難波江 和英
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.17, pp.73-114, 2003-03-31

This is the last part of the present trilogy study on discourses of heterosexual love in J-POP. The opening chapter contains a summary of Part I and Part II, which is devised to help the reader have a quick review of the preceding chapters so that they will readily posit the main body of Part III in a proper and whole contextual perspective. The second chapter titled "Historicizing the Heisei Period" discusses the cultural climate of the Heisei period in which heroines and heroes of J-POP have been faced with difficulties in establishing their love relationship. A further discussion shows that they are obsessed with a new fin-de-siecle syndrome in which pursuits for truth (ex. "the true love" and "the true self") are destined to fail. In other words, they are bewildered to see that theirs is an age in which love appears to be something other than love or in which love is simply hidden form their view. This is due to the merge of sexual liberation and sexual commodification that has been characterizing the capitalistic facets of modern Japan. In this situation, the key to their search for "the true love" shifts from "heart" through "game" to "performance." The third chapter titled "Love and Happiness" brings into question the missing link between love and happiness in the Heisei period. A broad survey of popular songs from the 1960s to the early stage of the 1970s reveals a couple of musical phenomena unique to this time span. First, there were still a large number of "female songs" in which love and happiness were inseparably linked for women. Second, there were a far smaller number of "male songs" in which men put their love to women directly into words. It is only with some signs of hesitation that they verbalized the sense of happiness they felt to women. A comparative reading of popular songs from the 1960s to the 1980s shows that this restraint of men was beginning to be canceled toward the end of the 1970s. It is at this stage that male characters in popular songs started to sway between the loss of the criterion by which they managed to be "a man" and the newly developed sense of aspiration for such role models as their previous generation had once cherished. The fourth and final chapter is titled "From Happiness to Fulfillment," for it aims to demonstrate selective methods by which young Japanese people of the Heisei period could learn to sublimate their sense of happiness to a new phase of joy - a sense of fulfillment. As some of the major characters in J-POP indicate, their failure to confirm or solidify their sense of happiness per se derives partly from their lack of role models and partly from their consequent obsession with a search for "the true self." In the world of J-POP, a number of heroines and heroes are so busy looking for their "real me" that they fail to see the significance of the other who is capable of both offering and canceling the very foundation of their selfhood. Even when they face their boy/girlfriends, they are too busy getting stuck together to notice that their happiness lies not in mutually satisfying their personal desire but in repeatedly reforming or endlessly unfolding what would otherwise be an amorphous self. The steady merge of love and capitalism in the Heisei period spurs this trend into more radical commodification of "love=happiness" than ever. Incidentally, some of the heroines in J-POP go so far as to measure the degree of their happiness either by comparing it with others' or by converting it to its monetary value, viz. the amount of money their boyfriends have spent for them. In this respect, the Heisei period, in which love is allegedly missing, comes out nothing more than a trendy drama of cultural materialism through which the norm of love, if not love itself, has gained its tangible form. It does not mean that "the true love" as well as "the true self" does exist as some entity. It should be rather that love manifests itself as a lived rendering of virtual reality in the sense that it can be created, developed, transformed, perished, and recreated through the social network of human beings and with the accumulation of thoughts and experiences. Those who do not hold this view are eager to pursue the entity of "the true happiness" as if it were somewhere beyond the realm of their daily life, and end up gratifying their personal desire on the basis of the stereotyped image of happiness. As a critical reading of "The Magic of Midsummer" by Lead suggests, it is only within the framework of their daily routine that a series of unforgettable and therefore "happy" events emerge, just when they are led from the shadow of uneasiness through the secular cloud of happiness into the internal glow of bliss in their love relationship.
米田 眞澄
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.28, pp.69-86, 2014-03

