二宮 泰三
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.46, no.3, pp.137-146, 1987-10-31 (Released:2018-01-31)

Three new species of olivid gastropods of the genus Amalda are described. They are, A. (Baryspira) utopica, n. sp. from the Osumi Strait, Japan, A (Alcospira) zeigleri, n. sp. from off Turneffe Island, Gulf of Honduras, and A. (Gracilispira) albanyensis, n. sp. from Albany, West Australia.
大久保 修三 黒川 忠英 鈴木 徹 船越 将二 辻井 禎
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.56, no.3, pp.259-269, 1997

Generation of the streak-like flash in the inner-fold of the mantle in Ctenoides ales was investigated by video-camera recording, and stereo, light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. The stereo microscopy revealed the presence of a pale white band along the entire width of the marginal edge of the shell side surface of the inner fold. Since the flashing could not be seen in the dark, it was not due to the luminescence but the reflection of light. The light microscopy showed that the band region consisted of about ten rows of epithelial cells, cylindrical and 40 μm tall and 10 μm wide. The cytoplasm was densely filled with fine granules, eosinophilic in H-E staining. Under the electron microscope, those granules appeared as electron-dense vesicles, 0.5-0.6 μm in diameter, each containing a highly electron-dense spherical core, 0.2-0.3 μm in diameter. The cell had a nucleus, few mitochondria and lysosomes, however, other cellular organelles such as Golgi apparatus, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum were not evident, in the present observation. We assume that the electron-dense vesicles packed in the cytoplasm function to reflect light strongly. This highly reflecting structure found in C. ales is quite different from those have been reported in eyes of scallop and squid, and in iridophores of giant clam, cuttlefish, long-spined sea urchin and of fishes. The video observation showed that the mantle made a movement to roll the white band towards the shell-side and then, within a second, the rolling movement was released. The phase of the movement was different by the portions of the mantle, and the mantle edge made a wave-like motion. When the pale white band was hidden by the roll, the reflection of light disappeared. When the rolling was released, the reflection of light reappeared. Since the "roll and release movement" repeat quickly, it looks as though a streak-like flash run along the mantle margin.
ロス バリー
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.37, no.4, pp.223-229, 1978-11-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

Type material of tellinacean bivalves Nuttallia japonica (REEVE, 1857) and Nuttallia obscurata (REEVE, 1857) is illustrated and characterized. A figured specimen is designated lectotype of Psammobia olivacea JAY, 1857, which is a junior synonym of Nuttallia obscurata (REEVE).
川本 信之 三上 進
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.37, no.4, pp.230-239, 1978-11-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

It is reported that the Nautilus makes a diel vertical migration from a depth of about 500 m up to the near-surface of the sea. However, it is axiomatic that such a long-ranged migration within a short period of the time cannot be managed by only water-jet propulsion through the hyponome. There has been a number of early works for elucidating how the animal is possible to make this migration, but no satisfactory solution has been obtained so far. Through an anatomical observation on muscle part of Nautilus macromphalus, we could speculate that two major retractors, namely, funnel and cephalic, may be involved in downward migration. Our hypothesis is that the contraction of these two retracting muscle will create a pressure in a sea water intaken in the mantle cavity and this pressure may be transmitted (through unknown mechanism) to the siphuncle. If so, the gas contained in other chamber could be compressed and makes the specific gravity of animal increased.
三上 進 山田 俊郎
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.38, no.1, pp.70-72, 1979-04-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

オオベソオウムガイの生きているままで, 殻及び軟体部の重量を推定するため, 飼育実験中に斃死した7標本につき, 総体重, 殻重量及び軟体部重量を計測した。これから殻と軟体部の重量比を算出し, 解体の際失われる体液, 殻房内に含まれる液体重量は極めて小さい事を明らかにした。これらの値をWARD他(1977)の報告したオウムガイの計測値について吟味した結果, 極めて近い値を示した。将来幾つかの解決すべき問題もあるが, 本調査で求められた殻・軟体比率は重要な基礎的資料と認められる。
田中 彌太郎
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.38, no.1, pp.61-65, 1979-04-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

1977年10月中旬, 島根県江津市波子地先において漁獲された茨城県鹿島浦産の放流再捕コタマガイと地先で大発生したオキアサリにまじって, 両種の中間形と思われる識別困難な成貝が多数見出された。この中間形貝の所属に関する漁業関係者の質問にこたえて, 上記者の殻のいずれも稚小期に相当する殻頂部の彫刻を検した結果, その特徴は中間形貝はオキアサリと合致し, 輪郭, 大きさなどはややコタマガイに類似の傾向を示した。この事実から, 中間貝は, オキアサリの自然生息域に産卵期が等しく, 再生産可能なコタマガイを, 毎年多量に移殖したために自然下で生じた雑種であると思われた。
北尾 耕二 波部 忠重
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.41, no.1, pp.61-63, 1982-04-15 (Released:2018-01-31)

Hamineobulla kawamurai Habe, 1950 (Figs. 1-2) had been described based on only a single empty shell collected from Okinawa Main Island, Ryukyu Group, and provisionally placed in the family Bullidae. But, after Kitao's observation on radula of the specimen collected from the shallow sandy bottom off Tomioka, Amakusa, the west coast of Kyushu, it was shown that this species has no central tooth and one horn-shaped lateral tooth on each side, suggesting a close relationship with Cylichnatys angusta (Gould) of the Family Atyidae, which has one central tooth and one horn-shaped lateral tooth on each side. Therefore, Hamineobulla kawamurai Habe may be transferred from the family Bullidae to the family Atyidae. According to the original description of Pseudophiline hayashii Habe, 1976 (Figs. 3-5), this species has neither radula nor stomachal plates. But, Kitao has found the vestigial radular teeth in the buccal cavity. The radula has no central tooth, a single large lateral tooth, and two small marginal teeth on each side like in the genus Philine Ascanius, which has only a large lateral tooth on each side. Therefore, Pseudophiline hayashii Habe may be transferred from the family Aglajidae, which has neither radula nor stomachal plates, to the family Philinidae.
キルバーン R. N.
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.51, no.3, pp.215-218, 1992

