吉敷 祥一 高山 大 山田 哲 エネ ディアナ 小西 克尚 川村 典久 寺嶋 正雄
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.77, no.680, pp.1579-1588, 2012

Evaluation of bi-directional characteristics of base-isolation devices is a very important issue for base-isolated structures. This paper describes a bi-directional loading test of U-shaped steel dampers widely-used for energy dissipation in base-isolated structures. The major findings obtained from the test are as follows: (1) torsion-induced residual deformation leads to contact with damper connections; (2) evaluation method of cyclic deformation capacity, which divides bi-directional orbit into deformations in 0 and 90 degree, is proposed and the validity is verified; (3) cyclic deformation capacity is reduced by cumulative torsion; (4) two indices <i>J<sub>c</sub></i> and <i>J<sub>f</sub></i> proposed in this paper can evaluate the limitation of cumulative torsion until contact with connections and the tendency of torsioninduced reduction of cyclic deformation capacity.
園田 隆一 松本 樹典 キティヨドム パーサコーン
日本建築学会 = Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.72, no.615, pp.127-135, 2007

Analyses of a single pile, a pile group and a piled raft in a homogenous elastic ground subjected to earthquake are carried out using FEM and a simplified analysis method, In the FEM analyses, the raft and the piles are modelled by solid elements, or the raft is modelled by the thin plate elements and the piles are modelled by beam elements. As a simplified analysis method, a three-dimensional dynamic analysis of piled raft foundations subjected to earthquake using a hybrid model is proposed in this paper. In the analysis, the flexible raft and the pile are modelled as thin plates and beam elements, respectively. The soil is treated as springs and dashpots. The results from different modelling are compared, in order to investigate adequate modelling of raft, pile and ground and to investigate dynamic responses of the pile foundations. It is shown from the analyses that horizontal displacements and horizontal accelerations are not influenced by methods of modelling. In contrast, vertical responses such as vertical displacements hence the rocking motion of the pile, axial forces of the pile are influenced by methods of modelling, although the vertical responses are much smaller than the horizontal responses. Details of the results of the analyses are presented, and suggestions for the improvement of the simplified analysis method are discussed.
田村 哲郎 伊藤 嘉晃
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.504, pp.15-21, 1998
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The unsteady three-dimensional flows around an oscillating rectangular cylinder are numerically simulated by means of the direct finite difference method without any turbulence model. We deal with a rectangular cylinder with D/B=2 as a computational model, which is elastically mounted in heaving mode in uniform flows. The effects of various dynamic parameters such as mass ratio, damping factor or the Scruton number, on aeroelastic instabilities of vortex-induced oscillations and gallopings are individually investigated. It is obtained that the frequency of galloping oscillation is shifted in low mass ratio, as a result the response becomes larger.
李 康碩
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.69, no.585, pp.101-107, 2004

