浜下 昌宏
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.18, pp.101-115, 2004-03-31

What do feminist art historians and gender critics intend to do? What will become of their activities in the future? Considering their development, we can detect three stages. The first can be called complementary one, that is, the claim of fair treatment of female artists in art historiography. Feminist art historians have made the greatest efforts to excavate women artists hidden or neglected deeply in history; most of them were, according to the claim, disregarded by male art historians. The second stage is that of disclosure, to expand historical topics discussed in the discipline of art history: those topics relating to motifs and subjects in terms female figures, e.g. Eve, Maria, Susanna in holy scriptures, and Venus, Diana in Greek myths. Also social problems around women, depicted in pictures such as the works in the Victorian Age, have been picked and treated to reveal the gaze and violence under the patriarchal system. Then, after "the complement" of the first stage and "the disclosure" of the second, the third stage may be that of challenge and confrontation against patriarchal regime all over not only in the art historians' society but also in society in general. The development of feminist art history and gender criticism has been mostly based on "constructivism", i.e. theoretical armament in defense of the rights, position and claim on the side of women.
吉村 エリ
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.25, pp.147-162, 2011-03

George Eliot was a woman writer active in the Victorian period when women writers were not favorably accepted. So Eliot masked herself as a male in order to become a novelist. The Mill on the Floss is often regarded as an autobiographical novel in which readers can appreciate something of Eliot's own experience through its heroine, Maggie Tulliver. Many critics have pointed out that Maggie finally returns to "the past represented by her brother Tom because Tom symbolizes the patriarchal system. However, feminist criticism insists that Maggie takes "unconscious" revenge on Tom at the end of the narrative, through causing their accidental deaths by drowning. The purpose of this paper is to show that this novel can be read as Maggie's rebellion against Victorian society by comparing Maggie with the idealized images of Victorian womanhood. First, I examine how Maggie satisfies her thirst for knowledge which was restricted for women through her relationship with Philip Wakem. Second, I analyze Maggie's defiance toward puritanical aspirations such as innocence and the repression of sexual passion. Maggie expresses her sexual passion when she falls in love with Stephen Guest, the fiance of her cousin Lucy, and she is labeled a "fallen woman" due to her escapade with Stephen. Third, I discuss Maggie's refusal to marry even though marriage was considered the safest way for women to choose at that time. Stephen proposes to Maggie on their escapade, but she rejects him searching instead for a life of independence. In the last chapter, Maggie received the letter from Stephen who still cannot give up marrying her and again she suffers ,In the middle of her suffering, she is killed by the sudden flood. This conclusion implies that she struggles with Victorian convention to the end. The Mill on the Floss can be read as the novel which Eliot offers a challenge to the ideal images of Victorian woman through the extraordinary behaviour of the heroine,Maggie Tulliver.
松田 央
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.47, no.1, pp.65-89, 2000-07
國吉 知子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.29, pp.23-49, 2015-03

母と娘の関係性は身近なテーマであるが、心理学的な複雑さを内包している。近年では少子化の影響を受け、一卵性母娘など母娘の問題が家族の問題としてクローズアップされているが、実は童話や神話の中にも母娘のテーマは表現されている。本稿は、まず娘の母親への生涯にわたる依存性の高さと、62%の女性が母親に依存的であるという質問紙を用いた実証研究を概観した。次に深層心理学的観点から、母と娘に特有の親密性の高さと娘の自立の困難さについて、神話やディズニー素材(「白雪姫」「ラプンツェル」「リトルマーメイド2」「メリダとおそろしの森」「アナと雪の女王」)を取り上げ、それぞれの物語における母娘関係を分析し、これらに共通する興味深いパターンと、母娘の絆がいかに強く分離しにくいかを示した。さらに、母娘関係を深く理解するために、母親が娘をコントロールする無意識的メカニズム、すなわち、抑圧、同一化という自我の防衛機制や「母」役割が持つ献身の問題(斉藤 2008)を紹介した。特に、献身の問題については、マゾヒスティック・コントロール(高石 1997)の観点から論じ、その対処について述べた。その結果、女性の自立を考えるには、従来の男性の自立モデルとは異なる、女性特有の自立スタイルを考えることが重要であることが示唆された。The theme of mother and daughter relationships are familiar,however, these relationships contain many complex psychological factors. Recently, the increasing phenomenon of an overly intimate mother and daughter relationship, which is influenced by the declining number of children, has come into focus as a common family problem. However, we can find the same kind of relationship in many old tales and ancient myths. In this article, I first reviewed two survey-based psychological studies, which suggested that some daughters have a life-long dependency on their mothers,and that 62% of daughters have a tendency to depend on their mothers. Secondly, I assessed the strength of the bonds shared between mothers and daughters from the perspective of Depth Psychology. I also pointed out the difficulty of a daughter's separation and independence in a typical mother/daughter relationship, as can be seen in myths and Disney animations such as Snow White,Tangled,Little Mermaid 2,Brave, and Frozen. Lastly,to understand these phenomena, I introduced the theory of Saito(2008),who explained that mothers use ego-defense mechanisms, such as suppression and identification, to control their daughters.I also discussed the role of a mother's devotion from the theory of the "masochistic-control mechanism", which was developed by Takaishi(1997). I then described a way of coping with this unconscious control from mothers. In conclusion, I emphasized that there is a necessity for a new and more suitable model for a woman's original process of gaining independence, which is rather different from that of most men.
平井 雅子
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.51, no.2, pp.1-64, 2004-12-20

