高木 浩光
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.7, pp.78-102, 2020 (Released:2020-06-05)

The discussions made in the revision of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in 2015 revealed the issues that could not be achieved with the amendment, and highlighted that a number of unresolved problems remain in current legislation. One of the issues that could not be achieved is that it was not realized despite being understood that it was necessary to include individual behavioral data recorded with device identifier as the subject of protection under the Act. And the unresolved problem with current legislation is, for example, that the interpretation of the sentence “can be easily matched with other information” in the definition of personal information has not been clarified. This series of papers attempts to propose a direction to solve the remaining issues for the next revision of the Act. Specifically, by focusing on the difference between “personal information” and “personal data”, by clarifying the difference in inter pretation between the sentence “can be easily matched with” and “can be matched with”, we aim to unify only the provision on “personal information file” in the private sector and the public sector.
高木 浩光
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.2, pp.75-66, 2017 (Released:2019-10-02)

The discussions made in the revision of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in 2015 revealed the issues that could not be achieved with the amendment, and highlighted that a number of unresolved problems remain in current legislation. One of the issues that could not be achieved is that it was not realized despite being understood that it was necessary to include individual behavioral data recorded with device identifier as the subject of protection under the Act. And the unresolved problem with current legislation is, for example, that the interpretation of the sentence "can be easily matched with other information" in the definition of personal information has not been clarified. This series of papers attempts to propose a direction to solve the remaining issues for the next revision of the Act. Specifically, by focusing on the difference between "personal information" and "personal data", by clarifying the difference in interpretation between the sentence "can be easily matched with" and "can be matched with", we aim to unify only the provision on "personal information file" in the private sector and the public sector.
松尾 剛行
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.10, pp.66-78, 2021 (Released:2022-01-31)

高木 浩光
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.12, pp.049-083, 2022 (Released:2023-05-26)

In the first half of this series of papers, we have analyzed past legislative history to clarify the interpretation of the phrases “any information related to an individual”, “can be easily matched with other information” and “can identify an individual” in the Japanese Personal Information Protection Law, and to presume the proper interpretation of the definition of “personal information”. In the latter part of the series, we will clarify what the purpose of his law is and what is envisioned in the “rights and interests of individuals” by examining the literature of the past 50 years in Western countries, prove that the presumed interpretation is reasonable, and discuss how the Japanese Personal Information Protection Law should be revised.
板倉 陽一郎 熊谷 雄介 猪谷 誠一
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.11, pp.110-120, 2022 (Released:2022-08-28)

The Contract Guidelines on Utilization of AI and Data by METI assume that appropriate negotiations are conducted in advance between the parties concerned regarding the licensing of data, etc. that do not fall under the category of copyrighted works. However, in practice, OSS licenses are often used to distribute training datasets and trained models that are not copyrighted works. It is understood that a license using an OSS license is valid when it is not immediately clear whether the object of the license is a copyrighted work. It is reasonable to interpret “use” in the license terms as equivalent to the “use” under the Copyright Act, even for data that is not a copyrighted work. The issues of commercial and for-profit use and so-called ShareAlike can also be considered on the premise of such an interpretation. It may be necessary to discuss the clause concerning the distribution of data that does not fall under the category of copyrighted works in an international data protection forum.
成原 慧
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.7, pp.47-61, 2020 (Released:2020-06-05)

This article considers court decisions of the removal of search results after the Supreme Court Decision on Jan. 31, 2017 in Japan. Then, the article further examines doctrines and standards on the matter to realize a proper balance between freedom of expression and personal rights including privacy and honor concerning search engines.
高木 浩光
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.4, pp.74-100, 2018 (Released:2019-10-02)

The discussions made in the revision of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in 2015 revealed the issues that could not be achieved with the amendment, and highlighted that a number of unresolved problems remain in current legislation. One of the issues that could not be achieved is that it was not realized despite being understood that it was necessary to include individual behavioral data recorded with device identifier as the subject of protection under the Act. And the unresolved problem with current legislation is, for example, that the interpretation of the sentence “can be easily matched with other information” in the definition of personal information has not been clarified. This series of papers attempts to propose a direction to solve the remaining issues for the next revision of the Act. Specifically, by focusing on the difference between “personal information” and “personal data”, by clarifying the difference in interpretation between the sentence “can be easily matched with” and “can be matched with”, we aim to unify only the provision on “personal information file” in the private sector and the public sector.
高木 浩光
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.1, pp.88-99, 2017 (Released:2019-10-02)

