橋迫 瑞穂
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2008, no.21, pp.25-36, 2008

"SPICON" (Spiritual Convention) is one of the most famous events in recent spiritual boom in Japan. In "SPICON" many people including both sponsors and customers enjoy approaching the sacredness through buying things and taking part in sessions which are related to spirituality. Although approaching the sacredness is often accompanied with danger, they seem to devote themselves to "dedication" and yet keep themselves from any trouble and violence. How can they do so? In this paper I intend to verify, by taking "SPICON" as an example, that a new type of safety device for approaching the sacredness is appearing in Japanese society.
金澤 良太
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2013, no.26, pp.75-86, 2013-09-10 (Released:2015-06-12)

To be a creative city is now one of the most popular policy goals for urban governments, although the concept is ambiguous and critics are skeptical about its ability to regenerate urban areas. This paper examines the role that this concept plays in urban governance. First, I explain the political economic process called ‘glocalization’, which has enhanced inter-urban competition since the 1970s. Then I describe how urban politics has been transformed, taking on an entrepreneurial form, and how cultural policy is used to reconstruct an urban image to attract investment and human capital. Although rebuilding a city's image is a contested process, the ambiguity of the term ‘creative city’ as a policy issue is utilized to mobilize various political and cultural actors for urban growth.
香月 孝史
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2009, no.22, pp.126-137, 2009-07-25 (Released:2013-03-28)

Today kabuki is considered as highbrow. This paper clarifies how the highbrow image was constructed, and shows that the image was not created by the specialists of kabuki. Since the Meiji era, kabuki had been criticized as vulgar and non-artistic. The highbrow image has been created by non-specialists who are unaware of the modern history of kabuki as a lowbrow culture. Now kabuki's highbrow and artistic image has spread widely being propagated by non-specialists. It is said that ‘popularization of highbrow culture’ has occurred in Japan. Non-specialists who are in the majority in Japan have created the image of kabuki as highbrow culture, but they do not have a habit of seeing kabuki in their daily life. It is important for ‘popularization’ of kabuki that the authorization of kabuki rests on those who are not regular viewers of kabuki.
畠山 洋輔
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2008, no.21, pp.1-12, 2008

The accumulated corpus of studies of trust is based on the assumption that trust makes democratic and economic activities productive and efficient. This article explores the possibilities of a functional approach to trust through a reconsideration of the trust theory of Luhmann. His approach to trust is functional involving a comparison of trust itself with other functional equivalents. However, in the studies based on his trust theory, only his concept of trust is considered, while his approach itself neglected. To empirically describe social problems using his approach, it is necessary not to assume that trust is something good, to compare it with other functional equivalents, and to examine how an individual problem is constructed.
橋迫 瑞穂
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2014, no.27, pp.146-157, 2014

By concentrating on the process of making something by hand, this paper considers what kind of value handmade "charm-goods" had for girls in Japan's 1980s boom of "fortune-telling & charm." It has been said that "charm-goods" in the 1980s "magic-religious popular culture" gave girls their own sense of identity with a world-view that was worthy of them, but with "charm-goods" the fact that they were made by hand has been regarded as being important. This second element seems to have demanded from girls a more active commitment to "fortune-telling and charm." Through analyzing the articles of "My Birthday," which is well known as a representative "fortune-telling & charm" magazine for girls, I clarify that "charm-goods" and their being made by hand helped girls to get involved in and improve their real-life communication skills.
高野 麻子
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.120-131, 2012

Fingerprinting was the first technology capable of accurately identifying individuals. In the Japanese puppet state of Manchuria, fingerprinting was implemented on a large scale. Why was fingerprinting considered so necessary in Manchuria despite the huge effort required? In addressing this question, this paper focuses on the complicated mobilities of workers in Manchuria. The Manchurian government faced a situation of highly complicated mobilities and thus it needed a means of the control of mobilities. Further, the fingerprinting registration of workers gradually developed into a national registration system, so this paper examines the process of the implementation of fingerprinting registration and the formation of a national citizenry in Manchuria based on the control of mobilities.
田上 大輔
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2013, no.26, pp.123-134, 2013-09-10 (Released:2015-06-12)