日本では、2000年の国連による「国際的な組織犯罪の防止に関する国際連合条約を補足する人(特に女性及び児童)の取引を防止し、抑止し及び処罰するための議定書」の採択を受け、2004年12月に人身取引対策基本計画を策定し、人身売買の取締と被害者の保護のための政策が開始された。2005年には議定書批准に向けた国内法整備を目的に刑法、出入国管理及び難民認定法などの関連法の改正がなされた。とりわけ、人身売買者の処罰については、刑法に新たに人身売買罪(刑法226条の2)が新設されたことが注目された。しかし、人身取引事犯の検挙数は少なく、その多くは、人身売買罪ではなく、売春防止法あるいは職業安定法など既存の法律を使って逮捕・起訴されている。これは、人身売買罪の成立要件である不法な支配の確立とその移転について、売渡し人が被害者に対して支配を確立していたとみなされる基準が狭いためである。一方、被害者の保護からは、借金の返済の為に売春を強要される女性たちがいることが明らかとなってきている。そのような女性たちは戦後に多くみられたが、当時においても、ほとんど処罰がなされないと批判されていた。本稿では、借金返済のために売春を強要される事例においても人身売買罪の適用は困難であり、性的搾取を目的とする人身売買の摘発にあたっての国の方針は戦後から変わっていないことを明らかにする。After the United Nations adopted the Palermo Protocol in 2000, Japan drew up the Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in December 2004. In 2005 Japan amended the penal code, the immigration law and several other laws to ratify the Protocol. Particularly, it is worthy of notice that the new crime of "buying and selling persons" was designated. In practice there have been few human trafficking arrests in Japan, and in most cases the older laws related to anti-prostitution and the employment security are applied instead of the new crime. The main reason is that the definition of the crime of "buying and selling persons" is too narrow. Recently it has been shown that some female victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation are forced into prostitution because of debt. There were so many women in such a conditions after World War II. In those days most traffickers were not punished. In this article, I explore the difficulties in applying the new crime in Japan and show that the national policy on arresting traffickers for sexual exploitation has not changed since the postwar period.
長尾 ひろみ
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.51, no.2, pp.77-89, 2004-12-20

A case study on "Melbourne Incident," in which four out of five prisoners came back to Japan in 2002 being released on parole, serving 10 years in Australian prisons. It was a Drug Trafficking case involving 5 Japanese travelers. They insist that the case was a false charge and the trial was unfair due to insufficient interpreting throughout investigation and trial procedures. Evidence of mistranslation, lack of legal knowledge and intercultural understanding, and violation of professional ethics of the interpreters at the police station and at the trial were revealed by Japanese lawyers who are seeking for the possibilities of retrial to prove their innocence.
生野 照子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.29, pp.1-22, 2015-03

摂食障害と母娘関係について、心身医療の立場から述べた。まず、摂食障害について医学的観点から、摂食障害の診断、現状、特徴、発症要因、発症後の悪循環について解説した。次いで発症への準備要因として、自己評価の低さや他者優先思考について検討した。摂食障害が心的防衛として働く理由として、〇食べ物が提供する安らぎ、〇痩せがもたらす達成感、〇隠れ蓑としての痩せ、〇成長や女性性の回避、〇周囲を支配すること、などを挙げて解説した。外来でみる親子関係を、〇良い子役割、〇養育態度の偏り、〇情緒性の食い違い、〇illness network の観点から示すとともに、母娘関係をめぐる現代的背景を〇母親の自己評価力の低下、〇養育における達成目標の見えにくさや多面性という角度から考察し、母娘関係を複合的にとらえる必要性を述べた。最後に摂食障害にみる母娘関係の事例として、痩せという武器で母親を引き寄せ、拒食症の葛藤の中へ母親もろとも突っ込んでいったケースを挙げた。母娘とも苦難を打ち破るためには、子を乗り越え、母を乗り越えるしかない状況であったが、その危機のおかげで母娘は子殺し・母殺しというテーマを克服し、ともに生きる方向性を見出す結果に至ったケースである。摂食障害という疾患は、「食べる」という事態を介することで根源的な問題を本人や家族に突きつけるが、回復をめざすプロセスはまさに精神の開花 blooming につながるものである。I discussed mother-daughter relationship from the psychosomatic medicine viewpoint. Firstly,from a medical standpoint, I explained the diagnosis, current condition, characteristics, factors at onset, and the vicious cycle following the onset of eating disorders. Secondly, I examined low self -esteem and a tendency to prioritize others as potential factors of the onset. I explained how eating disorders work as a psychological defense,with regard to the peace of mind that food provides, a sense of accomplishment that thinness brings,thinness as a false front, the denial of maturity and femininity, controlling others, and so forth. I demonstrated the outpatient parent-child relationship from the perspectives of a good child role, unbalanced parenting attitudes, emotional discrepancies, and the illness network; and described the necessity of understanding the mother-daughter relationship in multiple ways,considering the background of the modern mother-daughter relationship from the angle of the drop in the mother's self-esteem,difficulty in finding goals to achieve in upbringing,and the multiple characteristics of upbringing. Finally, I showed a case study of a mother-daughter relationship troubled by eating disorders, in which the daughter used her thinness as a weapon to draw her mother's attention and involved her mother in her frustration with anorexia nervosa. In order to break through these difficulties and their problematic mother-daughter relationship, both the mother and daughter had no choice but toovercome the themes of "killing child" and "killing mother", which allowed them to find a course of life together. Eating disorders confront patients and their family members with fundamental problems throughout the state of "eating", however, the process of recovery leads to psychological blooming.
劉 勁聰
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.61, no.1, pp.103-112, 2014-06

