安井 真也 高橋 正樹 石原 和弘 味喜 大介
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.52, no.3, pp.161-186, 2007-06-29

The 1914-1915 Sakurajima eruption was the largest eruption in Japan in the 20th century and erupted andesitic magma was about 1.5km^3 DRE (Dense Rock Equivalent) in volume. Pumice fall and lava flows were generated from the fissure vents on the western and the eastern flanks of the volcano and pyroclastic cones were formed around the vents. Eruptive style changed with time. It is divided into three stages. After the initial, vigorous, Plinian eruption of about 36 hours (Stage 1), extrusion of lava associated with intermittent ash-emitting eruptions with or without detonations lasted for about 20 days on both sides (Stage 2), followed by an outflow of lava for more than 1.5 years on the eastern side (Stage 3). Consequently, the vast lava fields, which consist of a number of flow units formed on both sides of the volcano. Some units of lava show evidence of welded pyroclastic origin, suggesting clastogenic lava. In the western lava field, surface blocks characteristically consist of pyroclastic materials which show variable degrees of welding even within a single block. Typical eutaxitic textures and abundant broken crystals are also recognized under the microscope. Some flow units can be traced upstream to a pyroclastic cone. These features indicate that many flow units of lava on the western flank are clastogenic, which were generated by the initial, Plinian eruption of Stage 1. In the eastern lava field, evidence of pyroclastic origin is rarely discernable. However, the content of broken crystals varies widely from 20% to 80% in volume. Most lava flows, which were erupted in Stage 2 associated with frequent ash-emitting eruptions, contain broken crystals more or less than 50%. This fact indicates that magma in the conduit experienced repetitive fragmentation and coalescence due to intermittent explosions prior to outflow. Lava flows of Stage 3 contain much smaller amounts of broken crystals indicating gentle outflow of coherent lava. Relatively large-scale lava deltas developed toward the sea in the eastern lava field. Eyewitness account at that time reports that ocean entry of lava from several points started several months after the beginning of Stage 3. Although small-scale breakouts formed at the flow fronts of some lava on both sides, a large volume of the deltas can not be accounted for by secondary breakouts of ponded lava within the precedent flow lobes. It is considered that lava tube system fed lava to form the lava deltas.
安井 真也 高橋 正樹 島田 純 味喜 大介 石原 和弘
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.58, no.1, pp.59-76, 2013-03-29

為栗 健 井口 正人 真木 雅之 中道 治久 味喜 大介

桜島火山では1955年以降、山頂火口においてブルカノ式と呼ばれる爆発的噴火を繰り返している。東側山腹の昭和火口では2006年に58年ぶりに噴火が再開し、2009年以降は特に噴火活動が活発化していた。2018年以降は昭和火口から南岳山頂火口に噴火活動が再度移行している。爆発的噴火の特徴として、火山弾の放出、衝撃波の発生、急激な火山灰や火山ガスの放出が上げられる。他にも、頻度は少ないものの南岳山頂火口や昭和火口の爆発的噴火では小規模な火砕流の発生が上げられる。火砕流は高温の火砕物や火山ガスが山腹斜面を高速で流れ下るもので、火山噴火の中で最も危険な現象の一つであり、火山防災上、その発生予測は必要不可欠である。1967年以降~1985年の間に南岳山頂火口における噴火に伴い7回の火砕流が確認されている(加茂・石原,1986)。さらに、気象庁によると2006年~2014年に昭和火口の噴火に伴い37回の火砕流発生が報告されている。いずれの火砕流も流下距離は2km未満で小規模なものであった。活発な噴火活動を続ける桜島であるが、火砕流はすべての噴火に伴うわけではなく、同規模の噴火でも火砕流が発生しない場合が多く、桜島における火砕流発生メカニズムの解明には至っていない。今後、噴火活動が活発化した際には大規模な火砕流の発生も考慮する必要があり、火砕流を伴う噴火の発生メカニズムの解明と噴火の前兆現象から火砕流が発生した場合の規模予測をすることが重要である。本研究では2012年~2018年に昭和火口で発生した火砕流、および2018年6月16日に南岳山頂火口において発生した爆発的噴火に伴う火砕流について前兆地震活動や地盤変動データの特徴を明らかにする。また、観測される前兆地震や地盤変動から火砕流が発生した場合の流下予測が可能かについて検証を行う。6月16日に発生した南岳山頂火口における爆発的噴火では噴煙高度4700mに達した。噴石が6合目まで飛散し、火砕流が南西方向に1.3 km流下した。噴火の発生約18時間前から地盤の膨張が観測されていた。噴火の1時間ほど前から散発的に前駆地震が発生していたが、昭和火口の噴火の際に観測される前駆地震と比較するとあまり明瞭な群発活動ではなかった。噴火時の映像から火砕流は噴煙が上昇し始めた約1分後に噴煙柱の根元から降下した噴出物が斜面に流れ下って発生していたことが分かる。火砕流は噴火と同時に発生しているわけではなく、これは南岳活動期に発生していた火砕流と同じ特徴を持っている(加茂・石原,1986)。噴火による地盤変動の収縮量から噴出物量は28万m3と推定される。それら噴出物の全てが火砕流となるわけではなく、火山灰として飛散していくものもある。地盤変動の膨張量から噴火による噴出物量の予測は可能であるが、火砕流の流下予測を行うためには斜面を流下する噴出物量を推定する必要がある。気象レーダーを使用した空中に放出された火山灰量の測定や降下火山灰の実測値などから火砕流となった噴出物量の推定を行うことが可能である。これにより前兆現象である地盤膨張量から火砕流発生時の最大流下距離の予測を行う。
綿貫 陽子 鎌田 浩毅 味喜 大介 石原 和弘
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.48, no.6, pp.513-518, 2003

