田邉 徳子 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.77, no.5, pp.387-392, 2014 (Released:2015-05-22)

This study focuses on the functions of rivers serving as canals. The Ooka and Nakamura basin in Yokohama City was designated as a study subject. The history of development and decline of canals, which had been affected by changes in the roles of canals, had been clarified. Bibliographical research and spatial analysis with a graphic plan and topographical maps were conducted for the investigation. The subject area was reclaimed land which was completed 350 years ago, and some changes were triggered by the opening of Port of Yokohama. Furthermore, multiple canals were built in the middle of the Meiji Period in order to improve convenience of transportation and to protect foreign settlements. At that point, canals were the foundation of everyday life. However, demand for canals started diminishing towards the middle of the Showa Period due to the new establishment of railways and motorways, and canals were started to be filled in or converted to culverts towards the end of the Showa. The remaining area is now utilized as a subway, green passage or parks. Therefore, it is concluded that the canals are important components of the current city landscape with the history of development and decline.
古谷 勝則
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.61, no.5, pp.669-674, 1998-03-30

水内 佑輔 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.75, no.5, pp.389-394, 2012 (Released:2013-08-09)
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Ise-Shima National Park is the only national park that was designated without a deliberation of the National Park Commission in 1946, right after World War II. The objective of this study is to clarify this exceptional case of Ise-Shima's designation as a national park, in relation to Ise Jingu (the Ise Grand Shrine), by exploring the background of its designation. The background can be roughly divided into two periods: during World War II, and right after the war. It has been confirmed that Ise Jingu imposed its influence in different ways in each period. The transportation network was well established due to Ise Jingu’s characteristics as a sacred place and for the purpose of shrine visits. This indirectly influenced the designation of the national park candidates in the Shima region. Soon after the war, Ise Jingu faced the threat of being dismantled. Walter Popham of GHQ and Ishigami Kashiro of the Ministry of Welfare recognized the value of Ise Jingu and proposed that they designate the shrine area of Ise Jingu as a national park. Re-establishment of the administrations of national parks was still in process; however, the necessity for speedy protection of Ise Jingu served as a key factor for the unusual designation. After the designation of Ise-Shima National Park, the demand for national park designations increased all over the country, and this was the impetus for national park administrations to fully resume their work.
古谷 勝則 油井 正昭 赤坂 信 多田 充 大畑 崇
千葉大学園芸学部学術報告 (ISSN:00693227)
vol.55, pp.21-41, 2001-03-31

高瀬 唯 劉 成玉 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.11, pp.70-81, 2018-07-02 (Released:2018-07-21)

The natural environment serves to create a pleasant living environment for human habitation, both aesthetically and functionally, and it is important to preserve the natural environment that citizens are familiar with in their daily lives. The purpose of this study was to understand human experiences of natural landscapes in everyday life in terms of a spatial image. A questionnaire using landscape image sketching techniques was conducted (n=73). This study used three concepts: 1) visual objects perceived as one environment, 2) elements of visual objects, and 3) images that the test subject recalled from the visual objects. The landscape experiences were classified then into three types: tree-recollection, grass or waterside-recollection, and terrainrecollection. For example, in the tree-recollection type, the subject tended feel enclosed by trees, with a typical example being streets. The subject acquired an aesthetic impression relative to the vegetation. In the grass or waterside- recollection type, subject tended to recall their own behavior relative to an experience with nature or a sense of a large, open green space. In the terrain- recollection type, the subject developed the impression of the elements of visual objects, such as a mountain, sea, a forest.
吉野 美沙樹 古谷 勝則 鈴木 薫美子
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.74, no.5, pp.591-596, 2011 (Released:2012-09-05)
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Spaces for children to freely play in, such as fields and empty lots, have been diminishing due to urbanization. In this study, outdoor activities and nature experiences which remain in university students’ memories have been categorized, an d the activity areas have been identified. For the survey of outdoor activities, information of activity details and illustration of play areas were collected from 101 respondents. With regard to the survey of nature experiences, descriptions of nature experience and information on activity areas were collected from 70 respondents. Respondents themselves also participated in a workshop to categorize the nature experiences. The types of play area remaining in memories are in rather close proximity in everyday life as compared with locations such as large scaled parks. In particular, elementary schools (42%), parks (17%), and streets (13%) remained in university students’ memories. As for activity areas for nature experiences, nature land (31%) counted the highest figure, followed by parks (13%), neighborhoods (12%), elementary schools (11%), and fields (9%). It is important to consider areas which remain in university students’ memories even after ten years since their childhood. It is necessary to equip activity locations appropriately according to outdoor acti vities and nature experiences.
水内 佑輔 野嶋 太智 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.9, pp.91-102, 2016-04-23 (Released:2016-09-10)

