奥山 治美 大原 直樹
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.1, pp.75-88, 2017 (Released:2017-05-21)

Recently, close correlations of cardiovascular disease(CVD)with diabetes and chronic kidney disease have been emphasized although the causal relationshipsremain to be defined. Current nutritional guidelines for the prevention of these diseases issued from authoritative organizations are consistent with those proposedby a group of Harvard University School of Public Health(Harvard-SPH School) that the intakes of saturated and trans fats should be reduced while increasing that of polyunsaturated linoleic acid in order to lower LDL-C/HDL-C ratio and thereby reduce CVD. The Harvard-SPH School was based on epidemiological studies with unavoidable biases, and more reliable RCT studies reported the opposite conclusions; long-term interventions based on the cholesterol hypothesis resulted in increased CVD and all-cause mortality. Moreover, treatments with statins effectively lowered LDL-C/HDL-C ratios but were essentially ineffective in preventing CVD as shown in RCT trials performed after 2004/5, when new regulations on clinical trials came into effect in the EU and US. Alternatively, we revealed pharmacological mechanisms of statins and warfarin to stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure. Moreover, some types of vegetable oils were shown to share a mechanism common to statins that they inhibit vitamin K2-dependent processes leading to various lifestyle related diseases. Our nutritional recommendations for the prevention of these diseases are, ①increasing the intake of foods with low ω6/ω3 ratios, ② reducing fats and oils with vitamin K2 inhibitory activities, and ③ evaluating animal fats and cholesterol to be beneficial for the prevention of stroke, but not risky for the development of CVD.
奥山 治美
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.125, no.11, pp.833-852, 2005-11-01 (Released:2005-11-01)
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The cholesterol hypothesis implies that reducing the intake of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol and increasing that of polyunsaturated fatty acid are effective in lowering serum total cholesterol (TC), and thereby reducing the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). However, these dietary recommendations are essentially ineffective in reducing TC in the long run, but rather increase mortalitiy rates from CHD and all causes. The reported “apparent relative risk of high TC in CHD mortality” (the ratio of mortality at the highest/lowest TC levels) varied several-fold among populations studied. The incidence of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in a population was proposed to be a critical factor in the observed variability, which could be accounted for by assuming that 1) the high CHD mortality rate in high-TC groups is mainly a reflection of the incidence and severity of FH, and 2) high TC is not a causative factor of CHD in non-FH cases. This interpretation is supported by recent observations that high TC is not positively associated with high CHD mortality rates among general populations more than 40—50 years of age. More importantly, higher TC values are associated with lower cancer and all-cause mortality rates among these populations, in which relative proportions of FH are likely to be low (circa 0.2%). Although the effectiveness of statins in preventing CHD has been accepted in Western countries, little benefit seems to resulf from efforts to limit dietary cholesterol intake or to TC values to less than approximately 260 mg/dl among the general population and the elderly. Instead, an unbalanced intake of ω6 over ω3 polyunsaturated fats favors the production of eicosanoids, the actions of which lead to the production of inflammatory and thrombotic lipid mediators and altered cellular signaling and gene expression, which are major risk factors for CHD, cancers, and shorter longevity. Based on the data reviewed here, it is urgent to change the direction of current cholesterol-related medication for the prevention of CHD, cancer, and all-cause mortality.
奥山 治美
環境変異原研究 (ISSN:09100865)
vol.25, no.2, pp.147-157, 2003 (Released:2005-08-19)
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Substances causing persistent inflammation (asbestos, viruses and pathogens) are often carcinogenic even if they are not directly mutagenic. Reactive oxygen species from inflammatory cells injure DNA and are cell-proliferative leading to accelerated carcinogenesis. Lipid mediators in the linoleic acid (LA) cascade through arachidonic acid (n-6) and some cytokines form amplification cascades to stimulate these processes, whereas the fatty acids of n-3 type competitively suppress the LA cascade and carcinogenesis. This interpretation is consistent with the observations that (1) dietary oils with low n-6/n-3 ratios are suppressive compared with high-LA oils, (2) inhibitors of the LA cascade are suppressive, and (3) manipulations to knockout genes related to the LA cascade are suppressive for carcinogenesis. On the other hand, many kinds of genes are affected differently by the chain length and unsaturation of fatty acids regardless of the n-6 or n-3 type. Saturates, monounsaturates and LA up-regulate cholesterol synthesis leading to enhanced prenylation of oncogene products, cell-proliferation and carcinogenesis. Dietary cholesterol and high tissue cholesterol levels feedback suppress cholesterol synthesis and cell-proliferative stimuli, which partly accounts for epidemiological observations that cancer mortality is lower in the group with higher cholesterol level. For the cancers, the incidence of which is high in the US and has been increasing rapidly in Japan, reducing the intake of LA to half while maintaining those of n-3 fatty acids and animal fats at the levels of average Japanese is recommended.
奥山 治美 山田 和代 宮澤 大介 安井 裕子 市川 祐子
公益社団法人 日本油化学会
オレオサイエンス (ISSN:13458949)
vol.8, no.10, pp.421-427, 2008 (Released:2013-06-01)

