八十島 崇 木塚 朝博 埜口 博司 白木 仁 向井 直樹 下條 仁士 宮永 豊
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.1, pp.43-50, 2003-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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Electromyographic activity of the shoulder muscle at 20 and 90°abduction (20 Abd, 90 Abd) during external rotation was investigated in seven healthy men with no history of injury or instability of the shoulder joint.Electromyography (EMG) was recorded using intramuscular fine-wire electrodes inserted into the M. Supraspinatus, M. Infraspinatus and M. Teres minor, and with bipolar surface electrodes on the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid anti the upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius. To compare activity in different muscles, the integrated EMG (iEMG ) activity of each muscle was normalized.M. Infraspinatus and M. Teres minor showed significantly higher activity at both the 20 Abd and 90Abd compared with the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid and upper parts of M. Trapezius. M. Supraspinatus, the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid, and upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius all showed a difference in activity level between the two positions.These findings suggest that when M. Infraspinatus and M. Teres minor contribute to external rotation as a stabilizer and prime mover, consecutively, M. Supraspinatus, the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid, and upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius function according to the positions. Moreover, the activity of the upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius in 90Abd should influence stabilization, adduction and upward rotation of the scapula. Therefore, we conclude that the external rotation position is closely related to shoulder muscle activity and coordination.
八十島 崇 木塚 朝博 埜口 博司 白木 仁 向井 直樹 宮永 豊
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.5, pp.491-498, 2003-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of position (full can, empty can) and change of angle on the activity of shoulder muscles during scapular plane abduction ; and also to examine its application to exercises used for rehabilitation of shoulder muscles. Seven healthy subjects (23.4±1.4 yr) with normal shoulder function performed scapular plane abduction with external rotation (full can) and scapular plane abduction with internal rotation (empty can) . An electromyogram was recorded with a fine wire intramuscular electrode at the supraspinatus, deltoid anterior, middle, posterior and trapezius upper with bipolar surface. The EMG activity (RMS) of each muscle was normalized by the highest EMG activity (100%RMS) during a maximum manual muscle test for each muscle (%RMS) . The %RMS of each muscle remarkably increased with a change of the angle for empty can, whereas it showed a slight increase with a change of the angle for full can. This finding suggests that the position of full can and empty can in scapular plane abduction affects the function of shoulder muscles. In addition, full can exercise is recommended in order to improve function of the supraspinatus and the muscular activity balance between the supraspinatus and the deltoid. Empty can exercise is applied to sport-specific exercise for rehabilitation of shoulder muscles.
白木 仁 青野 淳之介 八十島 崇 宮下 寛子 花岡 美智子 向井 直樹 宮川 俊平 宮永 豊
大学体育研究 (ISSN:03867129)
no.26, pp.23-32, 2004-03

下肢伸展挙上運動(Straight Leg Raise Exercise:以下SLR Ex.)は、関節に荷重負荷がかからず、安全に膝関節のトレーニングが行えることから、膝関節疾患等に対する運動療法の1つとして、医療現場を中心に幅広く行われている。市橋らは、SLR Ex.時の股関節屈曲角度や負荷量の違いが、大腿四等筋の筋活動に及ぼす影響を節電図学的に検証し、 ...
林 和彦 白崎 芳夫 池田 洋教 立石 哲也 下條 仁士 宮永 豊
特定非営利活動法人 日本バイオレオロジー学会
日本バイオレオロジー学会誌 (ISSN:09134778)
vol.17, no.2, pp.26-32, 2003-06-30 (Released:2012-09-24)

The mechanical properties of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) were investigated. The method of a versatile clamp was designed to holding the femur-ACL-tibia complex (FATC). Twelve porcine FACT specimens were tested at angle 30° and the parallel direction of the ACL. The static tensile and stress relaxation tests were performed with an Instron-type universal testing machine. Differences in stress-strain behavior at the two (slow and fast) deformation rates. The ACL AM (anteromedial) bundle exhibited significant distribution of the deformation at the two deformation rates. Good agreement is obtained using Y. C. Fung's QLV (quasi-linear viscoelastic) theory relationship between theoretical and experimental data.
梅澤 慎吾 岩下 航大 坂井 優之 大野 祐介 宮永 豊
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2009, pp.C3O2155, 2010

