角田 博之 宮岡 等 高木 謙 角田 和之 高森 康次 永井 哲夫 中川 種昭 藤野 雅美 片山 義郎
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.18, no.2, pp.85-88, 2003-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

“Adolescent paranoia” includes phobias of emitting foul odor from one's own body, fear of eye-to-eye confrontation and dysmorphophobia.A 21-year old man visited the department of dentistry of our hospital complaining of foul breath, whose concern about his odor was delusional. He also exhibited “egorrhea” symptoms, such as fear of eye-to-eye confrontation and monologue, and was diagnosed as having adolescent paranoia by a psychiatrist. The patient had started avoiding people, shut himself away in his room and talked to himself from the age of 15 or 16, after initially becoming concerned about his pimples. He also became concerned about foul breath and having suspicious eyes from the age of 17, felt that others were avoiding him, and became self-recriminatory. He later presumed that his thoughts were being expressed by his mouth contrary to his will.The self-rating questionnaire for assessing the severity of phobia of emitting foul breath received a high score of 36 out of 40. The questionnaire indicated the delusion of having halitosis, delusion of reference and poor social adaptability. He was, accordingly, diagnosed as suffering from Group III (severe) type of phobia of emitting foul breath. On the day of his first visit, he was also examined by a psychiatrist, and diagnosed as having adolescent paranoia and administered 1 mg of risperidone.This patient's symptoms suggested the possibility of schizophrenia. Thus it was preferable to pay attention to other symptoms of schizophrenia and the patient was therefore observed carefully.Dentists are likely to receive outpatients of this type who require immediate referral to psychiatrists. The case of this patient demonstrates the importance of an accurate differential diagnosis regarding complaints of emitting foul breath.
大村 満晴 河村 晃代 難波 美保子 壷内 智郎 大町 耕市 岡崎 好秀 下野 勉
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.6, no.2, pp.148-154, 1991-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Weinstein and Domoto reported that almost dental fear of adult's were based on the dental treatment during their childhood and so we can prevent these problem. We study for these problem from a point of veiw as prevention of dental fear. We reported about dental anxiety and fear for dental and non dental students with using a questionnaire before. This time we performed a dental fear survey by using a new questionnaire that had some questions concerning generalized anxiety. And tried to compare the results of dental fear survey that had achieved for Japanese residents in Seattle, U. S. A. and for native people in the U. S. A. Subjects were 3041 Japanese in Japan, 419 Japanese in the U. S. A.(Japanese residents) and 1019 Americans in the U. S. A.The results obtained were as follows;1. The proportion of the people who have some dental anxiety was 82% for Japanese, 82% for Japanese residents and 50% for Americans. The people who were hurt at the last visit to a dental office was 59%, 68% and 16% respectively. The people who did not feel comfortable asking questions about the dentists or the staff was 37%, 44%, and 10% respectively.2. In the data of Japanese in Japan, we found some differencse between high dental fear group and low dental fear group for all the categories of respondents.3. In the data of Japanese in Japan, a significant correlation between responses to questions for generalized anxiety and for dental anxiety was found.This study shows that dental anxiety is related not only to specific stimuli of dental treament, but also to anxiety of trust for the dental staff, to anxiety of unusual physical reactions, to anxiety for their own oral health and to generalized anxiety.Recently informed consent was noticed. So it is most important to make a comfortable situation a good relationship petween patients and dental staff. And in the study also in the clinic, we must not take up only reactions that have appeared when anxiety is over the physiologic limit. But, before that, the things, we should be interested in, are considering a lot of information about sociology, economics and anthropology around medicare and patients from the view point of prevention of dental fear with behavioral science.