“動物性脂肪とコレステロールの摂取を減らして高リノール酸植物油を増やすと, 血清コレステロール値が下がって心疾患が予防できる” というコレステロール仮説は誤っていた。この説に基づく指導を長期に続けても血清コレステロール値は下がらず, むしろ心疾患死亡率が上がり, 寿命が短くなることがわかった。一方, 大部分の人 (40~50歳以上の一般集団) にとっては, 血清コレステロール値が高い群ほど癌死亡率が低く長生きであった。すなわち, “飽和脂肪酸に富む動物性脂肪が血清コレステロール値を上げ, 心疾患の危険因子となっている”, と考える根拠は崩壊した。心疾患の危険因子はコレステロールではなく, 摂取脂肪酸のn-6/n-3バランスであった。最近トランス脂肪酸 (水素添加植物油) の安全性の問題が再びクローズアップされ, 代替油脂としてパーム油がわが国の供給植物油の20%を占めるまでに至っている。しかしパーム油は動物実験で発癌促進, 寿命短縮などの有害作用を示す。他にも動物に類似の有害作用を示す食用油が数種ある。このような安全性の確立していない植物油に対し, 動物性飽和脂肪 (バター, ラードなど) の安全性が強調できる。メタボリック症候群の危険因子はタンパク質, 糖質を含めた栄養素の過剰摂取による過栄養 (over-nutrition) であり, 動物性脂肪は肥満にならない範囲で安全に摂取できる。
浜崎 智仁 奥山 治美 大櫛 陽一
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.21, no.1, pp.77-87, 2012 (Released:2012-04-29)
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奥山 治美 山田 和代 宮澤 大介 安井 裕子
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.16, no.1, pp.49-62, 2007-03-31 (Released:2008-12-05)

1. トランス脂肪酸の心疾患に及ぼす影響は顕著なものではなく、動物性脂肪より悪いという根拠は明確ではない。2. 水素添加植物油にはトランス脂肪酸のほかに微量の因子があり、脳卒中ラットの寿命を異常に短縮し、内分泌撹乱作用を示す。この作用をおこす量は超大量ではなく、日本人の摂取量は安全域とはいえない。3. 水素添加により副生するジヒドロ型ビタミンK1が微量有害因子の一つであり、脳出血促進 (血栓性低下?) 作用のほか、骨代謝にも影響を及ぼす因子であると考えられる。4. 他の数種の植物油も脂肪酸組成では説明できない発癌促進作用を示しており、より広範な安全性研究が必要である。5. わが国で摂取されている食用油の9割以上はリノール酸含量が高いか、微量有害因子を含んでおり、健康増進には向かない。動物性脂肪の安全性が強調できる。
奥山 治美
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
化学と生物 (ISSN:0453073X)
vol.28, no.3, pp.175-181, 1990-03-25 (Released:2009-05-25)
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奥山 治美 浜崎 智仁 大櫛 陽一 浜 六郎 内野 元 渡邊 浩幸 橋本 道男
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.22, no.2, pp.173-186, 2013 (Released:2013-10-01)
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Statins have been recognized clinically to raise blood glucose and glycated protein (HbA1c) levels enhancing the development of insulin resistance. However, most clinicians appear to adopt the interpretation that the benefit (prevention of CHD) outweighs the risk (new-onset of diabetes mellitus). Consistently, "Japan Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines for the Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases 2012" recommends diabetics to maintain LDL-C levels below 120 mg/dL; 40 mg/dL lower than the value for those without risky complications. This recommendation necessitates many diabetics to use statins. However, we pointed out that statins exhibited no significant benefit for the prevention of CHD in the trials performed by scientists independent of industries after 2004, when a new regulation on clinical trials took effect in EU (Cholesterol Guidelines for Longevity, 2010). Here, we reviewed clinical evidence that statins could induce diabetes mellitus, and biochemical evidence that statins are toxic to mitochondria; they suppress electron transport and ATP generation through decreased prenyl-intermediate levels. They also inhibit seleno-protein synthesis and dolichol-mediated glycation of insulin receptor leading to insulin resistance and cardiac failure, similarly to the case of Se-deficiency. These mechanisms of statin actions are consistent with clinically observed decreases in blood ketone body, mitochondrial dysfunctions and enhanced glucose intolerance. Based on these lines of evidence, we urgently propose that statins are contraindicant to diabetics and their prescription should be restricted to special cases* for which medical doctors rationally decide to be necessary.
奥山 治美 市川 祐子 藤井 陽一