【目的】<BR>昨今、立脚期油圧制御を備えた高機能膝継手が多数開発され、その代表格C-LEG(OttoBock)の研究報告は以前から行われている。しかしそれらは健常側で運動制御が可能な片側切断の症例や、両側切断では限られた環境での杖歩行が多数を占める。一方、両大腿切断者の二足実用歩行をゴールに据えた場合、高機能膝継手を選択する意義や活用のポイントはこれまで議論されていない。今回の報告では両側切断と片側切断で運動制御の違いを比較し、両切断者に高機能膝継手を処方した場合に歩行自立度に及ぼす影響を検証することを目的とした。<BR>【方法】《症例》30歳、男性、身長170cm。鉄道事故による両膝離断。H19年7月切断術施行。左右断端長45cm、両股関節に可動域制限なし、荷重痛により断端末荷重不可。H19年9月3日より当センター入所。床から車椅子の移乗がプッシュアップ台利用にて自立。訓練期間(4ヶ月)を区分すると内容は次の通り。《C-Leg試用前2ヶ月》開始1ヶ月がソケットと足部のみのスタビー義足を使用し、立位バランスと歩行訓練。後の1ヶ月で段階的に義足長を本来の身長に合わせ、同様の訓練を実施しながら膝継手の変更を試みる。<BR>《両側C-Leg変更後2ヶ月》遊脚期の膝屈曲による足部クリアランスの確保を念頭に置き、平地で杖なし持続歩行が可能となった段階で応用歩行へ移行。坂道の下り・歩行時の減速・方向転換など立脚期油圧制御(イールディング機能)を最大活用することに重点を置き習熟を図る。<BR> 【説明と同意】 研究の目的、方法、予想される臨床上の利益、協力者が不利な扱いを受けないこと、データ管理に注意を払うこと、結果の公表の仕方などを本人に説明し、可能な限りで個人情報の開示を行う旨を了解済みである。<BR>【結果】《C-Leg変更前》固定膝と遊脚期油圧制御膝継手(OttoBock3R60)の組み合わせで約1kmの持続歩行を獲得。これは平地や両側に手摺りのある階段など条件付きの環境にて両T字杖で行っている。一方、屋内外を問わず、坂道の下りは杖使用でも動作獲得は達成されなかった。<BR>《C-Leg変更後》約2ヶ月で屋外杖なし歩行自立、片側手摺りを利用しての階段交互昇降と杖なしでの坂道歩行自立。また約3kmの屋外持続歩行や公共交通機関の利用が杖なしで自立となる。最終では実際に職場で訓練を実施。想定される様々な動作を行い、車いすを用いず遂行可能であることを確認。一方、車での通勤を可能にする環境整備(車の改造、駐車場の確保)も進めた後に退所。復帰後半年間はパートタイム、後にフルタイムで職場復帰を果たす。<BR>【考察】これまでの両大腿義足の訓練は「転倒の恐怖感」が自立への障壁になっていると推測される。片側大腿切断の場合、1.坂道の下り2.歩行時の減速や方向転換など日常生活で頻回に繰り返される動作の多くは、速度調整や安定性の保障などを健常側下肢によって行っている。これに対して両大腿切断者は1.2の動作で転倒しない為の保障を得られず、積極的な動作獲得への取り組みが行えないと考えられる。一方でC-Legの特筆すべき機能として1.強力な油圧抵抗で大腿四頭筋の遠心性収縮を代用し、一方の膝を緩やかに屈曲させながら他方の足部接地を行う時間的猶予を与える(坂道の下りが自立する可能性) 2.歩行時踵接地から爪先離地まで、一連の歩行動作を行わなければ油圧抵抗がキャンセルされず不意な状況で膝折れを起こさない(方向転換時の安定性向上) 3.C-Legをエネルギー効率の面で優位とする報告があり、義足歩行を継続しながらも過負荷にならず、実生活を視野に入れやすいなどの特長がある。今症例のC-Leg使用前、使用後を比較すると坂道下り動作の獲得が達成されたこと、また持続歩行距離に決定的な違いを見出すことができる。この結果は恐怖感が軽減され、省エネルギー歩行が可能であれば、多様な動作のチャレンジが可能となり訓練過程で身体能力がさらに向上し、より高い目標を掴める可能性があることを意味する。訓練で重要となるのは、膝折れを起こさないように立脚期股関節伸展を行う通常歩行、意図的に膝折れする方向に荷重する坂道の下り、この相反する動作の仕組みを説明し、膝継手の特長を義足ユーザーとセラピストが共通理解のうえで反復・習熟を図ることが重要である。<BR>【理学療法学研究としての意義】<BR>両膝を失った状況で公の環境に順応するには、たとえ残存機能を最大限発揮したとしても、ある程度義肢に依存しなければならない側面がある。このようなケースでは膝継手の特長を理解し、調整を適宜セラピストが行うことも求められる。膝継手の特性が両切断者の身体面・精神面にいかに影響を及ぼすかについては、同様の症例でC-Leg並びに、他の膝継手を比較し、定量的・客観的な評価を行っていく必要がある。<BR><BR>
小笠原 一生 宮永 豊 白木 仁 向井 直樹 竹村 雅裕 八十島 崇 宮川 俊平
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.4, pp.403-412, 2006-08-01 (Released:2007-05-15)