1.はじめに 構造物の部材断面最適設計法に関する研究は,これまで多数行われてきたが,これらの研究の多くは,部材断面を連続設計変数とした線形計画法あるいは非線形計画法などの目的関数の勾配情報に基づいた数値解析方法である。しかしながら,現実の構造設計の場では,施工性や建築計画面の観点から,構造物の部材断面はあらかじめ定められた断面リストから選択しなければならない。これは部材断面を離散変数とした離散断面最適化の問題を導く。一方,連続断面結果に基づきRound-off方法により離散断面を考慮するなど,数値解析方法に基づいた離散断面最適化手法が開発されているが,制約条件を満たさない場合や大域最適解に至らない場合など,これらの手法は信頼性が低いと指摘されている。近年,ヒューリスティックスアルゴリズム(Heuristic Algorithm),すなわち遺伝的アルゴリズム(GA),Neural Network,Simulated Annealingなどに基づいた離散断面最適化手法が提案されており,特に,その中,GA手法は多数の研究者によって積極的に行われてきている。ヒューリスティックスアルゴリズムを用いた離散断面最適設計法は従来の数値解析方法が有している欠点を解決しているものの,大域最適解に至るまでの計算コストが高いなどの欠点がある。より有効な構造物の離散断面最適化手法に関する研究は必要である。最近,音楽プロセス(Jazz演奏)に基づいた最適化アルゴリズムであるハーモニーサーチヒューリスティックスアルゴリズム(Harmony Search Heuristic Algorithm,HSHA)が提案されており,これを著者らは構造物の連続断面最適設計法に応用し,その有効性を検討した。本研究ではHSHAに基づいた新しい散断面最適設計法を提案した。また,これをベンチマーク用トラス構造物に適用するとともに,既往のGAを中心としたヒューリスティックスアルゴリズムを用いた最適解とも比較し,本手法の有効性を検討した。2.離散断面最適化問題の定式化 構造物の離散断面最適化問題は,式(1)に示すように設計条件を定める不等式制約条件G^l_j≦G_j(A)≦G^u_jの下で,構造物の重量(目的関数)W(A)を最小とするような最適離散断面積Aを求める。本研究において適用したトラスの制約条件は,(1)離散部材断面リスト(A_I(k),I=1,…,n),(2)部材応力度(σ^l_I≦σ_I≦σ^u_I,I=1,…,n)および(3)節点変形(δ^l_I≦δ_I≦δ^u_I,I=1,…,m)である。3.HSHAに基づいた離散断面最適設計法 一般的に,制約条件づき離散最適化問題においては,目的関数(重量)は制約条件の満足度に関するペナルティーを課した方法を用いて評価する。しかしながら,本研究ではHSHA自体の有効性を検討するためにペナルティー方法を使わずReject方法,すなわち制約条件を満足する領域のみから最適解を求める。本研究で提案した離散断面ぐ最適化手法は4つのステップに分けられる(図1)。Step-1では,離散最適化問題を具体化するとともに,離散断面リストの設定およびHSHAパラメータ(HMS,HMCR,PAR)値を設定する。更に,式(2)に示した初期ハーモニーメモリ(HM),すなわち初期断面変数ベクトル群を,設定したHMS数だけ離散断面リストからランダムに組み合わせ,設定する。ここでは,FEM解析を基に制約条件を満足した断面変数群を選択するとともに,目的関数値(重量)によりソートされる。Step-2では,新しいハーモニー(断面変数)ベクトルを図2に示すように,HMあるいは全解ベクトル群から,(1)Memory considerations,(2)Pitch adjustmentsおよび(3)Randomizationという確率過程を基に生成する。ここでは,HSHAオペレータであるHMCRおよびPARが確率過程を制御する。Step-3では,Step-2において生成した新しいハーモニーをFEM解析するとともに,Reject方法を用いて制約条件の満足度を判断する。新しいハーモニーが制約条件を満足し,更にStep-2のHM断面変数ベクトル群の中,最も目的関数値(重量)の高いハーモニーと比べ,その重量が小さいと,この新しいハーモニーはHMに選択される。既存の最も重量の高いハーモニーはHMから除かれ,またHMの中の断面変数群は目的関数値によりソートされる。Step-4では,終了条件を満足すると,解析は終了,満足しなければ,Step-2とStep-3は繰り返される。HSHAはGAと比べ,コーディング作業がないなど,比較的簡単な方法である。HSHAは新しいハーモニー(断面変数)ベクトルを既存のHMにある全ベクトル群から生成するのに対し,GAは基本的に適合度の高い2つの個体(Parents)から子個体を生成する。更に,HSHAは全断面変数ベクトルの中の各成分変数を独立的に考慮することが可能であるが,GAは遺伝子構造を維持しなければならないため,独立的に考慮できない特徴を持っている。4.適用例:25部材立体トラス 25部材立体トラス(図3)は,今まで多数の研究者によって提案された各離散断面最適設計法の有効性を検討するために使用されてきたベンチマーク用構造物である。HSHAに基づいた離散断面最適設計法の有効性を検討するために,これを25部材立体トラスに適用するとともに,既往のGAを中心としたヒューリスティックスアルゴリズムを用いた最適解とも比較・検討した。解析では,表1に示すように,異なるHSパラメータ(HMS,HMCR,PAR)を持つ5つのケースを設定した。構造物の25部材断面は対称性を考慮し,合計8つの離散断面変数グループ[(1)A_1,(2)A_2〜A_5,(3)A_6〜A_9(4)A_<10>〜A_<11>,(5)A_<12>〜A_<13>,(6)A_<14>〜A_<17>,(7)A_<18>〜A_<21>,(8)A_<22>〜A_<15>]に分けて解析をするとともに,使用可能な離散断面リストはD={0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,05,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.8,3.0,3.2,3.4}(in.)を設定した(合計30部材)。表2に各ケースに対する25部材立体トラスの離散断面最適解(最小重量)を示し,また同構造物に対しGAを用いたRajeevとKrishnamoorthyとChowおよびEabaturらの最適解,Neural Dyhamicsモデルを用いたAdeliとParkの最適解およびSimulated Annealing手法を用いたParkとSungの最適解とも比較した。HSHAは13,523〜18,734回の構造解析後484.85〜485.77lbの最小重量を得た。これらの結果は表2に示した従来の最適解よりも良いことが分かる。図4にはRajeevとKrishnamoorthyおよびWuとChowのGA方法との収束能力を比較した。Simple GAを用いたRajeevとKrishnamoorthyは600回の構造解析後546.O1lbの最適解を求めたが,HSHAは同じ構造解析数において,504.28〜521.04lbの重量を得た。一方,Steady-state GAを用いたWuとChowは約40,000回の構造解析後486.29lbの最適解を求めたが,HSHAはCase-1を除いて,同重量を2,160〜6,850回の構造解析後に得た。5.結論 HSHAに基づいた離散断面最適設計法を提案し,その有効性をベンチマーク用25部材立体トラス構造物を用いて検討した。HSHAは,既往のヒューリスティックスアルゴリズムに基づき開発した離散断面最適設計法よりも良い最適解(最小重量)を得た。更に,HSHAの収束能力,すなわち計算コストはGAよりも低いことが分かった。本研究で提案したHSHAを用いた手法は比較的簡単なものであり,トラスのみならずプレート構造やフレーム構造などにも適用可能であると考えられる。
山田 哲 黒川 礼子 會澤 貴浩 岩田 衛
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.554, pp.131-137, 2002
14 6