The discussions made in the revision of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in 2015 revealed the issues that could not be achieved with the amendment, and highlighted that a number of unresolved problems remain in current legislation. One of the issues that could not be achieved is that it was not realized despite being understood that it was necessary to include individual behavioral data recorded with device identifier as the subject of protection under the Act. And the unresolved problem with current legislation is, for example, that the interpretation of the sentence " can be easily matched with other information " in the definition of personal information has not been clarified. This series of papers attempts to propose a direction to solve the remaining issues for the next revision of the Act. Specifically, by focusing on the difference between " personal information" and " personal data " , by clarifying the difference in interpretation between the sentence " can be easily matched with " and " can be matched with " , we aim to unify only the provision on " personal information file " in the private sector and the public sector. The following Part I, unresolved issues are listed, and what is the problem with each issue is shown.
壇 俊光
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.7, pp.24-31, 2020 (Released:2020-06-05)

The Provider Liability Restriction Act, which demand providers to disclose sender information, has been in effect for 15 years since 2002, and it has become clear that there has been an accumulation of court cases and legislative issues. This article aims to introduce the current issues.
田宮 寿人
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.8, pp.63-74, 2020 (Released:2020-11-30)

国内法の域外適用については、刑事法の分野を中心に議論が行われてきたものの、行政法の域外適用については、体系的に論じられているとは言い難い状況にある。グローバリゼーションの急速な進展により、ヒト・モノ・カネ・情報が国境を越えて頻繁にやり取りされるようになり、その結果として、独占禁止法、租税法及び個人情報保護法 をはじめとした行政法の地理的適用範囲が論点となる事例が増加している。このような状況において、行政法の域外適用に関する論点の体系化は急務である。 個人情報保護法・平成27年改正により、いわゆる域外適用に関する規定(個人情報保護法第75条)が新設され、同法の適用範囲が明確化された。また、同法の令和2年改正により、その適用範囲が拡大されることとなった。個人情報保護法第75条は、行政法の適用範囲を明文において定める数少ない立法例であり、その改正過程において、行政法の域外適用に関する様々な検討事項が明らかとなった。 本稿は、個人情報保護法・令和2年改正の立案担当者が、行政法の域外適用に関する立法政策上の諸論点を体系化し(第2章)、個人情報保護法・令和2年改正における具体的な検討事項を明らかにするものである(第3章)。
板倉 陽一郎
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.12, pp.015-037, 2022 (Released:2023-05-26)

Regarding the relationship between the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and privacy, (1) the Act on the Protection of Personal Information includes the protection of privacy as its purpose, but it is not the only one, and (2) in the question of whether the substance of the invasion of privacy is questioned in a violation of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, if there is a substantial invasion of privacy, it may be considered as a violation of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (2-1), which is derived from the interpretation of the purpose provision and the prohibition of inappropriate use provision. As controversial points, there are the issues of whether a violation of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information is not a violation of the Act when there is no substantial invasion of privacy (2-2), whether a violation of the Act constitutes an invasion of privacy (3), and (3) can be further broken down into the question of whether a violation of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information constitutes an invasion of privacy (3-1) and whether a lawful act under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information can also prevent the violation of privacy (3-2). In a series of cases involving the submission of evidence of a list of discipline requesting parties, there have been judgments that a violation of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information is not a violation if there is no substantial invasion of privacy (2-2), and there have been a number of cases concerning 3-1 and 3-2.
實原 隆志
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.4, pp.46-56, 2018

