丸山 桂介
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.51, pp.150-251, 2002-03-30
丸山 桂
公益財団法人 年金シニアプラン総合研究機構
年金研究 (ISSN:2189969X)
vol.15, pp.2-16, 2021-03-19 (Released:2021-03-19)

近年、老後の所得保障の自助努力として、私的年金制度、なかでも個人型確定拠出年金制度(iDeCo)が注目を集めている。しかし、その加入者に関する実証研究は、研究途上にある。本研究は、中年未婚者の個票データを用いて、iDeCo加入に関する実証分析と老後の低年金リスクが高い国民年金の保険料免除制度利用者との生活状況の比較を行った。主な分析結果は以下のとおりである。① 国民年金の保険料納付免除者は、仕事についていない者や非正規労働者の割合が高い。また、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響により、家計に深刻な影響があった者の割合は、国民年金保険料全額納付者や厚生年金加入者よりも、国民年金保険料滞納者、免除者に相対的に高かった。② iDeCoの加入状況を国民年金加入者と厚生年金加入者で比較すると、本来老後の年金額の上乗せ措置として加入が期待される国民年金加入者よりも厚生年金加入者に利用されている。iDeCo加入者は非加入者に比べ、収入や資産面でも余裕があり、NISA/つみたてNISAや個人年金制度も併用して、税制上の優遇措置を利用しながら、効率的に日常生活と老後の備えを行っている。③ 公的年金制度の繰り上げ制度/繰り下げ制度による給付額の減額・増額率を説明した上で希望する公的年金の支給開始年齢を尋ねた場合、国民年金の保険料免除者や滞納者は繰り上げ受給を望む者が相対的に多く、厚生年金加入者やiDeCo加入者には繰り下げ受給を選ぶ者が多い傾向が見られた。これは、現役時代にねんきん定期便で示される金額以上に、将来の高齢期の年金格差が拡大する可能性を示唆している。④ iDeCo加入について二項ロジスティック分析を行った結果、厚生年金加入者、金融資産額が高い者ほどiDeCoに加入する傾向にあり、個人年金やNISA/つみたてNISAを併用していることも明らかとなった。 今後とも、国民年金第1号被保険者に占める免除適用者数の増加が続き、経済的余裕のある者だけがiDeCoに加入し、税制上の優遇措置を二重三重に受け取る状況は老後の経済格差の拡大や所得再分配上の点から問題がある。公的年金の再分配機能とともに、本来加入すべき低年金者にいかにiDeCoの加入を促すか、金融リテラシーの形成支援も含めた検討を急がねばならない。
丸山 桂
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.55, pp.159-178, 2022 (Released:2022-09-30)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the major factors affecting gender gap in children’s financial literacy by empirical analysis using microdata set. Even in lower elementary school grades, there is a difference in experience of talking about money or finance with their parents between boys and girls. More frequent parent-child discussion about money or finance has a positive impact on financial behavior and financial knowledge even in childhood. In this analysis, girls are less financially knowledgeable than boys. The reason is that girls tend to answer ‘I don't know’, rather than possibly answer a question incorrectly, compared to boys. The differences in response patterns to questions about financial knowledge are persistent between boys and girls from their elementary school period. Furthermore, those children who answered ‘I don't know’ tend to have lower financial literacy and financial attitudes, lower abilities at mental arithmetic, not having personal bank account, and live in households with less cultural capital and parent-child discussion about money and finance. It is necessary to consider the effects of encouraging discussion and questioning gender-based attitudes and roles in both the home and school education.
丸山 桂 駒村 康平
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.104, no.4, pp.537(31)-568(62), 2012-01

