黒木 俊郎 八木田 健司 藪内 英子 縣 邦雄 石間 智生 勝部 泰次 遠藤 卓郎
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.72, no.10, pp.1050-1055, 1998-10-20 (Released:2011-09-07)
14 12

神奈川県下の12温泉施設30浴槽の浴槽水中のLegionella属菌と自由生活性アメーバの生息実態を調査した. 11施設の21浴槽 (21/30: 70.0%) からLegionella pneumopkilaが101CFU/100ml (6施設7浴槽: 23.3%), 102CFU/100ml (7方缶設10浴槽: 33.3%) および103CFU/100ml (2施設4浴槽: 13.3%) の菌数で検出された.決定できたL. pneumopkilaの血清群は3, 4, 5, 6群で4群株が最も検出頻度が高かった.アメーバは11施設の22浴槽 (22/30: 73.3%) から5属が検出され, その主なものはNaegleria属 (7施設14浴槽: 46.7%), Plalyamoeba属 (7施設10浴槽: 33.3%), Acanthamoeba属 (3施設3浴槽: 10.0%) であった.Legionella属菌の宿主アメーバのいずれかが検出された浴槽は合わせて9施設の17浴槽 (17/30: 56.7%) であった.温泉のいずれの水質においてもLegionella属菌あるいは自由生活性アメーバが高率に検出されたが, 標本数が少ないため生息と水質との間の関係の有無は判断できなかった.今回の調査ではNaegleria lovaniensisが13浴槽から分離された. 原発性アメーバ性髄膜脳炎の病原体であるNaegleria fowleriはN.lovaniensisと生息環境を同じくすることが知られており, わが国にも存在することが確認されていることから, 今後とも十分な監視が必要である.
丸山 総一 平賀 慎也 横山 栄二 直井 昌之 鶴岡 祐二 小倉 吉洋 田村 勝利 灘波 信一 亀山 やすひこ 中村 悟 勝部 泰次
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.60, no.9, pp.997-1000, 1998-09
11 35

1994年5月から1995年6月にかけて, 神奈川県および埼玉県の7ヵ所の動物病院より採取した総計471検体の飼育猫の血清について, B.henselaeとT.gondiiの感染状況を調査した.さらに, これらの中の無作為に抽出した67頭の猫について, 猫免疫不全ウイルス(FIV)抗体ならびに猫白血病ウイルス(FeLV)抗原の検索を行った.B.henselae抗体価は間接蛍光抗体法で, T.gondii, FIV抗体ならびにFeLV抗原は市販のキットを用いて測定した.調査した猫のうち, 43頭(9.1%)がB.henselaeに対し, 41頭(8.7%)がT.gondiiに対する抗体を保有していた.B.henselaeに対する雄猫の抗体陽性率は12.9%と雌猫の5.2%に比べ有意に高い値を示した(p<0.01).一方、T.gondii抗体陽性率は雄猫の9.1%, 雌猫の8.7%で有意な差は見られなかった.各病院ごとの猫のB.henselae抗体陽性率は0〜19.5%, T.gondii抗体陽性率は4.0〜18.8%であった.B.henselaeおよびT.gondii抗体陽性の猫は1歳以下〜14歳まで見られ, T.gondii抗体陽性率は年齢とともに上昇する傾向が見られた.無作為抽出した67頭の猫血清のうち, 16頭(23.8%)がFIV抗体を6頭(8.9%)がFeLV抗原をそれぞれ保有していたが, これらとB.henselaeの陽性率との間に関連性は認められなかった.
越智 勇一 勝部 泰次
日本獸醫學雜誌 (ISSN:00215295)
vol.20, no.4, pp.171-177, 1958-08-30

