風間 了 熊谷 俊雄
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.70, no.590, pp.63-69, 2005
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This paper presents an easy-to-use two-dimensional calculation method for a cylindrical-shape cantilever earth retaining structure, as affected by the three external factors, they are: the lateral pressures, mean wall temperatures, and differential temperatures. In this method, the results are obtained by superposing the individual solutions due to the three external factors, as above. Correction for their mutual interaction is then introduced in terms of the subgrade reaction of soil. The authors compare behaviors of the said retaining structure calculated (a) by the two-dimensional calculation method, and (b) by the conventional three-dimensional FEM analysis. Their satisfactory agreement proves usefulness of the present two-dimensional calculation method.
西村 功
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.69, no.579, pp.23-30, 2004
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This paper discusses a vibration control performance of damping devices installed in a building structure. The motivation of this study comes from the recognition that we often observe much smaller damping performance than is expected from the pre-analytical study in many application projects. Emphasis is placed on the stiffness increase of the structure that is equipped with those damping devices. The relationship between the damping and stiffness augmentation is analytically obtained and expressed in a closed form solution. Therefore, the performance in terms of damping factor is easily evaluated by means of real eigen-value analysis. Numerical simulation is also conducted to ascertain the validity of the proposed method for a relatively large structure under earthquake disturbances.
佐藤 智美
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.556, pp.25-34, 2002
5 17

