植村 癸巳男
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
vol.45, no.6, pp.279-282, 1933

佐藤 暢 谷口 英嗣 高橋 直樹 MOHIUDDIN Mia Mohammad 平野 直人 小川 勇二郎
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.3, pp.203-215, 1999-06-25
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Geological, petrological, and biostratigraphical studies of Mineoka ophiolite and related rocks, Hayama and Mineoka Belts, central Japan, were reviewed, and the origin of ophiolite is summarized as follows. 1) Pelagic to hemipelagic sedimentary rocks occur from late Paleocene to middle Miocene. 2) Basaltic rocks in the Hayama Belt are mostly alkali basalts of hotspot origin, whereas those in the Mineoka Belt are mostly tholeiite of mid-ocean ridge origin. 3) Chemical compositions of gabbros and diorites indicate island arc origin. 4) Peridotites are residues after a medium degree of partial melting. These facts arenot consistent with previous ideas that the ophiolite is island arc or back arc originonly. “It is concluded that ophiolite is part of the Mineoka plate” in the Pacific Ocean side, not in the Philippine Sea as previously proposed. Reconstruction of plate motions of the Mineoka plate is proposed, as it was formed at mid-ocean ridge, was subducted by the Pacific plate, and obducted to the Honshu arc during Miocene age after the eastward motion of the triple junction.
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
vol.123, no.2, pp.Cover02_1-Cover02_2, 2014

&emsp;この巨大都市模型は,六本木ヒルズなどおもに東京都心部の大規模な都市再開発(街づくり)を手がける森ビル(株)が,都市や景観を俯瞰的に捉えるためのツールとして独自に制作したもので(通常は一般に公開していない),港区を中心に東京都心部約 220 km<sup>2</sup>の範囲を1/1000のスケールで精巧に表現している.模型の大きさは17.0 m×15.3 mで,南北は大井競馬場から上野間,東西方向には葛西臨海公園から新宿までの範囲をカバーしている.この模型では建造物の外形や色が忠実に再現されているだけでなく,道路や鉄道などのインフラ施設も都市を構成する重要な要素として組み込まれている.<br>&emsp;巨大都市東京が抱えているさまざまな制約条件(インフラ施設の老朽化,景観のモザイク化,都市機能の過度な集中,大規模な自然災害リスクの増大など)を考慮した上で,将来的に都市全体としての機能向上を図るためには,実態を反映した3Dモデルの構築とそれに基づいた都市設計を進めることが不可欠である.近年の地理空間情報プラットフォームの整備にともない,建造物を含んだ3次元の空間情報数値モデルの構築とその利活用が推進されている.しかし,実際の都市開発計画の検討にあたっては,多くの人びとが同時に見ることができる都市模型(ジオラマ)が最も有用なツールの1つであることに変わりない.このジオラマも,東京のグランドデザインの構築や都市景観の検討に活用されることに期待されている.<br>(写真:森ビル株式会社提供;説明文:稲崎富士・菊地俊夫)
吉岡 真弓
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.123, no.4, pp.472-485, 2014-08-25 (Released:2014-09-01)

Besides the immediate need for alternative sources of energy, it has become increasingly crucial to maximize the use of the limited energy sources that remain after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Tokyo, which consumes an enormous amount of energy, should lead this effort by exploring ways of becoming an advanced energy-saving city in the future. This paper focuses on the thermal energy of water, which is one of the available energy sources in Tokyo. The potential of the thermal energy of water could be harnessed to improve the thermal environment and reduce energy use in Tokyo. One way to use this energy is to harness the heat of evaporation by sprinkling water on a pavement in order to improve the thermal environment in summer in cities where the heat island phenomenon is observed. This technique of sprinkling water is known to the Japanese as Uchimizu, and it is a time-honored custom in Japan. Some studies involving field experiments and numerical simulation have investigated the cooling effect of sprinkling water scientifically by applying systematic sprinkling as a countermeasure for the formation of heat islands. The other way of employing this source of energy is to use a ground-source heat pump system, which is a high-performance cooling and heating system, using subsurface and groundwater thermal energy efficiently. Active use of thermal energy of water is considered to be one strategy that Tokyo can adopt to become an energy-saving and environmentally friendly city in the future.
赤坂 郁美 安藤 晴夫 横山 仁 大久保 さゆり 高橋 一之 泉 岳樹 三上 岳彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.2, pp.309-316, 2011-04-25 (Released:2011-06-30)
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To investigate the spatial and temporal variability of the urban heat island, a high-spatial density meteorological observation system was set up in the Tokyo ward area by Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection (TMRIEP) and Tokyo Metropolitan University from July 2002 to March 2005. The observation system was named Meteorological Environmental Temperature and Rainfall Observation System (METROS) and consisted of two observation networks named METROS20 and METROS100; METROS20 was made to observe meteorological factors (wind direction and speed, pressure, rainfall etc.) on the roofs of 20 buildings; METROS100 was made to observe temperature and humidity in instruments screens of 106 elementary schools. Since April 2005, observations of temperature and humidity were continued with the instruments screens of elementary schools by TMRIEP. This observation network was maintained until March 2010. Based on their observations, temporal and spatial characteristics of thermal environment of Tokyo have been investigated such as temperature range, especially in summer. For example, warmer areas differ between daytime and nighttime as shown by spatial patterns in rate of time exceeding 30 degrees Celsius and number of sultry nights: the warmer area is located from central part to northern part of the Tokyo ward area during daytime and from central part to coastal area during nighttime.
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
vol.3, no.1, pp.19-27, 1891
藁谷 哲也
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.126, no.4, pp.455-471, 2017-08-20 (Released:2017-09-27)