荻野 経子 大野 久仁代 星 佳芳 三宮 慶邦 扇内 秀樹
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.13, no.2, pp.99-104, 1998-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Recently, many cases have been reported of individuals who complain of having halitosis which no one else can smell and for which there is no local or systemic cause. We call this condition “Self-halitosis”. Self-halitosis can be caused by either psychosomatic or psychiatric disorders. We have been treating such patients with brief courses of psychotherapy without using drugs. For patients with psychiatric disorders, we emphasize the importance of psychiatric treatment, but such patients often refuse to be treated by a psychiatrist because they are convinced that they really do have bad breath.In this paper, we report a case of self-halitosis considered to have been induced by skin disease. The patient was a 31-year-old man and his symptoms were relieved by a brief course of psychotherapy.
小林 雅文
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.9, no.1, pp.84-91, 1994-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Cervico-omo-brachial syndrome consists of symptoms that include pain and paralysis extending from the neck, shoulders and arms to the fingers, muscle contracture or hypertonia of these parts and the inhibition of movement at the cervical vertebrae. Although the cause is complicated, it may be produced principally by compression and/or stimulation of the spinal cord and/or nerve root, plexis or periphery. Little literature describes psychogenic intervention in this syndrome. This study describes a case of the syndrome which exhibited psychosomatic influence.Patient: 40 years old housewife.First examination: August 8, 1993Chief complaint: Sensory disturbance of the neck, shoulders and arms together with pain in the mandibular joint produced by “close-bite malocclusion” of metal crowns set on the right and left mandibular molars several years previously.History of present illness: Patient complained of dry mouth, thoracic compression and cardiopalmus in addition to the above-described syndrome, although doctors told her that no abnormal state was found from clinical, physiological and biochemical examinations. Her sickness had changed from stiffness to paralysis after a miscarriage in the previous year, and the paralysis has extended to the arms. The syndrome was not improved during 30 days of taking (p. o.) of tizanidine hydrochloride prescribed by a plastic surgeon.Status praesens: The author advised her to stop taking tizanidine. Her complaint of maladaptation of metal crowns (765 567) was foud to have almost no physical basis when examined orally, including by x-ray. The result of CMI questioning was III.However, the author counseled the patient to accept and bear with her complaint on two occasions for one hour each and also devoted one hour to reassuring the patient that her sickness would heal, making a combined total of 3 hours during the 3 months' therapy. The author also adjusted the occlusion 65 567 65 567 and set the new metal crown at 7 after root canal treatment.Etizolam (0.5mg/tablet) was administered 3 times (1 tablet p. o. every time) per day for 5 days in the first month and 10 days in the second month, and then alprazolam (0.4mg/tablet) was administered twice (1 tablet p. o. every time) per day for 5 days during final week of the second month. Her sickness disappeared for the most part. Three weeks after stopping alprazolam, (0.5mg/tablet) was administered twice (1 tablet each time) per day for 5 days in the third month. Sleeplessness was also improved considerably.Her sickness has not recurred to date, i. e. 7 months since the final treatment.
島崎 伸子 山森 徹雄 小笠原 綾子 川田 毅 沖野 憲司 塩山 司 石橋 寛二 佐藤 匡
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.8, no.1, pp.37-44, 1993-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Recently, many cases in which stress is the main cause of craniomandibular disorder (CMD) have been reported. Thus, in order to properly diagnose and treat the different stages of CMD, it becomes vitally important to objectively grasp the effect of stress.This report studied the changes in salivary pH of 15 normal adults with no CMD or autonomic nervous system (ANS) abnormalities. Stress was applied experimentally by having the subject perform and answer simple factorial equations under conditions of heavy lighting and sound for a period of 1 minute. Mixed resting saliva was collected before and after such stress was applied, and additional physiological parameters such as the pneumogram, electrocardiogram, and plethysmogram were also recorded to determine the state of the ANS. The saliva samples were obtained by sampling paper during the resting period before stress, immediately after stress, as well as at the 3, 6 and 10 minute marks. Furthermore, the saliva measurements were taken 9 minutes more for each time frame. The samples were covered with a plastic plate and the pH was measured. Measurements showed the pH value to stabilize after 1 minute. However, after removing the plastic plate and allowing volatization of CO2 gas, the pH began to elevate until it reached a maximum peak at approximately 5 minutes. This pH difference from the stable state was referred to as DIAL. Analyses concerning ANS were also recorded for 1 minute before collecting the saliva.In conclusion, the coefficiency of the plethysmogram amplitude increased due to slight stress, while stable pH ualues and DpH1 decreased after slight stress, thus indicating a relationship between the activity of the parameters involving autonomic responses and pH curve of the saliva. We concluded that these studies showed that stable pH values and DpH1 reflect the activity of the autonomic nerve responses.