Radiation patterns and fmax are evaluated using Kik-net strong motion records of the 2000 Tottori-ken Seibu earthquake and the aftershocks. In order to evaluate frequency-dependent radiation patterns, an empirical model of observed radial-to-transverse ratios (R/T) for aftershocks is constructed as a function of frequency, hypocentral distance and theoretical R/T. Fmax are estimated after removing site effects including soil nonlinearity and forward directivity effects. Based on the results that decay of spectra at frequencies higher than fmax is small and that fmax are not dependent on magnitude, it is pointed out that the effects of source-controlled fmax are small.
林 康裕 宮腰 淳一 田村 和夫 川瀬 博
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.494, pp.59-66, 1997
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We developed a relationship between calculated peak ground velocities (PGV) and damage ratios of residential houses in the Chuo-ward, Kobe, during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu earthquake. Using the relationship, we evaluated the PGV distribution in the whole Hanshin area, and demonstrated that it corresponded to the PGV of observed records. The PGV was estimated to be more than 110 cm/sec in the damage belt. Finally, we discussed the records observed in an office building near the JR Kobe station and compared them with the PGV calculated from the damage ratio of houses. We concluded that the PGV of the record should be much smaller than that in the damage belt zone.
趙 衍剛 小野 徹郎 井戸田 秀樹 平野 富之
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.66, no.546, pp.31-38, 2001
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1.序 構造信頼性解析では、外力や抵抗に含まれている不確定性は一般に確率変数として表され、確率変数の分布形を仮定・決定することは構造信頼性解析および構造信頼性設計の肝要なステップとなる。確率変数の分布形を決定するために、観測データにフィットする予想分布として幅広く用いられる正規、対数正規分布などの分布形はほとんど平均値と標準偏差の二つのパラメータで決められる。一旦平均値と標準偏差が決定すると、分布形の高次モーメントも決められ、分布形の重要な特徴としての歪度などは自由に選択できないことは大きな欠点である。本研究では統計データを精度よくフィットするために平均値、標準偏差、歪度の三つのパラメータで決められる分布形を提示することを試みる。2.三つのパラメータを有する分布形の提示 三つのパラメータを有する分布形を式(1)の累積確率分布関数(CDF)および式(2)の確率密度関数(PDF)で定義する。この分布形を有する確率変数χと標準正規確率変数μの関係は式(4)と式(5)のように得られ、χの3次までのモーメントは式(6)と式(7)のように求められる。式(6)と式(7)より、χの平均値と標準偏差はそれぞれパラメータμとσ,に等しいことが分かる。歪度には平均値μと標準偏差σ,を含めず,歪度はパラメータλだけの関数である。即ち,式(1)(2)の分布形は平均値,標準偏差および歪度の三つのパラメータで決められる。パラメータλの絶対値が小さいときλと歪度α_1の間には式(8)の簡単な線形関係で表わされる。式(8)を前節の各式に代入することにより式(9)と式(10)の分布形が得られる。χの3次までのモーメントは式(14)のように求められ、χの平均値,標準偏差および歪度がそれぞれパラメータのμ,σ,α_3に等しいことが分かる。α_3>0およびα_3<0のときの標準型の確率密度関数はそれぞれFig.3とFig.4に示す。式(9)と式(10)の分布形はは直接平均値μと標準偏差σおよび歪度α_3で定義されており,パラメータを決める手間も必要としない。本研究では式(9)と式(10)を三つのパラメータを有する分布形として提示する。この分布形はα_3が0に近付くことにつれて正規分布の分布形に近付く。3.応用と考察 3.1実測データによる分布形の考察 H型鋼の断面積に関する718個のデータ及び残留応力に関する320個のデータをフィットする正規、対数正規分布および本提案分布の確率密度関数をFig.5とFig.6に示す。提案分布は正規、対数正規分布より明らかにこれらのデータをよくフィットすることが分かる。正規、対数正規分布および本提案分布に対する検定の結果をTable 1及びTable 2に示す。正規、対数正規分布より、本提案分布の適応度かなり小さい、提案分布は正規,対数正規分布より明らかにこれらのデータを良く適応していることが分かる。3.2鋼構造信頼性解析における構造特性の分布形 鋼構造信頼性解析における構造特性として、降伏応力、極限応力、ヤング率、伸び率、ポアソン比、断面積、残留応力などの統計データについて、3次までのモーメントおよび検定結果をTable 3に示す。正規分布,対数正規分布はそれぞれヤング率と伸び率の統計データによく適応し、提案分布は降伏応力、ポアソン比、断面積、残留応力などの統計データによく適応していることが判る。3.3二つのパラメータを有する分布形との比較 既存の二つのパラメータを有する分布形との比較により提案分布形の一般性を検討する。変動係数が0.1,0.2,0.3と0.4の4ケースのGamma, Weibullおよび対数正規分布の確率密度関数と提案した確率密度関数の比較をそれそれFig.7,Fig.8,Fig.9に示す。Fig.7,Fig.8,Fig.9により,ほとんどの場合では細い実線と太い破線はほぼ重なっている。即ち,α_1が大きくないとき,提案分布は既存分布を含む一般的な分布として使うことができる。3.4モーメント信頼性指標としての応用 式(12)を限界状態関数Z=G(X)の標準正規化関数として取り扱い、3次モーメント信頼性指標β_<TM>は式(21)のように得られる。式(24)の1層1スパン骨組の終局限界状態関数に対して、限界状態関数の3次までのモーメントは容易に計算でき、3次モーメント信頼性指標は2.6145として得られ、この結果が精算値にかなり近いことが判る。3.5分布形が分からない確率変数の取り入れ 分布形が分からない確率変数に対してその統計データから必ず平均値、標準偏差、歪度等のモーメントが計算できる。分布形の変わりに、式(12)と式(13)のx-uとu-x変換を用いれば、分布形が分からない確率変数をFORM/SORMに取り入れることができる。されに、式(13)のχはuの簡単な陽的関数なので、標準正規確率変数uの乱数を利用して、χの乱数も容易に発生でき、MCSにも適用できる。式(25)の限界状態関数には、χ_1,χ_2の分布形が未知であり、統計データからその3次までのモーメントが得られている。χ_1,χ_2の分布形が未知であるものの、式(12)と式(13)のχ-uとu-χ変換を用いて、FORMの解析結果はP_1=0.1032のように得られる。式(13)によりχ_1,χ_2の乱数を発生し、サンプル数が10,000で得られたMCSの結果はP_1=0.1012となる。4.まとめ 1.提案分布形は予想分布として応用することができ、二つのパラメータを有する分布形より統計データをよく対応することが判る。2.歪度が小さいときの既存のGamma、Weibull、対数正規分布などの二つのパラメータを有する分布形を代表することができる。3.三つのパラメータを有する分布形より、3次モーメント信頼性指標が容易に得られる。4.提案分布形に基づく標準正規化手法を用いて、分布形が分からない確率変数をFORM/SORM及びMCSに取り入れることができる。5.構造特性の不確定性を表す確率変数は一般に正的歪度を有する。提案分布は降伏応力、ポアソン比、断面積、残留応力などの統計データによく適応している。6.提案分布形の適用範囲は|α_3|$le;1である。
竹脇 出 大淵 邦之 山崎 雅弘
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.69, no.583, pp.39-46, 2004
1 3 1

A new frequency-domain method is developed for evaluating the earthquake input energy to a structure-pile-soil system or a super-structure alone subjected to a horizontal ground motion at an outcropping engineering bedrock surface. It is shown that the formulation of the earthquake input energy in the frequency domain is essential for including the frequency-dependent vibration property of the surface ground in terms of the wave propagation theory and the frequency-dependent property of the dynamic Winkler-type spring of the soi l around piles. It is also demonstrated that (l)the present formulation is effective for various input levels and various ground nronerties and (2)the energy input mechanism in the building structure-pile-soil system can be well described by the newly introduced energy transfer function (F-function).
源栄 正人 永野 正行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.503, pp.173-174, 1998

