越智 啓大
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.54, pp.107-117, 2006

吉村 浩一 内山 昭一
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.59, pp.23-34, 2009

One of the authors, S.Uchiyama, who is conducting bug-eating meetings for several years, has a naive question about the psychological factors why the participants in his meetings are interested in bug-eating. In Section 1, Uchiyama points out the importance of bug-eating and of its popularization. He explains that insects are rich in nutrition and many are even more nutritionally balanced than meat or fish. In Section 2, the first author, Yoshimura, introduces a psychological study to catch the difference of the attitudes and the senses to the bug-eating between the participants in Uchiyama's meetings and the general public who have not yet participated in the meetings. Among the conceivable methods, a principal component analysis is used in the present research. Different from the general public, the attitudes and the senses of the participants can not be put into one major component. Yoshimura discusses that the participants in the meetings have multi-phasic attitudes and senses to the bug-eating.
安岡 昭男 長井 純市
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.52, pp.A13-A24, 2006-03-06
越智 啓太
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.64, pp.67-78, 2011

ビールを飲むと異性が美しく見えるようになるというビアゴーグル(beer goggles) 効果についての研究の現状について解説した。ビアゴーグル効果には, 閉店時間が近づくにつれて異性が魅力的に見えるという閉店効果と, アルコールの影響によって異性が魅力的に見えるという効果の両方がかかわっており, それぞれ実証的な証拠が存在することが示された。
越智 啓太
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.55, pp.87-99, 2007

本論文では、子供に対する性犯罪についての研究のうち、防犯に関するものと矯正に関するものについてレビューした。防犯についての研究としては、環境犯罪学的な対策やGPSなどのテクノロジーを使用した手法について検討した。矯正については、子供に対する性犯罪者への心理療法とその成果について検討した。最後に子供に対する性犯罪の矯正は不可能であるとう考え方に基づいた、社会防衛のためのいくつかの手法について検討した。In the present paper,researches on the prevention of sex criminals against children were reviewd. Concerning the previention of crimes,some measures proposed in researches on enviromental criminology and some techniques with information technologies such as GPS were examined. Concerning the correction of criminals,the methods and the effects of psychotherapies applied to sex criminals against children were examined. Finally,several methods for social welfare were examined on the assumption that the correction of sex criminals against children were impossible.
千野 明日香
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.56, pp.13-25, 2007

Asao Hara (1888-1969) was a female tanka poet who was active during the Taisho and Showa periods. Her first anthology of tanka poems, Ruikon, which was published in 1913, brought her into the limelight. It has been believed that Ruikon was published with the support of Akiko Yosano, Asao's mentor. It was later found that an unknown young man named Yoshino Nishino (1891-1973)actually planned and managed to publish Ruikon. There are a total of 45 letters written by Nishino in the Asao Hara Museum in Miyagi prefecture and the National Diet Library. These letters show the background of the publication of Ruikon and witness the situation of local publishing in the early Taisho period. Yoshio Nishino was a young literary enthusiast in Hiroshima. For some unknown reason,he suddenly decided to leave Japan and set out on a journey around the sping of 1913. He wanted to bring a tanka anthology of his own compilation whit him in memory of Japan. Since Nishino loved Asao's tanka poems,he wrote to Asao and offered to publish an anthology of her poems. Asao accepted the offer and wrote back to him. However,the publication conditions in Hiroshima at that time were poor and the anthology,wicth was printed in May of 1913, turned out to be a complete failure due to the poor type and paper quality. Greatly disappointed, Nishino discarded most of the printed books. Later in July,he republished the anthology after changing the paper and re-editing it. Thus, there are two different versions of the first edition of Ruikon. In the middle of July, Nishino left Hiroshima to visit Asao in Miyagi to say goodbye to her. In August, Nishino departed from the port of Yokohama on the emigrant ship Kiyo-Maru. After landing at Can ete, Peru, he went to Argentina through Chile. Early in the Showa period, he returned to Japan. He would later return to Argentina where he died in 1973. He spent his entire life as a wanderer and never had a regular job. While he cherished the memory of Asao all his life, he never had a chance to meet her again. For Asao, Nishino was an unforgettable benefactor. In her second anthology Shiromukuge, she dedicated a series of poems to Nishino. The model for this series was only recently identified.
佐藤 典人
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.49, pp.33-62, 2003