Long service life, reuse and recycling are counted as three major measures for reducing environmental burden. However, the effects of these measures are not clearly defined, therefore, quantitative evaluation and investigation are required. This study conducts case studies on scenarios presumed for the environmental burden reduction for mid-rise steel building structure. Service life period of buildings, reuse rate of members and recycling rate of materials are considered as parameters. The study pays attention not only to the life cycle CO_2 (LCCO_2) but also to the amount of wastes. Additionally, in seismic areas, if the service life of buildings is extended, risks of large earthquakes increase. Therefore, the case studies assume the seismic design loads corresponding to the service life and calculate the steel weight. Major conclusions obtained in this study are as follows : 1)The environmental burden is reduced by raising the reuse rate of members and recycling rate of materials on stretching service life of the building within about 100 years. 2)Environmental burden does be not evaluated by single measure for evaluation, and it is necessary to carry out the synthetic judgment by multiple measure for evaluation.
池永 昌容 長江 拓也 マコーミック ジェイソン 勝尾 美香 中島 正愛
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.73, no.629, pp.1185-1191, 2008-07-30

Shear friction between the steel base plate and base mortar contributes to the shear resistance of standard column bases. A value of 0.5 is adopted as the coefficient of shear friction in All's design specifications, but the associated background data are limited. To investigate the dynamic shear resistance behavior between the base plate and mortar, a shake table study is undertaken using a large rigid mass supported by steel contact elements that rest on mortar surfaces fixed on the shake table. Horizontal input accelerations are considered for various magnitudes and frequencies. The results provide a constant friction coefficient during sliding with an average value of 0.78. Comparisons with previous test and numerical analysis are also carried out, and good correlation among them is noticed.
趙 衍剛 盧 朝輝 林 玉森 井戸田 秀樹
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.73, no.630, pp.1251-1256, 2008-08-30

In order to avoid the difficulties involved in searching the design point by iteration using the derivatives of the performance function, a principle shortcoming of reliability methods based on the first-order reliability method (FORM), an explicit fourth-moment reliability index, which is derived from the fourth-moment standardization of performance function, is presented and investigated in the present paper. The proposed formula is simple, and does not require integration or solve nonlinear equations, which are necessary in current used formulas. Through the investigations of the present paper, it is found that the third-moment method can be significantly improved by the proposed simple fourth moment reliability index and the fourth-moment reliability index has sufficient accuracy as a reliability index based on the fourth-moment standardization of performance function.
藤堂 正喜 羽鳥 敏明 千葉 脩 高橋 克也 武村 雅之 田中 英朗
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.60, no.475, pp.45-54, 1995
6 4

Using seismic records observed in 4 borehole arrays, characteristics of vertical seismic motions in sedimentary layers are investigated. The results are as follows. 1) P-waves having intensive effect to vertical component are propagating within sedimentary layers even after the S-wave onset time (S-wave part). 2) Frequency dependent Q-values for P-waves (Qp) in Tertiary sediment layers obtained from the optimal analyses to spectral ratios have the tendency to be identical with Q-values for S-waves (Qs) with the same wavelength. 3) Observed vertical motions in upper ground can be simulated by the multiple reflection theory of P-waves based on the optimized velocities and Q-values.
三島 直生 谷川 恭雄 森 博嗣 黒川 善幸
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.66, no.541, pp.31-35, 2001
2 1