清水 正嗣 小野 敬一郎
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.6, no.1, pp.41-47, 1991-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The records of five oral cancer cases that committed suicide were studied psychosomatically. 4 were diagnosed as S. C. C. histologically and treated by oral surgeons and radiologists between 1959-1980 at the Uni. Hospital of Tokyo Medical and Dental University by Shimizu and others, and the remaining case was treated at a cancer center in Japan and the case history was examined for this study from the book written by the patient herself.The first case was a 50-year-old female with cancer of the upper left gum T4N1M0, which was treated with radiotherapy. Just one year later after the radiation, she committed suicide by jumping into a river, because of jaw pains due to tumor remains.The 2nd case was a 53-year-old male with cancer of the right cheek mucous membrane T3N2bM0, which was first treated with bleomycin, then with radiotherapy for 1. 5 years. After finishing radiotherapy successfully, the patient killed himself by hanging in the hospital due to the pain, although the tumor had clinically disappeared.The 3rd case was a 48-year-old female with cancer on the left side of the tongue T3NOMO. She was treated with interstitial radon seed radiation with success. After discharge from the hospital, she committed suicide by hanging herself at home afler complaining of pain and anxiety.The 4th case was a 55-year-old male with cancer on the right side of the tongue T3NlaMo. He was referred to the tumor conference, where the treating plan was decided to be radiotherapy. Before admission to the hospital, he killed himself by jumping into the Pacific Ocean from a ferryboat because he became pessimistic about the planned radiotherapy.The 5th case was a 59-year-old female novelist. She suffered from cancer on the right floor of the mouth and visited a cancer center, where a surgeon examined her and excised the tumor as a benign lesion. After that she was referred to the radiological department. The result of the radiotherapy was effective, but she thought her tumor would not disappear and hung herself at home due to severe mouth pain and great depression over the imagined future course of the tumor following the first failure of diagnosis and treatment.As causes of suicide by the patients with oral cancer, the side effect of pain during and after radio-therapy was pointed out at first, then the anxiety of the disease as cancer and distrust of the doctor played very important roles. For the future it should be stressed that we must not ignore these points as we examine and treat oral cancer patients.
豊福 明 梅本 丈二 内藤 温友 喜久田 利弘 都 温彦
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.15, no.2, pp.197-202, 2000-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The authors employed behavior restriction therapy for a 19-year-old female delusional halitosis patient under hospitalization. She had been complaining of halitosis for 4 years and visited several psychosomatic specialists. She had also been hospitalised in a psychiatric ward for treatment but her complaints of halitosis had not been reduced. She gave up high school and tended to stay indoors.We started by using the description of impressions and prescribed her amitriptyline as an outpatient. Symptoms such as delusion of reference or depression were ameliorated and she became fairly cheerful. But her poor social adaptation hindered her from forming a full social identity.We introduced her to behavior restriction therapy upon her admission to our hospital. Under condition of general social deprivation, she experienced many warm emotional exchanges with other inpatients, and gradually gained confidence in personal relations. We also administerated fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). The fluvoxamine was as effective as amitriptyline, and fewer side effects were observed. Finally, she became able to talk with others and go out freely, in a manner suited to her age.It is suggested that behavior restriction therapy was useful in this case.