Today it is a matter of public interest as well as of concern that the temperature of the earth will warm up gradually. Also they say that the increasing temperature of our earth's temperature until 2100 will be estimated at several degrees centigrade or the rise of its temperature will occur typically in the high latitudes of the earth in comparison with the low latitudes(Fig.6,7 and 8). The researchers of environmental science have pointed out that the main cause of this phenomenon has been increasing the concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (=CO2)during the last century because we discharged many polluted substances through our industrial activities,that is,the increasing of fossil fuel combustion. As the same time as these activities,we have been emitting other gases,fox example chrorofluoro carbons which have been well-known as the cause of the decreasing ozone layer over the Antarctic or the Arctic. As a result,the"green-house effect"means that the atmospheric CO2 can't reflect the short waves from the sun but can do the long waves from the earth,and finally the energy of radiation from the earth to the space will accumulate in the atmosphere. Will this situation continue endlessly? I think that the global warming isn't simple as people are thinking. If we review the very long history of this earth,we can remembere easily that the concentrations of atmospheric CO2 won't increase simply. When we think about the history of this earth,we can be also remeinded of the cycle of CO2 connecting with the ocean,the atmosphere and the biosphere(Fig.1). In this cycle it is a very important factor,that this CO2 is movable. Furthemore it is obvious that both the CO2 in the atmosphere and in the ocean compare to that in the biosphere are movable easily along that cycle. Though we can know that the volume of CO2 in the ocean is larger than other volumes of each substance,unfortunately we can't understand yet that the precise volume of CO2 in the ocean as well as the maximum limit of its content. But at least the interaction of CO2 exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere occurs very easily. Therefore the atmospheric CO2 concentrations are becoming larger,the transport of CO2 from the atmosphere to the ocean will be started at some stages. For this reason the atmospheric CO2 concentrations will not increase simply like people think. Here I will introduce one other explanation concerning this problem. If the temperature increases gradully,the glacier of mountain valley in low latitudes as well as the continental ice shelf of Canada or the southern region of Greenland will be melted for the first time. For this melting phenomenon the cold water will pour into the North Atlantic Ocean. For this reason the"Gulf Current"which contains much salt relatively,will sink to lower latiudes by its high density than now because the wall of cold seawater will prevent this"Gulf Current"flowing northword like now(Fig.12). This means that the water temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean Will drop compared to now. And the temperature of westerly wind over those latiudes will coincide with temperate zone,especially in Europe because of the leeward position of that cold seawater area,won't rise. Moreover we estimate this change will influence the current condition of worldwide range(Fig.12). I don't intend to say that the discharge of CO2 into the atmosphere is no problem. It isn't easy to interpret precisely the exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the oceans after its release into the atmosphere. We must know more exactly about the system of nature of our earth as well as the fact than nature isn't so simple.
渡辺 弥生
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.50, pp.87-104, 2004

本研究は、公立小学校3年生の2クラスを対象に、社会的スキルを育むサイコ・エデュケーションとしてのVLF(Voice of Love and Freedom)実践を用いた場合と従来型の副読本を利用した道徳実践を行った場合とで、児童の社会的スキルの向上に違いがあるかどうかを比較検討した。VLFプログラムは、①自他の視点の違いへの気づき、②自分の気持ちを相手に伝える力、③他人の気持ちを推測する力、④自分と他人の葛藤を解決する力、を育てることが意図されており、絵本を教材とした4つのステップから構成される体験型の思いやり育成プログラムであった。パートナー・インタビュー、ロールプレイなど多様な活動が盛り込まれている。アセスメントは社会的スキル、共感性の質問紙と情報分析力を明らかにする絵カードが用いられた。実践の授業前と授業後で社会的スキルの変化を検討したところ、実践クラスにおいて社会的スキルの効果が認められたほか、絵の分析における視点の変化も明らかになった。
渡辺 弥生
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.54, pp.77-94, 2006

