佐々木 陽子 ササキ ヨウコ Sasaki Yoko
福祉社会学部論集 (ISSN:13466321)
vol.34, no.3, pp.1-14, 2015-12-01

本稿は、「棄老研究」を民俗学・法理学・文学・映像作品の4種のアプローチに分けて考察する。上記のアプローチのうち、文学的アプローチを中心に扱うが、文学に対時するものとして民俗学が位置づけられる。というのは文学作品では「棄老」を実在の習俗であるとの前提でストーリーを展開させているが、民俗学では「棄老」習俗は実在しないという解釈が定説となっている。たとえば、「埋め墓」と「詣り墓」を別々につくる「両墓制」などによって、「埋め墓」である洞窟や海辺付近から白骨化した遺体が見つかることがあり、あたかも「棄老」習俗が実在していたかのどと<に捉えられるが、それは過ちであるとしている。文学では戦後、深沢七郎・村田喜代子・佐藤友哉などにより「棄老」をテーマに作品が生み出され、老いそして死に至る人間存在の深淵が問いかけられている。本稿は「「棄老研究」の系譜」の前半部に位置づけられる。In this study, we consider the existing research on kirō (the practice of casting the elderly off into the wilderness) fromfour fields: folklore, legal philosophy, literature, and film. Of these, this study deals mainly with the literary approach, butit also includes the study of folklore to provide an contradicting perspective. Although, in literary works, writers havebased their stories on the assumption that kirō was an actually existing custom, in the study of folklore it is widely heldthat the custom of kirō never actually existed. For example, due to ryōbosei (a custom of building separate burial groundsfor umebaka, graves for burial, and mairibaka, memorial graves for visitation), skeletal remains can be found on beachesand in caves that constitute umebaka. As a result, the custom of kirō is regarded as having really taken place; however, thisis not the case. In the postwar literature, authors such as Shichiro Fukazawa, Kiyoko Murata, and Yuya Sato have produced works on the theme of kirō, delving into issues of human existence such as old age and death. This study forms thefirst half of a genealogy of kirō studies.
佐々木 陽子 ササキ ヨウコ Yoko Sasaki
福祉社会学部論集 (ISSN:13466321)
vol.34, no.3, pp.1-14, 2015-12-01

中山 慎吾
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.38, no.1, pp.41-58, 2019-07-01

Two aspects are considered vital in the duties discharged by personnel who assist people with disabilities. The first facet concerns the work environment including human relationships and the treatment received in the workplace. The second feature involves subjective rewards attained by the facilitators from the work. This paper attends to the latter aspect and examines features of specific positive work concepts articulated by the personnel with regard to what rewards they gain from their current responsibilities. The free answers obtained from a questionnaire survey administered to 223 members facilitating children or persons with disability were utilized for qualitative analysis. The results of the evaluation of the descriptions were classified into five core categories. Statements on positive work concepts as well as assertions on work concepts that were not constructive were included in the analysis. The core categories incorporated many types of positive opinions on work, including the pleasure attained from the relationship with users and the personnel's self-growth. The pleasure gained from the relationship with users was often described as difficulties. This paper examines the statements included in the aforementioned three core categories and on the assertions of positive work concepts included in the other two core categories.
角野 雅彦
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.38, no.1, pp.15-28, 2019-07-01

Our country's welfare policy for children who need social care is based on helping children to be independent in the future. While most of the child care facilities focus on teaching children common sense and good habits, they do not do enough on preparing them to be independent when they grow up. Due to the children living in the care facilities they couldn't get the appropriate nurturing environment so they often have troubles regarding their mental well-being and physical health. Instead of prioritizing nurturing support, scholastic support and entrance into a higher education should be given priority. On the other hand, to master a basic scholastic ability helps to increase self confidence. This benefits school life which leads them to a better life. Getting into a college does this as well. The new view of scholastic ability, which emphasizes the zest of living, brings the relationship between scholastic ability and social independence closer. Child care facilities also require specific support for children to acquire basic scholastic ability.
中山 慎吾
鹿児島国際大学福祉社会学部 = カゴシマ コクサイ ダイガク フクシ シャカイ ガクブ (ISSN:13466321)
vol.38, no.2, pp.13-27, 2019-10-01

