原馬 明子 脇中 奈津子 竹田 真実 守口 徹
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.2, pp.217-224, 2017 (Released:2017-09-20)

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), found in seafood, are essential fatty acids and therefore must be obtained from the diet. Traditionally, Japanese cuisine is centered around fish as the main ingredient. However, in recent years, a social problem has arisen wherein members of both the younger and the older generations eat progressively less fish. Canned fish is an easy-to-prepare fish food, but because vegetable oil is added to the can, it is important to investigate whether canned fish is an appropriate source of n-3 fatty acids. In this study, we divided canned tuna products by fish and oil type and analyzed fatty acid content in the fish part and the oil part to simulate an ordinary serving. From the 300 top-selling tuna can products, we selected 3 different types of tuna (bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, and albacore tuna) packed in soybean oil, as well as albacore tuna packed in 4 types of oil (soy, cottonseed, olive, and safflower oils). Furthermore, cans of the 3 types of tuna packed in water were used as controls. The findings revealed that tuna in water contained a suitable amount of n-6/n-3, but a low amount of EPA+DHA. Among tunas in oil, albacore tuna had the higher level of EPA+DHA, and added olive oil contained the lower amount of n-6/n-3. Our finding showed that n-3 fatty acid content in tuna varies widely depending on the added oil, and that the EPA+DHA level of canned tuna is low. Therefore, it is not so appropriate the canned tuna as a source of omega-3 fatty acids.
奥山 治美 大原 直樹
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.1, pp.75-88, 2017 (Released:2017-05-21)

Recently, close correlations of cardiovascular disease(CVD)with diabetes and chronic kidney disease have been emphasized although the causal relationshipsremain to be defined. Current nutritional guidelines for the prevention of these diseases issued from authoritative organizations are consistent with those proposedby a group of Harvard University School of Public Health(Harvard-SPH School) that the intakes of saturated and trans fats should be reduced while increasing that of polyunsaturated linoleic acid in order to lower LDL-C/HDL-C ratio and thereby reduce CVD. The Harvard-SPH School was based on epidemiological studies with unavoidable biases, and more reliable RCT studies reported the opposite conclusions; long-term interventions based on the cholesterol hypothesis resulted in increased CVD and all-cause mortality. Moreover, treatments with statins effectively lowered LDL-C/HDL-C ratios but were essentially ineffective in preventing CVD as shown in RCT trials performed after 2004/5, when new regulations on clinical trials came into effect in the EU and US. Alternatively, we revealed pharmacological mechanisms of statins and warfarin to stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure. Moreover, some types of vegetable oils were shown to share a mechanism common to statins that they inhibit vitamin K2-dependent processes leading to various lifestyle related diseases. Our nutritional recommendations for the prevention of these diseases are, ①increasing the intake of foods with low ω6/ω3 ratios, ② reducing fats and oils with vitamin K2 inhibitory activities, and ③ evaluating animal fats and cholesterol to be beneficial for the prevention of stroke, but not risky for the development of CVD.
大櫛 陽一 春木 康男 宗田 哲男 銅冶 英雄 糖質ゼロ食 研究会 山内 忠行
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.19, no.1, pp.53-58, 2010 (Released:2010-05-01)

Introduction: A control of blood glucose is known to be the most important fact to protect development of complications of diabetes. A low-carbohydrate diet has been recognized to be one of the choices of diets for patients with diabetes. But, a very low-carbohydrate diet where the uptake of carbohydrate is lower than 130g per day is not recommended by American Diabetes Association now. Methods: We examined 16 patients who are continuing in some years a very low-saccharide diet where the uptake of saccharide is lower than 5g per diet. Results: Their fasting glucose, HbA1c, triglyceride, HDL-C, creatinine, all ionic values, pH and bicarbonate of venous blood were normal. Their ketone body and free fatty acid were higher than people who have normal diet, but their respiratory quotient was 0.72 and it assures their resource of energy changes from glucose to ketone body. Conclusion: Dietary ketosis never makes acidosis. The very low-saccharide diet is a safe and most effective diet for patients with diabetes.
浜崎 智仁 糸村 美保
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.19, no.1, pp.59-63, 2010 (Released:2010-05-01)

