大橋 完太郎

三島 亜紀子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
no.15, pp.97-116, 2001-03

Before committing suicide, Virginia Woolf wrote her memoir, "A Sketch of the Past,"in which she said that she was sexually abused by brothers-in-law in her childhood. Her experience as a sexually abused child has been discussed in Virginia Woolf studies. Most biographers think the experience had a great influence on her life and her works. For example, Dr.Emiko Kamiya, a well known psychiatrist, tried to explain Woolf's "insanity" and treated her as a patient of psychosis. This way of thinking can be considered as an outcome of development of Virginia Woolf studies in a sense when we read Quentin Bell's biography. Although Bell, Woolf's nephew, described her incestuous experience in it, he didn't mention the relationship between her "nervous breakdown"and the experience. Kamiya, whose understanding is different from Bell's, handled medical discourses for analyzing Woolf. Afterward, many theories based on diverse disciplines have been applied to interpreting Woolf's "madness,"and the "science of child abuse"has been adopted as well. Luise DeSalvo, one of the representative biographers of Woolf, depends on this new science. DeSalvo insists that Woolf was not a "lunatic"or a patient but a sexually abused child and "survivor." However, Virginia Woolf studies in Japan were limited in this respect because the "science of child abuse" has never been popular in Japan until guite recently. This paper illustrates various interpretations of Woolf's experience as a sexually abused girl and investigates the efficacy of these interpretations that are based on theories not of sexual abuse but of other disciplines.
森永 康子 Frieze Irene H. Li Manyu 青野 篤子 周 玉慧 葛西 真記子
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.58, no.1, pp.101-111, 2011-06

本研究は、日本、台湾、米国の大学生のデート暴力の特徴を報告したものである。3カ国の男女大学生に、葛藤解決方略尺度(Conflict Tactics Scale; Straus,1979)を用いて、交際相手に与えた暴力および非暴力的攻撃、交際相手から受けた暴力おやび非暴力的攻撃の回数について回答を求めた。分析は回答者の中から現在あるいは過去に交際相手のいる者あるいはいた者を対象として行い、3カ国の暴力や非暴力的攻撃の実態について検討した。非暴力的攻撃の場合には、生起頻度が50%を超えるものもあり、国や性別による差異もうかがえたが、全体の割合では3カ国を通じて女子の方が男子よりも攻撃の頻度が高く、また米国の女子学生は日本の女子学生よりも攻撃的であった。一方、暴力に関しては、激しい身体的暴力そのものの生起頻度が少なく、性別や国による差異は見られなかった。また、交際相手との暴力が相互的かどうかを検討したところ、3カ国ともに暴力や攻撃のないカップルが多かったが、暴力をふるう回答者のみに注目した場合には、カップルのどちらか一方が暴力をふるう場合よりも、相互に暴力的なカップルのほうが多かった。こうした結果について Straus (2008) の結果と比較検討し、考察を行った。
上野 千鶴子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.1, pp.53-60, 1987-03

In Japan, there are a number of names for the studies on women carried out before Women's Studies(joseigaku) appeared. These include studies on problems of "ladies"(fujinmondai), studies on problems of women in general(joseimondai),and studies on women(joseikenkyu). What is the difference between these three types of studies of women and Women's Studies(joseigaku)? Because of the discriminatory nature of the term"ladies,"feminists do not like to use it. Secondly,studies on problems of women gives theimpression of dealing with women who have problems without questioning the society which put women into such situations. Unlike other studies on women, Women's Studies does question whether the perspective in a given study is free from the influence of the male-dominant culture. This is how Women's Studies differs from studies on women. The definition of Women's Studies given by Teruko Inoue as the discipline "for and by and of"women is not quite right,although I admire her Japanese translation of Women's Studies which is joseigaku, not joseikenkyu. The distinction between these three previous types of studies on women and Women's Studies is not only the inclusion of women as the object of study, although it is often thought to be this,but the perspectives which are taken for granted in pre-Women's Studies research,namely the assumption that all women should be housewives and they will be happy. We may find many studies on women done by women from men's views which they internalized. We have to keep in mind that if one can hold a shifted perspective on men and women,she(or he) certainly can do Women's Studies. (Summerized by the Institute)
浜下 昌宏
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
no.12, pp.127-148, 1998-03