豊福 明 都 温彦
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.18, no.2, pp.99-101, 2003-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

外科的顎矯正治療後に, 咬合の異常感の他, 姿勢のねじれ, 全身倦怠など多彩な全身的不定愁訴を呈していた39歳, 女性の顎関節症患者に, SNRIであるmilnacipranによる治療を行った. SNRIを6ヶ月かけて30mg/dayから120mg/dayまで増量したところ, 咬合の異常感, 広範囲の疼痛や随伴症状の睡眠障害, 慢性疲労, 全身のこわばり, 痺れ感, 抑うつ気分などが, 経時的および用量依存的に改善していった. 本症例は線維筋痛症の診断基準も満たしており, 両者の随伴症状の重複や抗うつ薬への反応の共通性から, このタイプの顎関節症の背景には線維筋痛症と類似した中枢性の病態生理学的機序が存在するのではないかと考えられた.
豊福 明 吉田 美紀 嶋村 知記 古賀 勉 瀬戸 富雄 清水 敏博 中小田 直子 松原 聖子 有吉 祐二 喜久田 利弘 都 温彦
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.11, no.1, pp.88-95, 1996-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

We have proposed that the management of serious psychosomatic TMJ disorder should be undertaken in a hospital environment where the patient can be fully investigated and the response to medication and psychotherapy monitored.This is not only because they are too tired to do anything but also they wander about many hospitals having wrong conviction that occlusion is the cause of many systemic disorders.To release the oral function from this pathological attention of brain, we reduce their symptoms by antidepressants without dealing with their occlusion. In this process, we take a psychotherapeutic method to make them notice their changes to understand that occlusion had nothing to do with patient's symptoms.A 34-year old man, complaining of TMJ disorder and systemic fatigue and many symptoms, was shown as a case example in the process of improvement of wrong conviction.Once he came to our department, but was lost to follow-up, and wandering many hospitals including neuro-pcychiatry. 8 months after the last visit, the patient came to our hospital again for admission.In the process of therapy, constant stimuli were provided to patients in the therapeutic frame, in which the therapist tried to maintain an emotionally steady attitude toward him and gave active support to his healthy mind, through stable and proper comments without being affected by perpetual and entrapping inciation of his ill mind.Comstancy not only in psychological stimuli but also bodily sensation was evaluated as one of the most important factors for the cure of the disorders. Psychosomatic therapy by the dentist made it possible for this patient to resusciate his own bodily (especially oral) perseption.
横田 雅実 桐野 靖子 小林 司 小林 雅文
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.15, no.1, pp.85-89, 2000

今回の症例は, 数か所の身体症状が病理学的に認められ, それにうつ状態がかさなっているものである.<BR>患者は, 1996年の初診時において78歳の女性である.彼女は20年以前から, 半身不随の夫の看病を続けており, 彼女自身も動脈硬化症, 高血圧, 狭心症, 脳梗塞等の身体症状に加えて, 不定愁訴, 悪夢, 不眠等で苦しんでいた.さらに娘の結婚による別居後, それらの症状に加えて, 自殺念慮, 発癌恐怖もおきてきた.かかりつけの内科医から, 末梢の治療薬に加えて, 抗不安薬も投与されて来たが, 充分な効果が得られないので投与量が増加されていた.<BR>彼女の下顎切歯 (21112) の金属冠は, 破損していたが, 近くの歯科医に不信感を持っているため, 7~8年放置したままで, 治療を受けようとしなかった.今般, 彼女の娘に連れられて筆者らを訪れた時にはdrowsinessのため歯科治療を行える状態ではなかった.筆者らはこのdrowsineSSは, 現在服用中のアルプラゾラムのためと考え, その服用を中止させ, その代わりに心身症性の臓器および循環障害に著効を示し, しかもアルプラゾラムよりも依存性の低いクロキサゾラムを処方した所, 小量投与にもかかわらず, 3週間の服用で身体症状を含めて精神症状に際だった改善が認められた.勿論この間に心身医学的療法として, 臨床心理学的アプローチによりカウンセリングを定期的に行った.約1か月経過時から口腔内治療を始めた.まず21112の破損金属冠を撤去し, 根管充填物を除去した.X線診査によれば, 21112の根尖端に病変はみられなかったので, ただちに根管充填を行い, その数日後にメタルコアーを合着し, 印象を採得した.翌月には金銀パラジウム裏装の硬質レジン前装冠を合着した.現在まで経過は良好である.<BR>クロキサゾラムの投与は1年間で中止した.それは患者が消化管障害の再発を訴えたためで, このため1997年10月から, 心身症性の消化管障害に著効を示し, 依存性の心配の少ないフルトプラゼパムの投与を開始し, 現在まで順調である.
