大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.2, pp.45-47, 2002 (Released:2005-05-21)

This article describes the characteristics of running and sprinting from the viewpoint of kinematics and mechanical energy. Mechanical stress on the body induced by running does not always increase at faster running speed. Mechanical stress on the body when running is affected by the conversion of mechanical energy and momentum. In instruction on running in the field of physical therapy, it is not necessary to decide the grade of running as to speed. It is necessary to prescribe running while predicting mechanical stress on the body, and thinking about the conversion of mechanical energy and momentum.
白井 鉄造 木村 典代 山内 仁 大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.7, pp.125-129, 2007 (Released:2008-01-18)

We report a case of right hemiparesis after cerebral infarction, who was not able to walk without both lateral bending of trunk and elevation of pelvis on the unaffected side. In the evaluation, hypotonia of the paralyzed side obliquus abdominis muscles and gluteus muscles was confirmed, clearly indicating hypertonia of the paralyzed lumbar muscles. We approached the paralyzed side obliquus abdominis muscles group and gluteus muscles group, with the objective of suppressing paralysis of the lumbar muscles. After 2 weeks of physical therapy, the elevation of the pelvis on the unaffected side was decreased and the side movement of pelvis increased. We suggest physical therapy of CVA patients who have compensatory hypertonia should approach hypotonia of muscles, with the object of suppressing hypertonia.
髙尾 耕平 北原 あゆみ 森岡 研介 高崎 恭輔 大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.73-76, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a knee and ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) on normal gait. The subjects were 9 healthy males with a mean age of 23.2 ± 1.1 (range 20-31) years. Alterations in the angles of the trunk, hip, knee, and ankle were examined during walking with and without a KAFO using a three-dimensional motion analysis system (UM-CAT II). From the results, three patterns were defined, all of which could be considered types of compensation for the limitation of motion caused by KAFO.
法所 遼汰 岡山 裕美 大工谷 新一
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.31, no.2, pp.253-256, 2016 (Released:2016-04-29)
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高木 綾一 高崎 恭輔 大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.7, pp.65-70, 2007 (Released:2008-01-18)

It is difficult for cerebrovascular disease patients to maintain the standing position while holding the shoulder in the flexed position and flexing the shoulder. It is thought that center-of-gravity line deviates from the base of support because holding the shoulder in the flexed position or flexing the shoulder influence the body alignment and generate addtional forces. The center of plantar pressure moves toward the center of gravity line to avoid leaving the base of support. Therefore, clarifying the movement pattern of the center of plantar pressure while holding the shoulder in the flexed position and flexing the shoulder is important when we perform a physical therapy evaluation for patients with instability in standing. In this study, trace of the center of plantar pressure movement during holding the shoulder in the flexed position and flexing the shoulder in standing was investigated to evaluate postural control in healthy subjects. We analyzed the trace of the center of plantar pressure in standing as follows: 1) The center of plantar pressure average displacement with change of the shoulder flexion angle (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150° and 180°); 2) The trace pattern of the center of plantar pressure in flexing the shoulder. We found trace patterns of center of plantar pressure which are common to subjects holding the shoulder flexed at 30°, 60° and 90°. Also, in the pattern classification of trace patterns of the center of plantar pressure during flexing the shoulder, we identified 5 patterns as follows: front S pattern, front reverse S pattern, rear S pattern, front C pattern and front reverse C pattern. We think that a force was generated by holding the shoulder in the flexed position and that flexing the shoulder was related to some of the patterns produced. It is important that the trace pattern of center of plantar pressure is ealuated while holding the shoulder in the flexed position and flexing the shoulder.
大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.8, pp.57-61, 2008 (Released:2009-01-15)