小特集 : 年金制度の実証研究 : 根拠に基づく政策論本論文では, 各国の年金制度における自営業の取り扱いについて展望し, 独自の個票データを使って自営業者の保険料の納付行動の分析を行った。この結果, 自営業に対する保険料の強制徴収を強め, 負担能力に応じた保険料の仕組みの導入が必要であることが確認できた。このことから, ただちにすべての自営業者を被用者と全く同じ所得比例年金と最低保障年金の仕組みに組み入れるべきとは結論づけられないが, 諸外国でも工夫している年金制度における自営業者への対応を参考に多くの改善点が必要である。This study considers the handling of self-employed workers in national pension systems of each country, using our own individual data to analyze the behavior of contribution payments of insurance premiums by self-employed workers.As a result, we confirm that it is necessary to strengthen the compulsory collection of insurance premiums from self-employed workers and introduce an insurance premium framework in accordance with their payment capacity. From this, although we cannot conclude that all self-employed workers shall be immediately included in the same income-proportionate pension and minimum-security pension schemes of other employees, examining the measures toward self-employed workers in pension systems devised in other countries, numerous improvements are necessary.
日下部 吉男 中村 康宏 谷川 和也 唐澤 健 丸山 桂司
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.143, no.7, pp.607-616, 2023-07-01 (Released:2023-07-01)

In today’s world, where clinical options are ever increasing and patients’ needs are more diverse, it is not possible to conclude that simply practicing medical care based on pathophysiological data and medical evidence is sufficient for patients, particularly in terms of seeing each patient as an individual. Medical professionals must maintain a close relationship with their patients and seek treatment and care methods that reflect the patient’s values and views on life and death, based on their own ethics in medical care. Ethics education should be provided on a continuing basis from the beginning of medical/pharmacy school. However, ethics education in pharmacy departments is often delivered in a lecture format attended by many students and/or as group training using case studies and hypothetical situations, i.e., “paper” patients. With these teaching methods, there are limited opportunities for the students to foster a sense of ethics or to think deeply about their values and views on life and death with respect to the patients they care for. Therefore, in this study, we conducted ethics exercises for pharmacy students in a group study format using a documentary film of real patients who were facing death. By retrospectively analyzing the results of the questionnaires collected before and after the assignments and exercises, we verified the educational effects and changes in the students’ sense of ethics from participating in the group learning exercise; moreover, our results revealed the insight gained by the students in examining the experiences and challenges faced by terminally ill patients.
齋藤 百枝美 野舘 敬直 丸山 桂司 土屋 雅勇 渡邊 真知子 丹羽 真一
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.3, pp.369-379, 2012-03-01 (Released:2012-03-01)
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We established a practical training program to nurture pharmacists who can give smoking cessation instructions. The program was provided to 85 interns (45 males and 40 females) in Teikyo University Hospital. The one-day practical training was provided to groups comprised of five members each. The training consisted of studies on the adverse effects of smoking, general outlines of the outpatient smoking cessation service, experiencing Smokerlyzer, studies about smoking-cessation drugs, studies about a smoking cessation therapy using cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing, and case studies applying role-playing. Before and after the practical training, we conducted a questionnaire survey consisting of The Kano Test for Social Nicotine Dependence (KTSND) and the assessment of the smoking status, changes in attitudes to smoking, and willingness and confidence to give smoking cessation instructions. The overall KTSND score significantly dropped from 14.1±4.8 before the training to 8.9±4.8 after the training. The confidence to give smoking cessation instructions significantly increased from 3.4±1.9 to 6.2±1.3. Regarding the correlation between the smoking status and willingness and confidence to give smoking cessation instructions, the willingness and confidence were lower among the group of interns who either smoked or had smoked previously, suggesting that smoking had an adverse effect. A total of 88.2% of the interns answered that their attitudes to smoking had “changed slightly” or “changed” as a result of the training, indicating changes in their attitudes to smoking. Given the above, we believe that our newly-established smoking cessation instruction training is a useful educational tool.
丸山 桂
公益財団法人 年金シニアプラン総合研究機構
vol.15, pp.2-16, 2021