内田 樹
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.13, pp.153-177, 1999-03

Dans notre derniere analyse,nous avons interprete la Saga-Alien: Alien (1979),Aliens (1986) et Alien 3(1992) a partir de I'hypothese de Harold Schecter. Il a ecrit qu'une des sources du fantasme qui hante laSaga-Alien est la legende classique : serpent dans le ventre. Mais en meme temps,cette legende est nourrie abondamment d'un ressentiment contemporain contre les feministes americains des annees 70-90.Aux Etats-Unis,une des censures les plus severes sur les films est imposee par les feministes. Pour esquiver l'accusation feministe portee au nom de "la correction politique (politically correctness)",la Saga-Alien a employe la strategie de l'entrisme: jouer les feministes tout en les flattant excessivement. Au niveau narratif,les films de la Saga-Alien etaient absolument innocents: I'heroine (Ellen Ripley,astronaute) a gagne toutes les batailles sanglantes sur l' Alien, signe du desir sexuel masculin. Mais au niveau iconographique,la schema est completement renversee. L'heroine est convoquee au milieu de l'ecran seulement pour etre persecutee et punie au centre de tous les regards des spectateurs masculins.
藏中 さやか
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
no.27, pp.119-135, 2013-03

This paper concretely discusses various ways to take up The Izayoi Nikki by Abutsuni as a possible teaching material for `Classics A' or`Classics B' of high schools. Conventional education practices are broadly classified into 3 categories:(1) focusing on its aspect of traveler's literature;(2) connecting it with politics and societies of the Middle Ages; and (3) understanding that it is a piece of work that was influenced by Tales olIse. This paper advocates for the first time to take up The Izayoi Nikki as a teaching material to consider the ways of life of women,and shows learning plans for the first to third classes.
小松 秀雄

難波江 和英
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.16, pp.121-142, 2002-03

This monograph is the second part of the ongoing trilogy study on discourses of heterosexual love in J-POP.This part consists of two chapters titled "Boredom and Stimulation"and"Mole>Female'&'The Weak/ The Weak'"respectively.The first chapter shows that Japanese youth are now so much inficted with boredom that they are willing to gain ready-made simulation from their love relationships in an attempt to find a way out.As proved through analysis, their boredom derives neither from the lack of stimulation nor from the excess of stimulation but from the constant saturation of srimulation.Now that they are wealthy enough to fill their basic needs for life, they wish to gain even stronger stimulation in the easiest way possible, like having a chat through a mobile phone and finfing a girl/boy friend.The second chapter shows that a majority of young people in Japan are now fascinated by having a girl/boy friend, for they believe in the myth of "Almighry Love."In this belief, both girls and boys find the most dominant discourse of love in that love makes them stronger.This suggests in effect that they start their love relationships with an assumption that both of the couple are "weak."As indicated in J-POP songs such as "sweetness"by MISIA, "B'coz I love yuo"by Hitomi Yaita, and"A Boy"by Yuzu, however, their real problem lies in their bind conceming heterosexual love : they are tied not only to the newly devised discourse of "the Weak vs.the Weak"but also to the outdated discourse of "Male>Female"that has been carried over by the generation of their parents.It is shown in conclusion that these young people are trying are trying yo diminish the fearful space distancung the couple in order to be "one" all the time and thus find no apace left to place themselves as someone.Thus their love relationships are filled with an unprecedented sense of uneasiness emerging from the failure of living alone, addiction to codependency, and the resignation of being someone, Remedial methods to cope with these issues will be clarified in the final third part of this serial study on deiscourses of heterosexual love in J-POP.
津上 智実
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.61, no.1, pp.139-153, 2014-06