Bingham's model is generally used as a rheological model for fresh concrete. However, Bingham's model for homogeneous materials is not always adequate to express the behavior of composite material such as fresh concrete. In this study, the numerical analysis of the flow of fresh mortar is carried out by visco-plastic finite element method (VFEM) using the shear strain dependent viscoplastic model. It is shown that the analytical results are in good agreement with the experimental ones, and that this model is appropriate. Furthermore, the mechanism of blockage of fresh mortar is discussed analytically.
佐藤 裕一 木村 耕三 小畠 克朗
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.500, pp.75-82, 1997
9 28

CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics) sheet has been used for the retrofitting of a number of existing concrete buildings and structures because of its excellent properties (high strength, lightness and high durability). To be an effective retrofitting system, however, bond effectiveness between CFRP sheet and concrete should be verified, and understanding of the peeling mechanism is especially important. This study employed both the experimental and the analytical methods to quantify the maximum bond stress τ_y and the effective bond length l_u, where the bond stress distributes. Here the interface is modeled as an interphase of 1 mm thickness, that is, a composite which consists of epoxy resin and concrete. The values of τ_y and l_u are finally proposed, and they are 4.56MPa and 45.2mm, respectively.
源栄 正人 永野 正行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.61, no.488, pp.39-48, 1996
18 2

To estimate the amplification characteristics of the ground motions in the heavily damaged belt zone in Kobe City during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, 3-D wave propagation analyses of a 2-D deep irregular underground structure model with vertical discontinuity were performed using the hyperelement method for incident plane waves expected from the wavefields due to the source mechanism. The incident waveform at bedrock is evaluated by deconvolution analysis using the observation record at Kobe University. The ground motion at the surface of the Osaka group layers and at ground surface are calculated. The effects of the deep irregular underground structure and shallow surface layers on the ground motion amplification are discussed. The analytical results show that the ground motions in the heavily damaged belt zone were amplified due to the focusing effect in the deep irregular underground structure as well as the shallow surface layers, and that the calculated maximum acceleration distributions coincide closely with the distribution of structural damage.
竹脇 出 土井 明裕 辻 聖晃 上谷 宏二
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.68, no.571, pp.45-52, 2003
1 3

The soil resisting mechanism for piles is often represented by a static or dynamic Winkler-type spring. The present paper proposes two models for analysis and design of pile-supported building structures. The first-type model is a continuum model which deals with the governing differential equation directly and enables the, introduction of the one-dimensional wave propagation theory. The second-type model is a finite-element model enabling the introduction of the response spectrum method. The accuracy, of these models is clarified through the comparison in terms of transfer functions and time histories. The maximum seismic response of the models to the ground motion defined at the engineering bedrock surface as an acceleration response spectrum is evaluated by the response spectrum method in terms of complex modal quantities. The stiffness design for a specified maximum interstory drift and a pile stress ratio (maximum pile stress/allowable stress) is obtained by regarding the lowest natural circular frequency of the fixed-base model and the pile diameter as principal parameters.
吉竹 宣也 王 涛 マコーミック ジェイソン 村田 庸介 中島 正愛
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.73, no.625, pp.441-447, 2008-03-30

Peer-to-Peer Internet online hybrid test system is one of the appealing hybrid test systems developed recently and has been demonstrated to be valid and capable of handling multiple numerical nonlinear substructures. However, its feasibility to accommodate multiple tested substructures had not been applied. To explore this possibility, a one-bay four-story steel planar moment-resisting frame is analyzed. Two column bases of the frame are taken as the tested parts, while the superstructure is analyzed by ABAQUS. The three substructures are distributed to three different locations and connected through Internet. The plastic rotations of the two column bases are treated as boundary displacements. The system run successfully without any malfunction, and the concurrent implementation of the two tested substructures is found effective. The feasibility and stability is demonstrated for the Peer-to-Peer system to handle multiple tested substructures involving significant deterioration of resistance in part of the structure.
曽我部 博之 小高 昭夫
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.59, no.463, pp.19-26, 1994
4 1

The study of the P-Δ effects due to the increase of horizontal displacement is being continued steadily. In the present paper, the P-Δ effects on the elasto-plastic response of lumped mass system subjected to strong-motion earthquakes are studied as follows : First, the stability coefficient (the parameter that characterizes the P-Δ effect) is estimated by the regression line for the height and the natural period of the buildings, and the elasto-plastic response spectra are examined. Second, the mechanism of the P-Δ effects is examined from the results of the energy response, and the estimate formula applicable to the amplification factor (the ratio between the maximum response displacement with and without P-Δ) is suggested.
桑村 仁
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.59, no.461, pp.123-131, 1994
8 5