The cholesterol hypothesis that intake of saturated fatty acids increases blood cholesterol levels, which in turn increases the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), has hardly been proved. Even the most famous intervention study in Finland (Finnish Mental Hospital Study) was questionable; it must have been very difficult to diagnose CHD in heavily sedated patients without bias. However, because diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the major risk factors of myocardial infarction, diabetologists adopted the hypothesis above to reduce CHD incidence and educated DM patients not to eat much land animals’ meat and their fat, which means high-carbohydrate diets. Unfortunately the more carbohydrate people eat, the higher blood glucose and insulin levels. In fact, if DM patients are treated with low-carbohydrate diets, hemoglobin A1c levels markedly drop. Because insulin levels are also reduced, body weight is reduced too. (Insulin is probably the most powerful agent for fattening.) The prevailing idea that low-fat is good for you does not hold true anymore. The exploding number of obese and diabetic patients in the US was the most horrible example of iatrogenic disease in the last century.
浜崎 智仁 奥山 治美 大櫛 陽一
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.21, no.1, pp.77-87, 2012 (Released:2012-04-29)
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奥山 治美 山田 和代 宮澤 大介 安井 裕子
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.16, no.1, pp.49-62, 2007-03-31 (Released:2008-12-05)

1. トランス脂肪酸の心疾患に及ぼす影響は顕著なものではなく、動物性脂肪より悪いという根拠は明確ではない。2. 水素添加植物油にはトランス脂肪酸のほかに微量の因子があり、脳卒中ラットの寿命を異常に短縮し、内分泌撹乱作用を示す。この作用をおこす量は超大量ではなく、日本人の摂取量は安全域とはいえない。3. 水素添加により副生するジヒドロ型ビタミンK1が微量有害因子の一つであり、脳出血促進 (血栓性低下?) 作用のほか、骨代謝にも影響を及ぼす因子であると考えられる。4. 他の数種の植物油も脂肪酸組成では説明できない発癌促進作用を示しており、より広範な安全性研究が必要である。5. わが国で摂取されている食用油の9割以上はリノール酸含量が高いか、微量有害因子を含んでおり、健康増進には向かない。動物性脂肪の安全性が強調できる。
浜崎 智仁
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.20, no.1, pp.47-58, 2011 (Released:2011-05-01)

I emphasize the importance of conflict of interest and implications of Big Pharma-assisted clinical trials when discussing the effects of cholesterol-lowering medicines. The situation around papers on clinical trials has changed since EU Clinical Trial Directive took effect. Trials in which cholesterol levels were lowered or more lowered with aggressive treatment have shown no significant beneficial effects except for few exceptions after the Directive. I also show some other aspects of cholesterol that have rarely (or never) been discussed in Japan. For example; 1. The LDL-cholesterol levels in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) who have already suffered from coronary heart disease (CHD) are not higher than in FH patients without CHD. 2. LDL and other lipoproteins serve as a non-specific natural defense against bacteria and virus. 3. By understanding that LDL-cholesterol is not bad for your health, we can enter new stages of lipid nutrition. The intake of saturated fat does not increase cardiovascular death rates in Japan.
江部 康二
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.1, pp.47-57, 2017 (Released:2017-05-21)

The effectiveness and safety of the conventional diabetes treatment is negative in RCT and RCT meta analysis having high reliability. In other words, take carbohydrate commonly and aiming at blood sugar control by medical treatment strictly, the profit is very few and is degree offset by a hypoglycemia risk. After take carbohydrate, always occurs postprandial hyperglycemia and glucose swing, as a results oxidative stress occurs, and it is with the risk of complications. The hypoglycemia risk occurs if doctor give strict medical treatment. They do notproduce with carbohydrate restriction diet. It was said that American DiabetesAssociation(ADA)did not recommend a carbohydrate restriction diet until 2007, but accepted it in“Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults With Diabetes”formally in October, 2013. The brain cardiovascular event outbreak has nothing to do with a saturated fatty acid intake.“There is no risk of the coronary disease in a low carbohydrate high-fat high-protein meal”and “There is no cardiovascular disease risk improvement effect to low lipid food” articles having high reliability of these three conclusions is reported. The long-term safety of the carbohydrate restriction diet maintained the same and was secured. Furthermore, by carbohydrate restriction diet practice, blood sugar level, HbA1c, acylglycerol level, HDL cholesterol level are improved. The LDL cholesterol level often becomes the standard value in the long term, too. In other words, because all the arteriosclerotic risk factors are improved, and so the long-term prognosis of the carbohydrate restriction diet is very likely good.
佐藤 隆一郎
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.25, no.1, pp.35-42, 2016-03-31 (Released:2016-05-10)