讃美歌412番「わがやまとの」は、1947年6月12日、昭和天皇の神戸女学院来院時に生徒たちが自然発生的に唱和したと伝えられるが、現行の讃美歌集に掲載されず、今の教会では歌われない。この歌は一体いつから、いつまで讃美歌集に掲載され、どれほど広く歌われていたのか。讃美歌集の横断調査によって、この疑問に答えるのが本論の目的である。調査の対象は、柳澤健太郎編「国立国会図書館所蔵讃美歌目録(和書編)」『参考書誌研究』第71号(2009年11月)掲載303点の内、1947年以前に出版された106点と、手代木俊一監修『明治期讃美歌・聖歌集成』(大空社、1996~1997)全42巻で、それに神戸女学院大学図書館所蔵分を加えた。調査の結果、これらに収録された「わがやまとの」とその関連讃美歌46点を得て、「(表1)讃美歌『わがやまとの』とその関連讃美歌一覧」として整理した。この讃美歌の原詩は 'Our native Land' (John S. Dwight 1844)、先行の邦訳に永井えいこ訳「ひのもとなる」(1884)がある。松山高吉訳の歌詞「わがやまとの」の初出は『新撰讃美歌』(1888)、ジョージ・オルチン George Allchin 編曲(原曲はG.M.ギャレットと伝えられる)の旋律「Hinomoto」の初出は『新撰讃美歌』譜附改訂版(1890)で、約2年半のずれがあり、当初「わがやまとの」の歌詞は「ひのもとなる」の旋律(America)で歌われていたとの植村正久の証言がある。その後、歌詞「わがやまとの(原)」は1902年に松山自身によって改変されて「わがやまとの(改)」となり、オルチンの旋律と共に1910年以降の讃美歌集で宗派を超えて広く用いられた。この詞と曲は戦後の讃美歌集でも引き継がれ、1997年の『讃美歌21』で収録曲から外された。以上から、讃美歌412番「わがやまとの」の歌詞「わがやまとの(改)」は1902年から用いられ、同じく旋律(Hinomoto)は1890年の初出後、1910年以降は旧旋律(America)に取って代わる形で広く用いられて、キリスト教関係者に定着していたことが明らかになった。This paper aims to trace the history of church hymn no.412 'Waga Yamato no', which was sung by Kobe College students for the Imperial visit to the College on June 12th 1947. For this purpose, a survey of the church hymnals published in Japan from the Meiji Era up to 1947 has been made.I have examined 1) the hundred and six hymnals from this period out of those hymnals listed in YANAGISAWA Kentaro's 'Catalogue of Church Hymnals of the National Diet Library' (2009), 2) forty-two bolumes contained in the Collection of Meiji Era's Church Hymnals edited by TESHIROGI Syunnichi (1996-7), and 3) those in the possession of the Kobe College Library.This has resulted in a table containing forty-six occurences of the church hymn 'Waga Yamato no' and those related to it, accompanied by variants in the text and the music.The standard Japanese text of this hymn, provided by MATSUYAMA Takayoshi (1846-1935) from 'Our native Land' (John S. Dwight, 1844), first appeared in Shinsen Sambika of 1888, while there is an earlier Japanese version by NAGAI Eiko as 'Hinomotonaru' (1884). George Allchin (1851-1935) arranged a tune by G.M.Garret to the text 'Waga Yamato no' with the title 'Hinomoto', and first published it in Shinsen Sambika of 1890. In between the text was sung with the melody of 'Hinomotonaru', i.e. 'America', according to witness UEMURA Masahisa (1858-1925).In 1902, Matsuyama revised the text and this rrevised version was widely used with the melody 'Hinomoto' in church hymnals of diverse denominations and purposes especially after 1910. This hymn was ingerited also after the Second World War but removed in 1997 from Sambika21.Of the church hymn no.412 'Waga Yamato no', it was made clear that the text, that is the revised one, was sung from 1902 and the melody, 'Hinomoto', was first published in 1890 and sung widely after 1910, replacing the previous one, 'America'.
須藤 春佳
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.61, no.1, pp.113-126, 2014-06