本研究は、公立小学校1年生から6年生の全学年を対象に、ソーシャルスキルを育むサイコ・エデュケーションとしてのVLF(Voices of Love and Freedom)思いやり育成プログラムを実践し、児童のソーシャルスキルの向上に学年差及び性差、教師の視点と生徒の視点に違いがあるかどうかを比較検討した。VLFプログラムは、①自分の気持ちを相手に伝える力、②他人の気持ちを推測する力、③自分と他人の葛藤を解決する力、を育てることが意図されており、絵本を教材とした4つのステップから構成される体験型の思いやり育成プログラムである。パートナー・インタビュー、ロールプレイなど多様な活動が盛り込まれている。アセスメントはソーシャルスキルの自己評価尺度と教師評定、さらに、役割取得能力テストが用いられた。その結果、授業前と授業後でソーシャルスキルの変化を検討したところ、学年差および性差、教師と生徒間の評定の違いが明らかになったほか、ほぼ全学年で効果が認められた。
漆原 和子
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.64, pp.37-49, 2011

ルーマニアにおいて,EU加盟後5年を経過した2011年におけるヒツジの移牧の実態の把握を試みた。1989年12月の革命よりも前のヒツジの移牧の実態は,聞き取り調査によって正確に明らかにすることが困難であった。その後の市場経済体制下とEU加盟後の今日のヒツジの移牧は,2003年から2011年までの現地調査によってその実態が明確になった。調査地域は第2次世界大戦後の社会主義体制下において,生産性の上がらない場所として集団化をまぬがれたチンドレル山地の山麓である。ジーナ村とその周辺の海抜約1000mを基地として移牧を行う人々に限定して,調査を実施した。その結果,現在ジーナ村で登録されているヒツジの群は,冬の宿営地であるバナート平原で冬を越し,また春にはジーナ村に引き返す。夏は海抜1800m まで移動する。その際は,若羊のみ山頂の2200m 付近へ移動させる。一方,バナート平原に定住し,そこで飼われたヒツジは肉として売られるか,又はチーズの生産にむけられている。この数は年々大型化していて,その総数は不明である。しかし,1戸が1,000~1,500頭を超えるヒツジ飼育農家が増加している。その他にドナウ河畔まで南下し,冬を過ごすグループもあり,1 グループが600~800頭である。彼等は,夏はチンドレル山頂で過ごし,秋にはジーナ村にもどる。基地のジーナ村には秋の市場が開かれる時のみ戻る。もう一つはドナウ川下流域,又はデルタまで移動した移牧のグループである。彼等はEU 加盟後は移動をやめて定住している。その数は,今回の聞き取り範囲の推定頭数でも15,000頭に達することがわかった。ドナウデルタ全域では,定住しているヒツジの総数はきわめて多数にのぼると推定される。EU加盟後5年を経た今日のヒツジの移牧の実態から,今後のヒツジの畜産業の方向には次の二つが考えられる。一つは,バナート平原やドナウデルタのように冬も宿営地として飼育できる場で定住をし,大型化をはかる方向である。この方向は今後ますます飼育頭数が増加していくであろう。二つ目は,チンドレル山地の山頂まで移牧をし,良質の草を食べさせて,良質の若羊を飼育する方向である。これは,伝統的なこれまでの方法であるが,質の良い肉の需要がある限り,この移牧は消滅することはないであろう。しかし,伝統的移牧で扱うヒツジの頭数は年々減少すると思われる。
福田 由紀
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.61, pp.137-152, 2010

This research investigated the validation about the procedure of translation from English to Japanese. The procedure is contained 4 criterions, the first criterion: selection of words on first meaning of a word in dictionary, the second criterion: consideration for the differences of cultures, the third criterion: adaptation of back translation method, and the forth criterion: investigation about plausibility of the target language. The results showed that the procedure contained only from first criterion to third criterion was not enough to confirm the validity of translated materials. It should take the procedure which consist of the forth criterion, when researchers execute any experiments of psychology with translated materials.
渡辺 弥生 大川 真知子
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.74, pp.81-93, 2017-03-30