Two aspects are considered vital for the accomplishment of the duties of personnel who assist persons with disabilities : the first aspect concerns their work environment, including human relationships and the treatment these personnel receive at their workplace, and the second aspect involves the subjective rewards attained by the facilitators from the work they perform. This paper aims to focus on the former aspect and examines the features pertaining to the perceptions of the personnel regarding their work environment. A qualitative analysis was conducted on the basis of free answers obtainedfrom a questionnaire survey administered to 223 participants facilitating children or persons with disabilities. The results of the evaluation of the descriptions provided by the participants were classified into five core categories. Statements on the work environment and also on matters external to the workplace milieu were included in this analysis. Participants' insights on their work environment were incorporated in the core category, "the workplace and the treatment received in the workplace." This core category also encompassed assertions about the physical and mental burden borne by these personnel. This paper primarily reports on the results of the examination conducted on statements included in this core category. Moreover, the present study additionally evaluated the contents relating to the core category that included the participants' doubts and dissatisfaction with their jobs and their attitudes toward work.
小窪 輝吉 コクボ テルヨシ Teruyoshi Kokubo
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.37, no.3, pp.49-64, 2018-12-01

社会的手抜き(social loafing)は集団作業における努力低下を指す。これは集団や組織に有害な影響を及ぼす現象であるので、それを除去する方策が多くの研究者から提唱されてきた。その一つに社会的アイデンティティ・アプローチに基づいて提唱された所属集団への社会的同一視を高める方策がある。これは、人が自分をある集団の一員としてカテゴリー化し、成員であることが自己アイデンティティに組み込まれていることを認識すると、人は集団への同一視を強めて集団のために一生懸命に働こうとするだろうと予想するものである。Haslam(2004)は、人が単独で仕事をする時よりも集団で仕事をする時に努力を強めて集団における動機づけ上昇が起こる現象を「社会的努力(sociallaboring)」と名付けた。本論文において、集団状況における社会的努力効果を見出した3件の研究(Worchel, Rothgerber, Day, Hart, &Butemeyer, 1998; vanDick, Stellmacher, Wagner, Lemmer, & Tissington, 2009; Hoigaard, Boen, Cuyper, & Peters, 2013)のレビューを行った。6つの実験のうち、社会的努力を見出したものもあったがそれを見出さない実験もあった。将来の研究では、課題特性と社会的努力の関係をさらに明確にしていく必要があろう。
綱川 菊美
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.38, no.1, pp.29-40, 2019-07-01

As we enter the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", the era of connected intelligence, our relationships with technology and its impact on global society will come into even sharper focus. The reality of the revolution is both promising and threatening. The primary new technologies, AI, cloud, mobile/5G and loT are significant and impactful. They are powerful actors that can change the core of society.
岡田 洋一 石井 宏祐 松本 宏明 岡田 明日香 オカダ ヨウイチ イシイ コウスケ マツモト ヒロアキ オカダ アスカ Okada Yoichi Ishii Kosuke Matsumoto Hiroaki Okada Asuka
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.36, no.2, pp.41-51, 2017-10

本研究は、アルコール臨床におけるサポートグループに関するスタッフの経験を、半構造化面接法によるインタビュー調査を通して明らかにすることを目的としている。アルコール依存症患者を主たる対象としたサポートグループに、スタッフとして参加経験のある看護師1名が調査対象者であった。現象学的分析の結果、調査対象者のサポートグループにまつわる経験が叙述された。参加メンバー、スタッフ、ファシリテーターが分け隔てなく参加する場にサポートグループがなっており、メンバーにとってはもちろんスタッフにとっても貴重な場と感じられていた。スタッフとして感情が揺さぶられるときも、サポートグループという場を守るために感情をコントロールすることができていた。回復を続けるアルコール依存症患者に出会うことのできるサポートグループは、スタッフにとって回復の希望につながる場となっていることが示唆された。The purpose of this study is to examine the lived experiences of staff involved in a support group for alcoholism care using semi-structured interviews.One nurse who had served as a staff member of an alcoholism support group was recruited as the sole participant in this study. Interview data were analyzed using a phenomenological approach. The participant's experiences of the support group were described and considered as follows.This particular support group was organized such that members, staff, and facilitators participated without distinction. For the participant, it was a place where they could interact with patients from the same line of sight.In fact, the participant felt that the support group helped promote one's growth, enabling one to interact with others on the same level. Staff often experienced unstable emotions, and the participant felt that such emotions should be controlled in order to protect the integrity of the support group.For the participant, the support group was a place where they could encounter people with alcoholism who showed continual recovery, which was inspiring. The support group seemed a place to recover hope.
佐々木 陽子 ササキ ヨウコ Sasaki Yoko
福祉社会学部論集 (ISSN:13466321)
vol.35, no.3, pp.17-28, 2016-12-01