津田 ヨランダ・アルファロ
女性学評論 = Women's studies forum (ISSN:09136630)
vol.21, pp.93-101, 2007-03-31

渡部 充
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.7, pp.63-82, 1993-03

The female characters of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein play essentially the same role of a subservient <Domestic Angel> and fall so vulnerably and innocently into the hands of the nameless creature,`Monster.'Such feminist critics as Moers,Poovey,Gilbert and Gubar,and Johnson, however, have shown that the male-dominance of the narrative and the monstrosity of the solitary heroes indicate that the consideration of relationship between<Woman Writer> and her text is very important to understand this seminal modern horror fully. This paper, drawing on the implicit metaphors of <Womb> on two levels of story-telling and of story-told, offers a new reading of Frankenstein. The monstrosity of the Monster, Victor, and Mary will respectively be shown as a head-on collision of the direct but ambiguous opposites, such as Creator/ Creature,Father/ Son,Culture/ Nature,(Woman)Writer/(Her) Text, and others. By acting out into the story her deep-felt antagonism between being forced to be a <Domestic Angel> and trying to be a <Woman Writer=Monster>,Mary, like Frankenstein himself, became a progenitor of herself, the author of Frankenstein. Her Monster,in its widest sense, represents the transgression of Frankenstein. Her Monster, in its widest sense,represents the transgression of the boundary between the level of human genealogy/ of story-told and the meta-level of super-human genealogy/ of story-telling. Thus, ati the end of the novel,the Monster is relieved from Mary's threefold narrative frame,to be her"hideous progeny"and"go forth and prosper" in this world of "Waking Dreams"
孟 真理
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.51, no.3, pp.9-25, 2005-03-20

Die 1995 veroffentlichten autobiographischen Erinnerungen von B. Wilkomirski haben als authentischer Bericht einer Kindheit im KZ und als Text mit hoher literarischer Qualitat Anerkennung gefunden. 3 Jahre spater ist jedoch dieses Buch als Fiktion entlarvt worden, so dass es zu einem medialen und literarischen Skandal gekommen ist: es hat sich namlich herausgestellt, dass der Autor seine eigenen traumatischen Kindheitserlebnisse, die eigentlich mit dem Holocaust nichts zu tun batten, mit Hilfe der Psychotheapie auf die bekannteste Leidensgeschichte der Zeitgeschichte projiziert hatte. Wie kam der Schweizer dazu, sich als jiidischer KZ-Uberlebender auszugeben? Warum hat das Publikum trotz aller Ungereimtheiten seine Erinnerungen geglaubt? Woran lag die emotionale und empfindliche Rezeption bzw. Reaktion der Medien und der Leserschaft bei der Veoffentlichung sowie nach der Entlarvung? Aus welchem Grund wurde das Buch nach der Entlarvung nicht nur moralisch verurteilt, sondern auch ihm die bisherige literarische Wertung aberkannt? In diesem Aufsatz wurde versucht, nden Fall Wilkomirski"-bei der Entstehung, Publikation und Rezeption des Textes sowie bei der spateren Enthiillung als Erfindung-zu interpretieren, und zwar in Hinblick auf Wechselbeziehungen zwischen individuellem Erinnern und kollektivem Gedachtnis an den Holocaust in der europaischen Gedenkkultur der 90er Jahre. Dabei kommt es darauf an, den Text Wilkomirskis im Vergleich zum allgemeinen Erwartungshorizont des Publikums an die Holocaust-Literatur zu analysieren, womit man hoffen kann, klarzumachen, welche Eigenschaften des Textes und welche Rezeptionsmechanismen des Publikums dazu beigetragen haben, dass das am Anfang als Meisterwerk der Erinnerungsliteratur geschatzte Buch letztlich zum Kitsch entwertet worden ist.
奥村 キャサリン
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.61, no.1, pp.93-102, 2014-06