Bei der letzten Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten sowie bei dem „Brexit-Referendum" im Vereinigten Königreich wurden die Sozialen Netzwerke häufig genutzt. Demzufolge hat die deutsche Bundesregierung kurz vor der Bundestagswahl 2017 ein Gesetz entworfen, das die Betreiber von Sozialen Netzwerken in die Verantwortung nimmt, und dieses „NetzDG" genannte Gesetz wurde noch im selben Jahr beschlossen und in Kraft gesetzt. Das NetzDG verpflichtet Betreiber großer Netzwerke, die die im Gesetz festgelegten Kriterien erfüllen, zur Umsetzung von Verfahren im Umgang mit Beschwerden über Inhalte, die im Sinne dieses Gesetztes rechtswidrig sind, und es schreibt eine Prüfung sowie ggf. eine Löschung dieser Inhalte vor. Falls ein Betreiber nicht halbjährlich über den Umgang mit Beschwerden berichtet, oder falls er kein Beschwerdeverfahren sowie Prüfungs- und Löschungssystem implementiert, soll dies als Ordnungswidrigkeit geahndet werden, für die Bußgelder von bis zu 50 Millionen Euro verhängt werden können. Aber es gibt auch viel Kritik am NetzDG, wobei sich die Kritik z.B. an der starren sowie kurzen Zeitspanne für die Prüfung einer (klaren) inhaltlichen Rechtswidrigkeit entzündet oder an der Möglichkeit, dass selbst bei einer Fehleinschätzung ein Bußgeld verhängt werden kann. Wären die „Schwellenwerte" für die in den „Bußgeldvorschriften" festgelegten Bußgelder hoch angesetzt, könnte man vielleicht der Kritik am NetzDG etwas entgegensetzen, aber die Regelungen lassen selbst bei leichten Verstößen gegen das NetzDG Bußgelder zu. Vorschriften dieser Art können dazu führen, dass Betreiber Inhalte löschen, selbst dann, wenn gar nicht klar ist, ob es sich um einen Gesetzesverstoß handelt. Zweifel am NetzDG bleiben daher angebracht, insbesondere aufgrund der Gefahr des „Overblocking".
長瀬 貴志
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.8, pp.75-85, 2020 (Released:2020-11-30)

小坂谷 聡 上原 哲太郎 西口 三千
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.7, pp.11-23, 2020 (Released:2020-06-05)

In recent years, the Internet usage environment has been shifting from wired communications to wireless LANs. In order to connect to the Internet using a wireless LAN, it is necessary to connect to the access point. However, since wireless communication can be used by anyone who can receive its radio waves, there is a risk that the access point owner may allow unintentional connections unless measures are taken, such as setting user privileges using authentication functions such as passwords, etc. This paper focuses on the interpretation of “secret communication” and examines whether the current law can regulate such unauthorized access to a wireless LAN access point from a technical perspective.
木下 昌彦
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.9, pp.16-33, 2021 (Released:2021-07-22)

The concentration of economic power threatens to erode not only consumer welfare, but also citizen welfare, such as the sustainability of democracies and the guarantee of individual freedom. The digital media platform companies that have emerged in recent years already have significant economic and media resources, and in addition to their economic dominance, they are also gaining political influence. If the present situation remains unchanged, the danger of a decline in citizen welfare could become apparent. This article argues that the introduction of new economic regulatory rules is necessary to prevent a decline in citizen welfare resulting from the concentration of economic power in digital media platform companies. The article then proposes three possibilities as new economic regulations: 1) strict application of conduct regulations in Antitrust Act, 2) separation of platforms and commerce, and 3) enactment of new regulatory Acts to ensure platforms neutrality and fair redistribution of their advertisement revenues.
郭 薇
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.8, pp.4-15, 2020 (Released:2020-11-30)

Freedom of expression is not only a cornerstone of democratic government, but also protects the right to advertise goods and services. Lawyers use communication to exercise their profession. Although the content of these communications is assumed protected intuitively, the scope is elusive. In this Article, I explore the types of regulations on lawyers speech, especially the impact of the professional self-government contradicts professionals free speech interests indirectly. Based on the case studies of disciplinary action by Bar Association in japan and the reflection from media perspective, I suggests that the rule “dignity of lawyer” is basically content-based regulation of speech and linked to multiple situations. Yet the expression of individual professionals’ advice to clients and its subsequences communication are most targetable , such rule also would be applicable to legal information of providing background knowledge, such as lawyer’s advice and statement from Media discourse even without professional-client relationship.