Cyclic tension and compression test was performed to clarify the transition from fatigue fracture to ductile fracture in structural steel. The fracture transition was clearly identified in the plastic strain accumulation pattern, the fractographic appearance, and the crack penetrating profile. When the elongation amplitude a is less than the transition amplitude aTr, the fatigue is predominant, so that the skeleton strain in the stress-strain hysteresis curve approaches zero, striation patterns are observed in the fractographic picture, and the crack goes straight into the thickness without any void around the crack tip. On the other hand, when a is greater than aTr, the ductile fracture is predominant, so that the skeleton strain increases with the elevated amplitude, mashed dimple patterns are observed in stead of striations, and the crack penetrates in zigzags joining coalesced voids.
市川 裕一 バルトコ ミハエル 加藤 信男 宮内 博之 佐々木 孝基 田中 享二
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.70, no.593, pp.17-24, 2005
4 3

A waterproofing membrane is partially fixed to a substrate by fasteners in mechanically anchored systems. For designing a safer anchored waterproofing system against typhoons, it is needed to make clear the behavior of it under strong wind. Two kinds of full size specimens with a parapet and without one were exposed to high wind speed of a wind tunnel. The behavior of the system was investigated from the three aspects such as wind forces to a membrane, deformation of a membrane and tensile forces of fasteners induced by high wind. Strong wind force was observed in the area close to the windward edge for the roof without a parapet and about 1m on the leeward from a parapet for the roof with a parapet. The membrane was lifted up by wind to about 60mm in maximum height and was extended to about 0.6% in maximum elongation and it oscillated about 5-20Hz in periodic time. The tensile force of more than 160N was observed in some fasteners, depending on the location in the roof.
田中 礼治 鳩山 順夫 但木 幸男 西浦 範昭 大芳賀 義喜
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.64, no.518, pp.79-86, 1999
7 4

The purpose of this study is to grasp the possibility of using recycled aggreate concrete in the reinforced concrete structures. Using recycled aggreate in full to a beam member, the seismic performance of this member was compared with that of normal concrete member through the tests concerning flextural, shear and bond. The parameters of the tests were failure mode and concrete compressive strength. From the test results, the failure mode can be predicted and the seismic performance of RC members with recycled aggregate concrete were the same as those of the normal RC members. Futheremore, it was found that the strengths of the RC members with recycled aggregate concrete can be calculated as a safty side by previous strength equations.
土方 勝一郎 成川 匡文 増田 増田 今村 晃 岸野 泰章 伊藤 隆文 柳下 文雄 富井 隆 小山 桂介
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.502, pp.39-46, 1997
2 1 2

The buildings of a thermal power plant are generally supported by a large number of piles. When conducting a dynamic analysis of such buildings, the dynamic interaction system of a pile groupshould be evaluated. In this paper, the interaction system is proposed for the responses of the thermal power plant buildings subjected to earthquake excitation. The system is based on the simplified methods currently proposed by the authors, for the impedances of a pile group. The results of the analysis show that the interaction system is practical for the dynamic analysis of a building supported on a large number of piles.
土方 勝一郎 今村 晃 柳下 文雄 富井 隆 中井 正一 高橋 郁夫 吉田 一博 瀧 諭
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.61, no.480, pp.103-112, 1996
1 1

So-called extended sway-rocking model is frequently used in the design of embedded massive structures. When structures are embedded in soft surface layers, the model is apt to give larger shear force in the under-ground parts than the finite element method. In this paper, the authors have made clear through numerical survey using simplified models that this tendency can be attributed to the poor estimation of side wall impedance employed in the ordinary model. The authors have also proposed two modified models to evaluate the side wall impedance, and proved that the two models give more reasonable results than the ordinary sway-rocking model when foundations are embedded in soft surface strata.
松岡 祐一 マコーミック ジェイソン 吹田 啓一郎 中島 正愛
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.73, no.632, pp.1857-1864, 2008-10-30

A significant amount of research has been done in order to evaluate and improve the seismic performance of the lateral load resisting system in building structures; however, there still exists a need to study the behavior of non-structural systems during an earthquake. In order to address this issue, shaking table tests were performed to look at the behavior of non-structural gypsum board partition walls typically found in steel frame structures. Both a traditional Japanese hanging ceiling system and a seismically designed hanging ceiling system were also studied. The results suggested that the non-structural partition walls undergo a rocking behavior when perpendicular walls are framed into them. In general, stiffness and damping values were large enough to affect the overall behavior of a structure. Both types of hanging ceiling systems sustained only minimal damage and performed as designed. However, the seismically designed ceiling system underwent large accelerations due to pounding with the partition walls at drift levels greater than 1/66 radians.