会議通訳やコミュニティ通訳など他の通訳のカテゴリーと違い、ビジネス通訳に関する研究は多くない。これまでの通訳研究は、会議通訳に携わる通訳者の認知プロセスやスキルを研究対象としているため、どの通訳カテゴリーにおいても同じような仕事になるという誤解を生む可能性がある。実際には、これらの通訳カテゴリーによって、業務の性質や求めれるスキルは大きく異なる。この事実は、通訳者の間ではよく理解されているものの、ビジネス通訳の性質や必要な能力を明確にする研究がほとんどないため、実務経験のない通訳学習者にとって、ビジネス通訳という職業は未だに謎である場合が多い。本研究では、言語学者のデル・ハイム氏による「SPEAKING モデル」というコミュニケーション能力に関するモデルを用いて、ビジネス通訳の分析を試みる。その上で、日本でのビジネス通訳に必要とされる通訳技術以外のスキルと、通訳者が直面する課題について述べる。本研究により、今後各種の通訳養成コースにビジネス通訳の社会的要素やコミュニケーション要素が取り入れられるようになることを期待したい。
Capasso Carolina
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.49, no.2, pp.109-143, 2002-12

Il prete siciliano Giovanni Battista Sidotti, approdato in Giappone il 29 agosto del 1708,sottoposto l'anno seguente all'interrogatorio mediato dal filosofo confuciano Arai Hakuseki, e morto nel 1714 nella prigione cristiana di Edo, e l'ultimo missionario del periodo Tokugawa. Il suo nome, conosciuto attraverso alcuneopere famose di Hakuseki, "Seiyou kibun" e "Sairan lgen", e diventato persino argomento di letteratura contemporanea. Tuttavia la sua immagine non riesce a superare quella generica di un missionario europeo qualsiasi. Probabilmente perche la maggior parte degli studi su di lui ha il limite di essere un'appendice agli studi su Hakuseki. In questa tesi mi propongo di riflettere sul personaggio Sidotti, come missionario di un'epoca caratterizzata da opinioni contrastanti, vale a dire il periodo dopo la controriforma cattolica. Tramite un'analisi dell'epoca e dell'ordine religioso cui apparteneva il nostro, sara possibile arrivare a tracciare una sua immagine il piu possibile attendibile. Come prova del fatto che gli studi per una vera identificazione di Sidotti siano ancora agli inizi, sara sufficiente la confusione che regna a proposito dell'ordine religioso di appartenenza. In particolare, dopo la riforma religiosa degli inizi del XVI secolo, e la conseguente moltiplicazione delle interpretazioni teologiche, per cui non si riesce piu a distinguere nettamente tra eretico e ortodosso, l'identita di ciascun ordine religioso diventa di fondamentale importanza. La maggior parte dei documenti giapponesi vogliono Sidotti ora gesuita, ora francescano; ma si tratta di supposizioni prive di fondamento, che lasciano ampio spazio ad altre ipotesi. Preziosi si sono rivelati i dialoghi con Hakuseki. L'identita di Sidotti si intravede, in particolare, quando si affrontano problemi di teologia : la sua posizione rispetto ad alcune controversie intracattoliche appare quella di Propaganda Fide, cioe di un misurato equilibrio e di una cauta tolleranza. L'obiettivo di questa tesi, cioe dare un volto ad un missionario che fino ad oggi era stato considerato quale semplice postilla di una presenza piu imponente, quella di Hakuseki, si inserisce nel tentativo di ridipingere il quadro dell'incontro tra Hakuseki e Sidotti e, quindi, dello scambio culturale, sotto una diversa e, forse, oggettiva angolazione.
金城 盛紀
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.34, no.2, pp.1-14, 1987-12