永井 哲夫 角田 博之 宮岡 等 高森 康次 岩渕 博史 角田 和之 片山 明彦 片山 義郎 海老原 務 藤野 雅美
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.15, no.2, pp.143-148, 2000-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

In order to characterize the severity of psychosomatic features of the patients who maintain the false conviction of the foulness of their own breath, thirty subjects (10 men and 20 women, aged 13 to 66) were interviewed by trained dentists and psychiatrists.The patients were classified in three types (Class 1 to 3) according to the degree of their cognition of foul breath, ideas of reference, delusion of reference and social adaptation. Class 1 patients were those who were cocerned about foul breath but showed no idea or delusion of reference and had good social adaptation. Class 2 patients were convinced of the foulness of their breath and had idea of reference and problems of social adaptation. The patients most strongly convinced of the foulness of their breath were placed in Class 3.The patients in this criteria had idea of reference, delusion of reference, and hallucination indicating poor social adaptation. The role of dentists in the treatment plan for imagined foul breath can be decided by the classification of the severity of the syndrome. Class 1 patients who sometimes need anti-anxiety drugs can be treated by dentists, but treatment of Class 2 patients who need antipsychotics should be conducted in cooperation with psychiatrists. The treatment of Class 3 patients should be mainly conducted by psychiatrists, but dentists can provide support for the continuation of the treatment.
冨谷 吉二郎
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.2, no.1, pp.3-18, 1987-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The personality, psychological state, and trigger factors of occurrence of thirty-seven patients with self halitosis were investigated by psychological tests and detailed interview. The results were as follows:1) By the analysis of the patients' personality, twenty-seven (64%) patients were classified in the category of psychosomatic disorder, and the rest in neurosis.2) The number of female patients in the areas III and IV of the CMI test is larger than that of the male patients. The Y-G test revealed that there were more female patients in the maladjustmentgroup than male patients. In MAS test, the patients with neurosis got more points in the anxiety scale than those with psychosomatic disorder.3) In most cases, the precipitating factor of the disease was found to be a stressor of situational genesis, i. e. anthroscene. The mechanism of outbreak is speculated to be responded conditioning, and the symptoms were maintained by operant mechanism.4) The above data indicated that self-halitosis had indication for behavioral therapy. In fact, all cases could overcome self-halitosis by taking behavioral therapy.
