大櫛 陽一 小林 祥泰
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.18, no.1, pp.21-32, 2009 (Released:2009-05-22)
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The targets of lipid lowering therapy in Japan are severer than those in western countries. Two hundred twenty mg⁄dl for total cholesterol (TCH), 140mg⁄dl for LDL-C, 150 mg⁄dl for triglyceride (TG) are used for the target values. In western countries, those values are 270 mg⁄dl, 190 mg⁄dl and 1,000 mg⁄dl respectively for low risk persons. But, a morbidity rate of coronary heart disease in Japan is a third in western countries. Strange to say, the number of women who accepts the therapy is twice of that of men in Japan. We have verified the targets used in Japan by some kinds of studies. We established clinical reference intervals of TCH, LDL-C, TG and HDL-C from the results of health checkup of about 700,000 persons by the method comparable to NCCLS in USA. We performed cohort studies and found cutoff points where mortalities increased significantly. These results are equal to the targets used in western countries. People diagnosed as hyperlipidemia by Japanese standard have less morbidity of strokes. If they develop strokes, their clinical indexes are better than persons in normal lipid level. In conclusion, the guideline for hyperlipidemia in Japan should be revised according to Japanese evidences soon.
浜崎 智仁 奥山 治美 浜 六郎 大櫛 陽一
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.23, no.1, pp.71-78, 2014 (Released:2014-05-01)

The risk chart of NIPPON DATA80 showing the absolute mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) is the only chart of this type widely used in the medical field in Japan. In this chart, there are 240 frames for men with casual blood glucose of ≥200 mg/dL (the right side of the chart); these frames are separated according to smoking status, age, systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol. The absolute CHD mortality during 10 years in these 240 frames ranges from <0.5% to ≥10% (more than 20 times difference). However, we estimated that there were only 5 CHD deaths at most in these 240 diabetic frames during the study period of NIPPON DATA80. The left (non-diabetic; another 240 frames) part of the chart was adopted for the Guidelines by Japan Atherosclerosis Society after excluding 60 frames for those in their 70s (180 frames as a whole), but those 180 frames were estimated to have only 35 CHD deaths despite the risk difference being more than 10. Furthermore, statistical values such as p value and confidence interval were not found either in the paper introducing the risk chart or in the referred paper for methodology. We, therefore, could not statistically estimate appropriateness of the risk chart. In conclusion, the NIPPON DATA80 risk chart for CHD mortality is not suitable for guidelines or education.
奥山 治美 浜崎 智仁
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.22, no.1, pp.25-34, 2013 (Released:2013-05-01)

Arachidonic acid (ARA) is converted to eicosanoids with diverse physiological activities, which are essential for the maintenance of growth and reproductive physiology of mammals. However, excessive and unbalanced productions of eicosanoids from ARA are known to be causative of inflammation-related diseases including cancer, atherosclerotic diseases and allergic diseases, which are currently prevailing in the elderly in Japan. Omega 3 fatty acids can suppress excessive productions of eicosanoids from ARA, thereby serving to prevent these diseases. These interpretations are based on the results from nutritional, pharmacological and biotechnological studies performed worldwide. Therefore, it was a big surprise for us when a leading Japanese food company began to sell an ARA-containing supplement. With a Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan, members of the committee of Japan Society for Lipid Nutrition performed a series of research on the safety and efficacy of ARA containing microbial oil to find little evidence to support the health benefits. Moreover, teratogenicity in the eye of a mouse strain was noted at 0.6 energy % ARA, together with cancer promoting activities, which are crucial as a supplement for elderly people. These safety issues need to be solved before supplementing humans with the ARA oil.
永松 健
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.31, no.1, pp.30-35, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-06-17)