Bile acids exert anti-obesity and anti-hyperglycemic effects through a G protein-coupled receptor TGR5. In L cells located in the lower small intestine TGR5 activation stimulates secretion of a peptide hormone GLP-1 that enhances insulin sensitivity. In brown adipose tissues and skeletal muscles its activation results in an increase in energy expenditure, leading to anti-obesity effects. Based on these findings, we searched for food factors that mimic bile acid functions, and identified a citrus limonoid nomilin as a powerful agonist for TGR5. Simulation analyses for TGR5-nomilin association and mutation analyses of human TGR5 revealed that TGR5 is capable of biding nomilin through three amino acid residues located in a transmembrane and extracellular domain. Further analyses using transgenic mice overexpressing human TGR5 in skeletal muscles showed that TGR5 activation results in an increase in muscle mass. Taken together, we believe that TGR5 is one of ideal targets for functional food factors to extend healthy life expectancy.
日比野 英彦 大久保 剛
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.1, pp.89-106, 2017 (Released:2017-05-21)

Choline was appointed an essential nutrient in 1998 by the National Academy of Science and The dietary reference intake was evaluated scientifically in Nutrients Food and Nutrition Board Institute of Medicine. Choline is trimethyl aminoethanol of a quaternary ammonium ion constituting choline-phosholipids such as sphingomyelin, phosphatidylcholine or Glycerophosphocholine. Choline is a hydrophilic base moiety of the phosholipids building a cell lipid bilayer. Particularly, choline-phosholipids is the construction materials of lipid monolayer giving lipoprotein and a mother's milk fat globule and therefore is a basic material of the lipid nutrition. Choline functions as a precursor for acetylcholine, choline-phosholipids, and methyl donor betaine. The primary criterion used to estimate the adequate intake for choline is the prevention of liver damage as assessed by measuring serum alanine aminotransferase levels. A nutrient lipid-based in these general remarks in our country: We want to suggest the problem to make Choline widely available.
有田 誠
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.1, pp.27-34, 2017 (Released:2017-05-21)
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Dietary supplementation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFA)includingeicosapentaenoic acid(EPA)and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)is widely held to be beneficial in human health. Also, elevation in omega-3 PUFA levels in omega-3desaturase( fat-1)transgenic mice that endogenously biosynthesize omega-3 PUFA from omega-6 PUFA exhibits resistance to inflammatory disease models. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of omega-3 PUFAs, we developed a comprehensive LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics method that can detect and quantify more than 500 of PUFA metabolites simultaneously. Using this lipidomics system, and genetically modified animals or nutritional control to manipulate fatty acid balance in the body, we try to understand how different balance of omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids and their unique metabolites function in vivo that could explain the biological significance of omega-3 PUFAs in controlling inflammation and related diseases.
吉田 敏
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.1, pp.9-25, 2017 (Released:2017-05-21)

