藤村 久美子 伊藤 めぐみ フジムラ クミコ イトウ メグミ Kumiko FUJIMURA (FANSELOW) Megumi ITO
vol.21, pp.127-153, 2004-03

The establishment of a society based on gender equality requires that from the time of birth children be brought up and educated in such a way that they are not bound by traditional attitudes based on gender. This realization was at the basis of the call on the part of the Japanese Ministry of Education in 2001 to promote gender-sensitive education from age zero. Televised animation programs ("anime") constitute a major source of daily entertainment for young children, and indeed, programs such as "Pokemon" have gained a worldwide audience. It is important to understand what, if any, influence such popular programs might have on the formation of attitudes regarding gender on the part of children from a very young age. The next step is to make children as well parents and other caregivers sensitive to gender-based biases and stereotypes contained in these programs and encourage them to view the programs in a critical way, so that their impact can be mitigated. This paper is based on the results of a two-year research study undertaken between 2000 and 2002 by the Education Committee of the Japanese Association of University Women, of which the two authors of this paper are members. The purpose of the study is to shed light on the issue of the influence of mass media, in this case televised animation programs, on the formation of gender attitudes among young children. We initially conducted a survey among 168 first-graders and also 300 parents of pre-school children to find out which anime were most popularly viewed by 2 to 7-year-olds. In the questionnaire directed at parents, we also sought to find out whether they exercised discretion in terms of the content of anime programs and the amount of time spent in viewing such programs and also whether they were alert to the depictions of gender in these programs and their possible influence on their children. Next we undertook a detailed analysis of the content of two episodes from three programs : "Pokemon, " ranked number one in popularity among both girls and boys in our survey, "Ojamajo doremi#, " one of the most popular programs among the girls we surveyed, 152 and "Yugio dueru monsutazu" ("YU-GI-OH! Duel Monsters"), a favorite among young boys. The three programs are in fact aired in numerous countries throughout the world. We looked at gender differences in terms of, e. g., number of lead characters, frequency and order of utterances, occupation of adult characters, physical characteristics and dress of main characters, their personalities and behavior patterns, and the relationships depicted between male and female characters. Among the most striking findings is that while at first glance depictions of the lead female characters contradict some of the stereotypical images of Japanese women (passive, silent, subservient), a more detailed analysis reveals a number of subtle ways in which gender comes into play in the construction of female and male roles and behavior. Thus, in scenes of fighting or combat, female characters are frequently shown either running away or watching in silence and being rescued by male characters. In order to find out how children themselves perceived, interpreted, and responded to images, speech, and actions which we had found to reflect gender stereotyping, in the next phase of our research we had 38 girls and 35 boys between the ages of 5 and 7 view one or more of the three anime in groups of 3 to 5 while we recorded their reactions to various scenes and actions. The interviews that followed revealed distinctive differences between girls and boys in terms of character preferences and criteria applied in evaluating characters. While the interviews were limited in scope, we should emphasize that few studies have actually involved face-to-face interviews of young children to try to understand through their own words, their reactions to gendered images and messages contained in animation programs. Children are not simply passive viewers : they can, to a greater or lesser degree, mediate what they see and hear on television. They can be educated from a very early age to be conscious of and sensitive to images and messages pertaining to gender and to identify instances of stereotyping-or lack of stereotyping-when they view not only anime but other television programs as well. The first step toward enabling children to become critical viewers is to have adults involved in the day-to-day care, upbringing, and education of small children to acquire the skills of media literacy. The final part of the paper describes workshops we have conducted over the past few years in various parts of the country, among parents of young children, child care support groups, caregivers in day care centers, and elementary and junior high school teachers, to try to promote media literacy. The emphasis in these workshop is not to present our findings or conclusions but rather to have the participants themselves undergo the process of uncovering gendered messages that may be embedded in media, and perhaps in their own subconscious, by actually viewing anime, with each group focussing on a specific task, such as counting and writing down the utterances of a particular character, then together analyzing and reflecting on the data.
藤村 久美子 伊藤 めぐみ
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
vol.21, pp.127-153, 2004-03