本研究の目的は,育児ストレスを緩和する要因として,子どもの発達に関する知識を挙げ,まず,子育てをしている親がどのくらいの知識を持っているのかを調べた。同時に,知識を知っていることが育児ストレスにどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを検討した。保健所の乳幼児健康診査に来所した母親294名に調査用紙を配布し,返送のあった104名を分析対象とした(有効回答数78.7%)。分析の結果,子どもの発達に関する正確な知識を持って子育てをしている親がかなり少ないことが平均得点の範囲から明らかになったことや,特に,お友達との関係性を含む社会性の面の知識に関して,子どもが実際に獲得できる年代よりも大幅に早く獲得できると思っている母親が多いことが明らかになった。また,知識の多少が育児ストレスに影響を与えているかどうかを調べたところ,知識を中程度に持っている群の母親が最も育児ストレスが高いことが示された。以上の結果から,子どもの発達に関する知識が多ければ育児ストレスを緩和する要因になるとは単純にはいえず,今後はどのような知識をどれくらいといったさらに具体的な検討が望まれる。 The purpose of this research was to investigate how much knowledge parents raising children had about child development as a factor to relieve stress in child rearing. At the same time, we examined if having such knowledge had an effect on child rearing stress. We distributed surveys to 294 mothers who visited health centers for infant health screenings and analyzed the results from 104 respondents (valid response rate of 78.7%). As a result of this analysis, it was evident from the range of average scores that there are few child rearing parents with a correctknowledge of child development. It was also true that mothers believed that children could develop at a greatly quicker pace than was true especially regarding socialization includingrelationships with peers. After seeing if the amount of knowledge affected child rearing stress,we found that mothers with a moderate amount of knowledge had the most stress in child rearing. From these results, we cannot simply say that an increased knowledge of child development will lead to relief in child rearing stress, and further concrete studies are necessary to determine the content and amount of knowledge that has an effect.
牧野 英二
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.74, pp.1-20, 2017-03-30

Today wars and conflicts remain ongoing on a global scale, and the political situation in East Asia is as tense as it was before the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1894. The current world situation appears to require a re-emergence of the perpetual peace envisioned by Immanuel Kant in 1795. However, his philosophy and theory of perpetual peace are no longer valid in theircurrent form against the background of today's globalization and the resulting intricate intertwining of international relations. Accordingly, this paper reviews the theory of perpetual peace from the perspectives of (1) ascertaining whether the theory predicted the general trends observed in modern society, and (2) identifying contemporary issues that extend beyond the frame work of the theory. The paper first elucidates the significance and roles of the theory in philosophical studies in Japan, with focus on those of Kant. This is followed by a discussion on the history of controversies over the theory in Japan and a look at their historical significance in relation to social and ideological backgrounds. The paper then clarifies the significance of studies on the theory of perpetual peace in Japan in the present context and outlines related challenges.The following major points of discussion are addressed here: (1) whether Kant's argumentregarding a world republic in the theory of perpetual peace contradicts that regarding the philosophy of perpetual peace described in his other treatises, particularly "The Metaphysics of Morals"; (2) whether Kant was philosophically convinced of the feasibility of perpetual peace or whether such feasibility was an expression of religious hope; (3) the question of what guaranteesthe realization of perpetual peace: (a) God or providence, (b) the intention of nature(Naturabsicht) or natural mechanisms, or (c) moral practice by humans; (4) why in the theory of perpetual peace Kant proposed a league of nations as the negative surrogate of a world republic, and whether the argument is rational; (5) how the relationship between the theory of perpetual peace and issues of justice should be interpreted; and (6) whether the views expressed in the theory are still useful today. Lastly, the paper clarifies the significance of the theory of perpetual peace in the present context as follows: First, the theory is inseparable from today's theory of justice. Second, ideasabout the theory do not allow holy war — which destroys peace in the name of justice — from the perspective of global justice. Third, a theory of justice has been examined from a variety of perspectives, which has in turn made the subject a battlefield for discussions. In any case, studies and assessment of the theory of perpetual peace offer some important ideas for the peace andstability of the international community.