Preterm birth occurs in 5% of all pregnancies in Japan, giving a life-long adverse impact on the baby. The regulation of inflammation balance in the uteroplacental system is a key to successful pregnancy. Deterioration of inflammatory regulation in the pregnant uterus is a major factor related to preterm birth. Inflammatory eicosanoids such as prostaglandin (PG)F2α and PGE2, are produced by the omega-6 fatty acid metabolic pathway and play an essential role in the progress of parturition controlling cervical ripening and uterine contraction. In contrast, accumulating evidence have suggested that the metabolic pathway of omega-3 fatty acids is closely involved in pregnancy maintenance with its anti-inflammatory functions physiologically against omega-6-derived substances. Past studies have implied that enhanced intake of omega-3 fatty acid in pregnant women reduces the incidence of preterm birth. Supporting those clinical findings, we previously found that fat-1 transgenic mice which have an omega-3 fatty acid-dominant internal environment were resistant to inflammation induced preterm birth. In the background mechanism, we confirmed that omega-3 fatty acid metabolites such as resolvin and 18-HEPE suppressed uterine inflammation. In this review article, the importance of omega-3 fatty acids in the control of uterine inflammation is discussed from a wide range of perspectives from basic researches to clinical intervention in pregnant women.
酒寄 信幸
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.31, no.1, pp.7-14, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-06-17)

n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential nutrients for normal brain development and function. Linoleic acid (LA) and α-linolenic acid (ALA) are the popular n-6 and n-3 PUFAs found in diet, and arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the principal n-6 and n-3 PUFAs in the brain, respectively. ARA and DHA are rapidly deposited during brain development and are important regulators for embryonic neural stem cells. ARA and DHA share many enzymes in synthesis from the precursors, membrane phospholipid remodeling, and metabolism into lipid mediators, resulting in that ARA and DHA in the brain are generally competitive in these metabolic steps, and the dietary balance of n-6/n-3 PUFAs is considered to be important. However, intake of several vegetable oils, which are abundant in n-6 PUFAs, and that of fishes, which are abundant in n-3 PUFAs, have been increased and decreased, respectively, in many countries. I have recently reported that pregnant mice that consume a diet high in LA and low in ALA impairs neocortical development in the offspring by promoting the neurogenic-to-gliogenic fate transition of neural stem cells and also induces hedonic feeding behaviors in the offspring by upregulating midbrain dopaminergic system. In the present review, I summarize the functions of dietary n-6 and n-3 PUFAs in brain development.
浜崎 智仁 奥山 治美 大櫛 陽一 浜 六郎
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.22, no.1, pp.69-76, 2013 (Released:2013-05-01)

On September 8, 2012, the panel discussion “The Rethinking of Cholesterol Issues” was held in Sagamihara City, Japan. This paper is the summary of that panel discussion. Four discussants expressed their skeptical views against the cholesterol hypothesis. The whole discussion will be freely seen on the net. Also a similar editorial written by the four discussants will be published in English (Ann Nutr Metab 2013;62:32-36, a free PDF file is already available on the internet). Because Japan Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines for Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases 2012 (JASG 2012) has recently been published, the main part of this paper is focused on serious flaws found in JASG 2012. Dr Harumi Okuyama discusses the differences between JASG 2012 and our guidelines indicating that high cholesterol levels are a good index of longevity; the most important point is that the statin trials that have been performed after 2004, when the new EU law regulating clinical trials became in effect, are all negative. Dr Yoichi Ogushi claims that JASG 2012 intentionally omits some good aspects of cholesterol; cholesterol is a negative risk factor of stroke. His own data also show that cholesterol is good for stroke. He also claims that to properly treat patients with diabetes, we need to reject the cholesterol hypothesis and to reduce carbohydrate rather than cholesterol. Dr Tomohito Hamazaki points out unforgivable flaws in JASG 2012. It does not disclose any COI. It does not contain any relationship between cholesterol levels and all-cause mortality in Japan. Pharmaceutical companies spend 600 billion yen (7 billion US$) per year for advertisement in Japan. This works as “devil’s insurance” (withdrawal of advertisement is a real threat to the mass media). The last discussant, Dr Rokuro Hama, explains the mistake made by JAS (liver disease causes both death and depression of cholesterol levels, and low cholesterol levels are not the cause of death). Hepatitis C virus (HCV) enters hepatic cells via LDL receptors, and low cholesterol levels are one of the major risk factors of HCV infection and chronic hepatitis. Hence, death from liver disease could be the result of low cholesterol levels.
西村 敏英
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.30, no.1, pp.14-25, 2021 (Released:2021-06-06)

