上田 浩史 山崎 正利
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.13, no.4, pp.337-340, 1993-07-31 (Released:2010-04-12)

Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), a cytokine secreted by macrophages, was recently recognized as an important molecule in host defense mechanism. However, its overproduction is also implied in many acute and chronic disease states. The inhibition of TNF-α overproduction, therefore, leads to suppression of acute and chronic inflammation. This work was undertaken to ascertain whether vegetable juice from perilla leaf, which may be a new candidate for an antiinflammatory reagent, can inhibit the endogenous production of TNF-α in mice.Both red and green perilla juice significantly inhibited TNF-α production byperos administration. Perilla juice showed nearly the same level of an inhibitory activity against TNF-α production as did Saibokuto, an antiinflammatory reagent. The inhibitory activity was stable for heat treatment (100°C, 10 min) . Perilla contains an active molecule (s) which can inhibit a host from releasing TNF-α. This molecule thus may suppress host defense systems as well as antiinflammatory drugs such as glucocorticoid or Saibokuto.
松本 慶蔵
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.2, no.4, pp.576, 1982-11-01 (Released:2010-04-12)
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藤田 浩
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.16, no.3, pp.147-153, 1996-05-20 (Released:2010-04-12)

Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) have various functions such as the maintenance of vascular permeability, control of vascular tonus and resistance to thrombosis.During inflammation, ECs also play a role in angiogenesis and transmigration of the leukocytes. EC injury induces inflammatory changes, vasculitis and so on. We examined the mechanism of vascular EC injury induced by the leukocytes from the standpoint of active oxygen species and adhesion molecules, CD11/CD18 and ICAM-1, EC jnjury induced by the leukocytes was due to the hydroxyl radical production from xanthine oxidase using hydrogen peroxide from the leukocytes.In addition, CD11/CD18 and ICAM-1 induced vascular EC injury and the conversion of xanthine dehydrogenase to xanthine oxidase. The conversion might be elicited by tyrosine kinase activation.
中原 貴 中村 達雄 田畑 泰彦 江藤 一洋 清水 慶彦
炎症・再生 : 日本炎症・再生医学会雑誌 = Inflammation and regeneration (ISSN:13468022)
vol.23, no.2, pp.116-121, 2003-03-10
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Our strategy for tissue regeneration is to induce maximum intrinsic healing potential at the site of a tissue defect, applying the elements of tissue engineering. Regeneration of periodontal tissues occurs through the combined application of a collagen sponge scaffold and gelatin microspheres incorporating basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) for controlled release. This &ldquo;sandwich membrane&rdquo; with or without bFGF (100&mu;g) was applied to a three-walled alveolar bone defect (3 x 4 x 4 mm) in nine dogs. Periodontal tissues, both hard and soft, treated with bFGF were effectively regenerated four weeks after the operation with functional recovery of the periodontal ligament in parts. Next, the effect of combining cells with the treatment was evaluated. Periodontal fenestration defects (6 x 4 mm) were created bilaterally in the maxillary canines of six dogs. One of these was filled with the collagen sponge scaffold seeded with autologous periodontal ligament-derived cells (3 x 10<sup>5</sup>), and the other was left empty. After four weeks, on the cell-seeded side, regeneration of the cementum was observed uniformly on the root surfaces, indicating that the seeded cells had formed new cementum. Our findings suggest a promising new approach to periodontal regeneration that is based upon <I>in situ</I> tissue engineering.
善如寺 路子 佐藤 則之 宮崎 誠 梅枝 愛郎 森 昌朋
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.16, no.6, pp.419-423, 1996-11-30 (Released:2010-04-12)

The chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition of unknown etiology, characterized by an extreme fatigue that is exacerbated by minimal physical activity. Immunological abonormality is prevalent in patients with CFS (e. g. abnormal functions of natural killer cell, macrophage, and lymphocyte) . However, in our knowledge, no study has been reported about neutrophil function, so that we have investigated a neutrophil bactericidal function, luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (L-DCL), in a 24-years old female with CFS. L-DCL under whole blood condition was apparently increased, while L-DCL from separated neutrophils was in normal range. A combination therapy with vitamin C, vitamin E, and eicosapentanoic acid, those are known to be antioxidant drugs and to inhibit a generation of oxygen derived free radicals from neutrophils, apparently improved her symptoms and L-DCL under whole blood condition. These data suggest that symptoms of CFS may be partially caused by inflammatory mediators such as oxygen derived free radicals and the combination therapy may be useful to improve the symptoms of CFS. It may be possible that the measurement of neutrophil bactericidal function is available to evaluate the condition of CFS.
熊谷 朗
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.7, no.5, pp.403-404, 1987
湯本 健司 辻 邦和 二藤 彰 野田 政樹
炎症・再生 (ISSN:13468022)
vol.23, no.4, pp.237-239, 2003 (Released:2006-12-01)

We review here regarding the observations that expression of osteopontin (OPN) was enhanced in the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. OPN in arthritic joints had not been clear previously. We published in 2002 that joint destruction in the arthritis model induced by a mixture of anti-type II collagen monoclonal antibodies and LPS (mAbs/LPS) injection was suppressed in the OPN-deficient mice. OPN is a phosphorylated glycoprotein interacts with integrins and CD44, promote the cell attachment and migration. OPN is highly expressed in bone, kidney and ovary and also produced by osteoclasts, endotherial cells, activated T cells and macrophages. One of the functions of OPN in the inflammatory condition is to bring inflammatory cells to the sites of injury and OPN is also a survival factor for the endotherial cells and enhances angiogenesis by promoting the vascular tube formation. Infiltration of inflammatory cells and angiogenesis in synovium in the arthritis model was suppressed in OPN-deficient mice. Additionally, apoptosis of chondrocytes in articular cartilage was reduced and destruction of articular cartilage was suppressed in the arthritis model in OPN-deficient mice. These data suggested that OPN might be a new target for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
馬場 駿吉 高坂 知節 馬場 廣太郎 斎藤 洋三 坂倉 康夫 岩田 重信 西村 忠郎 石川 哮 小川 暢也
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.12, no.4, pp.379-397, 1992-07-10 (Released:2010-04-12)
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The therapeutic effects of IPD-1151 T, a new anti-allergic agent, were compared with those of Tranilast in 356 patients with allergic rhinitis. The daily dosage was 300 mg (one capsule each, t.i.d.) for IPD-1151 T and 300 mg (one capsule each, t.i.d.) for Tranilast. Both test drugs were orally given for 6 weeks.The results of this study are summarized as follows :(1) IPD-1151 T showed significant superiority to Tranilast in “final global improvement rating”. Improvement rating was 55.0% for IPD-1151 T and 37.8% for Tranilast in terms of “moderate” plus “marked” improvement category.(2) The item evaluated, “overall safety rating” showed significant superiority of IPD-1151 T to Tranilast. The incidence of an adverse reaction or abnormal laboratory finding was noted as 3.7% fo IPD-1151 T and 11.0% of Tranilast.(3) The item evaluated, “global utility rating” showed significant superiority of IPD-1151 T to Tranilast. The utility rating was calculated as 53.2% of IPD-1151 T and 34.7% of Tranilast in terms of “moderately” plus “markedly” useful category.(4) Side effects were observed in 6 patients (3.7%) of IPD-1151 T and 18 patients (11.0%) Tranilast. All of these symptoms disappeared by symptomatic treatment or discontinued test drug.All the above results indicate that IPD-1151 T is safer and more effective than Tranilast. Therefore, IPD-1151 T is judged as a highly useful anti-allergic agent for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.
Haruka Wada Hiroya Kudo Hajime Sasaki Muhammad Baghdadi Ken-ichir Seino
Inflammation and Regeneration (ISSN:18809693)
vol.35, no.5, pp.238-243, 2015 (Released:2015-12-15)