The aim of this paper is to consider a contrast between “mechanized ossification” and the “struggle of the gods.” In ‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.’ Weber was afraid that Western culture would enter a state of “mechanized ossification.” “Mechanized ossification” is a key concept in Weber's explanation of modern Western stagnation. Based on his concern regarding “mechanized ossification,” I consider Weber's writings and clarify the positive side of the “struggle of the gods,” which many have considered to be Max Weber's pessimistic diagnosis of modern culture.
竹家 一美
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2015, no.28, pp.52-63, 2015-08-07 (Released:2016-10-12)

Artificial Insemination by Donor (AID) has been performed in secret in Japan for about 50 years. However, we have recently seen an increasing number of problems regarding the welfare of people conceived through AID. The aim of this paper, which uses a social constructionist approach, is to clarify how these people became “claims-making actors.” By analyzing newspaper articles, it was found that Japanese newspapers forced donor offspring to become “actors” who had to go through the newspapers to claim the right to know their origin. Also, the paper suggests, newspapers in Japan both perform the social function and possess the political power to set agendas for the society as a whole.
野上 元
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2009, no.22, pp.1-9, 2009

Until recently a distinction between history and historical sociology made little sense, but now, with the contemporary tendency to prefer the present reality of the past constructed from collective memories or narratives of one's experience over factual accounts verified by historical inspection, there seems to be a more notable distinction between the "sociology of history" and historical sociology.<br>To grasp the situation with respect to sociological methods as whole, this article introduces some presentations from workshops and symposiums organized by The Kanto Sociological Society during the last two years. We argue the interaction between historical materials and the sociological imagination and the reflexivity of historiography and "lived history".
葛山 泰央
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.1999, no.12, pp.188-198, 1999

"Autobiographical acts" not only describe or narrate a particular individual's life but also embody the norms and values acceptable to their (imagined) readers' community. Considering their own sociability, they have to be understood, not as a retreat or withdrawal from the public sphere into privacy or secrecy, but as a prefigured invention of social relationships (i.e., bourgeois public sphere) which supposes dynamism rather than opposition between public and private life. This paper aims to examine the historical interplay between autobiographical acts and their sociability, through various forms of self-narratives (confessions, exemplary autobiographies, novels of development, intimate journals, epistolary writings, etc.) in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century France, through figures or representations of adolescence, as well as through double trust in the veracity of language and the authenticity of self under which conditions they invent intimacy.
畠山 洋輔
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2008, no.21, pp.1-12, 2008-07-20 (Released:2012-02-29)

The accumulated corpus of studies of trust is based on the assumption that trust makes democratic and economic activities productive and efficient. This article explores the possibilities of a functional approach to trust through a reconsideration of the trust theory of Luhmann. His approach to trust is functional involving a comparison of trust itself with other functional equivalents. However, in the studies based on his trust theory, only his concept of trust is considered, while his approach itself neglected. To empirically describe social problems using his approach, it is necessary not to assume that trust is something good, to compare it with other functional equivalents, and to examine how an individual problem is constructed.
Satoshi Otaya
The Kantoh Sociological Society
The Annual Review of Sociology (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.13-24, 2012-09-10 (Released:2015-06-12)

This research has the following two goals: first is to clarify how a concept of “ibasho” (a place where one feels at home) that has been used for educational policies and the study of youth is used in society at large; second is to clarify how “a lack of ibasho”(having no place to stay) has become a social problem. The conclusions of this study are: the “ibasho” discourse can be divided into three periods; the three periods: after the late 1990's, “ibasho” discourse was connected with the discourse on juvenile delinquency; since the 2000s, “ibasho” became synonymous with support for children and youth and the provision of free spaces. Changes in the concept of “ibasho” gave young people a safety net or words that could be used to explain their difficulties. At the same time it became a cultural goal for young people.
石川 千穂
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2014, no.27, pp.13-24, 2014-09-10 (Released:2015-09-01)

Symbolically expressed by the concept of flat culture, it has been a long time since the distinction between high culture/popular culture and the definition of youth culture or the youth themselves became blurred. This paper traces the process of identity formation of rock culture and “the youth” as rock listeners in Japan by clarifying the transition in narratives tracing a distinction between the inner and the outer in each Japanese rock magazine. By so doing, the paper demonstrates that the difficulty counter cultures face today is mainly derived from the difficulty in imagining the mass of the population as a unified community.
片岡 栄美
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2002, no.15, pp.30-43, 2002