The establishment of a society based on gender equality requires that from the time of birth children be brought up and educated in such a way that they are not bound by traditional attitudes based on gender. This realization was at the basis of the call on the part of the Japanese Ministry of Education in 2001 to promote gender-sensitive education from age zero. Televised animation programs ("anime") constitute a major source of daily entertainment for young children, and indeed, programs such as "Pokemon" have gained a worldwide audience. It is important to understand what, if any, influence such popular programs might have on the formation of attitudes regarding gender on the part of children from a very young age. The next step is to make children as well parents and other caregivers sensitive to gender-based biases and stereotypes contained in these programs and encourage them to view the programs in a critical way, so that their impact can be mitigated. This paper is based on the results of a two-year research study undertaken between 2000 and 2002 by the Education Committee of the Japanese Association of University Women, of which the two authors of this paper are members. The purpose of the study is to shed light on the issue of the influence of mass media, in this case televised animation programs, on the formation of gender attitudes among young children. We initially conducted a survey among 168 first-graders and also 300 parents of pre-school children to find out which anime were most popularly viewed by 2 to 7-year-olds. In the questionnaire directed at parents, we also sought to find out whether they exercised discretion in terms of the content of anime programs and the amount of time spent in viewing such programs and also whether they were alert to the depictions of gender in these programs and their possible influence on their children. Next we undertook a detailed analysis of the content of two episodes from three programs : "Pokemon, " ranked number one in popularity among both girls and boys in our survey, "Ojamajo doremi#, " one of the most popular programs among the girls we surveyed, 152 and "Yugio dueru monsutazu" ("YU-GI-OH! Duel Monsters"), a favorite among young boys. The three programs are in fact aired in numerous countries throughout the world. We looked at gender differences in terms of, e. g., number of lead characters, frequency and order of utterances, occupation of adult characters, physical characteristics and dress of main characters, their personalities and behavior patterns, and the relationships depicted between male and female characters. Among the most striking findings is that while at first glance depictions of the lead female characters contradict some of the stereotypical images of Japanese women (passive, silent, subservient), a more detailed analysis reveals a number of subtle ways in which gender comes into play in the construction of female and male roles and behavior. Thus, in scenes of fighting or combat, female characters are frequently shown either running away or watching in silence and being rescued by male characters. In order to find out how children themselves perceived, interpreted, and responded to images, speech, and actions which we had found to reflect gender stereotyping, in the next phase of our research we had 38 girls and 35 boys between the ages of 5 and 7 view one or more of the three anime in groups of 3 to 5 while we recorded their reactions to various scenes and actions. The interviews that followed revealed distinctive differences between girls and boys in terms of character preferences and criteria applied in evaluating characters. While the interviews were limited in scope, we should emphasize that few studies have actually involved face-to-face interviews of young children to try to understand through their own words, their reactions to gendered images and messages contained in animation programs. Children are not simply passive viewers : they can, to a greater or lesser degree, mediate what they see and hear on television. They can be educated from a very early age to be conscious of and sensitive to images and messages pertaining to gender and to identify instances of stereotyping-or lack of stereotyping-when they view not only anime but other television programs as well. The first step toward enabling children to become critical viewers is to have adults involved in the day-to-day care, upbringing, and education of small children to acquire the skills of media literacy. The final part of the paper describes workshops we have conducted over the past few years in various parts of the country, among parents of young children, child care support groups, caregivers in day care centers, and elementary and junior high school teachers, to try to promote media literacy. The emphasis in these workshop is not to present our findings or conclusions but rather to have the participants themselves undergo the process of uncovering gendered messages that may be embedded in media, and perhaps in their own subconscious, by actually viewing anime, with each group focussing on a specific task, such as counting and writing down the utterances of a particular character, then together analyzing and reflecting on the data.
野嵜 敢 伊藤 めぐみ 村越 ふみ 滄木 孝弘 芝野 健一 山田 一孝
日本家畜臨床学会 ・ 大動物臨床研究会・九州沖縄産業動物臨床研究会
産業動物臨床医学雑誌 (ISSN:1884684X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.68-72, 2019-08-31 (Released:2019-09-27)

