 小久保 勲
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.64, no.515, pp.163-168, 1999
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The mechanical properties of high strength concrete at high temperature have been studied experimentally. The compressive tests were carried out on three grades of concrete with standard design compressive strengths of 21,42 and 60MPa, respectively. The stress-strain curves for high strength concrete are quite different from those of normal strength concrete. For higher strength concrete under heating conditions below about 300℃, the initial slope is steeper, and the limit of linear response shows a higher percentage of the compressive strength. Also, the compressive strength decreases below 100℃ during heating, increases up to about the same strength of room temperature below 200℃ and gradually decreases with further increase of temperature.
山中 浩明 古屋 伸二 野澤 貴 佐々木 透 高井 剛
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.60, no.478, pp.99-105, 1995
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Array measurements of vertical microtremors were done at Koto-ku, Tokyo in the Kanto plain, Japan, to deduce an S-wave velocity profile down to the top of seismic bedrock. The array consists of 13 sites with spacings of 0.2 to 4 km. Rayleigh wave phase velocities at periods from 0.8 to 5 sec were determined from a frequency-wave numeber spectrum analysis of the records. The observed phase velocities were inverted to an S-wave velocity profile by an inversion based on genetic algorithms assuming a four-layer model. The inverted profile has a sediment thickness that is thinner than those deduced by seismic refraction survey and a deep borehole near the array. We included Love wave phase velocity data determined from an earthquake array observation into the inversion of the phase velocity data from microtremor measurements. The resultant new structure is in a better agreement with deep borehole data than that inverted only from microtremor data.
石川 廣三
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.71, no.610, pp.21-27, 2006
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Cracks are common causes for rain penetration through external walls. Little is known, however, on rainwater leakage liability of fine cracks in which water absorption of the wall materials play an important role on the penetration process. In this paper, the author introduces an equation for calculating the leakage occurrence time as an function of crack width, wall thickness, pressure difference, and water absorption rate coefficient of the wall material. Results of two series of experiments on water permeability of various cracks in mortar and concrete specimen are also described. From the experiments, values for the factors concerning crack shapes and the wall material needed for applying the above equation are obtained. The range of crack width for which leakage were not observed in the experiments corresponded the crack width range below which the calculated leakage occurrence time shows remarkable increase.
藤井 衛 田村 昌仁 黒柳 信之 伊集院 博 住友 義則 後藤 年芳
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.71, no.610, pp.91-98, 2006

We performed the plate loading test and investigated the influence that the plate compacter and the tamping rammer gave to the compaction on the ground. As a result, we found that the use of plate compacter was appropriate on extremely soft ground with a bearing capacity of less than 30kN/m^2. And the use of tamping rammer was appropriate on normal ground with a bearing capacity of more than 30kN/m^2. And we found the impact acceleration test was efficient for evaluating the effect of compaction procedures on the foundation of detached house.
時松 孝次 新井 洋 浅香 美治
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.491, pp.37-45, 1997
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Microtremor measurements are conducted in the Sumiyoshi area, Kobe city, using array of sensors together with conventional measurements using one station. The F-k and H/V spectral analyses of micro-tremors result in two-dimensional shear wave structure down to the bedrock. The distribution of peak ground motions during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake is then estimated using one-dimensional effective stress analyses. The estimated values in the heavily damaged area are larger than those in the other area, indicating that one-dimensional site amplification characteristics had a significant effect on the damage distribution of buildings.
宮村 倫司 半谷 裕彦
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.494, pp.91-98, 1997
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In this paper finite element analyses of wrinkling on membranes are carried out, and the results are compared with the results of our experiments. An illustrative example is stretched circular membrane under inplane torsion, which is a classical problem in the study of wrinkling. Wrinkling is considered as a bifurcation phenomenon. It is analyzed by using four-node membrane finite elements considering geometrical nonlineality. Both isotropic and orthotropic membranes are treated. Membranes are assumed to be elastic. Formulation of the element, a method of introducing initial stresses and a method of bifurcation analysis are shown. First computations for several kinds of shear modulus are carried out and shapes of wrinkles and stress fields are compared. Second computations corresponding to the experiments are carried out. Principal stresses in wrinkling fields and shapes of wrinkles obtained by the analyses and the experiments show good agreement. However, details of the shapes are a little different, since in the analyses the fineness of a finite element mesh is not sufficient.
清水 泰
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.60, no.471, pp.131-139, 1995

Different arguments have been proposed from various institutes on post installed anchor pull-out strength calculation. There are many typical formulas to calculate pull-out strength of post installed anchor. In this paper, the calculation formula for the maximum pull-out strength of the metallic expansion post installed anchor has been derived from estimation of maximum resistance by gathering statistically influential factors based on many experimental data within a scope of expansion anchor failure exclusively limited to concrete failure, and from a safety factor on calculated values given by probability theory under a hypothesis with experimental values and calculated values ratio distribution pattern taken as normal distribution because of dispersion of the experimental values.
井戸川 純子 小野 英哲
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.513, pp.43-50, 1998
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The purpose of this study is to establish the evaluation method of safety of building elements and members from the viewpoint of slipperiness with hands that is important to ensure the safety of persons especially for aged and physically handicapped persons. In this paper, we presents the measurement method of slipperiness of handrails and grab bars, as a first step of this study. First, we carried out sensory tests, and human sense of slipperiness of handrails and grab bars were scaled under various conditions. Next, we developed the slip meter of handrails and grab bars, that could measure the slip resistance of handrails and grab bars, corresponded to sensory scales. As a result, we presented the measurement method of slipperiness of handrails and grab bars.
小野 英哲 高橋 宏樹 安田 稔 国生 正人
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.65, no.531, pp.27-32, 2000
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The purpose of this study is to consider on slipperiness of floors from a viewpoint of fatigue occurring after long term physical activity. The first, it was cleared that the psychological scales about fatigue which were made by sensory tests corresponded to the slip resistance of floors measured by the apparatus which was developed in previous study. The next, the relationships between fatigue and slipperiness was considered with biomechanical and physiological parameters. As a result, we presented the fact that slipperiness of floor was very important factor and presented the suitable slip resistance from a viewpoint of fatigue.