米家 志乃布
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.86, pp.41-53, 2023-03-03

島宗 理
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.84, pp.119-148, 2022-03-10

This study investigated the effects of extinction on response variabilities in transition states among university students playing MIDI drums. Each of the 4 × 4 tiles on a screen were turned by hitting a drum pad on a variable interval reinforcement schedule (VI 3s). None of the hits caused the tiles to turn when after 17-32 reinforcement (Extinction). Subsequently, changes in response frequency, inter-response time, response strength in terms of velocity, response location, and variabilities in these response dimensions were simultaneously measured and monitored for the next experimental phase. For each participant, the response dimension with the highest increase in variability due to extinction was chosen for differential reinforcement. Reinforcement criteria for each participant were determined by visual inspection of ongoing data and reversed to examine the effects of reinforcement contingencies. The results of eight participants who completed the experiment were then reported. Temporal increases in response strength and/or its variability were observed in four participants, and those in response location and/or its variability were observed in two participants. None of the participants showed clear temporal increases in response frequency, which is often described as “extinction burst.” In the differential reinforcement phase, the responses of six participants changed according to the reinforcement conditions without the participants’ awareness. Conceptual issues about the temporal effects of extinction were discussed and future research is proposed.
越智 啓太
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.81, pp.85-94, 2020-09-30

木島 泰三
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.72, pp.59-76, 2016-03-30

In the first section, we review the outline of Spinoza's project of a naturalistic ethics that does not presuppose any natural teleology. We show that Spinoza's conatus is a non-teleological, inertia-like power (though it is not the same as inertia itself) that plays important roles in his ethical project. We also point out that his project provides several conclusions that are similar to Epicurean hedonist ethics, and this similitude seems to be rooted in their shared non-teleological naturalistic worldview and shared naturalistic view of humanity. In the second section, we begin by analyzing distinct, though related, senses of the concept of contingency in his Ethics. According to Spinoza, "contingent" means "whose causes we are ignorant of." In this sense, contingency amounts to unpredictability, and thus for finite beings, the destiny of each finite being is contingent or unpredictable because of the unpredictability of the course of the "common natural order" on which our destiny depends. On another occasion, Spinoza characterizes our knowledge wiiich depends on the "common natural order" as "fortuitous" with a very negative emphasis. Here, Spinoza shares his negative evaluation of the purposelessness of the natural necessity with teleologists by taking the standpoint of finite individuals that seek naturalistic goodness for their own sake, which is explained by his conatus doctrine non-teleologically. Doubtlessly, these two overlapping implications of Spinozistic con tingency for finite beings are of a negative or detrimental character, yet it is another Spinozistic conclusion that this unpredictable and fortuitous character of the "common natural order" is the sole source of novelty that can provide finite beings with growth and improvement. This is understandable because such unpredictability and fortuitousness are the very aspects of the divine infinite purpose-free productiveness, and it is here that we find an instance of the creative combination of contingency with necessity in Spinozistic finite beings. In the third section, we find a deeper instance of such a combination of contingency and necessity in the very possibility of the existence of finite complex beings. To make this clear, we look over a few modern Epicurean speculations attempted by La Mettrie and Hume that precedeDarwin. In them we find a combination of: (1) the huge random "trial and error" process done by Nature itself, and (2) the resulting self-subsisting structure. We can find both components in Spinoza's text: (1) Nature is infinitely productive and each individual is contingent in the sense that it does not necessarily exist, and (2) each existent being is self-preserving to some degree. Such considerations solve a puzzling question about Spinoza's theory of complex individuals: namely, why Spinoza does not assign any particular causes that combine constituents into an individual. Lastly, we reconfirm the strong affinity between Spinoza and Epicureans, but notice that there may be disagreement over whether Nature itself is contingent or not.
酒井 健
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.78, pp.31-49, 2019-03-18