The purpose of this study is to discuss landscape evaluation by the visitors of a trail, which is a sequential landscape. Meiji no Mori Takao Quasi-National Park was selected as a study site, and 31 respondents used GPS with a Visitor Employed Photography method. The total of 1,037 photographs were obtained, all of which taking locations were identifiable. Three levels of scale were used for the analysis: 1) the entire trail, 2)“ section” where the trail was divided into relatively similar units, and 3) spot locations. Spatial analysis was conducted with GIS, and preferred places and landscape experiences were examined for each level. The results showed that four highly preferred locations were extracted among the spot location level. Landscape experiences were found to be homogeneous at each location. As for the section level, highly preferred places were identified; and it was also revealed that photography activities decrease right after an impactful landscape experience. Lastly, the necessity of an on-site survey, including spatial analysis, was discussed in order to analyze sequential landscape experience at natural landscape area.
小菅 貴史 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.587-592, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)

In Yakushima, which is a World Heritage site, limitations in visits are considered from the nature conservation perspectives; while there is an opinion that such limitations would negatively affect tourism which supports lives of islanders. In this study, the objective was defined to clarify “expectation and satisfaction with Yakushima tourism” among Yakushima tourists and travel trade. Attitude surveys were conducted with tourists (n=492) and travel trade (n=70). Firstly, tourists expected more about attractive nature and eco-tour experience than travel traders imagined. This indicates that tourists firmly recognize the strength of the value and brand of the attractive nature of Yakushima and the eco-tour experience there. Secondly, tourists were more satisfied with Yakushima tour in terms of attractive nature and eco-tour experience than travel traders imagined. Actually, their expectation exceeded their satisfaction. When future measures for Yakushima tourism are developed with the above study results, it is expected that those measures would contribute to activate the local community. Therefore, it may be considered very important to continue to maintain the high value of Yakushima’s nature in the future.
栗原 雅博 古谷 勝則 一場 博幸 中島 敏博 加藤 峰夫
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.72, no.5, pp.639-644, 2009 (Released:2010-06-24)

Trampling sensitive vegetation around nature trails is one of the most serious problem of destroying some alpine or sub-alpine grassland vegetation in Japan. And trampling occurs in case visitors don't know the weakness of the vegetation, or avoid some dangerous situation or crowds. To solve this problem, we researched the relationship between the sense & knowledge and the attribution of visitors after climbing Mt. Shibutsu, of which trails are suffered from serious destruction because of trampling and erosions. As a result, we cleared that difficulty on the trail from the peak to Yamanohana was felt regardless of the attribution, and almost all visitor felt the danger on it, and particular age groups and size group had feeling concerning trampling. These suggest there may be potentials of trampling because of it. We concluded this difficulty must be informed to all visitors in order to avoid entering this trail. Similarly we also concluded coordination of flow of large-size visitor groups and on-site lecture are needed to conserve Mt. Shibutu.
水内 佑輔 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.433-438, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)
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This research is aimed to clarify the History of the designation of precincts of Kirishima Jingu as a National Park. Kirhishima was a sacred area of Kirhishima Jingu and was managed by it in pre modern history. Honda and Tamura presented Kirhishima Park Plan in 1920. This plan included design of the precincts and forest of the Kirishima Jingu, and “Tennen kouen /Natural Park Theory” of Honda and Tamura laid significant influence on this plan. This plan introduced a concept of National Park to a local society and triggered development by them. However, the evaluation of Kirishima by Honda and Tamura was not very high upon selection of National Parks around 1931. Tourism development of Kirishima progressed after that; however, management of national parks became stagnant during World War II. During that time, usage and further development progressed mainly around Kirishima Jingu.