In this article, an outline of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is described, and, rehabilitation which is based on the ICF concept is proposed. Because the ICIDH model consists of impairments, disabilities and handicap from the "flow" of thinking originating from diseases, it could a only be constructed by professionals like a doctor or a therapist. However, because ICF is a classification of daily life function, its construction is possible by various disciplines, not just a doctor or a therapist. It is desirable that a therapist understands the ICF concept to maintain cooperation and a common language with other disciplines. To keep therapist's identity as "we can cure", it is therapists who have to recognize the concept of ICF with the new three dimensional paradigm described in this article. To establish the three dimensional paradigm of ICF, the therapist has to understand the "Wellness", which arises from the client's desire and needs, instead of "Health condition" in ICF. In other words, construct the three dimensional paradigm of ICF, to offer rehabilitation service, and the subject is lead to higher "Wellness", and as a results of this process, whole human rehabilitation is facilitated better than the rehabilitation which is done under the ICIDH model.
舩坂 依里 阿部 直也 松岡 雅一 熊崎 大輔 大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.11, pp.123-129, 2011 (Released:2012-01-06)

We provided physical therapy for a patient with cerebrovascular disease presenting with left hemiparesis due to infarction of the right parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. The patient had difficulty standing up because of an abnormal muscle tone caused by deep sensory disturbance of the affected lower extremity. Physical therapy was provided to improve sensory function. After seven sessions of physical therapy in one week, deep sensation and abnormal muscle tone improved. Load-bearing ability of the affected extremity increased and the amount of support needed to stand up decreased because of the improved muscle tone. Sensation was also recognizable following this improvement. It was believed that the amount of support needed to stand up decreased, resulting in a change in the amount of exertion needed to adjust muscle tone. This indicates that physical therapy is necessary for considering the interaction between sensory disturbance and muscle tone in patients with hemiparesis caused by cerebrovascular accidents.
武田 広道 岡山 裕美 大工谷 新一
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.30, no.2, pp.229-232, 2015 (Released:2015-06-24)
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大工谷 新一 小野 淳子 鈴木 俊明
社団法人 日本理学療法士協会近畿ブロック
近畿理学療法学術大会 第49回近畿理学療法学術大会
pp.7, 2009 (Released:2009-09-11)

【はじめに】 筆者らはスポーツ外傷後の神経筋機能を評価する目的で,理学療法評価に電気生理学的検査を取り入れている.今回,スポーツ動作中に足関節内反捻挫を受傷したバスケットボール選手に対する電気生理学的検査で特異的な所見を得たので報告する.【対象】 対象は本件に関する説明に同意を得た21歳の男子大学バスケットボール選手であった.診断は左足関節内反捻挫(II度損傷)であった.現症としては,応急処置が奏功した結果,腫脹と疼痛,可動域制限はそれぞれ軽度であった.筋力検査は疼痛のため不可能であった.ADLレベルは,歩行は疼痛自制内で可能であるものの,段差昇降には時間を要し,走行は不可であった.【方法】 電気生理学的検査として,ヒラメ筋からH反射を導出した.具体的には,筋電計Viking Questを用いて,安静腹臥位で足尖をベッド外へ出した状態の被験者の膝窩部脛骨神経に電気刺激を16回加えて,H反射を記録した.電気刺激強度は,振幅感度を500μV/divとした画面上でM波出現が同定できる最小強度とした.H反射の記録後,同部位に最大上刺激を加え,最大M波を記録した.H反射振幅とM波振幅の平均値を求めた後に各々の比(振幅H/M比)を算出して,受傷前,受傷後3日,受傷後1ヶ月の振幅H/M比を比較した.【結果】 受傷前,受傷直後,受傷後1ヶ月の振幅H/M比は,非受傷側で0.17,0.88,0.21,受傷側では0.62,1.23,0.58であり,受傷直後に顕著に増大していた.また,得られた波形の外観上の特徴として,受傷直後の受傷側には長潜時反射様の律動的波形がH反射出現後に記録された.【考察】 振幅H/M比は脊髄神経機能の興奮性を示す指標である.また,下肢における長潜時反射は脳幹または大脳皮質の興奮性を表す指標となる.本症例では,受傷直後に両側についてヒラメ筋に関連する脊髄神経機能の興奮性に著しい増大が認められた.また,通常は安静時には導出されない長潜時反射も受傷直後の受傷側において記録された.これより,本症例においては足関節内反捻挫の受傷によって,一過性の脊髄神経機能の興奮性の増大が両側性に認められ,受傷側においては脳幹より上位の神経機能の興奮性も増大していたことが明らかとなった.この機序としては,受傷そのものによる脊髄神経機能への影響と,受傷した状態でADLに適応する過程で脊髄神経機能に及ぼされる影響の2つの観点から考慮する必要がある.受傷そのものによる脊髄神経機能への影響としては,疼痛を回避するために脊髄反射が亢進していた可能性や腫脹による関節内圧の変化などが考えられ, ADLに適応していく過程で脊髄神経機能に及ぼされた影響としては,受傷直後の不安定感や疼痛を回避するために,ヒラメ筋などの足関節周囲筋群の緊張性収縮を常時亢進させた状態で姿勢保持や動作遂行を繰り返していた影響があった可能性が推察された.
谷埜 予士次 熊崎 大輔 舌 正史 大工谷 新一 森 裕展
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.1, pp.15-24, 2001