管野 さゆり 小山 浩平 金野 吉晃 清野 幸男 三浦 廣行
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.17, no.2, pp.129-134, 2002-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Tics are defined in the DSM-IV manual of the American Psychiatric Association as being sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic, stereotyped motor movement or vocalization. We report on the treatment of a patient with tic symptom, a cleft lip on the left side and skeletal anterior cross bite. Clinical record: The patient, a girl with a cleft lip on the left side, was referred to us at the age of 5 months by Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine, for the purpose of performing preoperative orthodontics.Our plastic surgery department performed the cheiloplasty at the age of 6 months. This was followed, at the age of 6 years, by work on the rhinoplasty and secondary cheiloplasty. From the age of 3 years and 6 months, due to poor upper jaw development and as a result of examination of skeletal anterior cross bite, work was commenced as the maxillary protraction, the upper dental arch expansion, and improvement of the rotated central incisors on the upper jaw.The patient continued to visit the hospital without problems until the age of 7 years and 10 months.At her next half-yearly visit, at the age of 8 years and 4 months, the patient was observed to have symptoms of blinking, facial twitching, coughing, and strange vocalizations. Her mother had considered these symptoms to be nose-related and taken her daughter to an otorhinolaryngologist, but the examination there produced no improvement and she was thinking of going to another hospital. The authors suspected Tourette's syndrome and introduced the patient to a child psychologist. Tourette's syndrome was diagnosed on the basis of the vocal tic and effectiveness of haloperidol. A year later, the multiple tics had continued with changes of place, type and frequency with no apparent regularity of pattern in either transformation or frequency. Minor incidents, increases of anxiety etc. were thought to precipitate change in and expression of the symptoms, but the patient was extremely cooperative with the orthodontic treatment.Discussion: Pediatric patients suspected of having a genetic predisposition towards tics may be liable to develop symptoms in response to triggers experienced in the home or school. In this case, the orthodontic treatment did not become a source of stress and the patient's psychological state was observed to be good. It is supposed that the condition was probably precipitated by a latent feeling of inferiority or stress experienced at school or in the children's home. Close coordination with a medical specialist is essential in the case of tics. It is important for the orthodontist to provide not only occlusion-related treatment but also psychological support.
神作 愛 今井 崇雄 高橋 一郎 澤田 茂樹 山内 美智子 長谷川 英美 五十川 光俊 米重 成人
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.12, no.1, pp.37-41, 1997-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Antinociceptive effects of the traditional Chinese (Kampo) medicines, Hochu-ekki-to, Yoku-kan-san and Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to, were studied on acetic acid-induced writhing in mice. The number of writhings observed was counted in consecutive 5 min periods for 60 min after intraperitoneal injection of 0.6% acetic acid. Kampo medicines were administered for 14 consecutive days, prior to testing, in the drinking water. Oral administration of Hochu-ekki-to (60, 150 and 300 mg/kg/day) dose-dependently reduced the number of acetic acid-induced writhings. Yoku-kan-san (60, 150 and 300mg/kg/day) tended to inhibit the writhing response to acetic acid in a dose-related manner. Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to (60, 150 and 300 mg/kg/day) markedly reduced the number of acetic acid-induced writhings but its effects were not dose-dependent. These results suggest that these Kampo medicines may have antinociceptive properties.
山崎 卓 守田 誠吾 扇内 秀樹
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.20, no.1, pp.17-19, 2005-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

We report a case of school-refusal with two planned attempts at suicide due to halitophobia. The patient was a 20-year-old man whose history of the present illness revealed that he had become concerned about his breath after being bullied in junior high school at the age of fourteen. He had become incapable of having personal contact with other people and refused to go to school. He later graduated without attending junior high school, and subsequently enrolled in a correspondence high school. When he came to our clinic, however, he was currently taking time off from school. He had planned to commit suicide twice, at 17 and 19 years of age, and been admitted to a local psychiatric hospital.The patient was referred to our department by the psychiatrist in charge of his case because no objective evidence of halitosis had been detected during the initial examination. The patient became psychologically stable and hardly concerned about his breath any more after about 6 months of oral cleaning and phased counseling, provided on a regular basis.
尾口 仁志 中村 広一 石川 圭子 瀬戸 皖一
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.3, no.1, pp.20-25, 1988-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The patient, a 22 years old man, came to us hoping to receive dental treatment under general anesthesia on account of his extreme dental treatment phobia.The symptoms had been manifest since primary school. On the first medical examination day, the patient found it impossible to sit in a dental chair.We diagnosed a severe dental treatment phobia from his symptoms. As a result of six hours of interviews, at the rate of two hours a day, we recognized the possibility to cure the patient of his symptoms.Although a long period would be required, we decided to proceed with systematic desensitization.In systematic desensitization, we utilize autogenic training for reciprocal inhibitation. In the early stage, we used desensitization by image, then in-vivo desensitization.At the same time, we combined assertive response and modeling therapy.As a consequence, we were able to successfully alleviate the dental treatment phobia itself, although a total treatment period of 11 months was required.