1 0 0 0 緑地・環境

古谷 勝則
都市計画 (ISSN:04959280)
vol.53, no.5, pp.73-81, 2004-10-25
中島 敏博 田代 順孝 古谷 勝則
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.70, no.5, pp.579-584, 2007-03-30
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Open-space conservation activities are popular in the suburban area. But they have an issue to continue their group. New member, especially young people, have not accessed to them. We should understand way to participate the ordinary people in the open-space conservation activities. The paper aimed to clear the relation to the open-space use and the distance between the open-spaces and citizens' neighborhood. We researched the citizens at Matsudo city in Chiba prefecture by questionnaire survey. They answered using the open-space and their neighborhood extend within 2km from their residence. In the results, if planning to manage the open-space by citizens where is 300-500m away from their neighborhoods, we should brush up the quality of open-space. Because, they only use that several time. We should create the chance they want to manage them. Another hand, the open-space within 300m away from their neighborhood, they use the open-space usually. And this situation has high potential to manage the open-space with them. Finally, we suggest a unit of area for open-space planning with open-space conservation activities by citizens.
田代 順孝 木下 剛 赤坂 信 小林 達明 柳井 重人 古谷 勝則

最終年度である平成18年度は,地区スケールの緑の配置計画の可能性について検討を行うとともに,これまでの研究成果をとりまとめて研究の総括とした。住宅地と街路空間を対象として放射エネルギー分布図を作成することにより,夏季の高温化を促進する土地被覆と冷却効果を持つ土地被覆を特定し,その効果を定量的に把握することができた。さらに,放射エネルギー分布図を利用して,温熱環境(または温熱景)制御のために,緑の配置によって蓄熱する景観要素をコントロールすることの可能性についての知見が得られた。中高木を植栽して緑陰を確保するとともに,土地被覆を芝生や裸地とすることで,地中への蓄熱を軽減することが予測された。また,表面温度と周囲の気温との温度差が大きく,放射熱伝達が大きい場合は発生源(各要素)から出る放射エネルギーに対して,適切な緑を配することで軽減できることが明らかとなった。さらに,熱帯地方における日影変化・樹木形態(樹種や植栽密度の違いによる)・緑陰効果からみた緑陰地の特性について検証し,温熱景制御に資する緑の配置パターン(植栽デザイン)について明らかにした。具体的には,緑陰エリアは日中,樹冠と同程度の最小限の日影をつくり出すことから,人々の活動をサポートするための緑陰空間は日中において特に考慮されるべきである。緑陰地の空間形態は樹木のサイズ(樹高と樹冠により中規模,大規模,極大規模)によって規定される。全緑陰(Full Shade)は密植(暗い緑陰と樹冠の重層)により形成され,非全緑陰(Not Full Shade)は疎林(やや暗い緑陰と樹冠の接触)によって形成される。また,分離植栽は緑陰を形成しない(樹冠が離れており地表は明るい)。葉と枝張りの密度の濃い緑陰樹は緑陰地のデザインにおいて特に適している。緑陰空間の特性は,熱帯地方の特に日中,太陽が南中した際に重要な役割を果たす日影に重要な影響を及ぼす。日影の継続は人々の活動に高い快適性をもたらすことができた。以上の結果から,温熱景制御に資する地区スケールでの緑の計画の在り方について有用な知見を得た。