The story of "Dojoji"can be traced back to about one thousand years ago. At first it must have been only a legend, then a Buddhist priest adopted it in a collection of stories for Buddhism teachings. Even at this stage, there have been discovered several versions of the story different from one another in detailed descriptions, e.g. descriptions of the heroine. Handed down from generation to generation, it now has many versions in Noh and Kabuki. Thus,as a genre of artworks, the story has varied in many ways, and we generally know it as the love romance of "Anchin and Kiyohime." In this paper, I firstly show the genealogy of the story of "Dojoji" from legend to artistic forms of work, and analyse motifs inherent in the story such as the serpent, the metamorphosis, the woman and the monk, the Kumano region, the strong passion of the woman for love, flight and chase, and the bell of the Dojoji temple. Then, I emphasise the horrible elements in the story such as the atmosphere of the dark Kumano mountain forest, the mystic custom of worship of Gods of Kumano by pilgrimage, the sudden courting from a woman of the lodging on the way, unbelievable rage of the woman against the young priest for his "treachery,"the terrific figure of the serpent, the decisive pursuit by the woman to the end, and the killing of the man by burning and melting the bel. Finally, I inspect the various metamorphoses of the woman by examining the development of the legend into artistic forms of art, minute descriptions of the heroine and also a performance by an actor, in particular, that of Kabuki. By playing the role of the woman, an actor can show many facets of the character of a woman, typically embodied in the lady in the story of "Dojoji."
米田 眞澄
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.27, pp.41-65, 2013-03

日本は 2004年から人身取引対策を開始しているが、「興行ピザ」を取得して入国した外国人、とりわけフィリビン女性が人身取引の被害にあっていることが問題となり、2006年6月1日より「興行ピザ」に関する基準省令が改正され、「興行ピザ」を取得するための基準が厳格化された。これによって、フィリピン女性の新規入国数は激減した。 しかし、近年では、フィリピン女性は、日本人男性との偽装結婚により入国し、入国前に聞いたものとは全く異なる劣悪な労働条件の下で、フィリビンパブなどで働かされる傾向にある。この場合、女性は、電磁的公正証書原本不実記載の罪の容疑で逮捕されるが、人身取引の被害者として認定されずに、後に検察官によって起訴されている。 彼女たちが人身取引の被害者として認定されないのは、彼女たちが、ブローカーまたはフィリピンパブの雇用主によって不法な支配下に置かれていたとまではみなされないからである。ここでいう「不法な支配下」とは、被害者に対し物理的又は心理的な影響を及ぼし、その意思を左右できる状態に被害者を置き,自己の影響下から離脱することを困難にさせることを言うというのが裁判所の判断である。また、被害者が、そのような支配下にあったか否かは、被害者の行動の自由が制約されていたか、被害者は逃げたい、あるいは逃げようとしたが逃げられない状態にあったかが大きなポイントとなる。 来日したフィリピン女性たちは、日本で働くことを望んでいるため、来日前に聞いていた労働条件よりも悪い労働条件であっても、その場から逃げずに、がまんして働くのが実情である。しかしながら、人身取引防止議定書は、被害者が搾取に合意していたか否かにかかわらず、搾取を目的に、詐欺や欺罔といった手段によって人を移送したり、受け取ったりすれば、人身取引として処罰するように締約国に義務づけている。したがって、日本の被害者認定は、議定書に沿っているとはいえない。日本は、人身取引の被害者の発見と適切な保護を行うようにしなければならない。 日本は、未熟練の外国人労働者は受け入れないというのが基本政策であるが、実際は、「研修」 「技能実習」といった合法的形態で、多くの未熟練外国人労働者を受け入れている。しかしながら、ホステスとしての受け入れは、いかなる形でも認めていない。日本は、今後、偽装結婚の取り締まりを強化していくだろうが、外国人ホステスの需要は依然として高いため、人身取引を行うブローカ一等は、必ず抜け道を見つけ、あらたな手口を発明するだろう。 人身取引防止のために国境警備を強化することは必要であるが、いったん非正規外国人労働者が日本に入国したならば、彼ら、彼女らが人身取引の被害にあわないように保護する義務が日本にはある。日本が締結している主要な国際人権条約(たとえば、自由権規約第 8 条、女性差別撤廃条約第 6 条)は、日本に人身取引の被害者を適切に保護する義務を課している。
田島 孝一
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.54, no.2, pp.119-138, 2008-01