本稿は、「老いと死をめぐる想像力」をテーマとする拙稿を集成した論文の序章の前半にあたる。本稿は、まず、文学者の優れた想像力・洞察力・表現力によって、老いや死の問題を現前化させる力に着目し、文学との「領域横断性」に触れる。主に、旧約聖書の「ヨブ記』とM,ヴェーバーの『プロテスタンテイズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」を中心に据え、その後、論文が抱えている4つの課題を提示する。第1の課題、すなわち「なぜ民俗学の素材を使用するのか」が最も重要な位置を占める。というのは、この部分が論文の構成にストレートに関わるからである。他の課題とは、第2に「文学的想像力と社会学的想像力の架橋可能性とは」、第3に「死者と生者の関係性に着目するとは」、第4に「ジェンダーの視点では何を具体的に考察するのか」であるが、本稿は第一の民俗学に関わる課題のみを扱う。This document will serve as the first half of the preface to "Discussion," a collection of my work that addresses the theme of "the power of imagination regarding old age and death." This piece will focus on the power possessed by writers—through outstanding imagination, insight, and expression—to introduce the issues of old age and death to the public and allude to the "cross-disciplinary nature" of literature. Primarily centered on the Old Testament's Book of Job and M. Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Die protestantische Ethik und der 'Geist' desKapitalismus), I present four questions with which the works in "Discussion" engage with. The first question is "Why usefolkloristic materials?" This question occupies the primary position because it is directly related to the structure of thesubsequent studies. The other questions include the following: "What is the potential for bridge-building between theliterary and sociological power of imagination?" "What does it mean to focus on the relation between the living and thedead?" and "What is specifically considered from the perspective of gender?" However, this document will only concern itself with the first question, which is regarding the study of folklore.
さきはら ひでき Sakihara Hideki
福祉社会学部論集 (ISSN:13466321)
vol.35, no.3, pp.3-15, 2016-12-01

障害児臨床現場で培った認識や思考方法により行った講義と、同講義に対する学生の感想や疑問に答え、さらに掘り下げた、次回の講義の記録である。まず合意的理性によるやりとり、ズレを認めあえる関係や場作りが重要。次に、問いを立て、状況をとらえ、実践との間を往復して進める方法を採用している。This is the record to the next lecture which base on the lecture given with the experience fostered at the field of clinicalpractice in disabled child's clinical site, and byanswering to the student's impressions and questions, studied in depth. As for the beginning, it is important to have a communication based on the cooperative rational mind and to establish the relationship and atmosphere where can accept the discrepancy. Adopting a method which then put a question, understand thesituation, and to go back and forward betweenan actual practice.
岩崎 房子 イワサキ フサコ Iwasaki Fusako
福祉社会学部論集 (ISSN:13466321)
vol.36, no.2, pp.1-16, 2017-10-01

本稿は、高齢者の療養や生活に携わる専門職である看護師や介護福祉士等にとって、認識が浸透しているとは言い難い"フレイル"における、その予防・早期発見・早期介入のために不可欠な知識と介護予防の視点について、文献研究により明らかにするとともに、高齢者のQOLを支えるための示唆を得、健康寿命の延伸に寄与することを目的とする。フレイルの予防、改善のためには、①フレイル予防への意識向上、②早期に兆候を発見する、③多角的な視点から対象者を評価することで改善可能な問題の把握、 ④対象者の能動的な活動を引き出す、などの点が重要である。また、多職種が協働することにより、疾病や障害への対応だけでなく、フレイルに関する評価やフレイルからの回復に応じた介入の実施が可能になると同時に個々の高齢者がどのような回復過程を辿るのかについても見極めることができる。さらに、超高齢社会という新たな社会システムを構築していくためにも、医療・介護専門職のフレイルヘの意識向上と多職種等との連携・協働は不可欠である。This report clarifies, by documents study, the indispensable knowledge to prevent and detect and intervene in early "frailty" of the elderly person, which is hardly recognized by a nurse or a care worker, who a specialist engaged in medical treatment of the elderly person. And it is intended to contribute to a suggestion and extension of the healthy life expectancy to support the QOL of the elderly person.In orderto prevent and improve the conditions of "frailty" it is important ① to prevent frailty, ② to discover the symptoms early, ③ to find a improvable aspect of the subject from the multiple viewpoints, ④ to encourage the subject to be active. In addition, with a cooperation of related professionals, it is possible not only to treat diseases and disabilities butalso diagnose and intervene in "frailty" for recovery. At the same time, the process of how an individual elderly person recovers can be followed. Furthermore, it is essential for the related professionals to acknowledge "frailty" and cooperate and collaborate with each other in order to build a new system for the super aged society, especially in the fields of medical service and nursing service.
角野 雅彦 カクノ マサヒコ Masahiko Kakuno
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.39, no.4, pp.1-14, 2021-02-01

