涌井 秀樹 山下 純一 大渕 宏道 吉田 廣作 中本 安 三浦 亮
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.75, no.6, pp.788-791, 1986

症例は16才の女子高校生で修学旅行中に一過性の黒色尿を生じたため入院した.尿潜血反応は強陽性であつたが赤血球沈渣はみられなかつた.血清ビリルビン, LDH, GOT値の上昇と血清ハプトグロビン値の減少を認めた. Coombs試験, Ham試験, sugar water試験は陰性で赤血球浸透圧脆弱試験は正常であつた.運動負荷試験を行なつた.黒色尿は生じなかつたが血管内溶血の所見を得た.修学旅行後は通常の学校生活に戻つたが黒色尿はみられていない.以上より修学旅行中の長距離歩行によるmarch hemoglobinuriaと診断された.本邦報告例では圧倒的に青年男子の運動選手,特に剣道選手にみられるので,本症例はきわめてまれな例である.
青野 淳子 遊佐 浩 石上 敏幸 白土 貴之 鬼澤 浩司郎 吉田 廣
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.48, no.3, pp.179-182, 2002-03-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

A rare case of osteomalacia with an oronasal fistula developing after sequestrectomy is presented. The patient was a 45-year-old woman who was referred to our hospital because of an intractable ulcer at the midline of the hard palate. She had an edentulous maxilla and wore a poorly fitting complete maxillary denture. Oral examination showed ulceration with a sequestrum under the prosthesis. Removal of the sequestrum extending from the oral cavity to the nostrils resulted in an oronasal fistula of the hard palate. The case was finally diagnosed as osteomalacia based on the results of radiographic and serum chemical examinations. In this patient, continuous pressure caused by the poorly fitting maxillary denture induced the sequestrum in the hard palate, which was thin and fragile because of osteomalacia.
中野 真祐 鬼澤 浩司郎 生井 友農 山縣 憲司 白土 貴之 吉田 廣
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.51, no.5, pp.335-339, 2002-09-10 (Released:2011-09-07)

Long-term corticosteroid administration induces secondary adrenal insufficiency and an increased susceptibility to infection. Surgical intervention in patients receiving steroid medication should be performed with consideration to preventing adrenal crisis, delayed wound healing, and infection. To securely manage tooth extraction in patients receiving steroid medication, 50 patients taking predonisolone (PSL) were retrospectively investigated. The mean dosage of PSL in the patients was 14.2mg/day, and the mean duration of the treatment was 7 years and 3 months. Forty-nine of the 50 patients were treated under local anesthesia, and the number of teeth concurrently removed was from 1 to 4. Preoperative supplemental steroid administration was applied to only two patients: one treated under general anesthesia, and the other during a period of reducing steroid dosage. Penicillin was commonly selected as the antibiotic to prevent infection, and it was administered preoperatively and postoperatively, for a mean duration of 4.1 days. As complications, infection occurred in 2 cases, and dry socket and discomfort in 1 case for each, in whom PSL had been taken for more than 12 years. These results suggested that removal of teeth in patients taking steroid medication can be securely performed without supplemental steroid by using effective administration of antibiotics.
伊藤誠悟 吉田 廣志 河口信夫
情報処理学会研究報告モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信(MBL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.90, pp.25-31, 2005-09-15

近年無線LANの普及が急速に進み,無線LAN環境を用いた位置測位システムが非常に多く開発され位置情報システムが身近に利用できる環境になりつつある.本論文では,無線LAN測位システムのためのプロジェクトLockyプロジェクトの紹介,位置推定手法とその応用アプリケーションについて提案する.Lockyシステムにおいては環境に存在する無線LANのBSSID(Basic Service Set Identifier)情報や受信電波強度分布の情報をユーザのコラボレーションで収集しそれらの事前電波情報と,ユーザがある状態において観測できる無線LAN情報を用いて位置推定を行う.本システムにおいてはユーザはノートPCやPDA等の無線LAN機能付き端末さえもっていれば端末の位置推定を行い位置依存サービスを手軽に享受することが可能である.Over the last few years, wireless LAN and location-based services has been a hot subject of controversy. Many positioning systems using wireless LAN have been developing. In this paper, we introduce a community based positioning project using wireless LAN named Locky.jp. And we propose a positioning method and location based application using Locky. In Locky system, pre-observation data of wireless environment information that user can collect at that point, system estimates terminal's location. When a user wants to utilize location based service based on Locky system, the user only need a laptop or PDA with wireless LAN.
伊藤誠悟 吉田 廣志 河口 信夫
情報処理学会研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.116, pp.117-122, 2006-11-10

