岩下 陽平 菊池 哲平
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
vol.59, pp.69-76, 2010-12-03

本研究では、特別支援学級の担任教師や発達障害児の母親にインタビューを行い、「疑問」の視点を踏まえながら告知やカミングアウトがどのような必要性や内容で行われているのかなどの実態を調査し、その傾向や、さらには現状における課題を明らかにしていくことを目的とする。The purpose of the present study was to investigate how to inform a student with developmental disabilities and his/her classmates about his/her diagnosis, disabilities and characteristics of disabilities. 5 classroom teachers of student with special needs and 10 mothers, who have children with developmental disabilities, were interviewed. In the interview, all mothers answered that they told their own children some explanation about his/her characteristics of disabilities. And the purposes was to tell their children about their disabilities and help them accept special supports for him/her, and also to response children's questions and help him/her realize about his/her characteristics of disabilities. Only one case, the student with developmental disabilities was informed his diagnosis. From these interview, it is considered to be difficult to inform self about his/her diagnosis. About informing classmates who have a friend's disabilities, and other cases that classmates were not informed at all. In the all cases that classmates were informed, the teachers didn't inform about the student's diagnosis to his/her classmates. They informed about only characteristics of the student with developmental disabilities. And the purpose of informing to classmates was to solve or prevent troubles between the student and classmates.
干川 隆 Takashi Hoshikawa
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学
vol.57, pp.213-218, 2008-12-19

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of camera angle on feeling empathy with a character in a video. In the movement of special support education, the method to facilitate empathy with others was needed to develop in children with developmental disorder. The video of "Watermelon" was used in this study as a material, because the camera angle of the watermelon's viewpoint was used and intend to feel empathy for the watermelon. Eighty-nine subjects were divided into the Master Type (MT) group and the Edited Tape (ET) group that excluded the camera angle of watermelon's viewpoint.After watching the video, the subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaire about empathy and the recall of the story. The results were as follows; 1) the subjects of the MT group felt more emotional attachment for the watermelon, 2) they responded more negative on adjectives such as frightening, afraid, etc., and 3) they recalled more scenes than that of the ET group. These results indicated that the camera angle of the viewpoint of a character brought about empathy and suggested that the camera angle would be the useful intervention method to facilitate understanding of others, intention of children with developmental disorders.
辻野 智二 東 誠
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
vol.56, pp.147-154, 2007-11-30

Nice-Try activities which are workshop experience by junior high school students in Kumamoto city has been performed since 2000. In this paper, the present state and problem of Nice-Try activities are studied with reference to reports written by junior high schools. Educational effect and significance of Nice-Try activities are verified and evaluated from viewpoint on living force, norm consciousness, relation with information society, career education, and relation to community and home. Furthermore comparison between the activities about workshop experience and all parts of the country is carried out. As a result, it is made clear that Nice-Try activities are excellent educational activities, and which are supported by curator and community. It is important that Nice-Try activities are positioned appropriately in curriculum of school education in relation with contents of other subjects and activities.
八幡 英幸
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
vol.59, pp.141-149, 2010-12-03

本稿ではまず、カントとヘアをつなぐキーワード(言い換えれば、ヘアによるカント解釈のキーワード)である普遍化可能性 universalizability の原理に着目し、この原理と道徳判断 moral judgment がそこにおいて下される状況の特殊性 particularity との関係を検討していくことにする。According to R.M.Hare(1919-2002), one of the most eminent moral philosophers of the 20th century, who carries the spirit of Kantian universalism, every judgment must follow the principle of universalizability. On the other hand, moral universalism has been criticized as a mere illusion by communitarians, e.g.A.MacIntyre(1929-). In this paper, I will argue first that it is not to the point that the principle of universalizability disregards the particularity of situations, and then that there is a genuine difficulty in drawing a line between the morally important features of them and those which are unworthy of attention. In my opinion, this problem is no other than that which I.Kant(1724-1804) tried to solve in his Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790), so we must be able to receive many suggestions on this problem from this work.
野口 宗親
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
vol.46, pp.1-12, 1997-12-10
島谷 浩
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
vol.56, pp.111-120, 2007-11-30

First, this paper explores the recent use of English proficiency tests as external tests at higher educational institutions. External tests such as TOEIC, TOEFL, and Step Test (Eiken) are used because they enable us to measure English communication ability and to compare the results at several stages of teaching and learning. Higher institutions make use of these test scores to motivate students and innovate EFL teaching and learning. Second, the paper reviews research at Kumamoto University which examined an English program which incorporated the TOEIC-IP score into the final grade of one required English class. Third, the results of the author's classroom research are reported: sutudents planned their learning during the samester using CASEC (a computer-adaptive test) scores. Students' comments on the effects of the external test on their learning are presented. Finally, washback effects of external tests on EFL teaching and learning at higher insitutions are discussed.
上田 富美子 柴山 謙二
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
vol.59, pp.47-54, 2010-12-03

本研究では、現代の大学生の職業選択を通して浮かび上がる心理的側面を他者の存在との関連に焦点を当てながら明らかにし、職業既決・未決定状態を規定する要因を検索することを目的とする。The present study was an attempt to identify contributing factors to both vocational decision and vocational indecision during adolescence, focusing on adolescent student's relations to their significant other and their psychological aspects seen through the process of vocational choices. Based on the results obtained from the study, career education which could possibly answer their needs was discussed. In this study, senior university students were surveyed by questionnaire to gauge their vocational awareness. As a result, it was revealed that for male students, independence from others contributed to vocational decision-making, and for female students, self-actualization was an important factor. It was also indicated that a coping strategy, in which a student changes his/her own cognition positively under stressful conditions to lessen stress responses, contributed to vocational decision.