Cet article a pour but de montrer les traits distinctifs de la philosophie platonicienne, vue par les penseurs français contemporains dont Georges Bataille et Jacques Derrida. En effet, on peut considérer Bataille comme représentant typique de la première génération de la pensée post-moderne française. Cette génération s’éveillait à la pensée philosophique au lendemain de la première guerre mondiale et, par suite de ce désastre inouï tout à fait européen, mettait en question les fondements de la civilisation occidentale moderne. Tandis que Derrida, comptant parmi la seconde génération, a recours surtout aux textes de Bataille pour s’acquérir sa critique radicale du modernisme aux dépens des dogmatismes idéologiques : ceux-ci dominaient la scène philosophique après la deuxième guerre mondiale.Ainsi, Bataille et Derrida, chacun à sa manière, mettaient en cause «un Platon français». Il s’agit d’un Platon rationaliste et idéaliste que les philosophes académiques depuis le 19ème siècle ont formé comme prédécesseur de Descartes. Alors, dans cette mise en cause du «Platon français», on peut faire grand cas d’un rôle que Léon Chestov a joué dans le milieu des intellectuels français. En effet, ce philosophe russe immigré cherchait, au courant des années 1920 et 30, à les éveiller à l’autre de la raison comme à un Platon profond qui fait face à ce qui est foncièrement énigmatique. À partir de cet enseignement de Chestov, le jeune Bataille a repris un sujet important de ce philosophe grec : «fixer le soleil». Quant à Derrida, il est question de ressaisir la notion platonicienne de «Khôra» pour démontrer la «déconstruction» du platonisme, faite par Platon lui-même.En fin de compte, cet article vise à mettre en lumière l’ambition de la pensée française contemporaine à l’égard de Platon. Il s’agit de le donner pour un Janus errant qui envisage à la fois le système rationnel de sa philosophie et le dehors irrationnel de celle-ci. Tout cela se résume par cette parole de Bataille : «Il (Platon) tente d’établir autant qu’il peut un édifice rationnel, et qu’il y a pourtant quelque chose au-delà...»
越智 啓太
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.80, pp.97-112, 2020-03-13

近堂 秀
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.68, pp.47-58, 2014-03

In dieser Abhandlung wird die Möglichkeit der Selbsterkenntnis in der sprachanalytischen Philosophie aufgrund von der Selbstbewußtseinstheorie Kants aufgezeigt. In der sprachanalytischen Philosophie findet Shoemaker die Selbstreferenz ohne Identifikation im Selbstbewußtsein, während Chisholm die Möglichkeit der Selbsterkenntis durch den Satz von der Selbstvorstellung behauptet. Zugleich leugnen Shoemaker und Chisholm daskantische transzendentale Subjekt ab. Aber in der ersten Auflage der Kritik der reinen Vernunft erhellte die transzendentale Bezeichnung f urdasSelbstausderKritik deszweiten Paralogismusder transzendentalen Psychologie. Das Ich von der transzendentalen Einheit wird unmittelbar als einfach bezeichnet und dadurch wird der Gedanke mitteilbar gemacht. Also nach Kant wird die Selbsterkenntnis durch die Selbstreferenz in der transzendentalen Bezeichnung für das Selbst möglich gemacht.
中釜 浩一
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.78, pp.11-19, 2019-03-18

In this paper, I discuss that ① What is the motivation of the Plato’s theory of Ideas, ② Why many philosophers, especially nominalists, have criticized Plato’s theory, and ③ in spite of these severe criticisms, why Platonic Intuition has survived for so many years.What motivates Plato’s theory of Ideas is the naïve semantics to explain intuitively our understanding of the meanings of everyday sentences. But theory of Ideas has some fatal drawbacks. To show these drawbacks, I use P. Benacerraf’s argument of mathematical knowledge and M. Dummett’s argument concerning mathematical infinity. In a word, Plato’s Ideas are unknowable and incommunicable entities and so they cannot be used as the tool for explanation of our objective knowledge.But despite of these theoretical problems, I argue that we cannot actually do without presupposing Platonic Intuition, and that to raise this paradoxical situation and to challenge our inquiries to go further is the Merit of Plato’s Philosophy.
奥田 和夫
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.78, pp.1-10, 2019-03-18