Why is that many sociologists say that the theory of cultural reproduction coined by Bourdieu has no applicability to Japan? I have shown that there is a structural mechanism that conceals cultural reproduction in Japanese society. Most high status men become cultural omnivores who are familiar with both popular culture and high culture, but overall men are not major consumers of high culture. Because the public field is occupied mainly by men, their patterns of cultural consumption are taken to stand for the Japanese pattern as a whole and thus Japanese culture is seen as popular and equalitarian. High culture and its reproduction receives little attention because it is largely concealed in private domains dominated by women.
元森 絵里子
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.168-179, 2012-09-10 (Released:2015-06-12)
1 2

“Karo-Jisatsu” (suicide induced by overwork) has often been connected to criticisms of Japanese society for its self-sacrificing labor culture and merciless economics. This argument merely repeats the legal and critical discourse of “Karo-Jisatsu” and voids the legal fiction of individuals with a responsibility to be critical of society. Moreover, at the level of practice, neither the cancelling of the fiction nor the issue of social criticism has been pursued. Contrary to the previous seemingly “sociological” explanations, our society neither operates strictly nor abandons easily the modern fiction of “intention”. The sociology of suicide should illuminate the various aspects of the fiction in our society.
榊原 賢二郎
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.84-95, 2012

"Dumping" is lack of appropriate support necessary due to disabilities in a seemingly inclusive setting. This paper examines the possibility of inclusion without dumping. First, it is pointed out that body conditions and needs for support arising from them have been absent from the general argument for inclusion. Next, Luhmann's and Hoshika's view of body conditions are examined. For them, inclusion is achieved by disregarding the body. This, however, can paradoxically lead to strong influence of the body as is illustrated with Americans with Disabilities Act. In this context an equally paradoxical solution is possible: regarding the body to help people disregard the body. This paper concludes that suitable forms of this are crucial to inclusion without dumping.
林原 玲洋
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2010, no.23, pp.141-152, 2010

In 1993, the Japan Epilepsy Association criticized Tsutsui Yasutaka's novel "Robot Police" as discriminatory to epileptics, and sought to have it from a textbook published by Kadokawa Publishing. In response to the criticism, he declared a "Writing Strike" and appealed for freedom of expression. This declaration drew public attention, and raised a storm of controversy. The aim of this paper is to explicate the divergence of problem setting in the controversy. First, I will show that the declaration was situated in the context of victim contest. Then, I will demonstrate that the context was prepared through the shift of roles in the early stages of the controversy. Finally, I will present a rhetorical analysis of how the shift of roles occurred in the responsive context of the controversy.
村上 一基
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2014, no.27, pp.184-195, 2014-09-10 (Released:2015-09-01)

Immigrant parents living in working-class neighborhoods in French suburbs are accused of a lack of responsibility with regard to their children's education by politicians and schoolteachers. But do they really withdraw from their role as parents? Based on empirical research in a working-class neighborhood of Paris, this article discusses the difficulties Muslim immigrants face as well as the role they desire to play in the education of their children. Immigrant parents seek a balance between the social integration of their children and cultural transmission within the family, and they play a more active role in the second area. By enhancing traditional family values and maintaining their roots, they try to shield themselves and their children from external threats, and provide them with support regarding their sense of identity in the host society.
高田 知和
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2009, no.22, pp.10-21, 2009
3 1

"Jichitai-shi" are histories edited by local governments. After the Second World War, most local governments have edited their own local histories and have built up skill in this area. Nonetheless, from the 1970s onward there was criticism that citizens were absent from the local histories and that they represented only the interests of the local bureaucracy. Histories have been debating how citizen participation could be increased and how citizens could be encourage to read these local histories. This paper is a reevaluation of local histories from a sociological standpoint and describes the efforts of historians to increase citizen participation in the creation of local histories.
石井 和平
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.1991, no.4, pp.35-44, 1991

This paper is intend to survey the relation between sociology and communications and to present may own opinion about communication theory. First I'll describe some communication theories focussed on conveyance of meanings. Next I'll claim that sociology needs generative process of meanings. Finally I try to link "agents" with "structure" using the concepts of linguistic terms. It is important for sociologists to pay attention to communication theories because they become cover main fields of sociology more than before.