Docosahexaenoic acid(C22 :6n-3, DHA)plays a special role in biological membrane dynamics, and especially affects human health and various diseases. I try to review the structural significance of DHA in two points, membrane dynamics and oxidative metabolites, to realize the action mechanisms of DHA on health and diseases. It has been believed that polyunsaturated fatty acids, such asarachidonic acid(C20 :4n-6)and DHA, in bio-membranes may increase fluidity ofthe membrane( “fluidity hypothesis”)and thus modulate mobility of membrane proteins, however, it is proved recently that the fluidity hypothesis is not always true for DHA. It has been shown that DHA could have quite various conformationsunder physiological conditions for free or ester forms, as determined by simulations and X-ray crystallography of DHA-bound proteins, and this high flexibility of DHA conformation may be a key point to realize the action mechanism of DHA-containing phospholipids on membrane dynamics with high resilience andadaptability( “flexibility hypothesis”). With this“flexibility hypothesis”, it could be uniformly recognized how DHA is important for rapid membrane dynamics(fission and fusion), for lipid-receptors interactions, for modulation of lipid raft size, and for regulation of nuclear receptors and expression of genes. The reason why DHA is enriched in retina, brain, testes, and heart, which tissues are all active in membrane dynamics and oxygen metabolism, may be realized with the flexibility hypothesis. The second point, why DHA is metabolized to quite variousoxidative/oxygenative derivatives(docosanoids), may be realized under the view of whole oxylipin metabolism including eicosanoids. Oxylipin metabolism is recently summarized as oxygenated polyunsaturated fatty acids, however, it may be more rational to categorize“Oxylipin”as oxidative metabolites of lipids widely including terpenoids, to realize the structural resemblance between DHA and retinoids, and the function of medium chain oxygenated fatty acid metabolites. The view of co-regulation in various oxylipin metabolites including docosanoids and eicosanoids may be needed for realizing the fine regulation mechanism of active tissue metabolism and pathophysiology. The structure-based theory of the effect of DHA and its oxidative metabolites on bio-membrane dynamics and lipid-protein interactions may help largely to realize the action-mechanism of DHA on human health and diseases. Key words: docosahexaenoic acid(DHA), flexibility hypothesis, fluidity hypothesis, membrane dynamics, oxylipin.
安藤 進
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.19, no.1, pp.19-23, 2010 (Released:2010-05-01)

This paper reports the cholinergic effect in the brain and the anti-obesity effect of carnitine. This cholinergic effect of carnitine is proved to be beneficial to the restoration of cognitive function in the aged brain. Carnitine is originally known to act as a carrier for fatty acids to pass into mitochondria in skeletal and cardiac muscles that need fatty acids for their energy source. Carnitine supplementation is shown to enhance the fatty acid oxidation and reduce body weights.In animal experiments, aged rats given carnitine showed cognitive improvement due to increased acetylcholine synthesis and weight loss by accelerated fatty acid oxidation.In a clinical trial, a fatty woman aged 84 who suffered from obesity (89.2 kg; BMI, 41.0), type 2 diabetes meritus, dermatitis and constipation at the beginning was given carnitine for seven months. She lost 23 kg (BMI, 30.6) resulting in much improvement in ADL with normalized blood glucose.
菊川 清見
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.3, no.1, pp.20-33, 1994-03-25 (Released:2009-04-10)
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中野 益男
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.7, no.1, pp.23-30, 1998-03-25 (Released:2009-04-10)
原馬 明子 勝間田 祥帆 手代木 栞 守口 徹
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.2, pp.225-230, 2017 (Released:2017-09-20)

The consumption of seafood in Japan has continued to decline, and consumption of meat is increasing. One reason for this is that it takes time to cook fish. Therefore, we focused on fish roe that require little cooking time, and examined whether they can be used as a food source of n-3 fatty acids. We selected salmon (sujiko and ikura), herring, cod, flounder, flying fish, and smelt roe, and measured their eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content and n-6/n-3 ratio by fatty acid analysis. In addition, cooked cod, flounder, and smelt roe were analyzed. The amounts of EPA and DHA in each fish roe were in the order salmon roe 1 (sujiko)> smelt roe ≒ salmon roe 2 (ikura)> cod roe ≒ flounder roe > herring roe > flying fish roe. There was no difference in the amount of EPA, DHA, and fatty acid composition between raw and cooked roe. All fish roe contained only traces of n-6 fatty acid, and the n-6/n-3 ratio was as low as 1 or less. Our results showed that EPA and DHA can be easily acquired from fish roe, particularly salmon roe. Moreover, the EPA and DHA content of fish roe was not decreased by cooking, so they are suitable as a food source of n-3 fatty acids.
木村 郁夫 畑野 泰子 長谷川 沙恵
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.24, no.1, pp.33-40, 2015 (Released:2015-05-01)

