中澤 港
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.87, no.5, pp.209-213, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-29)

When we apply the perspective of human ecology, in which the human-ecosystem is considered as the interrelationships between human-being and environments mediated by language, social organization and technology, the infectious diseases can be considered as an aspect of the apparent effects on human population by pathogens, as one of the components of biological environments.The type of infectious diseases is related with the lifestyle and the population size, which have changed with the beginning of settled farming and the establishment of cities.The applicable technology to infectious diseases includes the vaccination and the treatment with specific drugs, but those are unavailable during the early stage of pandemic. The spread of emerging infectious diseases accelerated by globalization and population ageing have made the current world more vulnerable. Until the successful technology development, the applicable measures are only non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) including lockdown and behavioral changes.When we look back how the human society tackled COVID-19 pandemic, the early establishment of pathogen identification and confirmatory diagnostic method was the technological advantage compared with previous pandemics. However, the fact that only a part of COVID-19 becomes symptomatic and the high infectiousness during asymptomatic or presymptomatic period made it difficult to prevent the spread over the borders. Since the IHR2005 has to minimize the effect of control measures on global trade and transportation, most developed countries have chosen to keep economic activities including global trade and transportation, which lead to exponential increase of new cases, resulted in overwhelmed health care system with high mortality. Highly effective vaccines have been developed very fast, but combination with NPIs is still necessary for successful suppression.
飯島 渉 橋本 雄太 市川 智生 五月女 賢司 中澤 港 井上 弘樹 高橋 そよ 後藤 真

森 洋一 中澤 港
Population Association of Japan
人口学研究 (ISSN:03868311)
vol.33, pp.27-39, 2003-11-30 (Released:2017-09-12)

本論文は,ヒトの死亡についての新しいモデルを提示し,これが100を超える生命表に適合することを示すことで,その有用性・理論的重要性を示すものである。ヒトの死をモデル化するには,2つの競合するゴールがあるように思われる。現実の生存曲線を記述することと,病因論的な変数で死亡を説明するごとである。これまでは,この2つのゴールを1つのモデルで達成したものはなかった(Woodら,1992)。Gavrilov and Gavrilova (1991)の雪崩モデルにヒントを得て本論文で構築した単純な病因論的モデルは,これら2つのゴールをともに達成したと考えられた。フランス,日本,スウェーデン,米国の生存曲線に対して,このモデルを最小二乗法で当てはめたところ,最適なパラメータの場合にはきわめて良い適合が得られ,しかも日本についてみると,これらのパラメータは,現実の歴史的変化を十分に説明していることが示された。
門司 和彦 中澤 港 河野 泰之 梅崎 昌裕
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.80, no.1, pp.60-67, 2014 (Released:2014-03-28)

During the 20th century, Japanese society experienced dramatic demographic changes accompanied by shifts in the epidemiological and health-related domains. During this demographic transition, mortality rates have declined, life expectancy has increased, and fertility rates have declined. Since 2008, the population has decreased and is expected to continue decreasing, with a higher average age. These changes are associated with shifts in the distribution of employment opportunities ; in the composition of households ; and in the balance between rural and urban populations, in favor of the latter, with jobs moving from the agricultural sector to manufacturing and service industries. Lifestyles have changed, social bonds have weakened, and the economic gap between generations and genders has increased. These changes have challenged society's ability to provide adequate and financially sustainable medical and nursing services while also reducing the potential environmental burden on future generations. The close relationship between demographic and social changes underlying this transition renders it difficult to mitigate the effects of future aging and shrinking of the Japanese population. Indeed, to develop strategies for the post-transition reality, various scenarios related to the population dynamics of the future must be examined. To this end, we suggest replacing the concept of chronological age with one of biological and societal age. Biological age can be represented by life-expectancy-equivalent age or by healthy life-expectancy-equivalent age, and societal age can be represented by age-structure-equivalent age. A healthy aging population should be promoted by developing sound relations between health and the natural, man-made, and societal environment.