現在,屋外環境において最も利用されている位置情報システムはGPSであり,GPSに対応する多くの地図アプリケーションや位置情報を考慮したアプリケーションが開発されてきた.しかし,GPSは屋内環境で利用できないため,屋内環境において位置情報を考慮したアプリケーションを利用する事が出来ない.一方,近年の無線LANの急速な普及により無線LANを利用した位置情報システムは屋内外において利用可能となりつつある.本論文では,既存の位置情報を考慮したアプリケーションを屋内外の環境でシームレスに利用できる手法の提案を行う.本手法を利用することにより,アプリケーションは,GPSと無線LANによる出力された位置情報を区別せずに利用できる.加えて,無線LANを用いた広域な位置情報システムの実現を目指すプロジェクトであるLocky.jpの紹介を行う.Most major location information system in outdoors is GPS, and many location-based applications using GPS have been developed. But, GPS cannot use in indoors, thus these applications are not available. In contrast, Wireless LAN positioning is available in indoors and outdoors. In this paper, we propose integration method of wireless LAN positioning and GPS. By using our method, application can use location information of GPS and wireless LAN without distinction. In addition, we introduce metropolitan-scale wireless LAN positioning project locky.jp
池田 瑞音 宮永 豊 下條 仁士 白木 仁 水上 正人 吉田 廣 目崎 登
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.287-295, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)

The purposes of this study were to examine the effect of teeth clenching on isokinetic muscle strength during isokinetic elbow (60, 120 degrees per second) and knee (60, 180 degrees per second) extension and flexion using a BIODEX isokinetic dynamometer. Twenty-five American football players (19.6±1.3 years) with normal occlusion served as subjects. Isokinetic muscle strength of the elbow and knee, extension and flexion strength were measured during tooth clenching (Bite), biting with a soft biteplate (Soft), biting with a hard biteplate (Hard), and without tooth clenching (No-bite). Analysis of the peak torque per body weight and the time to peak torque yielded the following results:1) The peak torque per body weight of elbow extension with Soft was significantly higher than with Bite and No-bite (120 deg/s, p<0.05).2) The time to peak torque of elbow extension with Hard was significantly slower than that with No-bite and Soft (60 deg/s, p<0.05), and those with Bite and Hard were significantly slower than that with No-bite (120 deg/s, p<0.05).3) The peak torque per unit body weight of knee flexion with Bite and Hard were significantly lower than that with No-bite (60 deg/s, p<0.05), and that with Bite was significantly lower than that with No-bite (180 deg/s, p<0.05).4) The time to peak torque of knee flexion with Soft and Hard were significantly slower than that with No-bite (60 deg/s, p<0.05), and that with Bite, Soft and Hard were significantly slower than that with No-bite (180 deg/s, p<0.05).These findings suggest that tooth clenching and the materials of the biteplate are factors that lead to increased isokinetic muscle strength of elbow extension and to decreased isokinetic muscle strength of knee flexion. Thus it appears that tooth clenching and the materials of the bite-plate do not influence isokinetic elbow flexion muscle strength or knee extension muscle strength.
伊藤誠悟 吉田 廣志 河口 信夫
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.47, no.12, pp.3124-3136, 2006-12-15

ユビキタス情報社会の実現に向けて屋内外で利用可能な位置情報システムの構築が求められている.近年の急速な無線LAN の普及により,屋内外のあらゆる環境において無線LAN アクセスポイントが設置され,広い範囲で利用可能な,無線LAN を用いた位置情報システムの実現可能性が高まりつつある.本論文が対象とする無線LAN 位置情報システムでは,アクセスポイントの緯度経度情報およびBSSID(Basic Service Set Identi.er)を位置推定のための基準点情報として収集し,基準点情報を利用して位置推定を行う.広く利用できる位置情報システムを構築するためには,無線LAN 位置情報システムの実現可能性を調査し,基準点情報を広域に効率良く収集することが課題となる.加えて,位置情報システムの性能としての位置推定精度や推定可能範囲と,基準点情報の収集手法との関係を明らかにする必要がある.本論文では基準点情報の収集手法について,「収集地域の違い」「収集回数の違い」「収集経路の違い」「収集手段の違い」といった複数の観点から検討および評価を行った.その結果,名古屋,東京,大阪の都市部において,すべての経路のおよそ半分の経路の収集だけでも,80%程度の位置で30~50m の精度で推定可能となることが分かった.Looking toward the ubiquitous information environment, there are some demands for positioning system which can use both indoors and outdoors. According to spread of wireless LAN, many positioning systems using wireless LAN have been developed. Although many studies have been made on accuracy in indoors environment, little is known about construction method of wide-area positioning system using wireless LAN. The positioning system we assume uses access points database which consist of BSSID (Basic Service Set Identi.er) and location of access point. By using this reference points, the system estimates position. To construct wide-area positioning system, it is important to collect reference point e.ectively. In this paper, we examine construction method of wireless LAN based wide-area positioning system from point of view of collection area, collection route, collection vehicle, and number of collection. We collected reference points in real environment, and conducted evaluation experiments. Our results show, although reference point collectors decrease route in half, it is possible to estimate position with 30~50m accuracy and more than 80% coverage.