The 3rd part is how to do exercises on this method. A beautiful piano tone is produced by 2 elements. One is one's delicacy of hearing for beautiful sounds. Another one is rational using of one's body. The first exercise to educate one's ears sense is done according to the theory by Beata Ziegler. Next exercise is taking out one's useless contractions of muscles. The 3^<rd> one is making a "support" by the 3^<rd> (MP) joint. On the 1^<st> step in this method, it must be trained as the main actor for support the "weight" of hand and arm. The 4^<th> one is how to walk by fingers. It must be done by using the "support" for the "weight", as if it is the waist of a man. One the next, "remove" the "weight" to next position by the finger. After the contact to next keyboard by next finger, the "weight" must be support by this finger's "support". This process is done in very slowly and with legato at the begging, as if a man carries his leg for making one step.
別府 恵子
女性学評論 = Women's studies forum (ISSN:09136630)
no.10, pp.65-78, 1996-03

The first ambience the infant experiences, in any culture, is the mother's body to which later configurations of space are necessarily related. Annette Kolodny's The Lay of the Land(1975) has unveiled a subtly programmed image system in American life and letters; the metaphorical experience of the "land-as-woman"persists along with the archetypal polarity of masculine and feminine, which results in the exploitation of the "land-as- woman" in patriarchal culture. Historically, as Kolodny's book testifies, the "land-as-woman"(land is woman) has been the object of man's desire of all kinds: geopolitical strategies, sexual gratifications, and artistic creations. In such socio-cultural construct woman has been deprived of her natural right as the subject of her own body. Woman's body has been codified, even more so than man's, within the patriarchal culture as something desirable, dispensable, and disposable. This somewhat freewheeling essay on "foot fetishism" examines the abuse of woman's body as observed in two defferent cultures: in the fairy tale "Cinderella,"and in two early short stories by the Japanese novelist, Tanizaki Junichiro:"The Tattoo"(1910) and "Fumiko's Foot"(1919). Anne Sexton's poem entitled "Cinderella"in Transformations(1971) is an ingenious rewriting of the fairy tale, narrated by "a middle-aged witch,"as the speaker of the poem calls herself. In this ironic rendering of a "pretty woman's"success story, the prince charming is transformed into a shoe salesman, who goes on the road, as it were, to find the shapely female foot that should fit the gold shoe. In capitalist culture the prince's effort is trivialized as that of a salesman who must promote the company's campaign to sell a certain kind of shoes. Tanizaki's "The Tattoo"dramatizes the tattooer's passionate adoration of beauty represented in "a feminine foot of absolute perfection."The ironic twist at the end is the tatooer's complete surrender to that beauty the artist creates; the creator himself has no contorol of his own creation. The art student in "Fumiko's Foot" makes a confession,to "the writer,"of a crazed old man's foot fetishism he likewise secretly shares. The fetish obsession with woman's bare foot, which leads to creation of beauty in Tanizaki's stories here examined, is no less than a perverted sexual gratification for woman. At the same time, in the light of Tanizaki's essay "In Praise of Shadows"(1933), the fetish interest in female beauty expressed by the characters in his stories is better appreciated as the artistobservers' manifesto of an aesthetics. Just the same, the foot fetishism here considered-both the craze for the gold shoe and the adoration of a shapely female foot-is nothing but the abuse of woman's body and of man's as well. Eros in its ideal form is possible only when man and woman regain his/her wholeness, in control of his/her own body.
三宮 愛
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
no.28, pp.133-161, 2014-03

難波江 和英
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.61, no.2, pp.107-122, 2014-12