浜崎 智仁 奥山 治美 浜 六郎 大櫛 陽一
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.23, no.1, pp.71-78, 2014 (Released:2014-05-01)

The risk chart of NIPPON DATA80 showing the absolute mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) is the only chart of this type widely used in the medical field in Japan. In this chart, there are 240 frames for men with casual blood glucose of ≥200 mg/dL (the right side of the chart); these frames are separated according to smoking status, age, systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol. The absolute CHD mortality during 10 years in these 240 frames ranges from <0.5% to ≥10% (more than 20 times difference). However, we estimated that there were only 5 CHD deaths at most in these 240 diabetic frames during the study period of NIPPON DATA80. The left (non-diabetic; another 240 frames) part of the chart was adopted for the Guidelines by Japan Atherosclerosis Society after excluding 60 frames for those in their 70s (180 frames as a whole), but those 180 frames were estimated to have only 35 CHD deaths despite the risk difference being more than 10. Furthermore, statistical values such as p value and confidence interval were not found either in the paper introducing the risk chart or in the referred paper for methodology. We, therefore, could not statistically estimate appropriateness of the risk chart. In conclusion, the NIPPON DATA80 risk chart for CHD mortality is not suitable for guidelines or education.
奥山 治美 浜崎 智仁
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.22, no.1, pp.25-34, 2013 (Released:2013-05-01)

Arachidonic acid (ARA) is converted to eicosanoids with diverse physiological activities, which are essential for the maintenance of growth and reproductive physiology of mammals. However, excessive and unbalanced productions of eicosanoids from ARA are known to be causative of inflammation-related diseases including cancer, atherosclerotic diseases and allergic diseases, which are currently prevailing in the elderly in Japan. Omega 3 fatty acids can suppress excessive productions of eicosanoids from ARA, thereby serving to prevent these diseases. These interpretations are based on the results from nutritional, pharmacological and biotechnological studies performed worldwide. Therefore, it was a big surprise for us when a leading Japanese food company began to sell an ARA-containing supplement. With a Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan, members of the committee of Japan Society for Lipid Nutrition performed a series of research on the safety and efficacy of ARA containing microbial oil to find little evidence to support the health benefits. Moreover, teratogenicity in the eye of a mouse strain was noted at 0.6 energy % ARA, together with cancer promoting activities, which are crucial as a supplement for elderly people. These safety issues need to be solved before supplementing humans with the ARA oil.
浜崎 智仁 奥山 治美 大櫛 陽一 浜 六郎
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.22, no.1, pp.69-76, 2013 (Released:2013-05-01)

On September 8, 2012, the panel discussion “The Rethinking of Cholesterol Issues” was held in Sagamihara City, Japan. This paper is the summary of that panel discussion. Four discussants expressed their skeptical views against the cholesterol hypothesis. The whole discussion will be freely seen on the net. Also a similar editorial written by the four discussants will be published in English (Ann Nutr Metab 2013;62:32-36, a free PDF file is already available on the internet). Because Japan Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines for Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases 2012 (JASG 2012) has recently been published, the main part of this paper is focused on serious flaws found in JASG 2012. Dr Harumi Okuyama discusses the differences between JASG 2012 and our guidelines indicating that high cholesterol levels are a good index of longevity; the most important point is that the statin trials that have been performed after 2004, when the new EU law regulating clinical trials became in effect, are all negative. Dr Yoichi Ogushi claims that JASG 2012 intentionally omits some good aspects of cholesterol; cholesterol is a negative risk factor of stroke. His own data also show that cholesterol is good for stroke. He also claims that to properly treat patients with diabetes, we need to reject the cholesterol hypothesis and to reduce carbohydrate rather than cholesterol. Dr Tomohito Hamazaki points out unforgivable flaws in JASG 2012. It does not disclose any COI. It does not contain any relationship between cholesterol levels and all-cause mortality in Japan. Pharmaceutical companies spend 600 billion yen (7 billion US$) per year for advertisement in Japan. This works as “devil’s insurance” (withdrawal of advertisement is a real threat to the mass media). The last discussant, Dr Rokuro Hama, explains the mistake made by JAS (liver disease causes both death and depression of cholesterol levels, and low cholesterol levels are not the cause of death). Hepatitis C virus (HCV) enters hepatic cells via LDL receptors, and low cholesterol levels are one of the major risk factors of HCV infection and chronic hepatitis. Hence, death from liver disease could be the result of low cholesterol levels.
坂井 恵子 奥山 治美 島崎 弘幸 片桐 雅博 鳥居 新平 松下 隆 馬場 駿吉
Japanese Society of Allergology
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.43, no.1, pp.37-43, 1994-01-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