The authors previously rerorted on the bacterial flora of the udders ofhealthy" and mastitis cows," as well as on the bacteriological classification of theisolated organisms."I. Comparison of the bacterial flora of the udders of healthy and mastitis cows.As for the normal flora of the udders, (3 herds, 53 cows, 201 quarters)Staphylococcus was the most predominant and Bacillus, Corynebacterium, Stre-ptococcus, Gafkya, Sarcina, Gram-negative bacilli and Fungi were usolated witha lessening frequency in the order listed. Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacillus,Gafkya, Corynebacterium and Gram-negative bacilli were isolated in the stateof either pure culture or predominant to the other organisms at the rate of 42,9, 6, 5, 4 and 1%, respectively. Two or more kinds of organisms were isolatedin an almost equal quantity in 29% and no viable organisms were isolated in2,96.As for the bacterial flora of mastitis cows, (100) Streptococcus was isolatedmost frequently and Bacillus, Gram-negative bacilli, Staphylococcus, (:oryne-bacterium, Sarcina, and Gafkya were isolated less frequently in the order listed.Streptococcus, Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus, and Gram-negative bacilli wereisolated in the state of either pure culture or predominant to the other organismsin 51, 11, 9 and 9%, respectively. Two or more kinds of organisms weremsolated in an almost equal amount in I7g and bacterial isolation was negativein 3%.IT. Relation between our classification of the organisms isolated frorn norrnaludders and bovine mastitis.I) StreptococcusLactococcus group was predominant in both the healthy or the diseasedudders next in frequency was Enterococcus group and the least frequent wasSlre ptococcus group.2) StaphylococcusAs for the normal flora of udders, Staphylococcus type II was observedrnost frequently (89%), Staphylococcus type I came next (9,961), Staphylococcustype III was least in frequency (1%).In the case of rrnastitis, Staphylococcus type I comprised 40% of the organisnxsisolated and Staphylcccccus type II, 60%. Out ofwas Staphylococcus type II and this moreover, was isolated with a considerableamount of Escherichiae.3 ) CorynebacteriumAll the organisms isolated from normal udders were Corynebacteriumpseudodiphthericum, while the organisms isolated from cases of of mastitis, 70%were identified as Corxnebacterium pxoxenes and 30% as Corxnebacterium pseudo-diphthericuwt.In the case of mastitis out of the 11 cases from which ()orynebaeterittmwas isolated in the state of either pure culture or predominant to otherorzanisms, 9 cases were Corxnebacterium pxozenes and 2 cases were Cortne-bacterium pseudodiphthericum, one being mixed with Streptococcus and the otherwith Escherichiae and Streptococcus.4) Gram-negative bacilliA few strains isolated from normal udders were identified as Enterobacter-iaceae, while many strains isolated from the cases of mastitis were identified asEschet"ichiae.In the case of mastitis, out of the 9 cases from which Gram-negative bacilliwere isolated in the state of either pure culture or predominant to the otherorganisms, 8 cases were Escherichiae and 1 case was Protetts, mixed withStreptococcus.Isolation of Gafkya and Sarcina was low in frequency and Bacillus wasrather high from both normal and mastitis udders. In the case of mastitis,however, these organisms were not isolated in the predominant state.On the basis of the above mentioned results, Streptococcns, especiallyLactococcus nrouv, StaPh;lococcus tvr>e I, Corxnebacterittm P?ozenes and Escheri-chiae are regarded as the most important causative agents of bovine mastitis.Since all the causative agents of bovine mastitis are the organisms found111 the normal flora, the authors consider that bovine mastitis is a disease causednot merely by the organisms themselves but requires some predisposing factorsplaced on the udders which allow active multiplication of these organisms andsuggest that it is a poly-bacterial non-specific disease which can be included inthe 0CHIS theory of autogenous infectious diseases. The authors have already reported a survey on the incidence of Iarval lung-flukes,Paragonimus ohirai, in Sesarma dehaani collected from the Xlaruyama River, in HyogoPrefecture.In the present study, immature P. ohirai obtained from the abdominal cavity ofwhite rats 15 to 24 days after their infection by metacercariae, were transplanted intothe peritoneal cavity of uninfected rats. It was the purpose of this work to producerats harboring a known number of these lung-flukes, as well as to gain a better under-standing of the biological natures of these implanted flukes and the course of the infec-tion in the experimental hosts.The experiment was made on a total of 15 adult white rats exposed, individually,to from l to 4 young adult worms : of these, five received 1 worm each, five received 2worms each, three received 3 worms each and two received 4 worms each. These ani-mats were killed between the 21st and 97th days after the infection, and the distributionof the adult worms and worm cysts in the host was examined macroscopically andmicroscopically.The results obtained are as follows(l) The number of young adult worms recovered from the lungs and pleural cavityof the hosts as adult worms, namely, the rate of infection by these implanted flukes,was 100% with the exception of rat 14 as shown in Table I.