別府 恵子
女性学評論 = Women's studies forum (ISSN:09136630)
no.5, pp.53-66, 1991-03

Since the beginning of history the family has been recognized as a central element in the social structure in any culture. In his book, The family(1964), William J.Goode contends that the family performs important services for society "such as reproduction, care, maintenance, and socialization of the young." Likewise, Margaret Mead expounds its raison d'e^^^tre that one's humanity is nurtured in a family, which is "the toughest institution we have." The American family is a transplantation to the American soil of the European model with the father(=husband) as the head and provider of this social unit. Ichabod Crane, Irving's protagonist in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"(1820), pictures his vision of a family as follows: "...his busy fancy...presented to him the blooming Katrina, with a whole family of children, mounted on the top of a waggon loaded with household trumpery, with pots and kettles dangling beneath; and he beheld himself bestriding a pacing mare, with a colt at her heels, setting out for Kentucky, Tennessee, or the Lord knows where!" This was an ideal"American family" congenial to the American imagination since the beginning of the Republic. During the 19th century in particular such a vision of a family provided people an incentive to move westward and people the wild west with a whole family of thriving children. In Irving's story Ichabod's dream of his family, however, was not to be realized. This paper is an attempt to clarify the nature of "American family" through an examination of its pictures portrayed in the four novels written in the latter half of the 19th century:Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance(1852), Melville's Pierre(1852), Mrs. Stowe's The Minister's Wooing(1859), and Louise May Alcott's Little Women(1869). (The paper was originally presented at the symposium on "The Family in American Literature" for the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Studies Society held on March 31, 1989.)
高橋 雅人
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.55, no.2, pp.31-42, 2009-01

Plato's Symposium is one of the most puzzling dialogues among his works to interpret. It has many diverse parts such as the followings: the introduction, which shows that this dialogue is a report of the reported dialogue: different people's eulogies to Eros in different styles; Socrates' report of Diotima's Speech on Eros, in which the form of beauty is told; and Alcibiades' eulogy to Socrates. Not only each of them but also the unity of the whole dialogue is difficult to grasp. In the section 1 of this paper, I suggest that Symposium is "the second apology of Socrates", as it were, because the dialogue explains why Socrates is always with young handsome guys, and yet he is not responsible for their corruption. As an Eros, he pursuits beautiful youth and wisdom (because it is also beautiful) and is on the "ladder" to the form of beauty. In the section 2, by examining how ordinary people in ancient Greece think about ' the boy-loving' or homesexuality, I point out that loved boys (eromenoi) who are expected to play a "passive" role but in reality take an "active" one between their homosexual relationship may not take any political office or action. In the last section, by analyzing Alcibiades' eulogy to Socrates, I clarify two points. First, although Alcibiades may not take any political activity because of his seduction of Socrates, he will take a decisive role in the fall of the imperial Athens. This is why the corruption of Alcibiades is due, not to Socrates, buto to himself. Second, it is Alcibiades' knowledge and ignorance about Socrates that leads him to call his master "hybristes". He knows that Socrates is superior to himself in wisdom; but he never knows that this wisdom is the awareness of ignorance.
萩原 康子 西田 昌司
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.60, no.1, pp.33-50, 2013-06

東森 勲
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-28, 1998-07
床谷 文雄
女性学評論 = Women's studies forum (ISSN:09136630)
no.2, pp.13-47, 1988-03