<p><tt><font face="roman"><span style="font-variant: small-caps;"><font face="sans-serif"> 近年、老後の所得保障の自助努力として、私的年金制度、なかでも個人型確定拠出年金制度(iDeCo)が注目を集めている。しかし、その加入者に関する実証研究は、研究途上にある。本研究は、中年未婚者の個票データを用いて、iDeCo加入に関する実証分析と老後の低年金リスクが高い国民年金の保険料免除制度利用者との生活状況の比較を行った。主な分析結果は以下のとおりである。</font></span></font></tt></p><p><tt><font face="roman"><span style="font-variant: small-caps;"><font face="sans-serif">① 国民年金の保険料納付免除者は、仕事についていない者や非正規労働者の割合が高い。また、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響により、家計に深刻な影響があった者の割合は、国民年金保険料全額納付者や厚生年金加入者よりも、国民年金保険料滞納者、免除者に相対的に高かった。</font></span></font></tt></p><p><tt><font face="roman"><span style="font-variant: small-caps;"><font face="sans-serif">② iDeCoの加入状況を国民年金加入者と厚生年金加入者で比較すると、本来老後の年金額の上乗せ措置として加入が期待される国民年金加入者よりも厚生年金加入者に利用されている。iDeCo加入者は非加入者に比べ、収入や資産面でも余裕があり、NISA/つみたてNISAや個人年金制度も併用して、税制上の優遇措置を利用しながら、効率的に日常生活と老後の備えを行っている。</font></span></font></tt></p><p><tt><font face="roman"><span style="font-variant: small-caps;"><font face="sans-serif">③ 公的年金制度の繰り上げ制度/繰り下げ制度による給付額の減額・増額率を説明した上で希望する公的年金の支給開始年齢を尋ねた場合、国民年金の保険料免除者や滞納者は繰り上げ受給を望む者が相対的に多く、厚生年金加入者やiDeCo加入者には繰り下げ受給を選ぶ者が多い傾向が見られた。これは、現役時代にねんきん定期便で示される金額以上に、将来の高齢期の年金格差が拡大する可能性を示唆している。</font></span></font></tt></p><p><tt><font face="roman"><span style="font-variant: small-caps;"><font face="sans-serif">④ iDeCo加入について二項ロジスティック分析を行った結果、厚生年金加入者、金融資産額が高い者ほどiDeCoに加入する傾向にあり、個人年金やNISA/つみたてNISAを併用していることも明らかとなった。</font></span></font></tt></p><p><tt><font face="roman"><span style="font-variant: small-caps;"><font face="sans-serif"> 今後とも、国民年金第1号被保険者に占める免除適用者数の増加が続き、経済的余裕のある者だけがiDeCoに加入し、税制上の優遇措置を二重三重に受け取る状況は老後の経済格差の拡大や所得再分配上の点から問題がある。公的年金の再分配機能とともに、本来加入すべき低年金者にいかにiDeCoの加入を促すか、金融リテラシーの形成支援も含めた検討を急がねばならない。</font></span></font></tt></p>
丸山 桂司 竹内 保男 大藏 直樹 根岸 文子 秋山 暢 金子 一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.6, pp.819-825, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-01)

The quality of chest compression affects survival after sudden cardiac arrest, particularly when it occurs out of hospital. Pharmacy students should acquire basic life support skills as part of the model core curriculum of pharmacy education. Here, we trained first-year students at the Faculty of Pharmacy to deliver cardiopulmonary resuscitation and used a manikin with a real-time feedback device that quantified chest compression skills. Students were classified into shallow compressions (SC; <50 mm) and deep compressions (DC; ≥50 mm) groups based on the depth of chest compressions measured prior to training. After training, the mean compression depth (mm) was significantly shallower for the SC, than the DC group and many students in the SC group did not reach a depth of 50 mm. Similarly, students were classified into slow compression rate (SR; ≤120/min) and rapid compression rate (RR; >120/min) groups based on the results of training in the rate of chest compressions. Significant differences in mean compression rates were not found between the groups. However, correct compression rate (%), the percentage of maintaining 100-120 compression/min was significantly higher in the SR, than in the RR group. Chest compression rates correlated with compression depth, and chest compression tended to be too shallow in group that was too fast. The quality of chest compression might be improved by delivering chest compressions at a constant rate within the recommended range.