血漿総脂質とリン脂質におけるリノール酸の割合がアトピー患者の方が同年齢の健常者より有意に多く, オレイン酸は少なかった. トリアシルグリセロール(中性脂質)分画ではn-3/n-6比がアトピー患者で有意に低かったが, n-6系列のγ-リノレン酸やアラキドン酸の割合は両群間に有意な差が認められなかった. 以上の結果より, アトピー患者でデルタ6-不飽和化酵素活性が低下している根拠はみられなかった. むしろ, 身体のアレルギー反応性を抑制するには食事脂質のn-3/n-6比を上げることが有効である可能性を論じた.
奥山 治美 浜 六郎 大櫛 陽一 浜崎 智仁 内野 元
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.27, no.1, pp.30-38, 2018 (Released:2018-07-16)

An open-label, randomized controlled trial in type 2 diabetics with hypertension, dyslipidemia, or both was reported (J-DOIT3 study).The participants were randomly assigned to receive conventional or intensive therapy with respect to HbA1c, blood pressure and LDL-C (n=1,271 in each group),and were followed for 8.5 years at 81 clinical sites. Both the participants and doctors in charge were aware of the group assigned. The experimental design was essentially as recommended in the [Comprehensive risk management chart for the prevention of cerebro- and cardiovascular diseases 2015] from the Joint Committee consisted of 13 internal medicine-related societies in Japan, and the Japan Atherosclerotic Society Guidelines 2017. Therefore, the conclusion from the J-DOIT3 study is expected in medical field to affect the current and future medications for the prevention of atherosclerotic cerebro- and cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD).While analyzing the results of this study,we encountered serious problems associated with the methodology, logics and its interpretations, which were summarized in this review. The follow-up study appears to be in progress as described in the Discussion, but we interpret that the intensive therapy used in the J-DOIT3 study is risky in view of currently available evidence. We propose the authors of the study to let the participants know of the results on its objective endpoint, and newly obtain Informed Consents including the potential risks of the intensive intervention based on the progress in this field after the start of this study.
奥山 治美 笠本 進一 浜崎 智仁
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.27, no.1, pp.21-29, 2018-03-31 (Released:2018-07-16)

The Japan Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines for the Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases (JASGL) were based on “the lower, the better” hypothesis. However, we published Cholesterol Guidelines for Longevity 2010 based on the fact that cholesterol levels are inversely associated with all-cause mortality among general populations aged at 40 years and over. Here, we summarized the mechanisms of atherogenesis caused by statins and some types of vegetable oils with strokestimulating activity in the rat; they inhibit the VK1-VK2- osteocalcin target organs link, leading to artery calcification and lifestyle-related diseases. The mainstay of JASGL 2017 is the Suita study published in 2014, which is much smaller than the previous epidemiological study, NIPPONDATA 80, for JASGL 2012. Besides, the total and cardiovascular mortality of the study has not been published yet. We found some terrible mathematical errors that cannot be simple calculation mistakes. For example, deleting some study subjects actually increased the number of male participants instead. It is likely that no consistent epidemiological studies are available any more to JAS to protect their cholesterol hypothesis. JASGL 2017 calculated risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) in Japan where the incidence is very low. Then the story was fabricated to protect their notion that even the group with a very low risk in the world standard was classified as middle to high risk groups of CAD, which can lead to unnecessary medication. The GLs are disguised as those based on the cholesterol hypothesis; actually it became very clear that they are simply selling tools for statins.
奥山 治美 浜崎 智仁 大櫛 陽一
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.23, no.1, pp.79-88, 2014 (Released:2014-05-01)

Previous cholesterol guidelines for the prevention of CHD were based on "the lower, the better" hypothesis, setting upper LDL-C limits and treating patients to maintain their cholesterol levels below the targets, as seen in the ATP 3 issued from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and that issued from the Japan Atherosclerosis Society (JAS GL). We published a new cholesterol guideline for longevity (JSLN GL 2010), in which evidence was presented that a high cholesterol level is not a causative factor of CHD but is a predictor of longevity among general populations over 40-50 years of age. Recently, a long-waited revision of the ATP 3 was published from the NHLBI in conjunction with the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association (ACC/AHA GL 2013), in which "setting targets to treating patients with statins" and "the lower, the better hypothesis" were abandoned because of the lack of clinical evidence. However, both the JAS GL 2012 and ACC/AHA GL 2013 brought about estimated 10-year CHD (ASCVD) risk mainly based on NIPPON DATA 80 and NHLBI-supported studies, respectively, resulting in increased estimated number of subjects to be treated with statins. Here, we point out that the estimated 10-year risks are not usable because they are not evidence-based. Moreover, we summarize biochemical mechanisms underlying the statin actions to increase heart failure, diabetes mellitus and other diseases after long-term treatments. The cases for which statins, all mitochondrion-toxic, are applicable should be extremely restricted.
奥山 治美
日本農芸化学会誌 (ISSN:00021407)
vol.69, no.5, pp.583-585, 1995-05