Lipids in foods play important roles in the improvement of their palatability as well as the supply of nutrition for energy. Lipids improve the food property which is decided by lots of factors such as taste, aroma, texture and so on involved in food palatability. In the case of taste, lipids enhance the intensity of sweetness and umami taste of foods, while they suppress their bitterness. Lipids also affect the food palatability related to aroma through the lipid oxidation in foods or the precursor of the aroma compounds such as linoleic acid and linolenic acid. In the case of texture, lipids in foods make them more tender and juicier. Recently, lipids were found to hold aroma compounds in foods and enhance the complexity, mouthfulness, and lingerngness in Koku attributes. Aroma compounds in foods are released from their lipids during chewing foods in oral cavity, and they enhance Koku attributes.
日比野 英彦
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.25, no.2, pp.197-213, 2016 (Released:2016-10-20)

DHA levels are not homogeneously distributed throughout an animal. There are two distinct categories, select tissues containing large amounts of DHA and the remaining tissues with normally less than a few mol%. High-DHA tissues, the rod outer segment, sperm, and brain have a large quantity of DHA. DHA is mainly found on in the sn-2 position of phospholipids. DHA is n-3 fatty acid that is essential for normal brain development and cognitive function. It was confirmed a member of the major facilitator superfamily: Mfsd2a as the major transporter for DHA uptake into brain. Mfsd2a is found to be expressed exclusively in endothelium of the blood-brain barrier of micro-vessels. Mfsd2a-KO mice show markedly reduced levels of DHA in brain accompanied by neuronal cell loss in hippocampus and cerebellum. Mfsd2a transports DHA in the form of sn-2 lysophosphatidylcholine, but not unesterified fatty acid, in a sodium ion-system. A remarkable property of MFSD2 is its high-level expression specifically in the placenta, with expression in all other tissues at least 10-fold low―with the expression of the testis in which it is only 4-fold lower than the placenta. DHA is specifically bound to fatty acid binding proteins (Fabp7) in the cytoplasm, and transported to the cell membrane and work as ligands for nuclear receptor transcription factor.
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.8, no.2, pp.108-121, 1999-08-20 (Released:2009-04-10)
川端 二功
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.23, no.1, pp.17-21, 2014 (Released:2014-05-01)

In this review, we described two clinical trials that verified new nutritional functions of n-3 fatty acids in the ophthalmologic field. Firstly, we evaluated the efficacy of fish oil supplementation for subjects with dry eye in a randomized controlled trial. Fish oil group subjects (n = 15) ingested fish oil capsules containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 1245 mg/day) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 540 mg/day) for 12 weeks. Placebo group subjects (n = 12) ingested placebo capsules. The subjective symptoms of "eye pain", the index of tear stability, and the deficits of mucin layer in the fish oil group were significantly improved, compared to those of the placebo group. These results suggest that fish oil supplementation may be effective in the treatment of dry eye. Secondly, we examined the effects of dietary supplementation with a combination of fish oil, bilberry extract, and lutein on subjective symptoms of asthenopia in humans in a randomized controlled trial. Active group subjects (n = 11) ingested a supplement containing n-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil (DHA 783 mg/day, EPA 162 mg/day), bilberry extract (anthocyanidin 59 mg/day), and lutein (17.5 mg/day) for 4 weeks. Placebo group subjects (n = 9) ingested placebo capsules. Asthenopia symptoms such as "stiff shoulder, low back pain", "frustration", "dry-eye", and "stuffy head" and a score of mental fatigue were improved in the Active group. These results suggest that dietary supplementation with the combination of n-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil, bilberry extract, and lutein improves subjective symptoms of asthenopia and mental fatigue in humans.
後藤 直宏
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.23, no.1, pp.29-36, 2014 (Released:2014-05-01)