It is difficult to estimate weathering rates of rocks based on actual landforms. However, using stone-built architectures, artifacts, and traces of human activity on rock surfaces, weathering rates of rocks under weathering-limited conditions can be obtained easily because stone-built heritages, in general, have a geometrical shape and zero-datum levels. In addition, it is possible to estimate weathering rates of a millennium-scale and changes of rates up to a millennium scale. Many studies on weathering rates of rocks use stone-built heritages. This study reviews recent geomorphological studies that estimate weathering rates, and summarizes their trends. Most of the studies analyze gravestones and churches built since the 19th and 11th centuries, respectively. Such stone-built heritages are more commonly located in humid temperate areas. Weathering rates are estimated mainly from surface recession or surface loss of gravestones and church-building stones. The major three building stones—carbonate rocks (rate: 2-90 mm/ka), sandstone (8-100 mm/ka), and granite (5-65 mm/ka)—have different ranges of weathering rates. Among these stones, the rates for carbonate rocks are sensitive to climatic conditions and atmospheric sulfur dioxide concentrations. The results of the studies reveal that weathering rates show an obvious dependence on aspects. North-facing surfaces tend to have lower rates than surfaces facing other cardinal directions because each surface has different temperature and moisture conditions due to insolation. Moreover, the studies reveal that temporal changes in weathering rates rarely fit a simple linear model. Changes in atmospheric acidity, landform development, and vegetation cover rapidly affect the intensity of weathering processes and cause fluctuations in weathering rates.
平田 大二 山下 浩之 坂本 泉 小田原 啓 滝野 義幸 鬼頭 毅 藤巻 三樹雄 萬年 一剛 新井田 秀一 笠間 友博 齊藤 靖二
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.5, pp.911-916, 2010-10-25 (Released:2011-01-21)

The bottom topography of lake Ashi-no-ko, in the Hakone volcano caldera, was examined using the SeaBat8101 narrow multi-beam sonar system. The purpose of micro-topographical observations of the lake bottom is to understand the tectonic relations between the historical formation-process of the caldera and the strike-slip motion in the Tanna-Hirayama active fault system. At the southeastern part of the lake, west of the Dougashima, undulations at the bottom such as swells, hollows, and stairs extending in the northwest-southeast direction, were observed. These bottom-forms show a northern extension of the Hakonemachi active fault, running along the east side of lake Ashi-no-ko. They may correspond to one of the north spray faults of the Kita-Izu active fault system, which is the source of the A.D.1930 Kita-Izu earthquake, and to motions of the western margin of the Manazuru micro-plate, in relation to caldera formation as a strike-slip basin.
福井 一喜
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.126, no.5, pp.595-615, 2017-10-25 (Released:2017-11-10)

