上原 俊介 中川 知宏 田村 達
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.54, no.2, pp.89-100, 2015 (Released:2015-03-26)
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義憤(moral outrage)とは,ある出来事やそれに関与した人物の行動が道義に反しているという知覚によって引き起こされる怒りのことを指す。怒りの研究者たちはこれまで,道徳違反を目の当たりにしたときには義憤が喚起されると仮定してきた。ところが最近の研究によれば(たとえば,Batson, Chao, & Givens, 2009),怒りの喚起は自分(あるいは自分の同胞)が危害を加えられたときにしか確認されず,私憤(personal anger)が怒りの本質であると指摘する者もいる。そこで本研究は,公正に対する敏感さ(justice sensitivity)という人格特性に注目し,義憤とは正しさに過敏に反応する人たちにみられる制限的な感情反応ではないかと予測した。日本人参加者に対して架空の拉致事件に関する新聞記事を読ませ,そのとき感じた怒りの強さを答えさせた。その結果,どんなに公正に敏感な参加者でも,強い怒りは日本人が拉致被害の犠牲になったときにしか報告されず,私憤説に一致する証拠しか確認されなかった。こうした知見を踏まえ,本研究は,私憤がきわめて堅固な反応であるという可能性を指摘した。
上原 俊介 中川 知宏 国佐 勇輔 岩淵 絵里 田村 達 森 丈弓
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.3, pp.158-168, 2013

Anger at the violation of a moral standard has been called moral outrage. However, recent research found that only when the victim of a moral violation was oneself (or a member of one's group) did it evoke strong anger. This suggests that the violation of a moral standard itself does not elicit anger, and such anger may be evidence of personal anger evoked by harm to oneself (or a member of one's group). In our study, we assume that moral outrage may be evoked when the likelihood of restoring fairness (e.g., compensation) is expected. We conducted three experiments in which Japanese university students read a newspaper report (fictitious) depicting an abduction case. For half of the participants, the abducted victim was Japanese; for the other half, Slovenian. After reading the news story, they were asked to report the intensity of the feelings of anger and whether the abduction was morally wrong. We found that the report evoked considerable anger only when the abducted victim was Japanese, regardless of whether restoring fairness was actually expected. This indicated that the reported anger provided evidence only of personal anger, not of moral outrage; thus, the likelihood of restoring fairness is not a determinant of moral outrage. These findings imply that personal anger, rather than moral outrage, is more prevalent in social life.
上原 俊介 中川 知宏 国佐 勇輔 岩淵 絵里 田村 達 森 丈弓
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.3, pp.158-168, 2013-03-31 (Released:2017-03-03)

Anger at the violation of a moral standard has been called moral outrage. However, recent research found that only when the victim of a moral violation was oneself (or a member of one's group) did it evoke strong anger. This suggests that the violation of a moral standard itself does not elicit anger, and such anger may be evidence of personal anger evoked by harm to oneself (or a member of one's group). In our study, we assume that moral outrage may be evoked when the likelihood of restoring fairness (e.g., compensation) is expected. We conducted three experiments in which Japanese university students read a newspaper report (fictitious) depicting an abduction case. For half of the participants, the abducted victim was Japanese; for the other half, Slovenian. After reading the news story, they were asked to report the intensity of the feelings of anger and whether the abduction was morally wrong. We found that the report evoked considerable anger only when the abducted victim was Japanese, regardless of whether restoring fairness was actually expected. This indicated that the reported anger provided evidence only of personal anger, not of moral outrage; thus, the likelihood of restoring fairness is not a determinant of moral outrage. These findings imply that personal anger, rather than moral outrage, is more prevalent in social life.
上原 俊介 森 丈弓 中川 知宏
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
pp.1708, (Released:2018-12-07)

上原 俊介 中川 知宏 森 丈弓 清水 かな子 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.3, pp.161-173, 2012

A core relational norm regulating social interaction is the idea of responsibility for needs (RN). Assuming that anger is a signal indicating a violation of RN, we attempted to test the mediation model that the perception that one's needs are frustrated by a close other (romantic partner) would generate a perceived RN violation, which in turn would increase anger. Further, we attempted to examine whether mediation also works in relationships with friends. In a role-taking study providing participants with a series of scenarios depicting the other (either romantic partner, friend, or mere acquaintance) as responding or not responding to one's needs, we asked them to rate the intensity of anger and the perceived RN violation. The results showed that in the romantic partner condition, the frustration increased the perception of RN violation, which in turn intensified anger. Further, this mediation was also confirmed in the friend condition, suggesting that RN also operates within friend relationships.
中川 知宏 仲本 尚史 國吉 真弥 森 丈弓 山入端 津由 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18012, (Released:2019-07-10)

The aim of this study was to investigate why certain youths identify with delinquent groups by examining specific factors that increase identification with them, such as intergroup relationships. Specifically, we hypothesized that the permeability of group boundaries would moderate the effect of group discrimination on identification with a delinquent group. In total, 96 male youths were recruited from four juvenile classification homes. The results revealed that youths who perceived group boundaries with lower compared with higher permeability cognitively identified with delinquent groups more strongly when perceiving group discrimination from teachers or the police; this finding supported our hypothesis. No other significant interaction effect was observed. Conversely, in terms of affective identification, we found an unexpected interaction between the permeability of group boundaries and group discrimination from peers. Overall, the findings did not support our hypothesis. However, some of the results suggest that delinquent youths may be able to decrease cognitive group identification by having friends outside of the delinquent group, even if they experienced discrimination from conformity groups such as teachers and the police.
中川 知宏 仲本 尚史 國吉 真弥 森 丈弓 山入端 津由 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.3, pp.252-262, 2019 (Released:2019-08-25)

The aim of this study was to investigate why certain youths identify with delinquent groups by examining specific factors that increase identification with them, such as intergroup relationships. Specifically, we hypothesized that the permeability of group boundaries would moderate the effect of group discrimination on identification with a delinquent group. In total, 96 male youths were recruited from four juvenile classification homes. The results revealed that youths who perceived group boundaries with lower compared with higher permeability cognitively identified with delinquent groups more strongly when perceiving group discrimination from teachers or the police; this finding supported our hypothesis. No other significant interaction effect was observed. Conversely, in terms of affective identification, we found an unexpected interaction between the permeability of group boundaries and group discrimination from peers. Overall, the findings did not support our hypothesis. However, some of the results suggest that delinquent youths may be able to decrease cognitive group identification by having friends outside of the delinquent group, even if they experienced discrimination from conformity groups such as teachers and the police.