クリプトスポリジウム感染症は生後1 カ月以内の子牛に水様性下痢を引き起こす.クリプトスポリジウム症に有効な治療薬は存在しないが,子牛の下痢症に対する卵黄抗体(IgY)製剤が市販されており,これに抗クリプトスポリジウムIgY が含まれる.そこで本研究では,クリプトスポリジウム症に対する本製剤の効果を血清中および糞便中IgY 動態から検討した.1 酪農場の子牛12 頭を対照群(通常哺乳),初乳投与群(初乳に製剤60g を混合して投与),2 週投与群(初乳に製剤60g,生後2 週間まで生乳に製剤10g/日を混合して投与)の3 群に分けて供試牛とした.試験期間は生後21日目までとし,血液および糞便を採取した.すべての供試牛がCryptosporidium parvum に感染し,水様性下痢を発症した.糞便1g あたりの平均オーシスト数は2 週投与群が,初乳投与群および対照群より有意に少なかった(p<0.05).また,血清および糞便中の総IgY 濃度および抗クリプトスポリジウムIgY 濃度は,初乳投与群および2 週投与群ともに高値を示し,糞便中の総IgY 濃度は生後5 ~14 日目までは2 週投与群で初乳投与群よりも有意に高かった(p<0.05).糞便中の抗クリプトスポリジウムIgY 濃度は生後5 および7 日目に2 週投与群で初乳投与群よりも有意に高かった(p<0.05).本製剤の2 週間の連続的な経口投与はクリプトスポリジウム感染子牛のオーシスト排出量を減少させたことから,抗クリプトスポリジウムIgY はクリプトスポリジウム症予防に有用である可能性が示唆された.
松本 直也 伊藤 めぐみ 山田 一孝 豊留 孝仁
日本野生動物医学会誌 (ISSN:13426133)
vol.25, no.3, pp.101-107, 2020-09-30 (Released:2020-11-30)
2 4

飼育下の鳥類においてアスペルギルス症は重要な疾患であるが,その予防策や診断方法,治療法は確立されていない。アスペルギルス症の主な起因菌であるAspergillus fumigatusは自然環境中に普遍的に存在するため,ときとして飼育鳥類に感染し,死に至らしめる。登別マリンパークニクス飼育下のキングペンギン(Aptenodytes patagonicus),ジェンツーペンギン(Pygoscelis papua),ケープペンギン(Spheniscus demersus)のA. fumigatus感染を防ぐことを目的とし,本研究では飼育環境中に存在するA. fumigatus汚染源の調査を行った。エアーサンプリングおよび土壌サンプリングのデータから主な汚染源が土壌であると推定されたため,土壌とペンギンの接触を最小限とする対策を行った。その結果,アスペルギルス症の発症は認められなくなった。本研究から,A. fumigatusの感染予防において,予め飼育環境下の汚染源を推定することは有効であり,屋内での対策とともに屋外の環境への対策も重要であることが確認された。
木村 信之 伊藤 めぐみ Nobuyuki KIMURA Megumi ITO
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.789, pp.77-86, 2006-07-01

The authors collected questionnaire data concerning conditions of multipurpose spaces set up in public elementary and junior high schools at the end of March 2006. The results showed that on average about 30% of all the schools had the multipurpose space though regionally the rate was different. And between the elementary schools and junior high schools, the rates of having the multipurpose space, size, and concepts of local administrations were different. We also saw that the number of the newly set up multipurpose spaces is decreasing reflecting the recent economic depression and the decrease of the number of pupils and students. Multipurpose space is indispensable for the teaching activities based on the new educational outlook. The activities can not be fully developed by only applying the excessive classrooms to the multipurpose spaces. To advance the set-up anew, promotion of remodeling as well as new extention and reconstruction of school buildings are needed, and therefore, the research into the mode of remodeling for the desirable multipurpose space will be a matter of importance.
石渡 智之 長谷川 秀一 川島 昭彦 高木 賀織 伊藤 めぐみ
vol.2003, pp.C0929-C0929, 2004