The structure of lipids deeply relates to its health function and metabolism. This type of study has been carried out using radio or stable isotope labeled lipids so far. Particularly, the method using deuterium (2H) labeled fatty acid and mass spectrometry developed by Emken et al. is excellent. However, the method cannot compare the migration and metabolism of labeled fatty acids, namely the front and back of fatty acid metabolism. In this paper, migration and metabolism of 2H and carbon thirteen (13C) labeled odd- and even-numbered fatty acids were examined using mice. The results revealed that the odd-numbered fatty acids were accumulated to the body fat. It was thought that low beta-oxidizability of odd-numbered fatty acid causes the result. The expired carbon dioxide (CO2) after administration of stable labeled fatty acid to mice was also examined using IR-MS. The carbon locating at carbonyl group in fatty acid firstly changed to CO2 and fatty acid labeled carbonyl with 13C forms 13CO2. IR-MS can quantify the amount of 13CO2 in expiration. The results also indicated low beta-oxidizability of odd-numbered fatty acid. The health functions of n-3 type fatty acids were compared among EPA (C20:5n-3), DPA (C22:5n-3), and DHA (C22:6n-3) to understand the relationship between the structure of fatty acid and health function. As the results, both numbers of double bonds and carbon numbers related to the health functions. Consequently, DPA expressed the medium health function among them in all the measurement parameters such as adiponectin, lipid profiles in blood and liver, etc.
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.6, no.2, pp.179-183, 1997-08-21 (Released:2009-04-10)
荻原 琢男 畑野 泰子
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.24, no.1, pp.21-32, 2015 (Released:2015-05-01)

Eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester (EPA-E) with a high degree of purity is marketed as a medical supply. In vivo pharmacokinetics of EPA-E is examined in detail via animal experiments. Orally administered eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is found in triglyceride (TG) in the rat intestine, and is absorbed via the lymphatic system. Moreover, EPA is gradually detected in cholesterol ester and phospholipid (PL) in blood. Whereas EPA is found in low density fractionation of lipoprotein such as chylomicron in the lymph fluid, it gradually transitions to high density fractionation in systemic circulation. EPA is distributed to several tissues such as fat, liver, heart, brain and aorta. Whereas EPA and its metabolized fatty acids are found in TG in fat, they are predominantly found in PL in the brain, liver and heart. EPA transforms systemically into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) by chain elongation and subsequent desaturation after intestinal absorption. Interestingly, DHA is found in the brain earlier than in blood and the liver, suggesting the synthesis of DHA occurs in not only the liver but also the brain. This hypothesis is also supported by a recent clinical trial.
藤原 寛
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.20, no.1, pp.35-46, 2011 (Released:2011-05-01)

Mental and physical fitness of the pupils are strongly related to the fullness of the school life. Grades in schoolwork of pupils seemed to be affected by the way of their life styles. Therefore, this report verified the association between grades in schoolwork of pupils and their life styles, especially whether or not eating habits contribute to promote their healthy mind and healthy body in the junior high school pupils. Among the eating habits in the pupils, intake of breakfast every day appeared to be the most important factor for their grades in schoolwork, and also it was associated with their mental and physical fitness. Japanese-style dish that contains a lot of food fibers seemed to be useful for not only daily regular living rhythm but also improving their learning ability. Intake of too much animal fat appeared to be a symbolic life-style that indicated an unfavorable habitual style, such as sleep-less and sedentary habit, so improvement of the fat intake may be expected to form the favorable customs of taking good sleep and exercise every day. These eating habits may promote good condition in the comprehensive daily life-style and grades in schoolwork for the pupils.
柳田 晃良
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.27, no.2, pp.171-183, 2018 (Released:2018-09-21)