(2) In the rats individually exposed to only one young adult worm, all of theimplanted flukes remained free in the pleural cavity of the host without invading intothe lung tissue, throughout the entire period of the investigation. Therefore, in theseaninnals no clear evidence of elimination of the eggs in the feces, or their entry intothe cavity formation in the lungs, were observed. On the other hand, in the rats indi-vidually exposed to from 2 to 4 young adult worms, all of the implanted flukes enteredinto the lung tissue of the host, where they formed the typical worm cysts. These ratsalso began to pass the eggs in their feces between the 18th and 37th days after the in-fection by immature P. ohirai.(3) The implant once or twice, the peak egg count throuughout the entire period of the investigation, asshown in Fig. 2 to 4. The first peak egg count (2,850 to II,250EPG) occurred betweenthe 4th and 16th days, and the second one (3,816 to TO,TOO F,PG) between the 19th and31st days after the beginning of patency. As soon as the fecal egg production reacheda peak, it rapidly fell to a low level of between O and 183 eggs per gram of feces.(5) It is suggested, therefore, that the transitory decrease in the egg count to nega-tive or near negative may be connected with a removal of the dwelling place of theimplanted flukes in the lungs of their hosts.EXPLANATION or PLATESPlate I1=3. Showing the morphology of the young adult worms of P. ohirai used in the experiment.1. Young adtnlt worm from the alcdominal cavity of a rat 15 days after infection by meta-cercariae, mounted specimen. 0.225 by 0.118 rum.2. Young adult worm from the abdominal cavity of a rat 20 days after infection by meta-cercariae, mounted specimen. 0.338 by 0.170mm.3. Young adult worm from the abdominal cavity of a rat 24 days after infection by meta-cercariae, mounted specimen. 0.388 by 0.195 mm.4?13. Showing the distribution of the worm cysts in the lungs of rats which had received a youngadult worm of P. ohirai, respectixxely. (No cavity formation was observed in the lungs of any ofthese rats as shown in the photographs.)4. Cross section of the left lung of rat 1.5. Cross section of the right lung of rat 1.6. Cross section of the left lung of rat 3.7. Cross section of the right lung of rat 3.8. Cross section of the left lung of rat 6.9. Cross section of the right lung of rat 6.10. Cross section of the left lung of rat 7.11. Longitudinal section of the right lung of rat 7.12. Cross section of the left lung of rat 8.13. Cross section of the right lung of rat 8.14?23. Showing the distribution of the worm cysts in the lungs of rats which had received twoadult worms of P. ohirai, respectively.14. Cross section of the left lung of rat 5.15. Cross section of the right lun cyst, containing no worm. It forms a cavity due to softening the lung tissue.23. Cross section of the left and right lungs of rat 19. In the right lung a cut surface of ayounger worm cyst which contains two adult worms is seen. It forms a cavity due tosoftening of the lung tissue.Plate II24?31. Showing the distribution of the worm cysts in the lungs of rats which had received threeyoung adult worms of P. ohirai, respectively.24. Cross section of the left lung of rat 10. There are seen the cut surfaces of a younger wormcyst (A) from which a living adult worm (B) had been recovered, and an older one (C). Theformer forms a cavity due to softening of the lung tissue, while the latter, a cavity due to thedilation of the bronchtus.25. Another cross section of the left lung of rat 10. There are seen the cut surfaces of a youngerworm cyst (A) which contains two adult worms, and two older ones (B, C). The oneforms a cavity due to softening of the lung tissue, while the others, the cavities due to thedilations of the bronchi.26. Cross section of the right lung of rat 10. There are seen the two older worm cysts (A, B).Each of them forms a cavity due to the dilation of the bronchus.27. Cross sections of the left lung and the intermediate Robe of the right lttng of rat 15.28. Cross section of the right lung of rat 15. There are seen the cut surfaces of a younger wormcyst (A) which contains two adult worms, and an older one (B) which contains a deadadult worm. Each of them forms a cavity due to the dilation of the bronchus.29. Cross sections of the left lung and the intermediate Robe of the right lung of rat 18.30. Cross section of the right lung of rat 18. There is seen a cut surface of a younger wormcyst (A) from which two living adult worms (B) had been recovered. It forrms a cavitydue to softening the lung tissue.31.
森田 幸雄 新井 真理子 野村 治 丸山 総一 勝部 泰次
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:09167250)
vol.56, no.3, pp.585-587, 1994-06-15

