山中 望 藤森 亜希 南部 正人 阪 聡 櫻井 健治 守屋 利佳 東原 正明 鎌田 貢壽
The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.35, no.2, pp.97-107, 2002-02-28 (Released:2010-03-16)

【目的】CRIT-LINETMモニター (CLM) を用いたplasma refilling rate (PRR) の測定法は研究者毎に異なり, 確立された方法がない. そこで本研究では, 11通りのPRR測定法の有用性と限界について検討し, 臨床的に利用価値の高いPRR測定法を明らかにすることを目的とした. 【対象および方法】慢性腎不全患者で, 透析中の血圧が安定している患者を対象とした. 透析条件は, 除水速度以外は透析中一定とした. 除水は, 異なる3種類の除水方法 (UF-A, -B, -C) で行った. 透析開始時の有効循環血液量 (BV(0)) は, 生体計測法 (8%法) と回帰I法 (Hct I法, ΔBV% I法), UF-A, -B, -C法の組み合わせから推定した. PRRの測定は, 生体計測法と回帰I法, 回帰II法 (Hct II法, ΔBV% II法), UF-A, -B, -C法を組み合わせた11通りの方法を行い比較検討した.【結果】8%-A法で測定されたPRR値は, 8.7±1.6mL/minであった. 種々のBV(0)測定法とUF-C法との組み合わせで得られたPRRは, 8%-A法のPRRと有意差を認めなかった. UF-B法で測定したPRRは, UF-A, -C法で測定したPRRに比べ有意に低値 (p<0.01, n=13) であった. 【考察】UF-A法より得たPRRは, 除水施行中のPRR値であるといえる. UF-B法より得たPRRが低値を示した理由は, 除水が行われない条件下の測定であったためであるといえる. UF-C法は, PRR測定直前に大きな除水をかけるため, 適用できる患者が限られるという欠点があるが, 膠質とPRRの関係について検討することが可能である.【結論】透析中の除水を考慮したPRRを測定する場合には8%-A法が, 非除水時のPRRを測定する場合には8%-B法が臨床的に有用である. 8%-C法では, 膠質のPRRへの効果を検討することができる.
守屋 利佳
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.4, pp.413-419, 2017-04-01 (Released:2017-04-01)
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We have experienced a series of big revolutions in medical education in Japan. In undergraduate courses, common guidelines had been established for medical education (the model core-curriculum of medical education). Then, from 2005, a standard achievement testing system [objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) and computer based testing (CBT)] was begun, and clinical clerkships were accordingly promoted. In post-graduate courses, a new clinical resident training system was initiated in 2004, and there are currently approximately 40000 clinical instructors nationwide. Accreditation of Japanese medical schools based on global standards for quality improvement has just begun. Almost the same process has taken effect in the field of pharmaceutical education (PE), such as the preparation of guidelines for PE and clinical training, a shift to a six-year course, and the establishment of an accreditation organization. The educational guidelines were revised in 2013 to provide better clinical training. Both of these educational revolutions aim at providing the proper education to train healthcare professionals committed to practicing “patient-centered medicine” and to becoming lifelong learners. To educate such professionals naturally includes improving their communicative competency, and cultivating their professionalism along with their acquisition of scientific and medical knowledge, based on both quantitative and qualitative study. The Society for Medical Education has begun a new “Medical education specialist (MES) training system” responding to the need of MES in every medical school and training hospital. A new PE specialist educational system can be expected soon, as well.