木川田 朱美 辻 慶太 キカワダ アケミ ツジ ケイタ

本研究ではAmazon.co.jp の書誌リストをNDL-OPAC に突き合わせる形で国立国会図書館における納本状況を調査し,成人向け出版物のほとんどが納本されていない現状を示した。また成人向け出版物を刊行している出版社の納本状況を調査し,一般出版物は納本しているにもかかわらず成人向けだけは納本していないといったパターンも確認した。さらに国立国会図書館,取次,出版社に聞き取り調査を行い,日本の納本制度の運用上における問題点を明らかにした。2008年度日本図書館情報学会春季研究集会発表年月日:2008年3月29日場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス
ロバート フィッツジェラルド
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.40, no.1, pp.3-19,101, 2005-06-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

Corporate case-studies constitute the greater part of the literature on British distribution and marketing. What is missing is a convincing interpretation, outlining the development stages of distribution and marketing in Britain. Nonetheless, some basic milestones and trends can be discerned. In Britain, the term 'marketing' was first introduced during the 1920s from the United States, replacing the previous use of the word 'sales'. It was concerned with the operational transfer of products from the factory gates to wholesalers and retailers. By the 1930s, 'marketing' at a few leading firms additionally encompassed an integrated system of production, product development, advertising, branding, sales, distribution, and management organisation. The inter-war period was, therefore, a turning point in the history of British marketing practice, but, as in the US, the top 100 companies did not adopt what became called the 'marketing orientation' until the post-war consumer boom. The period of the 'Great Victorian Boom', 1850-1870, is relatively under-researched, but we do know that some leading firms had a high appreciation of marketing. Yet it was the following decades that were critical in the emergence of marketing systems that were more identifiably modern. The new scale of production, marketing, branding and advertising and their importance to business objectives and organisation were noticeably transformed by 1900. Internationally-high levels of personal expenditure and well-developed product markets had encouraged in Britain a number of expanding consumer goods industries. Individual business histories reveal the importance of packaged, household goods in particular, and many of the firms that became leading advertisers at this time gained a long-lasting first mover advantage. There were, too, extensive developments in distribution and retailing : multiples expanded alongside city-centre department stores. Our knowledge and interpretation, however, are still guided by a seminal work, which appeared over fifty years ago, and there are few academic studies of businesses that were national retailers by 1914. British historians, with a few notable exceptions, have overlooked the advances of the 1920s and 1930s. Just as there was a shift towards high value, branded items in food and household goods, the growth in consumer durables expenditure suggests expanding wealth and a higher income elasticity of demand. The early development of British markets and manufacturing capabilities meant that the post-war decades did not demonstrate great marketing innovation, but did see, naturally, an enlargement in the scale of operations, and the further spread of 'best-practice' management techniques. On the other hand, the growing oligopoly of the retailing multiples and especially supermarkets shifted the balance of marketing power towards their competitive advantages in logistics, bulk purchase and price, and away from the manufacturers' emphasis on brand, cachet and image. It is a pity, therefore, that no systematic survey of Britain in the 1950s and 1960s exists to track general trends in market structure, consumer attitudes, and business strategy. Our knowledge of British marketing and distribution remains is largely dominated by a small group of consumer goods manufacturers, and to an even smaller set of retailers, despite some insights into insurance firms and railways. Too few British business histories, whatever their other virtues, pay attention to the topic. In addition, systematic surveys would deepen our understanding of 'modern' marketing, its origins, and causes, and contribute to our appreciation of its many dimensions, wide-ranging impact, and patterns of development.
辻田 賢一 ツジタ ケンイチ Tsujita Kenichi

Early coronary reperfusion limits myocardial damage and improves survival after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, growing evidence indicates that this lifesaving therapeutic approach can cause damage to the previously ischemic myocardium,known as post-ischemic myocardial reperfusion injury. There is now increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species cause reperfusion injury. On the other hand, Edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one), a novel free radical scavenger, has been shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation and endothelial cell injury. We examined the effects of edaravone in patients AMI.
野田 晃宏/荊木 裕司/原口 克博/川上 智史/宮田 武彦/横内 厚雄/大沼 修一/尾立 達治/長岡 央/小出 賢治/舛潟 尚樹/飯岡 淳子/笹渕 博子/川嶋 利明/松田 浩一 ノダ アキヒロ/イバラキ ユウジ/ハラグチ カツヒロ/カワカミ トモフミ/ミヤタ タケヒコ/ヨコウチ アツオ/オオヌマ シュイチ/オダチ タツジ/ナガオカ ヒロシ/コイデ ケンジ/マスガタ ナオキ/イイオカ アツコ/ササブチ ヒロコ/カワシマ トシアキ/マツダ コウイチ NODA Akihiro/IBARAKI Yuji/HARAGUCHI Katsuhiro/KAWAKAMI Tomofumi/MIYATA Takehiko/YOKOUCHI Atsuo/OHNUMA Syuichi/ODACHI Tatsuji/NAGAOKA Hiroshi/KOIDE Kenji/MASUGATA Naoki/IIOKA Atsuko/SASABUCHI Hiroko/KAWASIMA Tosiaki/MATSUDA Koichi
vol.11, no.2, pp.217-223, 1992-12-31

Clinical practice has been assigned as a final and very important aspect of study and practice in dental education. In our university, the students are exposed to clinical practice from the latter term of the fifth year. This report investigated the protocols of clinical cases by a mutual practice system of dental treatment from the seventh to the tenth class of graduates. The mutual practice of dental treatment is a system where students act as docter and patient mutually. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The seventh class graduates averaged 1.45 clinical cases of mutual practice system. The eighth, ninth and tenth classes averaged 2.3, 2.9, and 1.7. 2) 65 percents of all cases on restorations were cast restorations. Composite resin restorations increased and comprised 35 percents of all cases. However amalgam fillings did not take place.
前澤 哲爾 前澤 哲爾 MAEZAWA Tetsuji マエザワ テツジ Maezawa Tetsuji
月刊自治研 (ISSN:13425021)
vol.50, no.581, pp.42-48, 2008-02-05

梅原 達治 ウメハラ タツジ Tatuzi UMEHARA
札幌大学教養部紀要 = = The journal of the Faculty of General Education, Sapporo University
vol.27, pp.101-120b, 1985-09-30

The author observed fourteen stone markers called Shanichisama in Kodama and three in Misato which are located in the north-western Saitama Prefecture, Japan. These are in the shape of pentagonal pillars with the appellations separately inscribed on their five lateral facets. This type of markers is found in the Kanto Plain, etc. In spite of their sporadic distribution, their similarity has been recognized. The markers may have been erected in the same pattern. Their instruction is described in the textbook entitled Shanichishogi written about 1781. People set up the markers according to this doctrine. It is possible that the doctrine was shared and handed down by scholars. The author also discusses their distribution. They appear sporadic not merely individually but in group patterns as observed in Kodama. It must be noted that, in Awa Province, the Shinto priest recommended that his Feudal Lord promulgate a decree to enshrine an Earth Deities in each village. The distribution of the markers has two elements: the pattern of the scholars' collaboration, and the influence exerted by individuals in certain area. The Lord held a supreme power over Awa Province in the feual days and the range of the markers' distribution is great with high density. The author is not able to identify the personages who have accepted this doctorine and exerted influence in Kodama. However, he proposes to examine the diffusion pattern of this type in the peasant's sectors in feudal and modern ages.