The transformation of Kusatsu Onsen spa resort in Gunma prefecture, at the margins of the Tokyo metropolitan area, is elucidated. The use of the Internet by the accommodation industry is analyzed based on the dependence of the area on travel agencies in both information distribution and supply and demand phases. These specifically identify the possibilities and limits of region-led tourism development. The results are as follows. Many accommodations at Kusatsu Onsen independently use travel agencies in the information distribution phase. On the other hand, in the supply and demand phase, both dependence on and independence from travel agencies are confirmed. Through the use of the Internet in the accommodations, the possibility of promoting region-led tourism development at Kusatsu Onsen is increasing as a whole in the information distribution phase. This possibility in the supply and demand phase is due more than ever to the management conditions and management abilities of the each accommodation. Using the Internet as an opportunity, each accommodation tries to overcome the disadvantages of its management conditions and create tourism services. Individual tourists with diverse and advanced tourism demand gather at spa resorts at the margins of the Tokyo metropolitan area. The area responds to tourism demand in the Tokyo metropolitan area, given changing relations of dependence between travel agencies and the areas they serve against the backdrop of the development of personal travel and information socialization. On the other hand, local organizations are attempting to form the functions of travel agencies; however, they are not succeeding. Accommodation owners call for organizations to act as the cores of local networks to promote the management and marketing activities of each accommodation. As described above, at Kusatsu Onsen, a situation is created for continuously providing non-daily life services to the tourism market in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and local accommodations and organizations produce tourism resources independently. In the information distribution phase, the accommodations and local organizations form an environment where each can effectively communicate its own attractions, and the possibility of region-led tourism development is widely acknowledged. On the other hand, in the supply and demand phase, such a possibility can be somewhat recognized. Some accommodations have a trend of great dependence rather than a tendency of becoming independent of travel agencies, and it is also difficult for local organizations to play the roles of a travel agency. These factors suggest the limits of region-led tourism development.
小島 茂明 渡部 裕美 藤倉 克則
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.118, no.6, pp.1174-1185, 2009-12-25 (Released:2010-03-23)
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In deep-sea reducing environments, such as hydrothermal vent fields and cold seep areas, biological communities with huge biomass are often observed. Such communities associated with bacterial chemosynthesis, which are composed of species endemic to these environments, are founded with hydrothermal activities and succeed with changes of activities. Over a longer timescale, genetic deviations among local populations and speciation occur during the course of a series of activities and finally new faunal groups diverged. We attempt to estimate the ages of various hydrothermal phenomena on various timescales from 10 to 107 years on the basis of the evolutionary ecology of animals endemic to hydrothermal vents as part of the “Taiga project”. In this paper, we introduce communities in hydrothermal vent fields and describe the principals of methodologies for age estimation, which we are now planning, and the expected results.

1 0 0 0 流星刀記事

榎本 武揚
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.14, no.1, pp.33-39_1, 1902
鈴木 ドロータ 高木 秀雄 河本 和朗 中村 祐治 中村 れいら
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.124, no.4, pp.587-605, 2015

高場 智博 吉田 英嗣 須貝 俊彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.1, pp.73-87, 2018-02-25 (Released:2018-04-14)

This study classifies composite small-scale fans along the eastern foot of Mt. Ikeda into five categories, and estimates their formation ages to discuss factors controlling fan development. Besides, it describes microtopography of fan surfaces and surface geology (sedimentary units), focusing on one of the typical terraced small-scale fans to discuss small-fan forming processes. Methods are interpretation of aerial photographs for terraces division, field observations with microtopography measurements, and radiocarbon dating for overlying sediments of terrace deposits. The results show that the five terrace surfaces are mainly formed by a few debris flow deposits, and the estimated formation ages obtained with radiocarbon dating fall into the general classification of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the early Holocene. However, the difference between each formation periods is 1,000-3,000 years because estimated formation ages are about 20,000 years (I surface) and about 17,000 years ago (I surface) in the LGM, about 9,000 years (III surface), and about 8,000 years ago (IV surface) in the early Holocene. Geomorphic development of the study area might be difficult to explain using a simple formation model of river terraces with time scales of 104-105 years, expressed by dynamic river fluctuations under the full influence of global climatic changes. This speculation is highly suggestive for further investigations on the timing of debris flow sedimentations forming alluvial fans in this area.
庄子 仁 Young K. JIN Anatoly OBZHIROV Alexander SALOMATIN Boris BARANOV Vyacheslav GLADYSH 八久保 晶弘 南 尚嗣 山下 聡 高橋 信夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.118, no.1, pp.175-193, 2009-02-25 (Released:2010-04-05)
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Methane hydrates exist beneath the sea bottom near cold seeps NE off the Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk. Multidisciplinary field operations were performed at a study area (approximately 16 × 20 km2) to investigate seepage characteristics and understand gas hydrate formation mechanisms. A continuous profiling survey was conducted to obtain a distribution map of seepage structures on the floor by using a deep-tow, side-scan-sonar equipment. The distribution map reveals that the dense area of seepage structures coincides with a sea-floor area of deformed sediments caused possibly by repeated sediment slumping and debris flows in the past. We speculate that this deformation may have created shallow faults that are suitable to conduits for the migration and discharge of gas and fluid. Three seepage structures were selected to study about their fluid-seep conditions around the sea floor level. Hieroglyph seepage structure is located at the northern end of the dense area of the structures. Kitami and Chaos structures are located about 2 and 7 km respectively apart from the Hieroglyph structure within the dense area. Large plumes on echograms and higher methane contents in the water column confirm gas seepage activities at the three structures. There observed at least two and four plumes at the Hieroglyph and Chaos structures, respectively. Each gas chimney image in seismic reflection profiles was traced to connect each BSR and seepage structure. Both pull-up and disturbed structures of BSR around the gas chimney images were interpreted as to be indications of significant heat flows caused by ascending fluid at both Kitami and Chaos structures. On the other hand, almost no pull-up/disturbance of BSR was observed at the Hieroglyph structure, suggesting little water seepage. The seep activity may vary with time off the Sakhalin. The Hieroglyph structure is located at the edge of a dense area of the seepage structures. It might serve as an indicator for the long-term activity of the fluid seepage system off the Sakhalin.