吉留 久晴 ヨシドメ ヒサハル Hisaharu Yoshidome
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.36, no.4, pp.51-62, 2018-02

大山 朝子
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-14, 2019-07-01

The purpose of this study is to research the mutual help activities of the island village as welfare resources. This village as a function group, different from traditional local communities, is developing new activities. The features of the activities are as follows: map making helps to form many activity organizations; the village residents who don't participate in the organizations use the base of the organization; as by-products, alternate functions of inactive women's associations and clubs of the aged are found in some groups. As for the government support, they set the scene for introducing the group activities.The mutual help activities in the community caused awareness-raising among the residents and also made them recognize the value of self-help and mutual help. As a result, I confirmed the measures not only to solve welfare problems immediately and directly but to look for a desirable situation for the residents of the community.
古賀 政文 コガ マサフミ Koga Masafumi
福祉社会学部論集 (ISSN:13466321)
vol.37, no.1, pp.17-30, 2018-07-01

知的障害特別支援学校の各教科は、従来、小学校等の各教科等とは異なり、知的障害の特徴や学習上の特性等に応じた目標や内容が示され、その障害に応じ、生活を重視した指導・支援が行われてきている。平成29年4月に告示された特別支援学校小学部・中学部学習指導要領(以下、新学習指導要領と表記)では、そのことを踏襲しつつ、小学校等の目標や内容等との連続性や関連性を整理し、育成を目指す資質・能力の三つの柱に基づき、目標や内容が構造的に示されている。ここでは、知的障害児教育における言語指導の重要性について改めて考察するとともに、育成を目指す資質・能力の中核となる言葉(国語)を取り上げ、育成を目指す資質・能力を踏まえた知的障害児の国語教育はどうあればよいかについて言及する。Subjects which composes the curriculum in special needs school for children with intellectual disabilities is different from subjects for an elementary school. It focuses on building up children's life experience. This report examined teaching of Japanese language based upon the capabilities required in the future for children with intellectual disabilities.

2 0 0 0 IR 亀ヶ丘の植物

木戸 伸栄 キド ノブヨシ Kido nobuyoshi
福祉社会学部論集 (ISSN:13466321)
vol.35, no.1, pp.61-78, 2016-07-01

亀ケ丘は南さつま市大浦町にあり、標高約360mの草原の丘で、角れき凝灰岩の奇岩が見られる。特記すべき植物として、ツメレンゲ、コゴメイワガサ、オンツツジ、ノヒメユリ、オキナワチドリがある。3回の調査で、79科209種(シダ植物11科24種、裸子植物3科3種、被子植物双子葉57科144種、被子植物単子葉8科38種)の植物を観察した。 調査日:2011年4月23日 2011年8月29日 2011年10月23日Plants of Kamegaoka are 79 family 209 species (Pteridophyta 11 family 24 species, Gymnospermae 3 family 3 species,Dicotyledoneae 57 family 144 species, Monocotyledoneae 8 family 38 species) in three investigation.Special plants are Rhododendron weyrichii, Orostachys japonicas, Spiraea blumei var. amabilis, Lilium callosum, Amitostigma lepidum
帖佐 尚人
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.36, no.1, pp.33-42, 2017-07

メリカにおける若年妊娠・出産(personal responsibility education program, PREP)は、若者の重大なリスク行動として多大な関心が払われてた。ところがこうした問題行動は、ここ30年ほどで大幅な減少傾向にあることが統計的に明らかになっている。このような、アメリカにおける若年妊娠・出産の減少傾向は、学校等で実施される性教育の充実・発展と無関係ではない。と言うのも、2010年代に入るとアメリカでは、オバマ政権下で自己責任教育プログラム(personal responsibility education program, PREP)が推進されることになるのだが、この自己責任教育こそが若年妊娠・出産の予防において重要な役割を果たしていると考えられるのである。そこで本稿では、この自己責任教育の概要について述べたうえで、幾つかのそのプログラムの実際を分析し、その特徴及び今後の課題について整理・検討していく。