Diese Studie befasst sich mit der Diskussion um die Namenseinheit zwischen Ehefrau und Ehemann. Das geltende japanische Recht stellt fest, dass die Namenseinheit ein unabdingbares Element ehelicher Verbundenheit sei. Nach 750 des jap. BGB fuhren Ehegatten einen gemeinsamen Ehe-und Familiennamen. Jeder der beiden Ehegatten hat offentlich-rechtlich das Recht und die Pflicht, diesen Namen zu fuhren. Diese Regelung ist nicht selbstverstandlich, sie entspricht aber einer von langer Tradition gepragten Bewusstseinslage, die bis in die Meiji Zeit zuruckgeht;ihr tragt das geltende Recht Rechnung. Abweichend vom bis zur Anderung der Verfassung geltenden Recht, wird heute nach geltendem Recht nicht von vornherein ein bestimmter Name,d.h.grundsatzlich der Name des Mannes, normativ zum Ehenamen erhoben.Es ist vielmehr die Sache der kunftigen Ehegatten,bei der Eheschliessung eine Namenswahl vorzunehmen. Zum Ehenamen konnen die Ehegatten entweder den Namen des Mannes oder den der Frau bestimmen. Soweit sind beide Ehegatten bei der Namenswahl formal gleichberechtigt; das Gebot der Namenseinheit verstosst also nicht gegen die Verfassung. Es hat aber zur Folge, dass fast alle Ehepaare den Namen des Mannes als Ehenamen wahlen. Namenseinheit bedeutet in der Praxis stets, dass fast alle Frauen bei der Eheschliessung auf ihren Namen verzichten mussen. Die Ehefrau ist auch nicht berechtigt,zu dem zum Familiennamen gewordenen Mannesnamen ihren Madchennamen hinzuzufugen. Eine Namenseinheit bietet naturlich sowohl Vorteile wie Nachteile. Die Nachteile,die sich aus der Namensanderung ergeben,haben allerdings fast immer die Frauen zu tragen, wahrend die Vorteile beiden Ehegatten zugute kommen. Der Grundsatz der Einheit des Ehenamens musste zwangslaufig zu Schwierigkeiten fur die Frauen fuhren.Die Namenseinheit ist zwar als eine Rechtsfolge der Ehe vorgeschrieben,ist aber in Wirklichkeit ein Erfordernis fur die Eheschliessung. Ein Ehegatte,der mit der Namensanderung nicht einverstanden ist, muss also auf die Eheschliessung uberhaupt verzichten und kann nur ein eheahnliches Verhaltnis(eine nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaft) aufrechterhalten. Der verwitwete Ehegatte behalt den Ehenamen bei,doch kann er auch durch Erklarung gegenuber dem Standesbeamten wieder den Namen annehmen, den er zur Zeit der Eheschliessung gefuhrt hat. Der geschiedene Ehegatte dagegen soll wieder den Namen annehmen,den er bis zu seiner Eheschliessung gefuhrt hat(767 Abs.1).Er kann heute jedoch binnen drei Monaten nach der Ehescheidung durch Erklarung gegenuber dem Standesbeamten wieder den Namen annehmen,den er vor der Ehescheidung gefuhrt hat(767 Abs.2). Die Vorschrift des 767 Abs.2 wurde 1976 durch eine Anderung des BGB eingefuhrt,damit eine geschiedene Frau nicht mehr gegen ihren Willen ihren Nachnamen abermals andern muss. Neuerdings nehmen indessen Einspruche gegen die zwangsmassige Namensanderung bei der Eheschliessung zu,und damit auch die gegen die Namenseinheit selbst. Warum die Frauen ihren Madchennamen nicht beibehalten durfen, wahrend die meisten Manner ihren Geburtsnamen bis zum Tode fuhren, erscheint einigen Autoren weder selbstverstandlich noch gerechtfertigt. Sie fordern das Recht auf eine Wahl zwischen gemeinschaftlichem Familiennamen oder unterschiedlichem Nachnamen. Ich schliesse mich dieser Forderung an. Die Mehrheit der Japaner(Autoren,nichtberufstatige Hausfrauen, junge Studentinnen,und naturlich meiste Manner)ist jedoch fur eine Beibehaltung der Namenseinheit. Wollen wir die Wahlfreiheit erreichen, mussen wir also zunachst diese Mehrheit uberzeugen. Doch es sind auch grosse rechtliche Hindernisse zu uberwinden. Das grosste Hindernis ist das Personenstandsregister. Das japanische Personenstandsregister ist ein eigentumliches, sehr feinbearbeitetes Rechtssystem. Fur jedes Ehepaar wird, sofern nicht schon ein eigenes Personenstandsbuch fur einen der Ehegatten angelegt ist,im Anschluss an die Eheschliessung ein neues Personenstandsbuch angelegt. Zur Eintragung einer Ehe in ein Personenstandsbuch ist nach geltendem Personenstandsrecht die Namenseinheit eine unentbehrliche Voraussetzung. Der Ehename ist fur die Eintragung der Ehe massgeblich.Nach 6, 18 des jap. Personenstandsgesetzes wird ein Personenstandsbuch fur ein Ehepaar und die Kinder angelegt, die den gleichen Namen wie die Ehegatten fuhren, auch wenn die Kinder nicht gemeinschaftliche sind. Eine Uberprufung der Sachlage fuhrt zu dem Schluss, dass die Grundregel der Namensgleichheit abzuschaffen ist,um das Recht auf freie Namenswahl zu verwirklichen. Ich empfehle eine neue Grundregel einzufuhren, dass zwei verschiedene Namen fuhrende Ehegatten und nur ihre gemeinschaftlichen Kinder in ein und dasselbe Personenstandsbuch eingetragen werden sollen.