小林 雅文
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.12, no.1, pp.43-47, 1997-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The study describes a case of ill-fitting dentures caused by long-term polypharmacy.Patient: 55 year old female office worker.First examination: March 26, 1996.Chief symptoms: Difficulty fitting lower denture.Therapeutic history: The patient gradually lost her lower teeth, except for a single canine, after breaking her leg in a fall. Several sets of dentures were made but the patient was unable to keep them correctly positioned.Present status: The patient walks with difficulty and has the characteristic moon-face induced by chronic steroid administration. The alveolar membrane was frail and inelastic. The remaining canine was very mobile and was removed with minimal damage. However, bleeding continued for longer than was expected and healing was delayed. She was advised to stop taking steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-allergic drugs (anti-histamines?) and anxiolytics which had been prescribed by different clinics over a period of several years. She also received counselling and was informed that the problems with ill-fitting dentures would be resolved. This was indeed the case. Her alveolar membrane and psychological well-being also improved.
伊藤 幹子 木村 宏之 尾崎 紀夫 荒尾 宗孝 木村 有希 伊藤 隆子 栗田 賢一
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.21, no.1, pp.13-22, 2006-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

In 1999, the authors organized a medical liaison group composed of dentists and a psychiatrist at the outpatient clinic of the Department of First Oral Surgery, Hospital of the School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, for the diagnosis and treatment of oral psychosomatic disorders. The practice has been for the dentists of the medical liaison group to examine each patient and diagnose his/her oral somatic disorder in the first stage of the examination, and the psychiatrist to examine each patient and make diagnosis according to DSM-IV or DSM-IV TR in the second stage.The subjects of this study were 13 patients with personality disorders (PD) among 268 patients examined during a 5-year and 4-month period from 2000 to 2004. The diagnoses by the dentists consisted of five cases of atypical facial pain, three of burning mouth syndrome, two of oral malaise, one of dental phobia, one of temporomandibular joint disorder, and one of halitophobia. Those by the psychiatrist consisted of six cases of pain disorder, two of conversion disorder, two of somatization disorder, one of hypochondriasis, one of specific phobia, and one of adjustment disorder. On DSM-IV Axis II, the diagnosis/suspicion results consisted of three cases of paranoid PD, two of avoidant PD, two of obsessive-compulsive PD, two of borderline PD, two of narcissistic PD, one of histrionic PD, and one of dependent PD. It was very difficult for us to manage the patients with borderline PD and narcissistic PD in cases of invasive treatment such as a tooth extraction. It has been found that the comorbidity of not only mental disorders but also personality disorders does need to be diagnosed and dentists ought to plan their therapeutic strategy for patients with personality disorders under the supervision of psychiatrists
中南 匡史 大前 泰三 伊藤 博子 丸山 剛郎
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.8, no.1, pp.26-31, 1993-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

This study investigated various kinds of parameters concerning chewing movement in relation to psychosomatic factors such as anxiety. Fifty Subjects (male: 46 female: 4, Average: 26.4 years old), studying in Osaka University, free of stomatognathic dysfunction signs participated in this study. At first, they answered a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Form X questionnaire (STAI), and their chewing movements were recorded by a Sirognathograph Analysing System III. Then, the scale of State or Trait Anxiety was correlated with parameters of chewing movement ; rhythm, occluding points, shape of chewing pathway andmaximum speed were investigated.The results were as follows;1) There was a positive correlations between the scale of the State Anxiety and the occluding phase period and a negative correlation with the maximal jaw opening.2) Concerning the scale of Trait Anxiety there was a negative correlation with the amount of maximal jaw opening, and also a negative correlation with maximum jaw opening and closing speed.It was suggested that psychosomatic factors such as anxiety participate in chewing movement.