Recent progress of manipulating pluripotent stem cells expands possibilities of regenerative medicine and opens novel transplantation medicine. However, in many cases of these medicines, the relationship between therapeutic cells and recipients would be allogeneic. In this context, we proposed new concept of immune regulation therapy in new-age medicine using pluripotent stem cells. In our concept, not only grafts but also immune regulating cells are generated from pluripotent stem cells by exertion of its pluripotency. We have recently developed immune suppressive macrophage-like cells from pluripotent stem cells. These cells suppressed allo-antigen stimulated T cell proliferation in an iNOS dependent manner. Furthermore, these immune suppressive macrophage-like cells derived from pluripotent stem cells prolonged survival of grafts derived from same pluripotent stem cells in allogeneic recipients. Thus, series of our study proved the efficacy of our new immune regulating strategy in the age of regenerative medicine which utilize pluripotent stem cells as a therapeutic cell source.
丹羽 靱負 小室 俊夫
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.11, no.2, pp.135-141, 1991-03-10 (Released:2010-04-12)

Far infrared ray (4-14 μm) emitting materials or products including platinum electro-magnetic wave fiber have recently been widely used for improving various disorders, promoting health and beauty, and preserving food freshness etc. This mechanisms is to decrease the size of water structure (cluster) by cleaving the bonds of H2O in polymer, which leads to the better penetration of water into the cell mem-brane with resultant increase in intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+] i and potentiation of cell activa-tion. In this connection, we examined the effect of this platinum colloid fiber on [Ca2+] i, chemotaxis, phagocytosis and O-2 generation of normal human neutrophils, and blastogenesis of lymphocytes. Its effect on lipid peroxidation from unsaturated fatty acids was also tested. The test tubes containing neutro-phils and lymphocytes, and docosahexaenoic acid were surrounded and contacted with platinum colloid fiber.The result revealed that platinum fiber significantly enhanced [Ca2+] i, chemotaxis, phagocytosis and O-2 generation by normal neutrophils, and the blastogenesis of the lymphocytes. Lipid peroxidation was also markedly inhibited. Our study suggests that platinum colloid fiber promotes our health by potentiating the cell function.
Ryusuke Nakagawa Akihiko Yoshimura
Inflammation and Regeneration (ISSN:18809693)
vol.35, no.3, pp.140-147, 2015 (Released:2015-06-19)

The intestine, skin, and respiratory tract harbor pools of commensal microbes, known as microbiota. Over the last few years, the field of mucosal immunology has revealed that the microbiota play important roles in the host immune system. Here, we have summarized recent studies regarding the interaction between microbiota and the mucosal immune systems in health and diseases. The application of 16S rRNA PCR and new sequencing technology have enabled us to understand the composition of intestinal microbiota. Here, we specifically assess their contribution to obesity and cancer (chronic inflammatory conditions) as well as to inflammatory autoimmune diseases (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease and type 1 diabetes) and allergic syndromes. Optimization of the microbiota composition has been attempted via the intake of probiotic bacteria in various fermented foods and via fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) from healthy donors to patients with Clostridium difficile-induced colitis. The presence of certain microbiota species affects the development and function of various types of immune cells, such as regulatory T (Treg) cells and interleukin-17-producing helper T (Th17) cells. Furthermore, innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) have also been shown to be regulated by microbiota. These findings indicate that manipulation of the microbiota could improve health and chronic diseases via immune regulation.
Yukio Fujiwara Yoshihiro Komohara Keiichiro Tsurushima Tsuyoshi Ikeda Motohiro Takeya
Inflammation and Regeneration (ISSN:18809693)
vol.30, no.6, pp.520-523, 2010 (Released:2010-12-28)

Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) of M2 phenotype promote tumor proliferation and relate to poor prognosis in patients with gliobrastoma. We screened natural compounds possessing inhibitory effect on M2 polarization in human monocyte-derived macrophages. Among 130 purified natural compounds, some natural compounds such as glycyrrhizin, medicarpin and solasodine significantly inhibited the expression of CD163, one of the phenotypic markers of M2 macrophages, as well as suppressed the secretion of IL-10, one of the anti-inflammatory cytokine preferentially produced by M2 macrophages, thus suggesting that glycyrrhizin, medicarpin and solasodine suppress macrophage polarization towards M2 phenotype. Therefore, glycyrrhizin, medicarpin and solasodine may be potentially useful new strategy for the prevention and therapy of tumor.
岡田 誠司 岩波 明生 石井 賢 中村 雅也 戸山 芳昭 岡野 栄之
炎症・再生 (ISSN:13468022)
vol.24, no.6, pp.602-610, 2004 (Released:2006-10-25)

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are multipotential progeniotr cells, which can generate neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, the three major cell types in the central nervous system. They also have the self-renewal activity and can be expanded in an undifferentiated state in vitro. Due to their capability of multipotency and chemotaxis for lesion site, there has been increasing interest in the identification and characterization of NSCs for therapeutic applications. However some numbers of recent studies demonstrated the existence of endogenous NSCs in adult mammalian central nerve system, their self-repairing activity is very faint. The cause of poor regenerative capability would be included microenvironmental factors that inhibit neurogenesis and axonal regeneration. We have investigated the effect of NSCs transplantation and modification the microenvironment for experimental spinal cord injury. This review will provide an overview of therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic injury, such as Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injury.
審良 静男
炎症・再生 (ISSN:13468022)
vol.23, no.4, pp.211-217, 2003 (Released:2006-12-01)
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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a critical role in the detection of invading pathogens and subsequent immune response against them. Individual TLRs recognize distinct microbial components. The TLR is a type 1 transmembrane receptor that is composed of an extracellular leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain and cytoplasmic domain homologous to that of the IL-1R family. Therefore, TLR and IL-1R family use the same signaling molecules. Cytokine production in response to each TLR ligand is completely abolished in MyD88-deficient cells, indicating that MyD88 is an essential signaling molecule shared among IL-1R/Toll family. However, accumulating evidence indicates that differential utilization of adaptors including MyD88, TIRAP, and TRIF may activate overlapping as well as distinct signaling pathways, and finally give rise to distinct biological effects exerted by individual TLR family.
Keisuke Okita Shinya Yamanaka
Inflammation and Regeneration (ISSN:18809693)
vol.28, no.6, pp.510-515, 2008 (Released:2009-12-28)

We have previously shown that embryonic stem (ES)-like cells can be induced from mouse fibroblasts, hepatocytes and stomach epithelial cells by introducing four factors (Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4). The cells are similar in morphology, proliferation and gene expression profile to those of ES cells, and are called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. When the iPS cells are transferred into blastocyst, they can contribute to adult chimeric mice and transmit through germline to the next generation. Therefore iPS cells have almost same differentiation potential as ES cells. In 2007, we and others reported the establishment of iPS cells from human somatic cells and showed their pluripotency.These iPS cells would supply patient-specific pluripotent stem cells for cell transplantation therapies. However, iPS cells still have several problems to be overcome, especially tumorigenicity owing to the use of oncogenes and retrovirus. Recent studies revealed that c-Myc is not a crucial factor for iPS induction, albeit it greatly increases the efficiency. The improvement of reprogramming efficiency was reported with soluble factor, Wnt3a, and several small molecules that influence epigenetic modification, such as BIX-01294 and VPA. Induction of mouse iPS cells without virus vector has been reported. Through the basic researches on iPS and ES cells, molecular mechanisms underlying the reprogramming process were gradually being uncovered. Here we try to summarize current studies on iPS cells. The iPS cells will contribute to the fields ofelucidation of pathogenesis, drug discovery, toxicology study, and cell transplantation therapy in the future.