大場 義夫 川畑 徹朗 丹 公雄
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.17, pp.125-133, 1978-02-28

We have two chapters in this study. Chapter 1. The main purpose of this chapter is to investigate the effect of Back Ground Music (B. G. M. ) , especially the effect of masking nuisance noises, in case of pupils' performing Intellectual-Tests. And we also investigated the reason why pupils learned their lessons at their homes under the conditions of B.G.M.. The main findings of this chapter is as follows; 1. B.G.M. used to mask nuisance noises softens the suffering given by nuisance noises. 2. In case of performing Intellectual-Tests, the condition under "B. G. M. with nuisance onises" is more efficient than that under "noises only". 3. The main reason of pupils' learning under the conditions of B.G.M. is not that they want to increase the efficiency of their lessons but that they want to listen to music itself. Chapter 2. This chapter is the sequel to our treatise reported in the preceding Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Univ. of Tokyo, Vol. 16. We investigated whether the effect of music upon intellectual performance varies by each subject's skillfulness or not. We have the following conclusion. "Inhibitory effect" of music was obviously observed in those subjects who had lower skillfulness in performing Intellectual-Tests.
藤川 大祐
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.31, pp.201-207, 1992-03-30

Classes on four subjects (Japanese, mathematics, science, and social studies) in a junior high school classroom are observed and video-recorded, and later transcribed. And the four teachers are interviewed by stimulated-recall. Then questioning strategies of three teachers (except mathematics) are analysed, using the methods of "classroom discourse" research and "teachers' thought processes" research. For each teacher, various problems concerning the questioning strategies are identified. And common characteristics of the three are discussed.
下地 秀樹 山崎 鎮親 太田 明
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.31, pp.25-44, 1992-03-30

Niklas Luhmann, der mit seiner Systemtheorie einen unubersehbare EinfluB auf verschiedene Disziplinen ausubt, beobachtet, zusammen mit Padagoge K. -E. Schorr, das Erziehungssystem aus seiner eigenartige Perspektiv. Seit 80er Jahren, angereizt durch Problemstellung Luhmanns, die Selbstthematisierung der Padagogik und Refexion auf Reflexion des Erziehungssystems impliziert, sieht sich die Padagogik gezwungen, die Uberlegungen uber die padagogische Selbstverstandnis anzustellen und die Gegenuberstellungs-oder AnschuluBpunkt gegen oder an die Systemtheorie klar zu machen. Der vorliegende Beitrag bring die Problematik zwischen Systemtheorie und Padagogik (I), uberblickt die systemtheoretische Voraussetzung des Erziehungssystems (II), disktiert dann die Reaktion der Padagogik auf das systemtheoretische Verstandnis des Erziehungssystems (III), und schlieBlich betrachtet, was Luhmanns Systemtheorie fur Theorie der Erziehung leistet (IV).
広瀬 隆雄
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.25, pp.263-272, 1986-03-10

The financial world in Japan has appealed many educational demands after the war. And they have had much influence on the tendency of educational policy. What the financial world has consistently demanded is to diversify educational system. Focusing on it, in this paper we intend to clarify its contents historically. Demands of diversifying educational system was founded on two logics. One was of diversity in social demands, the other was of diversity in the individuals. One of the peculiar features in these days is that these demands have been strongly appealed basing on diversity in ability and aptitude of the individuals. It's thought necessary to diversity educational system because of "esteeming individuality and creativity", and this opinion is firmly related to its recognition of the "post industrial society".
森 重雄
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.27, pp.91-115, 1988-02-10

Concerning research models, current sociology of education seems to take a differential (in mathematical sense) direction. That is, now it sees its object-"education"-either from micro standpoint or through extraordinary minute way. Both trends result from functional understanding of education, which makes "education" very abstract matter. In sum, current sociology of education reifies its object paradoxically despite its practical interests. In this academic context, this discourse shows quite opposite-say, integral (also mathematical sense)-direction. Examining several historical facts, we conclude that "education" is neither an abstract function nor universal matter at all, but historically formed sphere of modern "Lebenswelt." In other words, we would like to make it clear in this discourse that "education" is modernity which is central feature of modern society. Then we suggest that sociological analyses need to recognize that "educational problems" are not universal nor functional disorder, but a serious and special theme of modern societies; which signify a specific stage of history.
大津 尚志
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.381-389, 1995-02-28

In this study, I intend to examine the existing textbook system in America, special attention be put to the way how national government control the system. According to the Tenth Amendment, it is not the federal government but the states that have authority over education. It is the states and school districts which have the authority to control over the adoption of textbooks. As a result, it is a limited control system instead of a complete control system as the one in Japan. In this paper, I would outline the existing textbook system in America in terms of its effects, issues and controversies and my research is focus on a comparative textbook system between America and Japan.
香川 克
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.235-244, 1995-02-28

The self-others cognitive system of 12-18 years old students were examined in terms of Self-Identity System (S-I. S.). Cluster analysis classified their S-I. S. s into five groups. Younger subjects tended more toward "separated others, self convergence type", while elder subiects tended more toward "non-separated others, self convergence type". Subjects in the transitional stage from the younger to the elder often looked up to a particular person as a "guiding star". These results suggest that self-others cognitive system changes with aging during early adolescence, and a particular person as a "guiding star" may play an important role in this process.
畑 栄一
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.21, pp.257-265, 1982-03-10

Red cell count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb) and hematocrit (Ht) are frequently used as the indices of anemia. The author examined the relationships between these three factors by using medical checkup data of some 34, 000 men and women. A strong relationship was observed between Hb and Ht, which guaranteed the accuracy of their mutual inferences. No such strong relationship was found between RBC and Hb and between RBC and Ht. The popular view, therefore, was supported that alternative measurement of Hb or Ht is sufficient for the screening of anemia but that single measurement of RBC would not be enough for that purpose. Furthemore, in the case of women approximately from 30 to 50 years of ase some effects were also noticed which were supposed to be caused by an increase of the individual differences in mean corpuscular volume (MCV).
堀尾 輝久 藤田 英典 渡部 洋 佐伯 胖 汐見 稔幸
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.28, pp.1-26, 1989-03-30

本稿は, 東京大学教育学部の1988年度総合科目(学部3年生を対象として4月初旬に行われる2単位の集中講義)の一環として行われたシンポジウムの報告と討論のテープを起こしたものに各報告者が若干の加筆修正を加えたものである。