E. Lask (1875-1915) said that Plato’s theory of Forms is one of two worlds theories. This opinion has been accepting vulgarly. In this note I observe that Plato certainly distinguishes aistheta(sensibles, sensible world) from noeta (intelligibles, intelligible world), but he does not tell they are on an equality with each other nor the former is independent of the latter.We read in the Symposium, the Phaedo, and the Republic that the Forms themselves do not appear as such to us but always are identical with themselves and the objects of our nous (intelligence) as “being of X”. The simile of the line of the Republic VI shows that each segment of the line is partitioned by the degrees of clearness and truth of cognition of the soul. So the simile is mainly intended to tell cognitive range of the soul rather than the kinds of objects. Generally speaking, the same object may appear severally according to the degrees of the line.A learner who imagines that the theory of Forms is one of two worlds theories at initial stage of the study can hardly emerge from incorrigible misunderstandings about the Forms.
菅沢 龍文
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.76, pp.13-31, 2018-03-13

Über den Begriff des Besuchsrechts bei Kant diskutieren wir folgendermaßen. (1) Es gründet sich aufs Recht der Menschheit. (2) Es gehört zum Weltbürgerrecht und der weltbürgerichen Verfassung. Darüber hinaus soll es durchs Völkerrecht und den Völkerbund positiv realisiert werden. (3) Folglich kann man dasselbe für ein Kennzeichen der Realisierung des Weltfriedens und der Grundrechte halten. In bezug auf (1) besteht es im “Recht des gemeinschaftlichen Besitzes der Oberfläche der Erde” (AA8: 358), dessen Grund das Recht der Menschheit ist, das doch die Grundrechte integriert. Auf der anderen Seite (2) wird der Unterschied zwischen Völkerstaat und Völkerbund in bezug auf die Idee der Weltrepublik erklärt. Der Völkerbund gehört zum Völkerrecht und verwirklicht durchs “Gleichgewicht aller Kräfte der Völker” (AA8: 367) gewissermaßen den Frieden zwischen den Völkern. Das Besuchsrecht der Menschen und das Recht des Verkehrs der Völker gehören doch zum Weltbürgerrecht. Das erstere realisiert sich unter der Idee der Weltrepublik und das letztere unter der Idee des Völkerstaats. Das Besuchsrecht wird durch den Verkehr der Völker relativ mehr versichert, der zwischen der Weltrepublik und dem Völkerbund vermitteln kann. Solche Verwirklichung des Besuchsrechts nähert uns also dem echten Weltfrieden und wird ein Kennzeichen derselben. (On this paper we discuss the concept of the right to visit by Kant in the following way. (1) It is based on the right of humanity. (2) It belongs to the cosmopolitan right and to the cosmopolitan constitution. It should be in addition realized positively by the international law and the international constitution. (3) We can call it the sign of the realization of the world peace and of the fundamental rights. Referring to (1) it consists in “the right of possession in common of the earth’s surface” (AA8: 358), the basis of which is the right of humanity that integrates the fundamental rights. In another point of view (2) it explains the difference between the international state and the league of nations by reference to the idea of the world republic. The league of nations belongs to the international right and realizes, as it were, the peace between nations through the balance of power among them. The human right to visit and the right of the intercourse or communication between people of different nations belong to the cosmopolitan right. The former realizes itself under the idea of the world republic and the latter under the idea of the international state. The right to visit shall be relatively more affirmed by the intercourse or communication between the nations, that could mediates between the world republic and the league of nations. Such a realization of the right to visit therefor brings us closer to the genuine world peace and will be a sign of it.
越智 啓太
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
no.78, pp.185-194, 2019-03-18

本研究では,Schwartz et al.,(2002)の開発した消費行動における追求-後悔尺度(Maximization and Regret Scale)を恋愛関係に特化させた尺度を作成し,その妥当性と信頼性について検討した。その結果,この尺度の得点の高い恋愛マキシマイザーは恋愛に関する幸福感が低く,嫉妬認知をしやすく,多くの人と交際し,それぞれの交際期間は短いということが示された。また,恋愛における追求―後悔尺度の得点は,消費行動における追求―後悔尺度の得点と比較的高い相関をもっており,恋人選択過程と購買行動が類似したパターンを示すことがわかった。