2歳の雄, 輸入伝書鳩において総排泄口後方の皮膚に結節(直径約15mm)を認めた. 皮膚の結節および糞便からMycobacterium avium血清型2型が分離された. 分離菌のうち光沢があり隆起した親水性の集落(SmD株)ならびに光沢がなく小さい疎水性集落(RG株)を, 鶏(白色レグホン, 雌, 40日齢)の翼静脈内にそれぞれ10^6個および10^7個接種したところ, RG株投与鶏は39日目に, SmD株投与鶏は77日目に死亡した. SmD株, RG株投与鶏はともに肝臓, 脾臓の腫大が著しく, SmD株投与鶏の肺, 肝臓および脾臓には粟粒大の白色結節が認められた. 投与鶏の肺, 肝臓, 脾臓, 腎臓ならびに膵臓からSmD株およびRG株が回収された.
丸山 総一 田中 司 勝部 泰次 仲西 寿男 貫名 正文
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science) (ISSN:00215295)
vol.52, no.6, pp.1237-1244, 1990-12-15 (Released:2008-02-14)
8 11

1986年5月から1987年4月までの1年間にわたり, 神奈川県の海岸および墓地に棲息するカラスの新鮮糞便500検体より, 高温カンピロバクターの分離を試みると共に, 分離したC. jejuniについてSkirrowの生物型別ならびにPennerの血清型別を行った. 年間を通じて, 海岸のカラスの糞便270検体中169検体 (62.6%), 墓地のカラスの糞便230検体中106検体 (46.1%) から高温カンピロバクターが検出された. 本菌の月別検出率は, 海岸のカラスでは32.0%から85.0%, 墓地のカラスでは20.0%から75.0%であった. 検出された菌種は, 海岸のカラスでは, C. jejuniが150検体から, C. coliが21検体から, C. laridisが14検体から, 墓地のカラスでは, C. jejuniが80検体から, C. coliが12検体から, C. laridisが16検体からそれぞれ検出された. 両地点のカラス由来C. jejuni192株の多く (91.1%) は生物型Iであった. 192株中169株が20の血清型に分類され, 両地点とも血清型2が最も優勢であった.
森田 幸雄 丸山 総一 勝部 泰次
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:09167250)
vol.56, no.3, pp.475-479, 1994-06-15

1988年から1990年の3年間に, 群馬県内のG食肉処理場で, 処理された豚1,776,294頭中4,919頭(0.28%)に非定型抗酸菌症が発見された. 結核様結節の多くは, 下顎リンパ節(64.4%)と腸間膜リンパ節(29.0%)にみられた. 上記の食肉処理場に出荷している1,200養豚場のうち4農場に集団発生が, 870農場に散発的な発生がみられた. 1988年9月から1989年12月の間に発見された2,076頭中231頭について病変部ならびに胃, 盲腸内容からの非定型抗酸菌の分離を試みた. 結核様病変がリンパ節のみにみられたもの219頭中141頭の病変部から, 肝臓または実質臓器とリンパ節の両者にみられたもの12頭中12頭の病変からMycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex(MAIC)が分離された. また, 細菌検査を実施した231頭のうち11頭の胃内容および6頭の盲腸内容からMAICが分離された. 分離株431株のうち336株は13の血清型に分類された. MAIC血清型6型(34.6%)が最も優勢で, 次いで8型(21.8%), 4型(8.6%), 10型(6.5%)であり, MAIC血清型3型も4株検出された. 16頭の豚で複数の血清型が分離された. 群馬県ではMAICによる豚の非定型抗酸菌症が蔓延していることが示唆された.
丸山 総一 新野 猛 山許 和昭 勝部 泰次
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:09167250)
vol.56, no.1, pp.139-141, 1994-02-15

14週齢の雌の白色レグホン種に犬回虫感染子虫包蔵卵1,500個を経口投与し, 投与1日目から50日目まで肝臓, 心臓, 脾臓, 脳, 筋肉(ササミ, 胸筋, 脚筋)の幼虫分布状況を調べるとともに, 肝臓の病理組織学的検討を行った. 幼虫寄生数は, ササミの0〜132隻, 胸筋の0〜10隻, 脚筋の4〜30隻, 肝臓の40〜192隻, 心臓の0〜4隻, 脾臓の0〜2隻, 脳の0〜1隻であった. 投与第6日以降の肝臓表面に, 小数の微細な白斑が観察された. 組織学的には, リンパ球, 好酸性顆粒球からなる肉芽腫性結節が多数観察され, 病変は時間の経過とともに重度になる傾向にあった.