思春期から青年期にかけての友人関係を考える際、一対一の友人関係だけではなく、友人グループの存在が関わってくる。本稿では、この年代の友人関係における、友人グループの果たす役割や発達的な意義について、サリヴァン(Sulivan,1953)の前青春期論における「ギャング・グループ」(若年不正規集団)の発達や、保坂、岡村(1986)らの友人関係の発達論(①gang-group、②chum-group、③peer-groupへと変化)を手ががりに検討した。一方、友人グループをめぐる中学高校時の難しさについて、須藤(2012)の調査結果等を紹介した。さらには近年の友人グループの傾向について、岩宮(2012)の「ボッチ恐怖」と「イツメン希求」や、土井(2004)の「優しい関係」に展開される見解、また、最近注目されている「教室内(スクール)カースト」(鈴木,2012)をとりあげた。スクールカーストとは、学級内で、子どもたちがグループ化され、教室内の生徒の「人気」の高低によって、同時に序列化されている状態を指す。須藤(2013)の大学生女子を対象とした調査においても、スクールカーストを経験したものは少なからずおり、それについての意見は肯定的なもの、否定的なもののあれば、一長一短であるとして仕方ないと捉えているものもあった。これらの知見を受け、最後に、従来サリヴァンによって示された思春期の友人グループのあり方と現代のそれは異なってきているのではないかという点について検討した。Sulivanに示されるグループ関係では「協力」関係が中心であったのが、現代は「同調」関係が中心であるとみることもでき、現代の子どもたちが、グループに居場所を求め、狭い範囲の人間関係に気を遣い、自らを所属グループに固定化させるのは、自身の核が乏しく、不安定な自身の自己確保を行っているためではないかと考えられた。また、chum-groupの肥大化、peer-groupの蔓延化(保坂,2000)に指摘されるように、仲間関係の発達が蔓延化しているとすれば、同時に思春期から青年期の自己形成はより後に延長されていると考えられた。Thinking about adolescent friendship, not only personal friendship between two people but also informal groups of more than three members play an important role. In this thesis, the role of informal groups of adolescents is discussed, referring to the theory of some researchers. Furst, the theory of preadolescence by Sullivan (1953) and the theory of developing phases of friendship by Hosaka et al. (1986) are introduced. Sullivan says that "gang-group" develops during preadolescence, in which the group members are engaged with collaboration. Hosaka et al. suggests a theory of the developing phases of friendship from chilhood to adolescence; ① gang-group, ② chum-group ③ peer-group. On the other hand, the results of Sudo (2012) suggests the difficulty of the relationship of informal groups, especially during junior high school and high school. Furthermore, some researchers say that the tendency of recent adolescent friendship has been changing. Those are shown in "a terror of 'Being Isolated' (Bocchi)" and "a Desire for 'Belonging to a Regular Group' (Itsumen)" by Iwamiya (2012), "gentle relationship" by Doi (2004), and "school caste" by Suzuki (2012). School caste means the state of the class; pupils in the classroom are divided into some groups, and at the same time,ranked according to popularity. According to Sudo (2013), many university students answered that they had experienced school caste in their adolescence. Their thoughts about school caste varied, some were positive, some were negative, and the others were both positive and negarive.Finally, it was discussed that the style of informal groups today has changed from that of Sullivan's era. The relationship of Sullivan's informal group consisted of "collaboration", but the relationship of informal groups of recent adolescents consists of "sympathizing." Recently adolescents want to belong to one informal group, stick to the group, and care a lot about the relationship with their small group members. Why do they do so? It is discussed that their core self is vulnerable, so they ask for the acceptonce of others (thier group members). Also, as Hosaka (2000) suggests, the periods of "chum-group" and "peer group" tend to be extended and adolescents' self-making processes may also be extended and delayed longer than ever.
高橋 雅人
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.61, no.1, pp.127-137, 2014-06