大英博物館とパリ自然史博物館収蔵のインド太平洋産のクダマキガイ科を研究中, 次の3種がそれぞれアクキガイ科とフトコロガイ科に所属することが判った。Pleurotoma (Defrancia?) trifilosa E. A. Smith, 1882はColumbella burnupi E. A. Smith, 1901の古参名で, 正しくはZafrona trifilosa(フトコロガイ科)となる。Clavatula fimbriata Hinds, 1843はDaphnellopsis lamellosa Schepman, 1913の古参名で, 正しくはDaphnellopsis lamellosa(アクキガイ科)となる。Lienardia obockensis Jousseaume, 1888は恐らくCronia属(アクキガイ科)と思われる。
馬場 菊太郎
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.48, no.3, pp.141-149, 1989-10-31 (Released:2018-01-31)

The chief specific name used here is Ceratosoma trilobatum (J. E. Gray, 1827) (s. l.) which is said to comprise C. cornigerum (Adams & Reeve in Adams, 1850) (s. s.) as a junior synonym. In Japan there occur three sorts of color variation among the individual specimens of C. trilobatum (in the meaning of C. cornigerum s. s.). C. bicolor Baba, 1949 is left for further study.
板垣 博
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.24, no.3, pp.169-_180-3_, 1965-12-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

マメタニシの殻形は雌雄によって差はないが雄のものがやや細長である.歯舌の1列は中歯(1コ), 側歯(2コ), 内縁歯(2コ), 外縁歯(2コ)からなり, それぞれの歯の小鉤には個体差がある.胃は2部からなり, 前部の方が広くて中央に胃楯があり, 後部には晶体と晶体嚢がある.陰茎には鞭状体があるが, その作用は不明である.陰茎基部の皮下には長い盲管があり, その開口は鞭状体の先端にある.この盲管内に白色粘液を含み, その中に円形と洋なし状の細胞がある.陰門は産卵門とは遠く離れ, 陰門は外套腔の奥に, 産卵門は肛門の少し後方に開く.中枢神経系は9神経節, 足神経系は2神経節からなる.血管は発達が悪いが, 血とうはよく発達している.排出孔は直接に外套腔の奥に開き, 尿管はない.
奥谷 喬司 中村 征夫 関 勝則
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.54, no.3, pp.237-239, 1995-09-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

著者の一人関は1991年夏, また, 中村は1995年5月, 根室海峡羅臼沖で卵塊を腕に抱えて遊泳しているイカを撮影した。これまでタコ類の卵保護や保育は知られていたが, イカ類の卵保育はいまだかって一例の報告もない。今回標本を直接研究することはできなかったが, 開眼類イカの卵保育行動の世界最初の発見となるので速報する。
堀 成夫 福田 宏
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.58, no.4, pp.175-190, 1999-12-31 (Released:2018-01-31)

During detailed examination of unidentified specimens of the Pyramidellidae in the Yamaguchi Museum and the Hagi City Museum, nine hitherto undescribed species were recognized, and here described as new : Ondina elachisinoides, Chrysallida stupa, Trabecula truncatelliformis, Egilina kotoeae, Eulimella toshikazui, Turbonilla kuraenohamana, T. gloriamishimana, Pyrgiscus yoshikoae and Yoshishigea choshuana. A new genus, Yoshishigea is also elected.
大久保 修三 黒川 忠英 鈴木 徹 船越 将二 辻井 禎
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.56, no.3, pp.259-269, 1997-10-31 (Released:2018-01-31)

Generation of the streak-like flash in the inner-fold of the mantle in Ctenoides ales was investigated by video-camera recording, and stereo, light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. The stereo microscopy revealed the presence of a pale white band along the entire width of the marginal edge of the shell side surface of the inner fold. Since the flashing could not be seen in the dark, it was not due to the luminescence but the reflection of light. The light microscopy showed that the band region consisted of about ten rows of epithelial cells, cylindrical and 40 μm tall and 10 μm wide. The cytoplasm was densely filled with fine granules, eosinophilic in H-E staining. Under the electron microscope, those granules appeared as electron-dense vesicles, 0.5-0.6 μm in diameter, each containing a highly electron-dense spherical core, 0.2-0.3 μm in diameter. The cell had a nucleus, few mitochondria and lysosomes, however, other cellular organelles such as Golgi apparatus, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum were not evident, in the present observation. We assume that the electron-dense vesicles packed in the cytoplasm function to reflect light strongly. This highly reflecting structure found in C. ales is quite different from those have been reported in eyes of scallop and squid, and in iridophores of giant clam, cuttlefish, long-spined sea urchin and of fishes. The video observation showed that the mantle made a movement to roll the white band towards the shell-side and then, within a second, the rolling movement was released. The phase of the movement was different by the portions of the mantle, and the mantle edge made a wave-like motion. When the pale white band was hidden by the roll, the reflection of light disappeared. When the rolling was released, the reflection of light reappeared. Since the "roll and release movement" repeat quickly, it looks as though a streak-like flash run along the mantle margin.