The higher anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury rate of females is one of the most sever athletic-related problems today. The purpose of this study is to compare the lower extremity kinematics between male and female during single leg landing.Six male and four female healthy subjects participated in this study. They jumped from a 32 cm high box and landed with the dominant leg. The landing action was filmed with three video cameras. The knee flexion, knee valgus/varus, and hip adduction/abduction angle and angle velocity were calculated.In female subjects, the knee flexion angle and hip adduction angle were greater compared to males. Also, the knee valgus velocity and hip adduction velocity were higher in females.Our results suggest that knee valgus kinematics may be related to hip adduction. It is important to evaluate hip kinematics when considering knee kinematics to prevent knee ligament injuries.
埜口 博司 落合 直之 坂根 正孝 宮永 豊
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.25, no.2, pp.257-262, 2001

[Purpose]The purpose of this study was to evaluate the activity of shoulder muscles in various shoulder positions in the external rotational motion.<BR>[Materials and methods]We examined the non-dominant side of shoulders of 8 adult males who did not have any shoulder disorder. We pasted surface electrodes for 7 outer muscles and stuck needle electrodes into 3 inner muscles of each subject. Each person performed isometric external rotation motion in various loads (0,3,9,15Nm) in 6 positions (60&deg; internal rotation, neutral,30&deg; external rotation with arm at side, and neutral,45&deg; external rotation,90&deg; external rotation with arm at 90&deg; abduction position) with a Cybex-NORM770. We obtained electromyograms of each muscle. An electromyogram signal during a maximum manual muscle strength test (MMT) was selected as the normalizing value (100%) for each subject.<BR>Each activity (%MMT) was atatistically compared, using Scheffe's test. The statistical significance was set at 0.01.<BR>[Results and conclusion]During isometric external rotation motion, in internal rotation or arm at side position, the activities of the muscles were low and the activities of the inner muscles were higher than those of the outer muscles, so these positions might be appropriate for rotator cuff exercises in the early phase of rehabilitation. While, in the 90&deg; external rotation with arm at 90&deg; abduction positi on, which is similar to the cocking phase of throwing, the activities of all the muscles including the outer muscles were very high. So we must be careful when we do shoulder exercise in such like position not to overload the shoulder muscles.
宮西 智久 宮永 豊 福林 徹 馬見塚 尚孝 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 功力 靖雄 岡田 守彦
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.5, pp.583-595, 1999-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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This study was designed to clarify the causes of throwing injuries of the elbow and shoulder joints in baseball. Five varsity-skilled baseball players without pain in the elbow and shoulder joints were subjects for this study. They were fixed to a chair and asked to throw a baseball using three different throwing arm movements (T0, T45, and T90) . These movements were filmed using three-dimensional DLT videography. Linked rigid-body segment inverse dynamics were then employed to determine resultant joint force and torque at the elbow and shoulder joints. Peak varus torque at the elbow joint for T90 was less than for the other movements during the acceleration phase. In the follow-through phase, however, a large anterior shear force (70 N) at the elbow, for elbow extension, was present for T90. These results indicate that T90 was a high risk movement which leads to extension injuries rather than medial tension injuries. After the ball release, a large superior shear force (118 N) at the shoulder joint was present in all movements. This superior force may result from the subacromial impingement syndrome, except for critical zones of impingement caused by the different throwing arm movements. These findings suggest that the mechanisms of throwing arm injuries are closely related to differences in throwing arm movements.
曽我部 晋哉 向井 直樹 下条 仁士 白木 仁 宮川 俊平 目崎 登 宮永 豊
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.3, pp.275-284, 2003-06-01