別府 恵子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.7, pp.83-99, 1993-03

Horatio abstains from felicity a while, entreated by his friend, to tell the story of Prince Hamlet. In the culture that loves its blond, blue-eyed children,who will tell the story of a black girl who dreams of having blue eyes so as to be loved? In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye(1970) Claudia MacTeers becomes to her friend Pecola what Horatio was to Prince Hamlet. The innocent blue-eyed baby doll given to little girls every Christmas becomes a potent cultural sysmbol in American society that loves its blue-eyed children; this image of beauty is then used against black girls and women who can never attain such image of beauty. They are told to be just like an innocent blue-eyed doll if they were to be loved. The world seems to be in conspiracy to control women within the narrow confines of their femininity, whispering to them: "It's best to be pretty-then you are assured of love and happiness. See the story of Cinderella?" Cinderella lived happily ever after with the Prince, we are told,because her foot fit into the glass shoe, in other words she is a blue-eyed beauty. The Bluest Eye is a tragedy of Pecola Breedlove who foolishly believed in the idea of physical beauty,"the most destructive idea in the history of human thought."Morrison's novel is also a story of Claudia Macteers,who sees through the destructive mechanism "the beauty myth"entails: how the images of beauty- the blue-eyed baby doll,the Shirley Temple milk cup, and many others-are employed to indoctrinate women,just as the idea of femininity used to,with "the myth of pretty woman"-woman's success story. A familiar story.
上野 輝将
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.21, pp.1-48, 2007-03-31

In 2003, Korean TV Drama Winter Sonata made a big hit in Japan, especially with middle-aged women. The audience were fascinated by a feeling of first love, beautiful music and enchanting scenes, a sense of cosmopolitanism, and the actor Yonsama. In contrast, many critics argue that the heroine Yujin is a woman of indecisive and selfish personality. Is this true? A close analysis of the scenario will prove it otherwise. It is that Yujin is portrayed as an independent and altruistic woman. This is why she goes through a psychological conflict, torn with anguish between two men. This is also the case with the hero Minyon=Chyunsan, who is distressed about his identity and altruism. Thus the story of ups and downs has attracted so many TV fans. Seen from a viewpoint of the relationship between the conservative and the progressive, this drama is produced under some influence of Korean feminism. It seems that this has made Winter Sonata more than a simple melodrama. The difference of opinion between the scenario writers (two young women) and the director, however, have kept the drama going within a moderate range of feministic influence. In consequence, this has led Winter Sonata to achieve even a greater success in Japan.
藏中 さやか
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
no.29, pp.135-155, 2015-03

I investigated `Hanada no obi', a poem with words generated partially from the lyrics of 'Saibara', which is a song in the Heian era, and its melody was made in line with the tunes of Gagaku.There have been preliminary studies which focused on and after the medieval period, but did not discuss in detail examples of their application in the central period of poem history. In this paper, I collected and analyzed examples of their application during the years 1000 -1200 to point out the changes, their background and the underlying reasons.At the beginning, the words implied a sense of difference between the sexes, and their usage is limited to situations where females give to males clothes and obis, and they were found in the waka from the former to the latter. This study, however, clarified that such tendencies disappeared by the end of the Heian era.I investigated `Hanada no obi', a poem with words generated partially from the lyrics of 'Saibara', which is a song in the Heian era, and its melody was made in line with the tunes of Gagaku.There have been preliminary studies which focused on and after the medieval period, but did not discuss in detail examples of their application in the central period of poem history. In this paper, I collected and analyzed examples of their application during the years 1000 -1200 to point out the changes, their background and the underlying reasons.At the beginning, the words implied a sense of difference between the sexes, and their usage is limited to situations where females give to males clothes and obis, and they were found in the waka from the former to the latter. This study, however, clarified that such tendencies disappeared by the end of the Heian era.
河西 秀哉
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vol.60, no.1, pp.75-91, 2013-06

杉瀬 祐
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.30, no.2, pp.11-34, 1983-12