Food factors are considered to be critical for health promotion and play an important role in the prevention of life-style related diseases. Metabolic syndrome is typical common disease, such as abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus that contribute to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Metabolic syndrome is closely linked with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and cognitive disorder and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The quality and quantity of dietary lipids have been recognized as contributing factors in the development and prevention of these diseases. Recent evidences suggest the preventive role of dietary bioactive lipids. We review the beneficial effects of CLA, n-3LCPUFA and phospholipids on metabolic syndrome and related diseases such as fatty liver and insulin resistance. Phospholipids have been reported to provide beneficial effects against neurodegenerative disorders, including dementia, AD, Parkinson’s disease and age-related cognitive decline. The studies suggest that n-3 LCPUFA-phospholipids prevent the memory loss and the cognitive disorders. In conclusion, functional bioactive lipids may apply as supplements and/or functional food ingredients to relieve metabolic syndrome and neurodegenerative diseases.
奥山 治美 浜 六郎 大櫛 陽一 浜崎 智仁 内野 元
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.27, no.1, pp.30-38, 2018 (Released:2018-07-16)

An open-label, randomized controlled trial in type 2 diabetics with hypertension, dyslipidemia, or both was reported (J-DOIT3 study).The participants were randomly assigned to receive conventional or intensive therapy with respect to HbA1c, blood pressure and LDL-C (n=1,271 in each group),and were followed for 8.5 years at 81 clinical sites. Both the participants and doctors in charge were aware of the group assigned. The experimental design was essentially as recommended in the [Comprehensive risk management chart for the prevention of cerebro- and cardiovascular diseases 2015] from the Joint Committee consisted of 13 internal medicine-related societies in Japan, and the Japan Atherosclerotic Society Guidelines 2017. Therefore, the conclusion from the J-DOIT3 study is expected in medical field to affect the current and future medications for the prevention of atherosclerotic cerebro- and cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD).While analyzing the results of this study,we encountered serious problems associated with the methodology, logics and its interpretations, which were summarized in this review. The follow-up study appears to be in progress as described in the Discussion, but we interpret that the intensive therapy used in the J-DOIT3 study is risky in view of currently available evidence. We propose the authors of the study to let the participants know of the results on its objective endpoint, and newly obtain Informed Consents including the potential risks of the intensive intervention based on the progress in this field after the start of this study.
大櫛 陽一 浜 六郎 浜崎 智仁 内野 元
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.27, no.1, pp.39-47, 2018 (Released:2018-07-16)

A nationwide multicenter randomized controlled study (JDCS) was performed in type-2 diabetes patients. The conventional (CON) group received usual care including anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive and anti-hyperlipidemic agents to maintain their targeted levels, and the intervention (INT) group additionally received intensive education on lifestyle modifications and adherence to treatment by telephone counselling and at each time outpatient clinic visit for 8 years. The JDCS appears to be based on an assumption that usual treatment of diabetes is appropriate for the prevention of diabetes complications, and that the lack of patients’ compliance is the major cause of unsuccessful treatments. No significant differences between the two groups were found in most of the test results (BMI, blood pressure, fasting glucose level, TC, HDL, lipoprotein-a), use of agents, life style (energy intake, smoking and alcohol intake) at 4 years of intervention. The exercise level was higher at 5 years of intervention, and triglyceride level was lower at 8 years. The incidence of coronary heart disease, retinopathy and neuropathy did not differ significantly between the two groups, but stroke incidence was lower in the INT group. We conducted new analyses on the changes of some explanatory variables in each group. The proportion of participants with pharmacological treatment including insulin significantly increased in both groups except sulfonylureas which about 60% of the participants used at the baseline. On the other hand, those without pharmacological treatment decreased from 19% to 4% in both groups. These indicate that both groups failed in diabetes treatment together. As for the exercise and the smoking cessation, these may prevent stroke, but do not contribute to improvement of diabetes. It is not convincing enough for us to support the validity of publicizing the treatment of diabetes patients used in the JDCS study performed at 59 universities and general hospitals in Japan.