【Purpose】A leg press generally included in a weight training program to develop the quadriceps. However little is known about the mechanism of the load in lower extremity by the different knee alignment. The purpose of this study is to compare the muscle activity in the different knee alignment during leg press exercise. 【Methods】Four normal knee and Five genu varum performed the leg press using three stance of narrow, medium and wide stance with the load of 75%/1 RM. Surface EMG date were collected (l000Hz) from vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), adductor longus (AL), biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius (GAS), soleus (SOL). Integrated EMG (iEMG) values were calculated for each muscle during each rep. A video camera recorded the performing form during leg press from the frontal plane. 【Results and Discussion】As the leg press was to strengthen of the thigh muscle, VM, VL and RF of both groups worked strongly. However SOL of genu varum worked as strong as the level of activity of the thigh, iEMG of the SOL showed low value significantly by using wide stance. When the genu varum group performed maximal knee flexion using the narrow, their ankle was valgus on the video screen. This result may become cause of SOL higher activity during leg press. From this we can derive the argument that it will be necessary to take that stance into consideration when athletes who are genu varum performs leg press. (Jpn. J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med. 2003, 52 : 275-284)
池田 瑞音 宮永 豊 下條 仁士 白木 仁 水上 正人 吉田 廣 目崎 登
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.287-295, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)

The purposes of this study were to examine the effect of teeth clenching on isokinetic muscle strength during isokinetic elbow (60, 120 degrees per second) and knee (60, 180 degrees per second) extension and flexion using a BIODEX isokinetic dynamometer. Twenty-five American football players (19.6±1.3 years) with normal occlusion served as subjects. Isokinetic muscle strength of the elbow and knee, extension and flexion strength were measured during tooth clenching (Bite), biting with a soft biteplate (Soft), biting with a hard biteplate (Hard), and without tooth clenching (No-bite). Analysis of the peak torque per body weight and the time to peak torque yielded the following results:1) The peak torque per body weight of elbow extension with Soft was significantly higher than with Bite and No-bite (120 deg/s, p<0.05).2) The time to peak torque of elbow extension with Hard was significantly slower than that with No-bite and Soft (60 deg/s, p<0.05), and those with Bite and Hard were significantly slower than that with No-bite (120 deg/s, p<0.05).3) The peak torque per unit body weight of knee flexion with Bite and Hard were significantly lower than that with No-bite (60 deg/s, p<0.05), and that with Bite was significantly lower than that with No-bite (180 deg/s, p<0.05).4) The time to peak torque of knee flexion with Soft and Hard were significantly slower than that with No-bite (60 deg/s, p<0.05), and that with Bite, Soft and Hard were significantly slower than that with No-bite (180 deg/s, p<0.05).These findings suggest that tooth clenching and the materials of the biteplate are factors that lead to increased isokinetic muscle strength of elbow extension and to decreased isokinetic muscle strength of knee flexion. Thus it appears that tooth clenching and the materials of the bite-plate do not influence isokinetic elbow flexion muscle strength or knee extension muscle strength.
宮永 豊 向井 直樹 白木 仁 下條 仁士 石井 良昌