We performed physical therapy after reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) on a Japanese Taekwondo player. In physical therapy after the reconstruction of PCL, we had to protect PCL from mechanical stress. To protect the reconstructed PCL in this case, we predicted the traction stress for PCL by motion analysis using surface electromyography (EMG). In order to avoid the traction stress on PCL, we checked the muscle activity of the quadriceps femoris and the hamstrings during various kinds of muscle strengthening exercises for the lower extremity in the closed kinetic chain (CKC). The muscle contraction of hamstrings with knee flexion caused the posterior displacement of the tibia, and the traction load on PCL was increased with a contraction of hamstrings. On the other hand, because the muscle contraction of the quadriceps femoris produced anterior sharing force of the tibia, the contraction of the quadriceps femoris could protect the PCL from traction load. Therefore, we selected the muscle strengthening exercises in which the muscle activity of the hamstrings was lower and the muscle activity of the quadriceps femoris was higher. Twelve weeks post operation, the muscle strength of the quadriceps femoris had reached a level compatible with returning to competition, and since the patient had no pain or instability of the knee, we had him perform athletic training (jogging, running, step drill, etc.). He could practice athletic training without any pain or feeling instability of the knee. After 19 weeks post operation, we had him perform kick training gradually under the doctor's permission, and to prevent the hamstrings tearing as well as increasing the performance of kicking, we started him on muscle strengthening exercises of the hamstrings with the kick training gradually. After about 27 weeks post operation, the patient could practice all Taekwondo training without any knee pain or feeling instability of the knee, and after about 43 weeks post operation, he competed successfully in the All Japan Taekwondo Championship and becoming. In conclusion, because we selected the muscle strengthening training avoiding traction load on the PCL, the patient could carry out athletic training and Taekwondo training in safety after the operation.<br>
福島 綾子 高田 あや 谷埜 予士次 大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.4, pp.109-113, 2004 (Released:2005-03-11)

This report described the effect of remote acupuncture therapy for a scoliosis patient with low back pain. It was considered that the cause of the low back pain was contraction of the erector spinae. Contraction pain of the erector spinae was induced by trunk malalignment due to reduced trunk stabilization. Trunk instability was induced by reduced activity of the obliquus abdominis. Therefore, in order to increase the activity of the obliquus abdominis, remote acupuncture therapy was performed on the GB41 (Ashirinkyu). GB41 was a reaction point on the Gallbladder Meridian through the obliquus abdominis. As a result of remote acupuncture therapy, low back pain and trunk instability were reduced because the activity of the obliquus abdominis was increased.