The authors thank Dr. Yuzo Shinozaki for his discussion and the answers are as follows. (1) The authors think that the investigated incident wavefield; plane SH wave propagating along the fault axis with vertical incident angle of 45° and 0°, is reasonable considering the radiation pattern of the source mechanism of the earthquake. The SH wave incident analysis in the original paper does not mean the 2-D anti-plane analysis (2) The hyperelement method is adopted to show the ground motion amplification due to the deep irregular underground structure by using possibly simple model at earlier stage investigation because of the computational efficiency in spite that the method reduces the degree of freedom of modelling of actual geologycal structure. One another reason why the authors selected the method is that the scattering wavefield can easily be decomposed from the total wavefiled. (3) The authors think that the ground motion amplification characteristics based on the discussor's model cannot be applied to a discussion of the interpetation of the heavily damaged belt zone because the model is quite different form the geological structure in Kobe City. (4) As for the indicated publications to several journals, the authors had no intention of multiple publications, but they intended to appeal the idea to many persons of various fields; not only earthquake engineers but also seismologists, and not only Japanese but also persons in the world through the journal with world wide distributions.
篠崎 祐三 源栄 正人 永野 正行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.503, pp.171-172, 1998

The main items discussed in the present paper are as follows: 1. Why did the authors assume plane SH waves as an incident wavefield though the heavily damaged belt zone is situated just above the fault sources? 2. Hyperelement method developed about 20 years ago is less applicable to vertical as well as horizontal boundary value problems of deep irregular underground structure than the conventional methods such as FEM and FDM. Why did the authors choose a hyperelement method? 3. Though there was very few earthquake acceleration records observed in the heavily damaged belt zone, the authors concluded without any verification that simulated peak acceleration distributions coincide with roughly estimated observed distributions of structural damages. 4. The authors performed multiple publication.
金久保 利之 米丸 啓介 福山 洋
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.492, pp.99-106, 1997
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The relationship between local bond splitting behavior and average ones in reinforced concrete members has not been clear, yet. As the first step to make clear this problem, local bond behavior in case of no lateral reinforcement is discussed based on the study by Tepfers. In this study, bond stress, τ_b, is provided as the function of internal crack depth, rt, and angle between the principal bond stress and the axis of the reinforcement, α. The bond splitting test is carried out using new-designed specimens. Test results show that the value of α is assumed to be 34 degrees, and r_i has a proportional relationship with slippage of reinforcement, s. Using these results, a new relationship between τ_b and s is proposed.
和田 俊良 佐藤 龍司 石川 千温 上田 正生
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.61, no.490, pp.179-188, 1996
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A measurement setup, that is based on the structured light projection method, is developed to obtain a 3-dimensional image of the concrete crack surface. And then authors construct the 2-dimensional analytical method of shape properties from it's 3-dimensional image. Analyzing a measured crack surface by tensioning, some functions are formulated. From the analytical results, the measure sensitivity is about 0.125 millimeter/dot and the sampling interval length is about every millimeters, those were able to show the tendency of the shape properties of the concrete crack surface by tensioning.
浦 憲親 蒲田 幸江 鈴木 祥之
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.559, pp.23-30, 2002
7 1

Although the mud wall has been used in many buildings from old time, the material property is still unclear. The quality of "KABETSUCHI", which is the main material of the mud wall, depends on the place of production because it is nature material. The purpose of the experiment is to estimate exactly the quality about mixing, workability, shape of test piece, compactness, and strength test of the KABETSUCHI.
曽田 五月也 和田 純一 平田 裕一 山中 久幸
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.59, no.457, pp.29-36, 1994
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The damper investigated is an assemblage of a couple of units composed of two parallel steel plates and a layer of epoxy visco-elastic material (VEM) between them. When subjected to shear deformation, the VEM exhibits a hysteretic property or an energy absorbing capacity. The purpose of this paper is to present a method to construct a mechanical model to exactly simulate the dynamic behaviors of this damper, paving the way to putting it to practical use in the passive vibration-control design of buildings. A series of cyclic loading tests on the damper reveals that an equivalent stiffness and an equivalent damping coefficient, representing the hysteretic properties of the damper, are mainly dependent on the loading frequency and the current temperature. A linear three-element dashpot-spring model proposed has been confirmed capable of simulating these properties exactly .
高倉 政寛 伊東 敏幸 苫米地 司
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.510, pp.45-50, 1998
16 1