During the Taisho Eruption (1914-1915) of Sakurajima Volcano, the Secondary Lava Flows drained out from the front of the primary lava flows after a certain pause from their settlement. We investigate distribution, timing and conditions of the effusion of the Secondary Lava Flows which have not been clarified yet. We define the features of the Secondary Lava Flows by means of geomorphological interpretation using aerial photographs and field survey. More than 200 landscape photographs, which were taken at the time of the Taisho Eruption, indicate that the earliest Secondary Lava Flows effused on 14 February 1914; this date was several months earlier than those previously considered. The effusing of the Secondary Lava Flows did not occur as a single event but as several events in different areas. Based on volumetric estimation of the individual Secondary Lava Flows, the volume of the Secondary Lava Flows tend to have increased as time passed after the eruption. The Secondary Lava Flows effused from the underlying tip of river valleys.
周藤 正史 宇都 浩三 味喜 大介 石原 和弘 巽 好幸
京都大学防災研究所年報. B = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.43, no.B-1, pp.15-35, 2000-04-01

姶良カルデラにおいて2万5千年前に起こった, 爆発的な姶良火砕噴火に至るまでの火山活動をK‐Ar年代測定法により調べた。姶良カルデラ縁に分布する火山岩32試料のK-Ar年代値によると, (1)3‐lMaにカルデラ南北縁で安山岩質, (2)1‐0.4Maに北西縁で玄武岩‐流紋岩質, (3)0.4‐0.1Maに南西縁で玄武岩‐流紋岩質, (4)0.1‐0.025Maに北縁で安山岩質, 及び南北線でほぼ同時期に流紋岩質の活動が起こった。姶良カルデラ直下において現在存在が推定される流紋岩質マグマ溜まりは(4)の時期には既に存在していたのかもしれない。キーワード:姶良カルデラ, K。Ar年代測定, 火山活動史, 爆発的噴火, マグマ溜まり
安井 真也 高橋 正樹 石原 和弘 味喜 大介
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.52, no.3, pp.161-186, 2007-06-29 (Released:2017-03-20)

The 1914-1915 Sakurajima eruption was the largest eruption in Japan in the 20th century and erupted andesitic magma was about 1.5km3 DRE (Dense Rock Equivalent) in volume. Pumice fall and lava flows were generated from the fissure vents on the western and the eastern flanks of the volcano and pyroclastic cones were formed around the vents. Eruptive style changed with time. It is divided into three stages. After the initial, vigorous, Plinian eruption of about 36 hours (Stage 1), extrusion of lava associated with intermittent ash-emitting eruptions with or without detonations lasted for about 20 days on both sides (Stage 2), followed by an outflow of lava for more than 1.5 years on the eastern side (Stage 3). Consequently, the vast lava fields, which consist of a number of flow units formed on both sides of the volcano. Some units of lava show evidence of welded pyroclastic origin, suggesting clastogenic lava. In the western lava field, surface blocks characteristically consist of pyroclastic materials which show variable degrees of welding even within a single block. Typical eutaxitic textures and abundant broken crystals are also recognized under the microscope. Some flow units can be traced upstream to a pyroclastic cone. These features indicate that many flow units of lava on the western flank are clastogenic, which were generated by the initial, Plinian eruption of Stage 1. In the eastern lava field, evidence of pyroclastic origin is rarely discernable. However, the content of broken crystals varies widely from 20% to 80% in volume. Most lava flows, which were erupted in Stage 2 associated with frequent ash-emitting eruptions, contain broken crystals more or less than 50%. This fact indicates that magma in the conduit experienced repetitive fragmentation and coalescence due to intermittent explosions prior to outflow. Lava flows of Stage 3 contain much smaller amounts of broken crystals indicating gentle outflow of coherent lava. Relatively large-scale lava deltas developed toward the sea in the eastern lava field. Eyewitness account at that time reports that ocean entry of lava from several points started several months after the beginning of Stage 3. Although small-scale breakouts formed at the flow fronts of some lava on both sides, a large volume of the deltas can not be accounted for by secondary breakouts of ponded lava within the precedent flow lobes. It is considered that lava tube system fed lava to form the lava deltas.