伊東 幸宏 小西 達裕 三浦 崇 赤塚 大輔 田村 貞雄 阿部 圭一 赤石 美奈 中谷 広正
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.40, no.3, pp.821-830, 1999-03-15

本研究では 歴史学研究の支援を行うシステムの構築を目的とする. 歴史学研究に利用される歴史史料の特徴を考察し それに基づいて歴史学研究において支援を必要とするポイントを検討し その具体的な実現方法 その方法に基づいて実装したシステムを紹介する. 対象をテキスト文書に限定し 膨大な史料の中から歴史学者の独自の視点から関心のある史料を選び出すこと 選び出した史料を歴史学者の主観に基づいて整理すること そして整理された史料を1つの空間に配置して全体を俯瞰しやすく提示すること の3点を取りあげ そのような支援を行うシステムの構成について述べる. そして その方法に基づき実装したシステムを紹介する. 最後に 実際に歴史学研究の仮説検証をし 評価を行う. 具体的題材として 1867年頃 伊勢神宮などのお札降りを発端として起こった「ええじゃないか」と呼ばれる事件を取りあげ 「ええじゃないか」に関する仮説を歴史学研究者がら提示してもらい 検証を行った.Our purpose is constructing a system of supporting researchers in history. In this paper, we describe a method of constructing the system, considering characteristics of historical materials and examining how to support historians. We describe three points of implementing the system. The first point is how to extract historical materials in which historians are interested. The second point is how to classify extracted materials. The third point is how to display classified materials. We discuss our methods of implementation and structures of data. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our system by verifying the hypothesis which were set up by a historian. The hypothesis is concerned with the historical event "Eejanaika" that happened in 1867.
三浦 崇寛 浅谷 公威 宮本 由美 清水 愛織 坂田 一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第36回 (2022)
pp.3K4GS1002, 2022 (Released:2022-07-11)

三浦 崇 塩田 忠 中山 景次
物性研究 (ISSN:05252997)
vol.76, no.2, pp.168-173, 2001-05-20

金沢 憲一 中川 歩 三浦 崇
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.63, no.1, pp.70-75, 1997-01-05 (Released:2009-06-30)
5 4

Mechanical properties of sweet potato are examined experimentally by compressive tests. And the computer simulation is conducted using FEM, on the separating process that sweet potato is cut by a knife-edged cutter with flat blade. The results obtained are as follows : (1) The calculation result almost corresponds to the process which sweet potato is separated by the preceding crack caused by a cutter except initiation. (2) The variety of cutting force is also the same as the experiment on each blade angle of a cutter. (3) In calculation, the effect of blade angle on two factors, the peak of cutting force and the cutting energy, is similar to the experiment. But both calculated values are higher than the experiment due to the high frictional coefficient between the separated surface and a cutter, which is obtained by a simple frictional test.
祢宜田 和正 山下 雅代 久保田 敏行 杉浦 洋二 三浦 崇則 勝見 章男 太田 満 齋竹 達郎 戸澤 良夫 水谷 勝
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.2, pp.123-131, 2001-04-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
1 2

Although vancomycin has been exclusively used for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) therapy, there are many patients recently observed to suffer from gram negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa as well as MRSA.Arbekacin (ABK), an aminoglycoside antibiotic (AG) is an alternative medication for such patients with those infection disease. However, it seems that the dosage of ABK used according to the manufacture's recommendations is insufficient for MRSA therapy to obtain a sufficient patient outcomes. Moreover, the relationship between the effectiveness of ABK on MRSA infection and the serum ABK concentration remains unclear. For the long-term treatment of AG, we can not rule out the possibility that AG may induce nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.Therefore, the present study was carried out to clarify the significance of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of ABK for patients with an MRSA infection, and elucidate the relationship between the serum ABK level and its clinical outcomes, including its antibacterial action and side effects. We investigated 30 patients with an MRSA infection, who received ABK at the Anjo Kosei Hospital from September 1996 to June 1998. The treatment of the patients by ABK but without TDM showed a 46.6% (7/15) therapeutic efficacy, while the patients with drug monitoring had a remarkably successful therapeutic efficacy (100% : 21/21) with a peak serum ABK concentration over 10μg/mL. Dysphagia badly affected the efficacy of ABK therapy in patients with an MRSA infection even when the serum ABK level was well-controlled. The incidence of ABK induced nephrotoxicity was observed in all patients when ABK was administered at a total dose of over 5, 000mg, while it was 4% at a total dose of less than 5, 000mg. When the duration of ABK therapy was longer than 2 weeks, the incidence of nephrotoxicity also significantly increased.These results thus suggest that TDM of ABK is useful for increasing the efficacy of ABK therapy in patients with an MRSA infection. In light of nephrotoxicity, these results indicate that ABK therapy may be completed within 2 weeks with an ABK dose of less than 5, 000mg, as the total dose.