In this study, we investigated the effect that the quality of accumulated snow on the snow's resistance to sliding. First, we observed changes in the quality of snow that had accumulated on the roof of a building. It was found that the particle size of the snow increased to approximately 2mm after one week and that the water content of the snow increased. Next, experiments were conducted to determine the effect that particle size of snow on a sloped roof has on the snow's resistance to sliding. The results showed that the resistance to sliding decreased as the particle size of snow increased (i.e., as the snow became more granular). The effect of particle size on the snow's resistance also depended on the degree of snow melting. From the facts described above, it is possible to utilize the effect of particle size on the snow's resistance for control of snow sliding on a sloped roof.
浜 幸雄 松村 光太郎 田畑 雅幸 冨板 崇 鎌田 英治
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.64, no.523, pp.9-16, 1999
8 7

This study is aimed to estimate the frost damage of concrete under natural weatering conditions. An empirical formula based on the meteorological factors was obtained by means of multiple regression analysis of the results of freezing-and-thawing tests which were carried out under several experimental conditions to evaluate the effects of the freezing-and-thawing conditions (lowest temperature, keeping time of lowest temperature, cooling rate) and the curing conditions of concrete (water content). The formula describes the number of equivalent freezing-and-thawing cycles to ASTM C666 A. Applying meteorological data in some cities of Japan to this formula, the number of equivalent cycles in one year and the length of service life were calculated. The correspondence of estimated value to the results of exposure test for 15 years was investigated.
横山 裕 小野 英哲 稲垣 太郎 高橋 宏樹
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.60, no.478, pp.35-44, 1995
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The change of evaluation of floor slipperiness resulted from the change of gait with aging was investigated in this paper. At first, we developped an outfitting equipment for the young to simulate geriatric gait. Secondly, the sensory test was carried out using young panels with and without the equipment. The psychological scale of evaluation relating to slipperiness of sample floors employed for the test was constructed. Then, C. S. R which was the physical value corresponding to slipperiness was measured using "O-Y Pull Slip Meter". Thirdly, based on the correlation between the psychological scale and C. S. R, the difference of the aged from the young in evaluating slipperiness was investigated.
中尾 方人 一文字 里紗 山崎 裕 石橋 庸子
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.70, no.598, pp.109-116, 2005
7 9

This study is to clarify the shear resisting mechanism and establish a shear strength evaluation method for mud-plastered walls through shear loading tests of mud-plastered wall specimens. Since two failure modes were observed throughout the tests, two shear resisting mechanisms were established. Therefore, the minimum value among the strengths corresponding to these two mechanisms was taken as the shear strength of the mud-plastered wall. Taking into account the compressive and tensile strength of mud, the evaluation method based on the shear resisting mechanisms for mud-plastered walls provided a good estimation of the shear strength.
楠 浩一 勅使川原 正臣
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.68, no.569, pp.119-126, 2003
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In order to reduce further destruction of buildings and to reduce the number of homeless people caused by the aftershocks, a quick inspection of the damaged buildings ought to be carried out. This research aims at developing an integration method by computing the response displacement from the measured acceleration. This new method provides an automatic and a quick inspection system performed by few cheap accelerometers. The errors included in the measured acceleration data can be accumulated during the double integral. The new integral method, which is based on Iwan's method and a band-pass-filter, is proposed in this paper.
林 康裕 北原 昭男 平山 貴之 鈴木 祥之
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.66, no.548, pp.35-41, 2001
13 3

In this paper, the peak ground velocity (PGV) distribution during the western Tottori earthquake of 2000 is evaluated based on the overturning ratio of tombstones. More than 80 cm/s of PGVs are estimated in the source region, which almost correspond to those near the most heavily damaged area in the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake of 1995. Then, we demonstrate that the severe damage ratios of wooden houses are fairy small compared with those in Kobe earthquake. Finally, the effects of ground motion characteristics to the difference are studied based on earthquake response analyses using accelerograms during the two earthquakes.
横山 裕 伊藤 仁洋 高橋 宏樹 小野 英哲
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.65, no.528, pp.39-46, 2000
2 1

The purpose of this study is to present the lower criterion of C.S.R not to slip at landing when people step on the slippery surface without the knowledge of the slipperiness changing. In this paper, at first, we developed "Landing Slip Meter" which simulated the landing load while natural or fast walking. Next, using the meter, we measured load-time curve with various floors and substances adhered to floors, and judged that the slip would occur or not from the load-time curve. Finally, from the relationship between the result of the judgment and C.S.R, we presents the lower criterion of C.S.R.
佐藤 智美 植竹 富一 菅原 良次
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.493, pp.31-39, 1997
12 1

We propose empirical envelope models of long period strong motion in a period range of 1 to 10 sec using many JMA 87 type records. We make models for five regions in Japan as a function of epicentral distance and site coefficients which represent site effects due to scattered waves or surface waves. Since the envelope is modeled by average and standard deviation of group delay time in narrow frequency bands, dispersion characteristics of surface waves can be simulated. We show the validity of our models by simulating records of the 1983 Nihonkai-chubu earthquake.