Gut microbiota affects not only host immune system but also host nutrient acquisition and energy regulation, and thereby influencing the development of obesity and diabetes. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), produced by the gut microbial fermentation of dietary fiber, are essential host energy sources and signal molecules via G-protein coupled receptor GPR41 and GPR43. We report that these SCFAs receptors are involved in host energy homeostasis, GPR41 regulates sympathetic activity, and GPR43 regulates adipose-insulin signaling by sensing SCFAs. These results indicate that gut microbial metabolites regulate host homeostasis via novel molecular signal mechanism.
奥山 治美 浜崎 智仁 大櫛 陽一 浜 六郎 内野 元 渡邊 浩幸 橋本 道男
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.22, no.2, pp.173-186, 2013 (Released:2013-10-01)
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Statins have been recognized clinically to raise blood glucose and glycated protein (HbA1c) levels enhancing the development of insulin resistance. However, most clinicians appear to adopt the interpretation that the benefit (prevention of CHD) outweighs the risk (new-onset of diabetes mellitus). Consistently, "Japan Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines for the Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases 2012" recommends diabetics to maintain LDL-C levels below 120 mg/dL; 40 mg/dL lower than the value for those without risky complications. This recommendation necessitates many diabetics to use statins. However, we pointed out that statins exhibited no significant benefit for the prevention of CHD in the trials performed by scientists independent of industries after 2004, when a new regulation on clinical trials took effect in EU (Cholesterol Guidelines for Longevity, 2010). Here, we reviewed clinical evidence that statins could induce diabetes mellitus, and biochemical evidence that statins are toxic to mitochondria; they suppress electron transport and ATP generation through decreased prenyl-intermediate levels. They also inhibit seleno-protein synthesis and dolichol-mediated glycation of insulin receptor leading to insulin resistance and cardiac failure, similarly to the case of Se-deficiency. These mechanisms of statin actions are consistent with clinically observed decreases in blood ketone body, mitochondrial dysfunctions and enhanced glucose intolerance. Based on these lines of evidence, we urgently propose that statins are contraindicant to diabetics and their prescription should be restricted to special cases* for which medical doctors rationally decide to be necessary.
酒寄 信幸 大隅 典子
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.27, no.1, pp.14-20, 2018 (Released:2018-07-16)

Arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the principal n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the brain, respectively, and essential for proper brain development. Previous in vitro studies have revealed that ARA induces astrocytic differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs), and that DHA induces neuronal differentiation of NSCs. Thus, n-6 and n-3 PUFAs have different roles in brain development. Regarding the evaluation of in vivo roles of these PUFAs, the balance of n-6/n-3 PUFAs is considered to be important because these PUFAs compete each other in their synthesis, metabolism, and transport. Indeed, we have reported neurodevelopmental consequences of maternal consumption of an n-6-rich/n-3-poor diet in mice. We found that epoxy metabolites of ARA and DHA oppositely regulated the neurogenic-to-gliogenic fate transition of NSCs, and consequently they affected brain development. These findings are scientifically and socially important, because intake of seed oils, which are abundant in n-6 PUFAs, and that of fishes, which are abundant in n-3 PUFAs, have recently been increased and decreased, respectively, in many countries. In another study from our collaborators, a mouse model for schizophrenia has been proposed based on phenotypes of offspring derived from pregnant mice fed a PUFA-deficient diet. In the present review, we summarize the functions of dietary n-6 and n-3 PUFAs in brain development.
柴田 重信 池田 祐子
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.24, no.1, pp.53-60, 2015 (Released:2015-05-01)

In mammals, the circadian clock system regulates many physiological functions such as feeding, sleep-wake behavior, hormones and metabolism. Regular feeding pattern can entrain peripheral circadian clock system, whereas circadian clock can control absorption/ metabolism of food and nutrition. Thus, the interaction between food/nutrition and circadian clock is so-called as “chrono-nutrition”. For example, a bigger meal for breakfast is effective for protection from obesity, and also for entrainment of peripheral circadian clock. Intake of high fat diet disturbed the circadian clock and this clock disturbance potentiates the obesity. Circadian clock system exists in the white adipose tissue, and clock gene such as Bmal1 controls the differentiation of adipose cells and accumulation of fat in the cells. We demonstrated that fish oil, especially tuna oil, containing rich DHA/EPA increased insulin secretion and entrained peripheral circadian clock. Talking about nutrition including lipids, the idea of “chrono-nutrition” may become important and provide new aspects of the form of nutrition action.