高橋 雅人
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.17, pp.37-53, 2003-03-31

It is well known that Plato insists in the Books II-III of his Republic that guardians' education should be consisted of both music and gymnastics. While one of these, i. e. music (or poetry), is widely and thoroughly argued in this dialogue, the other, i. e. gymnastics, is much less discussed. However, this does not lead us to the conclusion that gymnastics is not so important for the education. In this paper I analyze 403c9-412bl of Republic III, 'the gymnastics part', with two purposes : first, to show the unity of 'the gymnastics part', which is at first sight seemed to have a digression ; second, to clarify the feature of gymnastics in Plato's educational system. Before analyzing 'the gymnastics part', I check how Plato uses the word 'rouvaotikn (gymnastics) in all of his dialogues. According to these data, when he argues art as itself (as in mainly Gorgias), he always treats gymnastics with medicine. On the other hand, when his concern is about the application of art (as in Republic and in Laws), Plato never discusses gymnastics without music. In the next section I propose the unity of 'the gymnastics part', which can be divided into three segments. This reading shows that the second segment (405al-410a6) is not digressive but significant for our understanding of Plato's treatment of gymnastics. The reason why he discusses medicine here is that gymnastics is important not only for childhood and youth but also for a person's whole life in order that one does not need physicians except unavoidable wounds or seasonal diseases. And Plato's critic against Herodicus, who mixed gymnastics with medicine, is to be linked with the final segment (410a7-412bl) in which he tells us that the mixture of gymnastics with music is good and desirable. In this blend the other and main purpose of gymnastics is newly uncovered. In the first segment (403c9-404e6) gymnastics is said to be for physical strength, but in the final it is declared to be for psychic harmony. The last section of my paper deals with the question how and by whom gymnastics can be mixed with music. That a 'philosopher' can mingle the two arts most befittingly with his wisdom is my answer.
石黒 晶
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.53, no.1, pp.23-48, 2006-07-20

Imura Wendy J.
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.22, pp.21-40, 2008-03

藏中 さやか
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.52, no.2, pp.1-18, 2005-12

This paper discusses representational characteristics of Ukyonodaibu's, among her Wakas in The Collection of Kenreimonin-Ukyonodaibu, by pointing out and investigating into the representational similarity to the preceding pieces of Waka. As for the Wakas for which it is possible to indicate the latest limit of the period when they are composed, the meaning of their position in the Collection is closely examined. As a result, it can be suggested that these Wakas are added to the volume later as the form of the Collection are properly arranged. The groups of Daiei-ka and Tanabata-ka are individually analyzed so that it is clarified that each is constructed with the lucid consciousness of the orderly structure. Many Wakas, whose representation is literally traced from the preceding ones, are included in the volume. The fact that the number of such pieces are much more than ever identified is an important key to re-evaluate Ukyonodaibu's reputation as a poet of her time.
高橋 友子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.21, pp.67-92, 2007-03-31

The Sicilian Mafia, an organized group of criminals like Japanese "Yakuza", is not fully understood even in its native Italy. Historically, it has developed the cozy relationship with Italian political circles. Recently, it is difficult to observe the activities of the Mafia, because it goes under the disguise of construction companies or industrial waste companies. The secrets of the Sicilian Mafia, originally a male-only group, have been closely kept. However, after the 1980s, the judicial authority has been making a vigorous investigation of the whole picture of the secretive organization. Also, in the 1990s, articles titled, for example, "Women's Lib in the Mafia?" were featured in the Italian press. This paper will be based upon the research done under the Centro siciliano di documentazione "Giuseppe Impastato" which is the first full-fledged reserch center of the Italian Mafia. We would like to review the past and the present of the Mafia, and make a gender-analysis of this male-only organization. Also, this paper will examine the relationship between women and the Mafia, introducing several women who supported the criminal organization or who were to live in a close relationship with the Mafia. Finally, we would like to take a close loot at the activities of Giuseppe Impastato, who were murdered in the late 1970s because of his accusation of the Mafia (featured in an Italian film in 2000). At the same time, the judicial strife for his honour fought by his family and friends over the past 20 years, activities of "The Association of Women fighting against the Mafia, " recent anti-Mafia activites by the young Palermitans will be reviewed. This paper, we would like to hope, will shed new light on the changing society of Sicily and the relationship between women and the Mafia.
藤井 幸之助
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.22, pp.41-67, 2008-03

I touched some linguistic textbooks through the lessons of some universities. Although many outstanding things had come out, the indifference to many authors gender was worrisome. There were some things taken care when oneself concerned with creation of a Korean textbook. This paper focused on characters, the illustration, and the example, and some textbooks were actually analyzed in it. It is considered to be a textbook which gender bias does not require what kind of thing and with what kind of posture a teacher should be expected to a lesson again.